Cuts to SS and Medicare

It was never intended to be of "benefit" to those in need of no such assistance!
I once told the owner of a golf course that if SS were to go broke, all of the golf courses would fold. After looking startled for a moment, he sudden realized what many social security checks are actually used for. Ask a bunch of old farts that play golf….Many use their SS checks. Right, it’s not a primary subsistence. It will still keep you in the poor house….
The cold, hard, actuarial truth is that we don’t need Scott’s plan to force a debate over Medicare funding, because within five years, the trust fund that funds Medicare hospital coverage (Medicare Part A) will have a zero balance. That’s right. In their annual report, released last June, Medicare’s trustees reported that the hospital insurance trust fund will bring in $412.6 billion in 2023. It will spend $415.6 billion. That means it will spend $3 billion more than it generates in revenue this year.
so its not all of medicare, just part A. thanks.
The evidence thus far all points to that being you.

AND...!!!? (Lemme guess.. That would be "unfair"!)
AND...!!!? Many, despite their best efforts, never qualify for any S.S. benefits. How is that not at least equally "unfair"!?

Do I really need to quote FDR stating the (his) genuine intent behind S.S. back to you again?

It's not just some fucking "retirement" plan!
"Social Security" <-- Perhaps say that out loud.. Repeatedly.. Emphasis on the "Security"!..
It was never intended to be of "benefit" to those in need of no such assistance!
People only need to work a decade to qualify for SS benefits. It’s a payroll tax. The amount of the benefit is based on one’s contribution over 35 years. What people contribute or don’t is on them. Asking others to make them whole is not part of the deal. The rules are the same for everyone.
I once told the owner of a golf course that if SS were to go broke, all of the golf courses would fold. After looking startled for a moment, he sudden realized what many social security checks are actually used for. Ask a bunch of old farts that play golf….Many use their SS checks. Right, it’s not a primary subsistence. It will still keep you in the poor house….
its their money, the paid into it their entire working lives, they can spend it however they want, its their money!
People only need to work a decade to qualify for SS benefits. It’s a payroll tax. The amount of the benefit is based on one’s contribution over 35 years. What people contribute or don’t is on them. Asking others to make them whole is not part of the deal. The rules are the same for everyone.
right 20 quarters of paying in gets you a small benefit at retirement.
Why didn’t Republicans get rid of it when they controlled the WH, Senate, and House from 2017-2019?

Oh yeah, because Dimwingers are lying sacks of shit.
Nope….if they tried, they’d lose every election till they died. They think the public is stooopid. They’re right for the registered Republican.
its their money, the paid into it their entire working lives, they can spend it however they want, its their money!
And your point is ????? Mine is, it’s barely enough to keep your “social” calendar filled.
And your point is ????? Mine is, it’s barely enough to keep your “social” calendar filled.
for many it is the difference between surviving and starving. yes, for most its not a big check, but it depends on how much you paid in, I paid the maximum every year for over 40 years, so my SS payment is a nice sum and really helps.
we have never had a tax cut under any administration that only cut taxes on billionaires, that is leftist propaganda and a blatant lie. If the tax code favors the rich with loopholes, look at who wrote the tax code----------------the party that has controlled congress for most of the last 100 years---democrats.
ok, lacking, you claim its fake news, prove it wrong.
6.2% on their entire salary.

Because $160K is to low a cap, it should be at a minimum doubled to $320K and probably raised to $500K then indexed to inflation.

Then they should collect proportionately to what they put in. Nope, SS is fine the way it’s is. It produces a surplus that makes it solvent indefinitely if left alone. Medicare, should be replaced by Medicare for all. That’s where the rich should be tax progressively.

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