Current Issues


Active Member
Jun 15, 2015
What issues do YOU think the media should cover? What issues do you think the president should address? How would you decide as president which issues to address? Why is it that most politicians want to address the same shit?
What issues do YOU think the media should cover? What issues do you think the president should address? How would you decide as president which issues to address? Why is it that most politicians want to address the same shit?

I would love to see more political coverage of the current crop of contenders for President. I'm sick of hearing about ISIS, sick of hearing about anything that has to do with more tax dollars wasted overseas, sick of it. The GOP has 14 loons running for the white house, yet the only time you hear about these nuts is when they announce and then that's it. I'd also love to see the economy covered more. The GAP just announced a major layoff, those layoffs will impact us all in some way and I'd like to know more. But we all know, if its BS, like this white girl black girl wanna be crap....its gonna get covered more.

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