CU v. FEC & the NRA

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.
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The funny thing about this is that Obama hasn't proposed any gun legislation.

The Democrats have completely given up on this issue (at least on the national level) since Clinton's hugging shooting victims cost Al Gore the 2000 election. Prominant Democrats wouldn't be caught having a drink with Sarah Brady at this point.

So why doesn't the NRA declare mission accomplished?

Because they really only make money by getting the Bubba Rednecks in fear someone is going to take their guns...
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Its because people know they want to, the only thing keeping them is the fact they know it loses elections.

So basically they are ignoring one of thier core beliefs to win elections.

Where have we heard that before????
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they aren't going to.

Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they aren't going to.


Well, no, not really.

Frankly, this is just more Rube bait.

If you tell most people, "I'm either going to take your gun or your ability to make a good living and provide for your family", most sensible people would give up their gun.

The GOP gets dumb rubes like you to get all upset about guns while the middle class lifestyle your parents enjoyed is being quietly shipped to China.
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they aren't going to.


Thats it! Keep the fear alive.
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they aren't going to.


Thats it! Keep the fear alive.

Fear is part of every poltiicans playbook.
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they aren't going to.


Thats it! Keep the fear alive.

It's simple logic. The OP says it's wrong to say that Obama will ban guns because he hasn't yet.

That is illogical. It's the simple truth that just because he hasn't, that doesn't mean he won't. The OP is simply wrong.
The funny thing about this is that Obama hasn't proposed any gun legislation.

Nope, but "Moderate Mitt" sure signed some...

Romney signs off on permanent assault weapons ban

"Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts. These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people." ~ Willard, Reversible Mittens, Romney in 2004.
The Dems didn't back off on more gun control laws until they were caught red-handed manufacturing gun violence with Fast & Furious.
Just because they haven't yet doesn't mean they aren't going to.


Thats it! Keep the fear alive.

It's simple logic. The OP says it's wrong to say that Obama will ban guns because he hasn't yet.

That is illogical. It's the simple truth that just because he hasn't, that doesn't mean he won't. The OP is simply wrong.

Just becuase monkeys have not flown out of your butt does not mean they won't.

Mitt has more of a history on anti gun laws than Obama does.
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

And it’s just as idiotic and untrue as any other Romney ad.
Thats it! Keep the fear alive.

It's simple logic. The OP says it's wrong to say that Obama will ban guns because he hasn't yet.

That is illogical. It's the simple truth that just because he hasn't, that doesn't mean he won't. The OP is simply wrong.

Just becuase monkeys have not flown out of your butt does not mean they won't.

That is just a stupid and irrelevant statement.

Mitt has more of a history on anti gun laws than Obama does.

Doesn't change the logic of my statement. Just because Obama hasn't done anything to ban guns doesn't mean he won't, and what Mitt Romeny did has no logical bearing on that fact.

Are you having a problem with logic this morning?
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Fun control has been struck down. Obama has not enforced this
Wry, reporting from East VA, USA

TV ad by the NRA. "Stop Obama" "Protect your Second Amendment Rights"

"Vote for Romney/Ryan to protect your gun rights"

What crap. Not one gun law has been offered by the D's or Obama in over three years.
All the NRA and far right have is hate and fear.

That is all.

Do you complain about the misleading ads coming from your side of the political divide?

Of course not, so shut the fuck up.
Gun control laws now are disguised under ammunition control. They're willing to let you have you guns if you can't legally obtain the ammo to use in them.

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