Cuckservatism explained


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

So.....this fits almost EVERY republican/conservative here....kind of pathetic.....truly. The list of them starts around the 3 minute mark but entire video is helpful.
I don't think that they're scared of anything. Most of them are above-board progressive leftists, who have infiltrated and destroyed the party from within.
Sounds like you're just upset that neither side wants you.

Must be sad to be rejected by even the Socialists... that's like being kicked off of the social outcast table.
Sounds like you're just upset that neither side wants you.

Must be sad to be rejected by even the Socialists... that's like being kicked off of the social outcast table.
Who? LOL I have my own ideology I don't NEED any party or group etc. I love being an independent I can destroy both parties when they aren't doing what should be done. Socialists in the US are nothing more than communists but that name brings up too many negative images so they use socialist and they are usually anti white,anti male,anti traditional values etc. Dems and Repubs are no better really...they just give it lip service to get elected. IMO its better to NOT have a party to belong to because no party EVER is 100% FOR everything you are. I am also AGAINST democracy and democratic rule. Its a sickness that needs eradicated from the American mindset.

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