Cuomo DNC speech on 33,000 dead New Yorkers..”It was beautiful”

Not a joke folks......this clown actually described his disastrous handling of the Kung Flu that resulted in 33,000 deaths as “beautiful.

His entire so each was revisionist history.

They are revisiting his nursing home deaths and some say its triple the official count.. over 18,000 dead from his order to put infected individuals back into nursing homes..... Over half of the deaths from COVID-19 were due to his Order.. He is a murderer....
Not a joke folks......this clown actually described his disastrous handling of the Kung Flu that resulted in 33,000 deaths as “beautiful.

His entire so each was revisionist history.

They are revisiting his nursing home deaths and some say its triple the official count.. over 18,000 dead from his order to put infected individuals back into nursing homes..... Over half of the deaths from COVID-19 were due to his Order.. He is a murderer....

And he thinks that is “beautiful “.
What a ridiculous speech!!

Cuomo has praised Trump’s Covid response.

Cuomo’s stupidity led to thousands of Covid deaths.

No, his focus was that the State and City went through Hell...

A Hell that was made far worse by Rump's intransigence towards the pandemic during its earliest weeks...

A hesitation that quite probably cost New York thousands - and the rest of the country several dozens of thousands - of dead Americans.
No, his focus was that the State and City went through Hell...

A Hell that was made far worse by Rump's intransigence towards the pandemic during its earliest weeks...

A hesitation that quite probably cost New York thousands - and the rest of the country several dozens of thousands - of dead Americans.
If it wasn’t for Trump bailing out The Grim Reaper, Cuomo woulda killed 50,000
No, his focus was that the State and City went through Hell...

A Hell that was made far worse by Rump's intransigence towards the pandemic during its earliest weeks...

A hesitation that quite probably cost New York thousands - and the rest of the country several dozens of thousands - of dead Americans.
That's why He and his buddy mayor DeBlASIO of New York were clamoring to have everyone come on out for the Chinese new year celebration AFTER TRUMP INSTITUTED THE BAN..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :aug08_031:

No, his focus was that the State and City went through Hell...

A Hell that was made far worse by Rump's intransigence towards the pandemic during its earliest weeks...

A hesitation that quite probably cost New York thousands - and the rest of the country several dozens of thousands - of dead Americans.
If it wasn’t for Trump bailing out The Grim Reaper, Cuomo woulda killed 50,000
If Trump hadn't gotten them the PPE, medications and Vents they needed it would have been closer to 60,000... Both Coumo and DeBlasio failed to prepare for this very likley event.. they even had people tell them they needed to prepare and they ignored them... Gross negligence...
Not a joke folks......this clown actually described his disastrous handling of the Kung Flu that resulted in 33,000 deaths as “beautiful.

His entire so each was revisionist history.

I'm not really religious... but if there is a god and any of it in the pages are true... This guy is fucked.
No, his focus was that the State and City went through Hell...

A Hell that was made far worse by Rump's intransigence towards the pandemic during its earliest weeks...

A hesitation that quite probably cost New York thousands - and the rest of the country several dozens of thousands - of dead Americans.

“Excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers — I speak for the mayor also on this one — we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in New York,” Mr. Cuomo said on March 2. “So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”

Not a joke folks......this clown actually described his disastrous handling of the Kung Flu that resulted in 33,000 deaths as “beautiful.

His entire so each was revisionist history.

Mr Meatballs and Fettuccine belongs in prison.
Not a joke folks......this clown actually described his disastrous handling of the Kung Flu that resulted in 33,000 deaths as “beautiful.

His entire so each was revisionist history.

President Trump still saved more Americans than Cuomo managed to kill.

As he was killing, president Trump was making daily Corona virus conferences, taking the advice of the best, while also being skeptical of special interest. President Trump's response was all Americans could have wished for. Millions of Americans saved according to the models.
No, his focus was that the State and City went through Hell...

A Hell that was made far worse by Rump's intransigence towards the pandemic during its earliest weeks...

A hesitation that quite probably cost New York thousands - and the rest of the country several dozens of thousands - of dead Americans.
So now Trump wasn't hysterically xenophobic enough for ya?

Should Trump have made it a Federal crime to locate infected seniors into nursing homes??

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