Crybaby Obama says he's a VICTIM of racism!! HAHAHA

Obozo is a BENEFICIARY of racism. This is a guy who has never accomplished anything in his life but still got to be president. The most unqualified president ever but because he is black, the press and both parties refused to do their job and challenge him on anything.

Obama says I 'absolutely' suffered racism in office | Daily Mail Online

dec 8 2016 President Barack Obama says the color of his skin has 'absolutely' contributed to white Americans' negative perceptions of his time in office.

The president said in a Wednesday special looking back on his legacy, 'I think there's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states.

'Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the "birther" movement feeding off of bias? Absolutely,' he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
He's accomplishes more every day in his life than you could possibly ever hope to achieve in your shitty little lifetime, scumbag.

Oooooh !!! What a nasty little person YOU are!
Obama whines about the birther movement but the fact is he should have never been allowed to run for president. The evidence he was born in america is just slightly stronger than the evidence he was born in kenya and that's not good enough. We have to be 99.9% sure, not 70%, that our presidential candidates are legally eligible.
Aside from hussein's purported CofB being debunked as a seriously pathetic digital forgery, per the constitution, the president of the United States has to be born to BOTH parents that are legal American citizens. This pertains to the presidency only. The kenyan's father was a subject of Britain which gave him dual citizenship at birth at best which undeniably disqualified him to be president.

He is and always will be the fraud president that illegally held the office. Next will be someone who finally proves that there is no supposed CofB in Hawaii, and obama better be in a country that doesn't extradite, or his ass will be in Fort Leavenworth federal prison where he belongs.
Then why did Ted Cruz run? He was born in Canada and only his mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth, although his father had political asylum in the one time.
Obozo is a BENEFICIARY of racism. This is a guy who has never accomplished anything in his life but still got to be president. The most unqualified president ever but because he is black, the press and both parties refused to do their job and challenge him on anything.

Obama says I 'absolutely' suffered racism in office | Daily Mail Online

dec 8 2016 President Barack Obama says the color of his skin has 'absolutely' contributed to white Americans' negative perceptions of his time in office.

The president said in a Wednesday special looking back on his legacy, 'I think there's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states.

'Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the "birther" movement feeding off of bias? Absolutely,' he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria.

How ironic that you accuse him of being the victim of racism while slinging racism at him.
Aaaahh... bubble head... he's crying himself about being the victim of racism... you know... the word you leftards have worn out.

Can you PLEASE get a clue.

The only thing he was a victim of was people who didn't like his policies or the direction he was taking this country.

They also don't like his importing refugees from Syria. A group I hope Trump sends right the hell back to Syria.
Most of all, Obama was a product of the CIA and the Deep State. He was the pick of the International Banking cartel to further the plans of international global socialism and world government. What a dream candidate for the social engineers. Philip Dru: Administrator would be proud!

I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.

So, working for a company means you are so linked to that company you'll always do their bidding? Wow, you're so out of your league.

Hey, I'm not saying being a tool of the establishment is necessarily a bad thing, well, okay, it is. But lying about it is worse.

Everyone knew the HW Bush had once headed the CIA, but they all voted for him anyway. So why all the lies and intrigue around Obama's past?

I study the Deep State. The number one reason I knew that he was a lying sack of shit, not to be trusted was b/c of the connections to the CIA.

The stint at Columbia? That is the training ground for CIA operatives. And then getting into Pakistan at a time when it wasn't even safe to go there? And working for a CIA front company? And all the obfuscation of his past, along with the multiple SS#'s?

There was some serious disinfo put out and a serious agenda going on. And you still buy the story that is promulgated about his tenure. Lies, all of it lies.

One never gets out of the mafia, and one never gets out of the company. Once a wiseguy, always a wise guy. Once a company man, always a company man. Do you think Putin doesn't still represent the interests of the FSB?

These are known facts man. Why do you think his mother and grand parents got him into that life? It is guaranteed power and security.

You haven't proven he's a tool of the establishment. You've merely stated that you think he is. Why don't you try and prove it before going off on one?
If anyone could prove anything about the clandestine services, America's clandestine services wouldn't be very good, would they? :eusa_doh:

See, that is the problem with having discussions with folks who can't formulate a critical thought on discussion forums. If it isn't given to them in their compulsory government schools, or given to them in their corporate media, well, it can't possibly be a legitimate idea.

Necessarily, clandestine operations aren't going to be blatantly revealed in such way, it would subvert their purpose. The way your reality is actually being manipulated, what technology has actually been developed, and what policies are actually being pursued, all of this is beyond the scoop of the imagination of someone like you. There really is nothing else for us to discuss.
Obozo is a BENEFICIARY of racism. This is a guy who has never accomplished anything in his life but still got to be president. The most unqualified president ever but because he is black, the press and both parties refused to do their job and challenge him on anything.

Obama says I 'absolutely' suffered racism in office | Daily Mail Online

dec 8 2016 President Barack Obama says the color of his skin has 'absolutely' contributed to white Americans' negative perceptions of his time in office.

The president said in a Wednesday special looking back on his legacy, 'I think there's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states.

'Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the "birther" movement feeding off of bias? Absolutely,' he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria.

How ironic that you accuse him of being the victim of racism while slinging racism at him.
Most of all, Obama was a product of the CIA and the Deep State. He was the pick of the International Banking cartel to further the plans of international global socialism and world government. What a dream candidate for the social engineers. Philip Dru: Administrator would be proud!

I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.

So, working for a company means you are so linked to that company you'll always do their bidding? Wow, you're so out of your league.

Hey, I'm not saying being a tool of the establishment is necessarily a bad thing, well, okay, it is. But lying about it is worse.

Everyone knew the HW Bush had once headed the CIA, but they all voted for him anyway. So why all the lies and intrigue around Obama's past?

I study the Deep State. The number one reason I knew that he was a lying sack of shit, not to be trusted was b/c of the connections to the CIA.

The stint at Columbia? That is the training ground for CIA operatives. And then getting into Pakistan at a time when it wasn't even safe to go there? And working for a CIA front company? And all the obfuscation of his past, along with the multiple SS#'s?

There was some serious disinfo put out and a serious agenda going on. And you still buy the story that is promulgated about his tenure. Lies, all of it lies.

One never gets out of the mafia, and one never gets out of the company. Once a wiseguy, always a wise guy. Once a company man, always a company man. Do you think Putin doesn't still represent the interests of the FSB?

These are known facts man. Why do you think his mother and grand parents got him into that life? It is guaranteed power and security.

You haven't proven he's a tool of the establishment. You've merely stated that you think he is. Why don't you try and prove it before going off on one?

Let me restate that, he's not just a tool of the establishment any longer, he IS the establishment.

If there is racial strife, it IS HIS FAULT.

Obama whines about the birther movement but the fact is he should have never been allowed to run for president. The evidence he was born in america is just slightly stronger than the evidence he was born in kenya and that's not good enough. We have to be 99.9% sure, not 70%, that our presidential candidates are legally eligible.
Aside from hussein's purported CofB being debunked as a seriously pathetic digital forgery, per the constitution, the president of the United States has to be born to BOTH parents that are legal American citizens. This pertains to the presidency only. The kenyan's father was a subject of Britain which gave him dual citizenship at birth at best which undeniably disqualified him to be president.

He is and always will be the fraud president that illegally held the office. Next will be someone who finally proves that there is no supposed CofB in Hawaii, and obama better be in a country that doesn't extradite, or his ass will be in Fort Leavenworth federal prison where he belongs.
You REALLY are an idiot 007. Just thought I'd remind you of that welcher boi
I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.

So, working for a company means you are so linked to that company you'll always do their bidding? Wow, you're so out of your league.

Hey, I'm not saying being a tool of the establishment is necessarily a bad thing, well, okay, it is. But lying about it is worse.

Everyone knew the HW Bush had once headed the CIA, but they all voted for him anyway. So why all the lies and intrigue around Obama's past?

I study the Deep State. The number one reason I knew that he was a lying sack of shit, not to be trusted was b/c of the connections to the CIA.

The stint at Columbia? That is the training ground for CIA operatives. And then getting into Pakistan at a time when it wasn't even safe to go there? And working for a CIA front company? And all the obfuscation of his past, along with the multiple SS#'s?

There was some serious disinfo put out and a serious agenda going on. And you still buy the story that is promulgated about his tenure. Lies, all of it lies.

One never gets out of the mafia, and one never gets out of the company. Once a wiseguy, always a wise guy. Once a company man, always a company man. Do you think Putin doesn't still represent the interests of the FSB?

These are known facts man. Why do you think his mother and grand parents got him into that life? It is guaranteed power and security.

You haven't proven he's a tool of the establishment. You've merely stated that you think he is. Why don't you try and prove it before going off on one?
If anyone could prove anything about the clandestine services, America's clandestine services wouldn't be very good, would they? :eusa_doh:

See, that is the problem with having discussions with folks who can't formulate a critical thought on discussion forums. If it isn't given to them in their compulsory government schools, or given to them in their corporate media, well, it can't possibly be a legitimate idea.

Necessarily, clandestine operations aren't going to be blatantly revealed in such way, it would subvert their purpose. The way your reality is actually being manipulated, what technology has actually been developed, and what policies are actually being pursued, all of this is beyond the scoop of the imagination of someone like you. There really is nothing else for us to discuss.

So your argument is that this is all clandestine, and as you can't prove it's clandestine, therefore it must be true? Where's the logic in that?
I heard he was Pokemon, now there's a conspiracy.

You know he worked for US AID international, right? You know who that is a front company for, yes?

And how about the Ford foundation, do you now anything at all about them?

Seriously man, you are out of your league.

So, working for a company means you are so linked to that company you'll always do their bidding? Wow, you're so out of your league.

Hey, I'm not saying being a tool of the establishment is necessarily a bad thing, well, okay, it is. But lying about it is worse.

Everyone knew the HW Bush had once headed the CIA, but they all voted for him anyway. So why all the lies and intrigue around Obama's past?

I study the Deep State. The number one reason I knew that he was a lying sack of shit, not to be trusted was b/c of the connections to the CIA.

The stint at Columbia? That is the training ground for CIA operatives. And then getting into Pakistan at a time when it wasn't even safe to go there? And working for a CIA front company? And all the obfuscation of his past, along with the multiple SS#'s?

There was some serious disinfo put out and a serious agenda going on. And you still buy the story that is promulgated about his tenure. Lies, all of it lies.

One never gets out of the mafia, and one never gets out of the company. Once a wiseguy, always a wise guy. Once a company man, always a company man. Do you think Putin doesn't still represent the interests of the FSB?

These are known facts man. Why do you think his mother and grand parents got him into that life? It is guaranteed power and security.

You haven't proven he's a tool of the establishment. You've merely stated that you think he is. Why don't you try and prove it before going off on one?

Let me restate that, he's not just a tool of the establishment any longer, he IS the establishment.

If there is racial strife, it IS HIS FAULT.


Perhaps he is. But soon he'll be a tool of the establishment with no job to be a tool with..... if that is the case, so Trump can take over as the tool of the establishment, or just make a complete dick out of himself, or both.
Obozo is a BENEFICIARY of racism. This is a guy who has never accomplished anything in his life but still got to be president. The most unqualified president ever but because he is black, the press and both parties refused to do their job and challenge him on anything.

Obama says I 'absolutely' suffered racism in office | Daily Mail Online

dec 8 2016 President Barack Obama says the color of his skin has 'absolutely' contributed to white Americans' negative perceptions of his time in office.

The president said in a Wednesday special looking back on his legacy, 'I think there's a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states.

'Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the "birther" movement feeding off of bias? Absolutely,' he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria.
He's accomplishes more every day in his life than you could possibly ever hope to achieve in your shitty little lifetime, scumbag.

Oooooh !!! What a nasty little person YOU are!
The small handed liberals always are....:lol:
^If fucking up US race relations and the world in general is an accomplishment, than maybe...

It is fitting though, a fake phony fraud Muslim from Kenya being interviewed by the fake phony fraud Muslim from India. Thankfully, the dark ages of America are over!

Your post is exactly the kind of shit Obama is talking about. Nazis like you will not be allowed to take over America. The rest of the nation won't stand for it.
If a man gives a criminal cartel thousands of automatic weapons and hand grenades resulting in the deaths of over 500 innocent people, does the color of the man who gave the guns to the criminals matter?

If a man lies to you, telling you he is going to take $500 MILLION of your hard-earned dollars and use it for medical research and care for anyone being infected with the Zika Virus, and then gives that money to a 3rd party that has nothing to do with Zika, does it matter what color the man is who just stole your money?

If a man lies to your face, telling you whoppers SO BIG you KNOW they aren't true - 'It won't cost a dime' / 'It will pay for itself' / 'If you like your plan you can keep your plan', does it matter what color of skin the liar has?

Obama is a race-baiting, Saul Alynski-ite who has followed the teachings of Alynski, Frank Marshall Davis, and racist hate-spewing Anti-American Mentor Jeremiah Wright to divide this nation as far as it has been in decades.

remember back to how close everyone in this nation was the day after 9/11/01...and see how torn apart and divided we are after 8 years of this jackass.

I will never forget how about 3 days after the Ferguson Riots I was crossing through the pedestrian cross walk to go into Wal Mart when a car sped up and raced towards me. I had to jump back, the side mirror of the car brushed against my chest as it started to pass. The black woman in the car yelled out something like 'This is for Ferguson'.

We don't live anywhere near Ferguson. I had nothing to do with Ferguson. I have nothing against anyone....but the division was so great already, the racial hatred growing so much already that this poor manipulated idiot was willing to hit me with her car. I have NEVER seen things so bad as that, and I hope I never do again.

Enough of the division and hatred already. Good riddance to Obama - maybe we can start healing at some point in the future. Based on lib's reactions, though, it won't be any time soon. :(
^If fucking up US race relations and the world in general is an accomplishment, than maybe...

It is fitting though, a fake phony fraud Muslim from Kenya being interviewed by the fake phony fraud Muslim from India. Thankfully, the dark ages of America are over!

Your post is exactly the kind of shit Obama is talking about. Nazis like you will not be allowed to take over America. The rest of the nation won't stand for it.
There are pockets of stupid left in this country, filled with racists and haters from BOTH sides. Hopefully that will continue to change.
Barry has no clue what real racism is, snowflakes like him have never experienced the real world.
Barry has no clue what real racism is, snowflakes like him have never experienced the real world.
He certainly can not consider himself an 'ordinary' black American, as he has been pampered and spoiled his entire life. He has hardly known the struggles of everyday Americans - of any color.
Obama is the worst President this country ever had and is a text book example of why nobody should ever be given a job because of some stupid affirmative action goal.

In 2008 we didn't need a Black President. We needed a good president. Too bad these Moon Bat Libtards didn't understand that.
He's accomplishes more every day in his life than you could possibly ever hope to achieve in your shitty little lifetime, scumbag.

All of obozo's accomplishments are negatives.

1, Gave trillions to the bankers

2. Gave amnesty to millions of foreign invaders

3. Obamacare
He certainly can not consider himself an 'ordinary' black American, as he has been pampered and spoiled his entire life. He has hardly known the struggles of everyday Americans - of any color.

I disagree. All blacks are pampered and spoiled thanks to welfare and affirmative action. Obama is a typical ignorant black who blames all his failures on white people and insists whites give him anything he wants.

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