Current lies about guns…...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So….the President is using money and research from anti gun loon bloomberg to lie about the reality of guns….

CPRC in Investors' Business Daily: "Bloomberg Twists Gun Research To Political Ends" - Crime Prevention Research Center

“Congress actually voted to make it harder for public health experts to conduct research into gun violence; made it harder to collect data and facts and develop strategies to reduce gun violence.”
This claim stems from another study funded by Michael Bloomberg. In 1996, Congress passed a budget amendment that banned the CDC from using Federal funds to lobby for gun control. Bloomberg claimed that firearm research in medical journals fell by 60% from 1996 to 2010.
But what Bloomberg measured was firearm research relative to all other research. In fact, total research on firearms increased over that time.
Firearm studies soared from 69 in 1996 to 121 in 2013. Other medical journal research simply increased even much faster.

“After Connecticut passed a law requiring background checks and gun safety courses, gun deaths decreased by 40%. Forty percent.”
Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate did fall by 40% from 1995 to 2005. But the U.S. firearm homicide rate fell by 30% over the same period.
The time period is conveniently selected. Adding one more year to the data completely undermines Obama’s claims. Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate fell by only 16% from 1995 to 2006. It fell by 12.5% from 1995 to 2010.
Meanwhile, the U.S. and the rest of the Northeast experienced much greater drops — 27% and 22%, respectively, from 1995 to 2006.
From 1995 to 2010, these drops were even more pronounced — 39% and 31%.

“Since Missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and purchase permits, gun deaths have increased to almost 50% higher than the national average.”
After the law was changed, Missouri’s murder rates did in fact rise by 17% relative to the rest of the U.S.
However, murder rates were already on a sharp, upward trend, having increased by 32% in the five years prior to the change.
The murder rate increase thus actually slowed down after the background checks on private transfers were ended.

“A violent felon can buy the exact same weapon over the Internet with no background check, no questions asked. A recent study found that about 1-in-30 people looking to buy guns on one website had criminal records — one out of 30 had a criminal record.”
Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown organization set up an Internet site pretending to sell guns, but no guns were sold.
Criminal background checks were done on the people’s names for those who visited the site and people who might have criminal backgrounds were identified, but there were all kinds of false positives.
These are just a few of false claims that the president made where he relied on Bloomberg paid research to support his positions.
So….the President is using money and research from anti gun loon bloomberg to lie about the reality of guns….

CPRC in Investors' Business Daily: "Bloomberg Twists Gun Research To Political Ends" - Crime Prevention Research Center

“Congress actually voted to make it harder for public health experts to conduct research into gun violence; made it harder to collect data and facts and develop strategies to reduce gun violence.”
This claim stems from another study funded by Michael Bloomberg. In 1996, Congress passed a budget amendment that banned the CDC from using Federal funds to lobby for gun control. Bloomberg claimed that firearm research in medical journals fell by 60% from 1996 to 2010.
But what Bloomberg measured was firearm research relative to all other research. In fact, total research on firearms increased over that time.
Firearm studies soared from 69 in 1996 to 121 in 2013. Other medical journal research simply increased even much faster.

“After Connecticut passed a law requiring background checks and gun safety courses, gun deaths decreased by 40%. Forty percent.”
Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate did fall by 40% from 1995 to 2005. But the U.S. firearm homicide rate fell by 30% over the same period.
The time period is conveniently selected. Adding one more year to the data completely undermines Obama’s claims. Connecticut’s firearm homicide rate fell by only 16% from 1995 to 2006. It fell by 12.5% from 1995 to 2010.
Meanwhile, the U.S. and the rest of the Northeast experienced much greater drops — 27% and 22%, respectively, from 1995 to 2006.
From 1995 to 2010, these drops were even more pronounced — 39% and 31%.

“Since Missouri repealed a law requiring comprehensive background checks and purchase permits, gun deaths have increased to almost 50% higher than the national average.”
After the law was changed, Missouri’s murder rates did in fact rise by 17% relative to the rest of the U.S.
However, murder rates were already on a sharp, upward trend, having increased by 32% in the five years prior to the change.
The murder rate increase thus actually slowed down after the background checks on private transfers were ended.

“A violent felon can buy the exact same weapon over the Internet with no background check, no questions asked. A recent study found that about 1-in-30 people looking to buy guns on one website had criminal records — one out of 30 had a criminal record.”
Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown organization set up an Internet site pretending to sell guns, but no guns were sold.
Criminal background checks were done on the people’s names for those who visited the site and people who might have criminal backgrounds were identified, but there were all kinds of false positives.
These are just a few of false claims that the president made where he relied on Bloomberg paid research to support his positions.

It is interesting how numbers can be played with. It seems either side can often make the same numbers work for them with some tweeking.

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