Current Presidential Approval Ratings

How true... With the press and media the way it is in this country is it's amazing Bush's approval rating is THAT high... If the media continues their liberal butt kisssing Republicans will never get another favorable rating....ever.

So you're blaming Bush's bumbling incompetence on the media?:lol:
Originally Posted by auditor0007 View Post
As I recall, GW had a 92% approval rating at one point.

True, but he didnt get job approval ratings until after he was President.

His highest ratings were received immediately after 9/11. Anybody sitting in the President's chair after that kind of national tragedy would get high ratings. It was an emotional reaction to the attack for people to rally around their leader. He didn't hang on to that high rating, did he?
Originally Posted by auditor0007 View Post
As I recall, GW had a 92% approval rating at one point.

His highest ratings were received immediately after 9/11. Anybody sitting in the President's chair after that kind of national tragedy would get high ratings. It was an emotional reaction to the attack for people to rally around their leader. He didn't hang on to that high rating, did he?

No one's disputing that. But then that doesnt change the fact that he was actually doing the job before he got job approval ratings.

It feels like Im talking to a wall today.
Bush a liberal? That may be the dumbest thing I've ever heard

well he sure didnt govern as a conservative. Why else would he have such low approval numbers? If he governed as a conservative, he would atleast have conservatives supporting him.

But whats funniest about all this, is he gave the left everything they wanted and they hate him for it.
well he sure didnt govern as a conservative. Why else would he have such low approval numbers? If he governed as a conservative, he would atleast have conservatives supporting him.

But whats funniest about all this, is he gave the left everything they wanted and they hate him for it.

Conservatives not supporting him? Did I suddenly miss the last eight years, six that was a Republican controlled congress that did whatever Dubya wanted?
well he sure didnt govern as a conservative. Why else would he have such low approval numbers? If he governed as a conservative, he would atleast have conservatives supporting him.

But whats funniest about all this, is he gave the left everything they wanted and they hate him for it.

You must be a newbie to message boards.

Cons didn't throw bush under the bus, until it became clear for political reasons that he was going to destroy the republican party and their chances for electoral victory in 2008.

Everyone who isn't a newbie to message boards, clearly remembers the overwhelming, vast majority of Cons defending Dumbya and making excuses for him for seven years.

Iraq, trying to privitize social security, and turning over half a trillion dollars of taxpayer medicare money to private insurance companies isn't liberal. They are attempts at privitization, a garden variety and frankly foolish Con idea.
You must be a newbie to message boards.

Cons didn't throw bush under the bus, until it became clear for political reasons that he was going to destroy the republican party and their chances for electoral victory in 2008.

Everyone who isn't a newbie to message boards, clearly remembers the overwhelming, vast majority of Cons defending Dumbya and making excuses for him for seven years.

Iraq, trying to privitize social security, and turning over half a trillion dollars of taxpayer medicare money to private insurance companies isn't liberal. They are attempts at privitization, a garden variety and frankly foolish Con idea.

I was here long before you were kiddo.

Conservatives havent strongly supported Bush for years. Why the heck do you think his numbers were so low? Its because conservatives havent been happy about what he is doing. Dubai Port. Harriet Miers, Amnesty for illegals, expanding the government. You honestly think these were all conservative positions? It was when he stopped acting conservative that his numbers dropped. That's because the base hasnt been happy about it. This started back in 05.

Bush didnt privitize jack. and you know it. He's been empowering government. Which is exactly what we oppose. He didnt even bother really pushing privitization of anything, because you know what? He didnt want it. He just said it to get elected.

The fact that you are actually trying to pretend bigger government and expanding entitlements is conservatives is just plain pathetic. Bush isnt a conservative. He's more conservative than say Al Gore or John Kerry. But he isnt conservative.
Conservatives not supporting him? Did I suddenly miss the last eight years, six that was a Republican controlled congress that did whatever Dubya wanted?

I guess you havent been paying attention because otherwise youd know that the Republicans were voted out because they werent conservative. You'd notice that the Presidents approval ratings started to tank in 2005 when he started opening advocating entitlement programs and liberal positions.

You'd also notice when 33-40% of America are conservative and he has a 22% approval rating that conservatives obviously arent supporting him. It's simple math. Granted, im not sure public school teach that anymore.
I guess you havent been paying attention because otherwise youd know that the Republicans were voted out because they werent conservative. You'd notice that the Presidents approval ratings started to tank in 2005 when he started opening advocating entitlement programs and liberal positions.

You'd also notice when 33-40% of America are conservative and he has a 22% approval rating that conservatives obviously arent supporting him. It's simple math. Granted, im not sure public school teach that anymore.

His approval rating usually hovers around 25-30%. So obviously a great part of the Conservative crowd still supports him. Liberals aren't obviously supporting him. Get your facts straight.
His approval rating usually hovers around 25-30%. So obviously a great part of the Conservative crowd still supports him. Liberals aren't obviously supporting him. Get your facts straight.

Ive got my facts straight. Obviously you are a victim of our public school system.
Once again, Obama hasnt been in office a day. He cant have a job approval rating. He hasnt done anything. He wont do anything until January 20th. So please dont try to feed me nonsense that Obama has a 82% job approval rating when he hasnt even started work.

thank you

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