Cry Baby Boycotters

I've never seen that before, wow, the lack of class and blatant intolerance is strong in Democratic Party supporters.

I can basically almost guarantee some Republicans are going to do the same thing with Obama, or at least the Tea Party fraction of it. Might be wrong, but it waits to be seen. All I'm saying is I wouldn't be surprised.

Similarly, it's not going to be something the live broadcast picks up. But, it will similarly be among the Tea Partiers on the ground. They love making their hatred for Obama known, so I wouldn't be surprised if they post a video of it as well.

People are people.

You have the right to be propagandized, intolerant and lack critical thought in America.. In other words, be a Democrat.

Still though Mr, Culpepper, welcome to the USMB and I hope you allow yourself to be true to your beliefs and have some fun.. :thewave:


Normally when children act out, it is best to ignore them or give them a timeout. Congresspersons are not that different.

And how many on the right said Obama was born in Kenya? His wife is man? Obama is a Muslim?

Trump did at least one of these, the sort of people you should put on ignore?
You have the right to be propagandized, intolerant

Actually, a future President stating that your family consists of drug dealers, criminals, and rapists with only "some" of them being good people told me all that I needed to know. Hispanic and a first generation immigrant. Someone, especially a President, going after your family like that does that to a guy - strange thing (sarcasm). And thanks for the welcome, I'm more used to Trump supporters yelling "build the wall" at me so it's a good change of pace (earnestly).
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Trump is a charismatic clown. Like a lot of charismatics, he is a psychopath, and has absolutely no regard for the feelings of others. Witness his abuse of women (and the desire to brag about it!), his vilification of Latinos, and blacks... He just doesn't give a hoot.
You have the right to be propagandized, intolerant

Actually, a future President stating that your family consists of drug dealers, criminals, and rapists with only "some" of them being good people told me all that I needed to know. Hispanic and a first generation immigrant. Someone, especially a President, going after your family like that does that to a guy - strange thing (sarcasm). And thanks for the welcome, I'm more used to Trump supporters yelling "build the wall" at me so it's a good change of pace (earnestly).

Golly, I've never seen an emotional and pretzel twisted Trump view from a Democrat before, I suppose you've swallowed and duly promoted a few more by now, that was like circa 2 years ago.
I'm relatively friendly and respectful until the lines are crossed, it's more challenging and fun...:popcorn:

So far, you seem like a cool yet not quite, "oh well, let's make the best of it" (like you have a choice) sorta lefty.
So you approve of both. That is certainly not right. OK. :coffee: ... Good morning.
So you approve of both. That is certainly not right. OK. :coffee: ... Good morning.

I just accept the reality that people are nuts and be entertained.

A little less silly headed Democrat freeloading at the inauguration is a win win as far as I'm concerned. The whole Democratic Party could, "protest" as far as I'm concerned, it's far more pathetically realistic.
So you approve of both. That is certainly not right. OK. :coffee: ... Good morning.

I just accept the reality that people are nuts and be entertained.

A little less silly headed Democrat freeloading at the inauguration is a win win as far as I'm concerned. The whole Democratic Party could, "protest" as far as I'm concerned, it's far more pathetically realistic.
All of which makes no sense. With Trump's popularity near 40%, the opposition party has more nearly the mark of the entire country. However . . . if the GOP passes and Trump signs essentially legislation creating Single Payer and the forcing of pharma to bid for government contract, life can be good under Trump.
So you approve of both. That is certainly not right. OK. :coffee: ... Good morning.

I just accept the reality that people are nuts and be entertained.

A little less silly headed Democrat freeloading at the inauguration is a win win as far as I'm concerned. The whole Democratic Party could, "protest" as far as I'm concerned, it's far more pathetically realistic.
All of which makes no sense. With Trump's popularity near 40%, the opposition party has more nearly the mark of the entire country. However . . . if the GOP passes and Trump signs essentially legislation creating Single Payer and the forcing of pharma to bid for government contract, life can be good under Trump.

I doubt Trump cares much about poll numbers at this point, I'm thinking he plans on doing what he feels best for the country regardless. I'm kinda surprised anyone takes polls seriously at this point, especially from the still frothing left wing fake news sources.

Trump hasn't released his plan yet.. :dunno:
So you approve of both. That is certainly not right. OK. :coffee: ... Good morning.

I just accept the reality that people are nuts and be entertained.

A little less silly headed Democrat freeloading at the inauguration is a win win as far as I'm concerned. The whole Democratic Party could, "protest" as far as I'm concerned, it's far more pathetically realistic.
All of which makes no sense. With Trump's popularity near 40%, the opposition party has more nearly the mark of the entire country. However . . . if the GOP passes and Trump signs essentially legislation creating Single Payer and the forcing of pharma to bid for government contract, life can be good under Trump.

I doubt Trump cares much about poll numbers at this point, I'm thinking he plans on doing what he feels best for the country regardless. I'm kinda surprised anyone takes polls seriously at this point, especially from the still frothing left wing fake news sources.

Trump hasn't released his plan yet.. :dunno:
Of course he does, Lumpy. Let's see if the Congress and the country go along with him. You are "suprised" for the wrong reason; you should be surprised if he is not aware of the polls and if he does, he does not heed them.
Members of the opposition party routinely skip the inaugurations. Are they all cry babies?
Yes. The Inauguration is supposed to a celebration of this nation's peaceful exchange of power, not a political rally. John Lewis is a great man, but in this case he is a fucking lunatic, as are all of the stupid liberals that follow his often demented drum beat.
Members of the opposition party routinely skip the inaugurations. Are they all cry babies?
Yes. The Inauguration is supposed to a celebration of this nation's peaceful exchange of power, not a political rally. John Lewis is a great man, but in this case he is a fucking lunatic, as are all of the stupid liberals that follow his often demented drum beat.

That doesn't mean everyone must go, and they don't. John Lewis stated his opinion about Trump. That is all. Isn't it much ado about very little to engage in a scorched earth retaliation against him? Or, for that matter those who choose not to attend? It was never an issue before.
Members of the opposition party routinely skip the inaugurations. Are they all cry babies?
Yes. The Inauguration is supposed to a celebration of this nation's peaceful exchange of power, not a political rally. John Lewis is a great man, but in this case he is a fucking lunatic, as are all of the stupid liberals that follow his often demented drum beat.

That doesn't mean everyone must go, and they don't. John Lewis stated his opinion about Trump. That is all. Isn't it much ado about very little to engage in a scorched earth retaliation against him? Or, for that matter those who choose not to attend? It was never an issue before.

See how the far left drones act when it is not one of theirs?

If this had been done to Obama, the racism rants would have been endless, wait....
Members of the opposition party routinely skip the inaugurations. Are they all cry babies?
Yes. The Inauguration is supposed to a celebration of this nation's peaceful exchange of power, not a political rally. John Lewis is a great man, but in this case he is a fucking lunatic, as are all of the stupid liberals that follow his often demented drum beat.

That doesn't mean everyone must go, and they don't. John Lewis stated his opinion about Trump. That is all. Isn't it much ado about very little to engage in a scorched earth retaliation against him? Or, for that matter those who choose not to attend? It was never an issue before.

See how the far left drones act when it is not one of theirs?

If this had been done to Obama, the racism rants would have been endless, wait....

How short the Kosh memory is....many Republicans opted out of the inaugeration, and instead attended a dinner of their own where the strategized on how to block Obama on everything. And then there were the rightwing politicians openly supporting the birthers. Oh yes...a very short memory has our Kosh. :itsok:
Members of the opposition party routinely skip the inaugurations. Are they all cry babies?
Yes. The Inauguration is supposed to a celebration of this nation's peaceful exchange of power, not a political rally. John Lewis is a great man, but in this case he is a fucking lunatic, as are all of the stupid liberals that follow his often demented drum beat.

That doesn't mean everyone must go, and they don't. John Lewis stated his opinion about Trump. That is all. Isn't it much ado about very little to engage in a scorched earth retaliation against him? Or, for that matter those who choose not to attend? It was never an issue before.

See how the far left drones act when it is not one of theirs?

If this had been done to Obama, the racism rants would have been endless, wait....

How short the Kosh memory is....many Republicans opted out of the inaugeration, and instead attended a dinner of their own where the strategized on how to block Obama on everything. And then there were the rightwing politicians openly supporting the birthers. Oh yes...a very short memory has our Kosh. :itsok:

Yes far left drones do not understand sarcasm or when they are being mocked..

Another reason why the far left should never be in charge of anything!
The democrats lost. They can either act like adults by taking stock of WHY they lost, or simply stomp their feet and wave their arms for the next 4 years.

They lost at least in part because people are sick and tired of the hypocrisy of identity politics, the search for eternal victimhood, the babble about white "privilege" and the pandering to Islam.

It seems to me that instead of learning from their mistakes, they are simply doubling down. If they think having a protégé of Louis Fucking Farrakhan as the head of the DNC is the way to go, then they can go right on ahead with the program. In doing so, they are only displaying that they are stuck in their ivory tower instead of understanding how middle America ticks.
I support these elected officials exercising their constitutional rights to protest. I don't see why anyone needs to go through the hypocrisy of acting happy about a Trump presidency. I think we all know that the Republicans would have been working on Jan 21 to create trumped up charges against Hillary if she'd been elected.

I plan to protest myself on Saturday in DC.

Fuck Trump. I hope his inauguration has the lowest ratings in history, as that will really hurt his narcissistic ego.
On Friday, Donald Trump will be sworn in as 45th president of the United States. So far, over twenty House democrats, led by John Lewis, have announced that they will not attend the ceremony. Trump is not their president! He is a misogynist, hypocritical, racist, nationalist, rude poo-poo head. Not only that! The Russians and Comey and the alt right and the Electoral College cheated Hillary out of POTUS. Someone must be held accountable!

Trump is not legitimate, says Lewis et al. You have to wonder why they were silent during Hillary’s illegitimate victory over Bernie Sanders. It’s almost as though the rules are not quite the same for those with a D after their names as they are for those with an R after their names. When Hillary was being investigated, it was a “witch hunt”. When it comes to Trump, the investigations must go on and on and on.

In short, these elected representatives are mad, so like little children who didn’t get their way, they are going to skip the swearing in ceremony, even though attending is arguably part of their job.

Interestingly, many of the same elected representatives who sat cross legged on the House floor last summer, unhappy because more laws weren’t passed in response to gun violence, are among the cry babies who intend to blow off the inauguration of Donald Trump. What an unseemly pattern.

These House democrats have made it clear that it is more important to let the entire world know they don’t like Donald Trump than to stand together as Americans while the new Commander-in-Chief is sworn in.

Here is a list of the House democrats who have promised to boycott Friday’s ceremony. These Democrats aren't attending Trump's inauguration -

John Lewis and some like-minded democrats intend to spit sour grapes in the eye of every American who doesn’t agree with them but still pays their salary. Unless Lewis and his band of crybabies change their minds, put on their grown up pants, and attend the inauguration, it’s time The People boycotted them.

Priebus: ‘Irresponsible’ for Rep. John Lewis to Say Trump Not a ‘Legitimate President’

At least 26 Democratic lawmakers will boycott Trump inauguration
How do you know some of the Democrats did not have long standing appointments like funerals and bar mitzvahs and things?

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