Cuba demands return of Guantanamo b4 relations return.

Cuba would be wise to realize they need us more than we need them. But this will give Obungles his excuse
Whine, whine, whine. Let's put the prison on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake.
I'm Obama will throw a few $billion their way to sweeten the deal.
Gitmo has only been a prison since George W's war started. Before that it has been used as a training base for years.
Of course it is not reliable. Neither is Salon.

It is like choosing between Koshergrl and Guno for the truth.
oh brother.
Oh bama is such a stooge that the world is just going to demand what ever they want
No wonder the Saudi's and everyone else is going to Russia for help

Cuba Demands Return of Guantanamo End of US TV Broadcasts in Return for Diplomacy - Breitbart

watch the lefties on this forum say brietbart not reliable
Breitbart is not reliable.

The link Breitbart included in the article is. SMH

To achieve normalization it will also be indispensable that the territory illegally occupied by the Guantanamo Naval Base is returned, that radio and television transmissions to Cuba that are in violation of international norms and harmful to our sovereignty cease, that programs aimed at promoting subversion and internal destabilization are eliminated, and that the Cuban people are compensated for the human and economic damages caused by the policies of the United States.

Statement by the Revolutionary Government Cuba Granma - Official voice of the PCC
oh brother.
Oh bama is such a stooge that the world is just going to demand what ever they want
No wonder the Saudi's and everyone else is going to Russia for help

Cuba Demands Return of Guantanamo End of US TV Broadcasts in Return for Diplomacy - Breitbart

watch the lefties on this forum say brietbart not reliable
I have an idea. Turn all of Cuba into Guantanamo. Imprison the Castros and then send them to Iran.

You should have used the damn key when you had the chance

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