"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So says Bernie Sanders...https://berniesanders.com/issues/tax-extreme-wealth/
He says ..."Will raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade"
That's $435 billion additional tax revenue per year.
Right now... if the top 1% of US households (164 million households) or 1.64 million earn
$1,700,000 per year and pay right now about 20% of all federal tax revenue.
BUT if Bernie and the majority of the ignorant people on this board have their way...
according to Bernie these "billionaires" will have "cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years,"
Hmmm... so if Bernie has his way and cuts these evil billionaires wealth in half... how will Bernie pay for the next 15 years?
Remember he is counting on these "billionaires" to pay $435 billion a year from their wealth which according to his plan will be reduced every year.
Which means the tax payments will be reduced. It's just simple economics.
Those numbers *ahem* assume that "the wealthy" will continue to produce resources to be looted by commie scum like the Berntard....History proves him wrong.

Of course, those looters will use their failure as evidence that even more looting is called for.

So says Bernie Sanders...https://berniesanders.com/issues/tax-extreme-wealth/
He says ..."Will raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade"
That's $435 billion additional tax revenue per year.
Right now... if the top 1% of US households (164 million households) or 1.64 million earn
$1,700,000 per year and pay right now about 20% of all federal tax revenue.
BUT if Bernie and the majority of the ignorant people on this board have their way...
according to Bernie these "billionaires" will have "cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years,"
Hmmm... so if Bernie has his way and cuts these evil billionaires wealth in half... how will Bernie pay for the next 15 years?
Remember he is counting on these "billionaires" to pay $435 billion a year from their wealth which according to his plan will be reduced every year.
Which means the tax payments will be reduced. It's just simple economics.
How many zeros in half a billion?
So says Bernie Sanders...https://berniesanders.com/issues/tax-extreme-wealth/
He says ..."Will raise an estimated $4.35 trillion over the next decade"
That's $435 billion additional tax revenue per year.
Right now... if the top 1% of US households (164 million households) or 1.64 million earn
$1,700,000 per year and pay right now about 20% of all federal tax revenue.
BUT if Bernie and the majority of the ignorant people on this board have their way...
according to Bernie these "billionaires" will have "cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years,"
Hmmm... so if Bernie has his way and cuts these evil billionaires wealth in half... how will Bernie pay for the next 15 years?
Remember he is counting on these "billionaires" to pay $435 billion a year from their wealth which according to his plan will be reduced every year.
Which means the tax payments will be reduced. It's just simple economics.
Bernie, like most idiotic socialists, doesn't understand that income and wealth are 2 different things.
Ah yes, Bernie Sanders and his “Social Democrat” way, “let’s punish success so we can subsidize failure

This is yet another example of how the political class operates, it preys upon the productive class, it doesn’t produce anything of value thus it has to prey upon those that do for it’s own survival.

The State is a gang of thieves writ large.” — Murray Rothbard
Ah yes, Bernie Sanders and his “Social Democrat” way, “let’s punish success so we can subsidize failure

This is yet another example of how the political class operates, it preys upon the productive class, it doesn’t produce anything of value thus it has to prey upon those that do for it’s own survival.

The State is a gang of thieves writ large.” — Murray Rothbard
Well Bernie is a failure in the private sector.
Asclepias AND what? Is 1/2 billion, i.e. 500 million too much for you to handle?
Nothing is too much for me to handle. I was just wondering how drastically your life would be changed if you only had half a billion instead of 1 billion.
That $500,000,000 is tied up in plant and equipment. Who are all those people using it going to work for after the government sucks it into the welfare sewer?
If old commie Bernie boy was told that he had to cut his wealth in half.
He'd squeal like a stuck pig. ... :lol: :lol:

Hence Socialism....a very few get wealth while the masses suffer

See Venezuela
Venezuela is suffering far worse under socialism than ever before.

No one suffers BECAUSE others get wealth.

Inequality of wealth harms no one. Like all socialists Sanders is not trying to help the impoverished he is simply seeking to punish those who are successful
Asclepias AND what? Is 1/2 billion, i.e. 500 million too much for you to handle?
Nothing is too much for me to handle. I was just wondering how drastically your life would be changed if you only had half a billion instead of 1 billion.
Probably not that much (unless the majority of your wealth is tied up in stocks, shares, bonds, property and businesses).

If you're a cash rich billionaire then not much would change, I'd imagine.

But that's not really the point.

It's a point of principle. It's outright theft.

You would get 15 or 20-years in jail for walking into a bank, with a gun and walking out with millions even if you used the excuse like the bank won't miss it, they've got tens of billions in reserve and the money would be insured anyway too.

But legally it would be ok to just take half of wealthy folks money?

One is illegal and carries a hefty prison sentence but the other is morally acceptable and correct?
Asclepias AND what? Is 1/2 billion, i.e. 500 million too much for you to handle?
Nothing is too much for me to handle. I was just wondering how drastically your life would be changed if you only had half a billion instead of 1 billion.
Probably not that much (unless the majority of your wealth is tied up in stocks, shares, bonds, property and businesses).

If you're a cash rich billionaire then not much would change, I'd imagine.

But that's not really the point.

It's a point of principle. It's outright theft.

You would get 15 or 20-years in jail for walking into a bank, with a gun and walking out with millions even if you used the excuse like the bank won't miss it, they've got tens of billions in reserve and the money would be insured anyway too.

But legally it would be ok to just take half of wealthy folks money?

One is illegal and carries a hefty prison sentence but the other is morally acceptable and correct?

"It's a point of principle. It's outright theft."

I dont know how it is in your country and I know you're a foreigner so I will explain. In this country taxes are what you pay for the privilege of being able to make a billion dollars.

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