Cuts to SS and Medicare

Dumbass, if they are going bankrupt (or insolvent) they don't have a surplus. Bankrupt means no money, duh.
You just said that SS was good for ten more years. So what are we talking about now ? Without legislation, IRS will up the rates, they did it in the past.

…so provisions have been made while you were sleeping.
  • Social Security tax For 2023, the Social Security wage base increased nearly 9% from 2022. says, “Over the past five years, the wage base has gone up an average of $3,960 per year. ...
  • Medicare tax The Additional Medicare tax rate remains at 0.9% for employee wages over $200,000. ...
  • Federal income tax The federal income tax brackets will increase. ...

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Clinton was a joke. Under his watch the terrorist threat grew unopposed.
He tried to go to war with OBL and left intel with Bush about his potential plans… were asleep, right ? Bush was in office….he did NOTHING. Clinton was trying to take him out and keep him on the run. Yup, that could have prevented 9/11.
He tried to go to war with OBL and left intel with Bush about his potential plans… were asleep, right ? Bush was in office….he did NOTHING. Clinton was trying to take him out and keep him on the run. Yup, that could have prevented 9/11.
WTF. Partisans are such fools.

You are a cultist just like a rabid Trumper.

Rick Scott

“All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the document said.

This would require Congress to renew Social Security and Medicare every five years. Scott’s proposal also called for a yearly report from Congress “telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”

Mike Pence

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who has indicated that he is considering a bid for the presidency in 2024, said last week that a conversation needs to be had about reforming Social Security.

Mike Lee

When Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) initially ran for Senate in 2010, he called for the complete elimination of Social Security.

“It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it,” Lee said at a campaign event in 2010, adding, “There’s going to be growing pains associated with doing this. We can’t do it all at once.”

Ron Johnson

Similar to Scott, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has suggested that Congress regularly renew the entitlement programs. However, Johnson has proposed that it be done on an annual basis.

“I’ve been saying for as long as I’ve been here that we should transfer everything, put everything on budget so we have to consider it if every year. I’ve said that consistently, it’s nothing new,” Johnson told “The Regular Joe Show” podcast last August.

Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) suggested in a debate in June that a bipartisan compromise on the issue will likely mean that “people like me are going to have to take a little less and pay a little more in.”

Sunset and people like me are going to take less. Believe me, when they take the Senate and the House majority (if they do), they can do anything they want with SS and Original Medicare.
the entire federal budget needs to be cut by 20% across the board, all programs. every one of them including SS medicare, medicaid, congressional salaries and benefits, presidential salary and retirement, military, everything. We cannot continue spending more that we take in and we cannot tax the people enough to continue the stupid reckless spending.
He tried to go to war with OBL and left intel with Bush about his potential plans… were asleep, right ? Bush was in office….he did NOTHING. Clinton was trying to take him out and keep him on the run. Yup, that could have prevented 9/11.
bullshit, Sudan had OBL located, told Clinton where he was, but Clinton did nothing. Bush also did nothing, When Obozo authorized the hit, senile Joe was the only one in the room objecting, why?
You just said that SS was good for ten more years. So what are we talking about now ? Without legislation, IRS will up the rates, they did it in the past.
…so provisions have been made while you were sleeping.
  • Social Security tax For 2023, the Social Security wage base increased nearly 9% from 2022. says, “Over the past five years, the wage base has gone up an average of $3,960 per year. ...
  • Medicare tax The Additional Medicare tax rate remains at 0.9% for employee wages over $200,000. ...
  • Federal income tax The federal income tax brackets will increase. ...
Correct, SS is only good for 10-years. We need SS good for 20 or 30 years at least.
Medicare will be bankrupt next year, 2024.

There are no "surplusses". Both SS & Medicare need to be "fixed" for the long term.

p.s. who is your avatar?
Correct, SS is only good for 10-years. We need SS good for 20 or 30 years at least.
Medicare will be bankrupt next year, 2024.

There are no "surplusses". Both SS & Medicare need to be "fixed" for the long term.

p.s. who is your avatar?
SS would be fine if LBJ and the dems had not stolen the money and merged it with the general fund. Do you know who pushed the bill to make SS payments taxable? Biden.

I have not heard that medicare goes broke next year, can you put up a valid cite on that?

Our military doesn’t protect us.
Really? That's funny. I must've missed the Swastika or the Rising Sun or the Hammer-and-Sickle Flags flying above my local post office.
Where were they on 9/11?
A coordinated surprise series of hijackings coupled with Muslim Jihadi Suicide-Squads taking over planes and ramming them into landmarks? Uhhhh... yeah.

The military of any nation is best at defending against organized military attacks, not the occasional pi$$ant terror-squad that happens to slip past Intel.

That was a dumb comparison.

These balloons just float over country uncontested.
Yep. But it wasn't the fault of the military. It was the fault of the timid foolhardy civilian leadership that held the military's leash at the moment.
They do a good job of attacking weak nations killing thousands of innocents for the benefit of neocons, Wall Street, and the two crime families.
They also do a good job of defending against larger nations. No Swastika or Rising Sun or Hammer-and-Sickle flying over MY town.
We are a warlike imperialist nation.
Yep. Fun, ain't it? Especially when it pi$$e$ off whiny-crybaby isolationists.
You might research history on what happens to such nations.
Yep. Which is why we need to reform both our military and relevant tactical and strategic policy on its usage. That doesn't mean weakening or trashing it.
Why do warmongering imperialists like yourself always bring up isolationism?
"Warmongering imperialist"? You tell 'em Tvaritch. :auiqs.jpg: ...why do pu$$y-boy isolationist wimps such as yourself always try to weaken the National Resolve?
You’re like a trained monkey for the corrupt establishment.
Oh... my, my, my... as bad as all that? Oh... goodness-gracious-me... I've been dissed by a foolhardy imbecilic tool of Communists, Fascists and Islamists. :cool:
SS would be fine if LBJ and the dems had not stolen the money and merged it with the general fund. Do you know who pushed the bill to make SS payments taxable? Biden.
I have not heard that medicare goes broke next year, can you put up a valid cite on that?
The cold, hard, actuarial truth is that we don’t need Scott’s plan to force a debate over Medicare funding, because within five years, the trust fund that funds Medicare hospital coverage (Medicare Part A) will have a zero balance. That’s right. In their annual report, released last June, Medicare’s trustees reported that the hospital insurance trust fund will bring in $412.6 billion in 2023. It will spend $415.6 billion. That means it will spend $3 billion more than it generates in revenue this year.
Any young adult that doesn't plan for their retirement gets no sympathy from me. Too many of my peers are more interested in spending than in saving.
Of course if you do away with welfare, then more people would be working, thus putting money into the tax system. Those that dont want to work, dont get a dime, and when they get hungry and start stealing from others, should be shot on sight, thus eliminating them from other government programs like being put in prison and such. Empty the prisons of repeat offenders, by execution and you can start putting that money towards SS. Really easy to get the debt under control, just stop all the liberal compassion laws that end up killing people.
Not buying it. It's already proven that tax money will go to American-assisted Chinese communist viruses that kill a million Americans, especially when the medical mafia takes away the prophylaxis. Where's the names list of the dead?

Rick Scott

“All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the document said.

This would require Congress to renew Social Security and Medicare every five years. Scott’s proposal also called for a yearly report from Congress “telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”

Mike Pence

Former Vice President Mike Pence, who has indicated that he is considering a bid for the presidency in 2024, said last week that a conversation needs to be had about reforming Social Security.

Mike Lee

When Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) initially ran for Senate in 2010, he called for the complete elimination of Social Security.

“It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it,” Lee said at a campaign event in 2010, adding, “There’s going to be growing pains associated with doing this. We can’t do it all at once.”

Ron Johnson

Similar to Scott, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has suggested that Congress regularly renew the entitlement programs. However, Johnson has proposed that it be done on an annual basis.

“I’ve been saying for as long as I’ve been here that we should transfer everything, put everything on budget so we have to consider it if every year. I’ve said that consistently, it’s nothing new,” Johnson told “The Regular Joe Show” podcast last August.

Lindsey Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) suggested in a debate in June that a bipartisan compromise on the issue will likely mean that “people like me are going to have to take a little less and pay a little more in.”

Sunset and people like me are going to take less. Believe me, when they take the Senate and the House majority (if they do), they can do anything they want with SS and Original Medicare.
Why didn’t Republicans get rid of it when they controlled the WH, Senate, and House from 2017-2019?

Oh yeah, because Dimwingers are lying sacks of shit.
Who's expecting whom to pay more what per month than what now?
You obviously haven’t thought this through.
If you remove the cap or otherwise raise it significantly, the higher income folks would then be expected to pay more a month in payroll taxes than they could ever possibly receive in SS benefits per month

Explain how that makes any sense for a retirement benefit that is based on individual contributions.
Yes, amongst many others..

You mean those in charge don't actually believe in punishing workers just for "earning" less than higher "wage earners"? Shocking!

Think about it..
I did think about it. It’s their contribution to their retirement benefit and medical ins.

Why do you expect that to be free for those folks?
Just thought I'd point this out here...

Do you realize that the President, nor any member of congress (Representative or Senator) pays into Social Security for their entire annual salary?

Each pays only up to the cap and all have salaries exceeding $160K (the current cap).

What should they pay and why?
Correct, SS is only good for 10-years. We need SS good for 20 or 30 years at least.
Nope, that’s just your opinion. Save the surplus.
Otherwise, the rates will just keep increasing. You’re fear mongering.
Medicare will be bankrupt next year, 2024
No it won’t. That’s just made up shit. It hasn’t been on the news, cause the IRS already adjusted it.
There are no "surplusses". Both SS & Medicare need to be "fixed" for the long term.
I told you how. Stop using the surplus for the general fund.
When it’s put in the general fund, it’s used for the military and et al and it’s SPENT. that means it’s added to the deficit. How long have you had this reading problem ? Go ahead, look it up. The surplus is used to buy treasury notes which are just IOUs from the gov. Geesus, do you have fking hearing aid too ?
p.s. who is your avatar?
My real avatar.
You obviously haven’t thought this through.
The evidence thus far all points to that being you.
If you remove the cap or otherwise raise it significantly, the higher income folks would then be expected to pay more a month in payroll taxes than they could ever possibly receive in SS benefits per month
AND...!!!? (Lemme guess.. That would be "unfair"!)
AND...!!!? Many, despite their best efforts, never qualify for any S.S. benefits. How is that not at least equally "unfair"!?
Explain how that makes any sense for a retirement benefit that is based on individual contributions.
Do I really need to quote FDR stating the (his) genuine intent behind S.S. back to you again?

It's not just some fucking "retirement" plan!
"Social Security" <-- Perhaps say that out loud.. Repeatedly.. Emphasis on the "Security"!..
It was never intended to be of "benefit" to those in need of no such assistance!

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