Crystal Meth: The Three Point Political Question.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
The Meth Epidemic - Video | FRONTLINE | PBS

Oregon has apparently had some measurable success controlling meth addiction by putting Sudafed and products like it behind a prescription label, effectively killing the supply side by denying small kitchen labs the main ingredient. The statistics also owe a measure of success stemming from the good luck of the Oregon law happening at the same time the Mexican Government effectively put the Mexican factory labs out of business by banning the import of pseudoephedrine.

It looks like meth availability and use can be dramatically altered in America by how tightly We, The People control the sale of pseudoephedrine.

:eusa_think: The political question I can't decide in my own mind is this: The Socialist horror of lives destroyed by Crystal Methadone and the fall out society pays for it -vs- the Liberal free enterprise sale of anything a consenting adult wants, including Sudafed - idiots too stupid to walk away from meth be damned, and Conserving the status quo Pharma-billion$ that go bye-bye if Congress decides to force America to get a 'scrip for cold medicine?

:eusa_think: With the exception of not having any love-lost for the pharmaceutical lobby on the Conservative side, I really am not sure how I feel about this one?
If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid. Seriously. Stupid. Society cannot legislate against stupidity. We can and should make it harder for these dummies to get the ingredients to make the shit that is killing them and destroying their lives, but requiring a prescription goes to far imho. If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!
If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid. Seriously. Stupid. Society cannot legislate against stupidity. We can and should make it harder for these dummies to get the ingredients to make the shit that is killing them and destroying their lives, but requiring a prescription goes to far imho. If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!

I'm leaning that way too... it's hard though, meth is incredibly ruinous. I can't quite bring myself to feel like the addicts are without choice in the matter but DAMN that is some serious self-abuse.
If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid. Seriously. Stupid. Society cannot legislate against stupidity. We can and should make it harder for these dummies to get the ingredients to make the shit that is killing them and destroying their lives, but requiring a prescription goes to far imho. If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!

I'm leaning that way too... it's hard though, meth is incredibly ruinous. I can't quite bring myself to feel like the addicts are without choice in the matter but DAMN that is some serious self-abuse.

It is totally destructive. I hate to see anyone abuse themselves that way. The grind their teeth to nubs, pick at their faces until they are scarred for life, it's a sad, horrible existence. I hate that shit!! I feel sorry for these people too. They need serious help.

We have to rely on natural selection to weed out the dummies.....Hopefully they don't have children.
I'm a college educated CEO earning six figures and I used meth for years. It's got a grip on lots of folks, not just stupid idiots. These days I debauch myself with kinder gentler things like alcohol and tobacco.
I'm a college educated CEO earning six figures and I used meth for years. It's got a grip on lots of folks, not just stupid idiots. These days I debauch myself with kinder gentler things like alcohol and tobacco.

Stupid is, as stupid does. Sorry. If you use Crystal Meth there is no way to sugar coat it- you're stupid. :razz:

PS- I support your right to be stupid!!
PPS- I have done stupid things too.....(i just don't talk about them)
If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid. Seriously. Stupid. Society cannot legislate against stupidity. We can and should make it harder for these dummies to get the ingredients to make the shit that is killing them and destroying their lives, but requiring a prescription goes to far imho. If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!

I'm leaning that way too... it's hard though, meth is incredibly ruinous. I can't quite bring myself to feel like the addicts are without choice in the matter but DAMN that is some serious self-abuse.

It is totally destructive. I hate to see anyone abuse themselves that way. The grind their teeth to nubs, pick at their faces until they are scarred for life, it's a sad, horrible existence. I hate that shit!! I feel sorry for these people too. They need serious help.

We have to rely on natural selection to weed out the dummies.....Hopefully they don't have children.

The show I linked filmed a support group for women recovering from meth and each one of them had at least one li'l squab on their lap or at their feet. It also spoke of a child whose father taught her the recipe at age 9 - and that was the mild abuse she suffered. Apparently, addicts pimp their kids for dope. Very sad. Very disgusting.
I'm a college educated CEO earning six figures and I used meth for years. It's got a grip on lots of folks, not just stupid idiots. These days I debauch myself with kinder gentler things like alcohol and tobacco.

So how do you feeeeeeeeeel about the political question? Do We, The Peeps need to step up the fight, even if it means an assault on Pharma-profits and stepping all over certain freedoms in the market place?

I tried it in my 20's.... Fortunately, I didn't go down that road - can't tell you why, just one more example of me being a lucky bastard.
It is our number one drug issue here.
We call it 'P'.
The main problem with it is that it drives some people to unreasoning violence.
We have had some horrific assaults and murders here by 'P' addicts.
Now, any pseudoephedrine-based drug is a prescription-only issue.
Tough topic. I remember sitting in a seminar when smoking started to be taboo. Before the rules were no smoking someone would light up, and the fights would begin. I loved smoking so much I never thought I'd get over the need, but I did long ago. Compulsive behavior is hard to manage and today we have parties in which the alcohol flows in all forms. How can you make a substance that can bring brief pleasure not be the be all and end all for some? I know gamblers who are just as bad. It becomes a political question when its costs affect society. Prohibition is a interesting example. Maybe it is attitudes that need changing, I remember seeing a PBS show on the effects of smoking where men's lungs were so bad they could not move a ping pong ball on a flat table, that impressed me. So if we can sell junk why not make bad harmful junk taboo. Whose responsibility is that and have we then entered the political. And do we (are we) then as a society fund(ing) behavior modification?
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If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid. Seriously. Stupid. Society cannot legislate against stupidity. We can and should make it harder for these dummies to get the ingredients to make the shit that is killing them and destroying their lives, but requiring a prescription goes to far imho. If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!

I'm leaning that way too... it's hard though, meth is incredibly ruinous. I can't quite bring myself to feel like the addicts are without choice in the matter but DAMN that is some serious self-abuse.

It is totally destructive. I hate to see anyone abuse themselves that way. The grind their teeth to nubs, pick at their faces until they are scarred for life, it's a sad, horrible existence. I hate that shit!! I feel sorry for these people too. They need serious help.

We have to rely on natural selection to weed out the dummies.....Hopefully they don't have children.

Oh look...someone is interesting. Why bother suggesting they need help? That implies you might do something about it.. Not.
It looks like meth availability and use can be dramatically altered in America by how tightly We, The People control the sale of pseudoephedrine.

:eusa_think: The political question I can't decide in my own mind is this: The Socialist horror of lives destroyed by Crystal Methadone and the fall out society pays for it -vs- the Liberal free enterprise sale of anything a consenting adult wants, including Sudafed - idiots too stupid to walk away from meth be damned, and Conserving the status quo Pharma-billion$ that go bye-bye if Congress decides to force America to get a 'scrip for cold medicine?
That's Crystal Methadrine (rookie), and....I don't remember all that many employers complaining, back in the late '60s/early '70s, when good clean Dexedrine (typically diet-pills) were know, what combat-pilots call "Go-pills", presently.

With the present-environment (economically/socially/politically), people want to feel better....and, caffeine ain't gonna get-the-job-done; prayer, less so. The REAL (pharmaceutical) crystal-methedrine, that we could get (in the late '60s), was probably more than what was needed....but, the Drug Warriors decided Dexedrine was "too dangerous" (to be available)....and, those (people) that want to, are gonna find something!
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If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid.!
You're gonna break a lotta hearts, in Texas, talkin' that way.​

If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!
.....And, you can have them, because....after want them! But, if you want something that really works, you're gonna have to make your appeals to the DEA....on your hands-and-knees.​
If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid. Seriously. Stupid. Society cannot legislate against stupidity. We can and should make it harder for these dummies to get the ingredients to make the shit that is killing them and destroying their lives, but requiring a prescription goes to far imho. If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!

I'm leaning that way too... it's hard though, meth is incredibly ruinous. I can't quite bring myself to feel like the addicts are without choice in the matter but DAMN that is some serious self-abuse.
.....Just more o' the magic of.....

Let people do as they want...
.....And...seeing-as-how there's serious money to be made....provide them with quality-controlled products; what that good-Quaker (Big Dick Nixon) thought was unnecessary....and, maybe...evil.​
If a person uses Crystal Meth they are stupid. Seriously. Stupid. Society cannot legislate against stupidity. We can and should make it harder for these dummies to get the ingredients to make the shit that is killing them and destroying their lives, but requiring a prescription goes to far imho. If I catch a cold or flu- I want my over the counter remedies!

I'm leaning that way too... it's hard though, meth is incredibly ruinous. I can't quite bring myself to feel like the addicts are without choice in the matter but DAMN that is some serious self-abuse.

It is totally destructive.
....Kinda like guns, huh....or, is there some magical break, between the two....that guns are Only as dangerous as they're used., but you'll make that (same) call.....for everyone-else....when it comes to drugs?

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I'm a college educated CEO earning six figures and I used meth for years. It's got a grip on lots of folks, not just stupid idiots. These days I debauch myself with kinder gentler things like alcohol and tobacco.
.....But, you survived, right?

"conservatives" NEED to get-over the concept that ALL people are weak (Biblically-speaking), when it comes to drug-usage.​
I'm a college educated CEO earning six figures and I used meth for years. It's got a grip on lots of folks, not just stupid idiots. These days I debauch myself with kinder gentler things like alcohol and tobacco.

So how do you feeeeeeeeeel about the political question? Do We, The Peeps need to step up the fight, even if it means an assault on Pharma-profits and stepping all over certain freedoms in the market place?

I tried it in my 20's.... Fortunately, I didn't go down that road - can't tell you why, just one more example of me being a lucky bastard.

I'm not of the opinion that liberals promote a blanket endorsement of laissez-fair lifestyles without regard of consequence to self or society, although there are many instances where it would so appear. For example, over the counter "morning after" drugs is a contentious issue.

Restricting the availability of meth ingredients (including lithium batteries) is a good start and I hardly think it would appreciably affect the profits of the Pharm industry. But to go a step further and include common household products is a bit of a reach.

Education is a noble effort but honestly there are too many uneducable folks out there who just don't give a shit. Jails and hospitals are depots of last resort. So yeah- take away the tools and the means to make it as difficult as possible to manufacture. Seems the quickest and easiest way to go.

I didn't "walk away" from meth. If it was put in front of me today I'd surely go on another bender. I walked away from the folks who had the tools to make it and the means to procure it. It's out of sight, out of reach... but never out of mind.

The End. :D
I'm a college educated CEO earning six figures and I used meth for years. It's got a grip on lots of folks, not just stupid idiots. These days I debauch myself with kinder gentler things like alcohol and tobacco.

Stupid is, as stupid does. Sorry. If you use Crystal Meth there is no way to sugar coat it- you're stupid. :razz:

PS- I support your right to be stupid!!
PPS- I have done stupid things too.....(i just don't talk about them)
Ah, yes....the morality of instructing everyone (else), while allowing yourself the freedom of choice!!

Ya' don't see the hypocrisy, huh?​

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