CSPAN: Dem Congressman demands Censorship of Fake News by FB and Twit on CSPAN

Should Democrats be the arbiters of approved news?

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Cant wait to see the dems try and spin this one.

Well, the first two attempts by USMB libs were g500 claiming that CSPAN is fake news and halznut justifying the censorship by comparing it to prohibiting people from yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Can we get a reasonable support argument please? I'm thirsting for an all-out debate on this topic.

I dont think you're going to get one.
It'll be limited to a few drive by lefty posters spouting ridiculous hyperbole.
Cant wait to see the dems try and spin this one.

Well, the first two attempts by USMB libs were g500 claiming that CSPAN is fake news and halznut justifying the censorship by comparing it to prohibiting people from yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Can we get a reasonable support argument please? I'm thirsting for an all-out debate on this topic.

I dont think you're going to get one.
It'll be limited to a few drive by lefty posters spouting ridiculous hyperbole.

Notice that g5000 hasn't returned for another drive by to reinforce his claim that CSPAN is fake news.
Cant wait to see the dems try and spin this one.

Well, the first two attempts by USMB libs were g500 claiming that CSPAN is fake news and halznut justifying the censorship by comparing it to prohibiting people from yelling fire in a crowded theater.

Can we get a reasonable support argument please? I'm thirsting for an all-out debate on this topic.

I dont think you're going to get one.
It'll be limited to a few drive by lefty posters spouting ridiculous hyperbole.

Notice that g5000 hasn't returned for another drive by to reinforce his claim that CSPAN is fake news.
When did I say C-Span is fake news, retard?
C-SPAN probably doesn't allow the Weekly World News on its site either.

"Batboy lives! C-SPAN is censoring the truth!"
Infowars is whining that Twitter won't help spread their lies.

I can't believe there are tards who have a problem with Twitter preventing the spread of lies.

Well, actually I can. I've been here long enough to know there are some serious tards on this forum.
You know you can't make an ad which claims your toothpaste cures cancer, right tards?

That's not censorship.

Learn the fucking difference.

Shutting down lies from Infowars is not censorship.
I bet you dumb fucks are sorry you put a g5000 tag in your posts now, eh? :lol:

Sorry, I didn't realize you were too stupid to get my point the first time.
Anyone who drinks Infowars' piss is a fucking retard begging to be lied to.

So you dont trust C-SPAN?
I don't trust InfoWars. Anyone who does is a retard.

So you didnt notice it was from C-SPAN?
The Congressman was asking Twitter to delete bullshit links to fake news stories on Infowars. What the fuck exactly is your problem with that?

C-SPAN is now fake news.....who knew?
The Congressman didn't only refer to Infowars...but any "non certified new agency" based on the Twitter respresentatives replues. The twitter representative also said "Ensuring that our website only allows 'legitimate' news sources to appear on their trending page.

Who are you to determine what is or isn't "legitimate/certified" news?

Furthermore that particular infowars link was REAL news, simply reposting ABC news coverage of an Imam warning De Blasio about terror attacks.

It was real news, and it was censored, because it upset liberals.
I bet you dumb fucks are sorry you put a g5000 tag in your posts now, eh? :lol:

Sorry, I didn't realize you were too stupid to get my point the first time.

The only point is on the top of your head.
Quiggly claimed the Iman letter was fake news when obviously it wasn't.
C-SPAN probably doesn't allow the Weekly World News on its site either.

"Batboy lives! C-SPAN is censoring the truth!"
Lol. So the congressional debate on censorship never happened?

Drugs....got to be drugs. No other reasonable excuse to deny reality.

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