Cuts to SS and Medicare

A lot of contradictions in there.
Removing the cap means everyone pays the same? How does that work?
People who make less than the cap pay less overall for the same benefit than those at the top of the cap do.

SS isn’t an income tax. It’s a tax for a retirement benefit. The max benefit is the same for everyone who qualifies for it.

You started by saying the top of the cap wasn’t rich but finished by calling them super rich.
You’re literally asking for those who are better off to subsidize the retirements of those who are not. SS was never designed to do that.
"A lot of contradictions in there." -- in your mind, I've no doubt!
"Removing the cap means everyone pays the same? How does that work?" -- just as I explained.
People who make less than the cap pay less overall for the same benefit than those at the top of the cap do.
-- "pay less" what? Of a "proportion" of their income? Sorry, no, they obviously don't!
-- "those at the top of the cap" -- Whaa? You mean the highest income "earners", aka the "super rich"? Do you enjoy pretending to be stupid? Sane people who reap proportionately more benefit from living here than others feel obliged to pay proportionately more for their windfall because..
they use and enjoy proportionately more of our resources! They should be paying more "overall"! Duh! Unfortunately, being super rich soon drives most insane. Then we're left to clean up their messes. Have you been asleep or what? Proportionately, they've already grabbed practically all there is to grab.. They'll be shooting each other in the streets, desperately trying to grab even more very soon.. Stay tuned..
SS isn’t an income tax. It’s a tax for a retirement benefit. The max benefit is the same for everyone who qualifies for it.
.. and blah, blah, blah. I've painstakingly explained here exactly what S.S. is and what it is not.. with quotes.. and links.. from authoritative.. compelling.. and original sources. You're so fucking welcome! Now piss off until breakfast.:p
Why are you worried about the social security trust fund. It’s SOLVENT. It has a surplus. The surplus buys bonds and the money goes into the general fund. It is then spent. The deficit incurred by SS is MONIES STOLEN FROM THE TRUST FUND TO BUY BONDS. All you’re doing is asking payroll taxes to pay off their own SURPLUS that has been stolen. Wtf is wrong with this shit.
Just pass a law saying the gov can’t steal money from the SS trust fund…..Then, you wouldn’t “ owe” SS trust fund. Dah.
Do you call this solvent? How amusing!

Contrary to your illusion, NO MONEY was stolen. Bonds were bought with that money and it is an asset of Social Security.

As of February 10, 2023
considering only about 57 percent of the population pays income tax there are a lot of folks that don’t work their entire lives

we should also do away with the requirement that employees only pay half of their SS, they should pay it all..not make exployers pay half

it’s not fair to employers or rhe self employed
Everyone who works pays income taxes. Lower wage earners are able to get a lot of it refunded.
FICA is deducted from their gross. Not returned.
It’s hilarious we are even having this debate about Clinton.
He’s no different then any other Dem president. They have ALWAYS REDUCED THE DEFICIT during their time in office since Reagan while all republicans except for Bush one, have cut taxes for the rich and had their usual recession. They have all tried to Fk over the working poor and the middle class.
I'm not disagreeing with you that Clinton had a Balanced Budget.
My issue is that you give Newt no credit. They BOTH worked very hard for and got that balanced budget.
Everyone who works pays income taxes. Lower wage earners are able to get a lot of it refunded.
FICA is deducted from their gross. Not returned.
the average payout for SS is just over 1400…which tells me there aren’t a lot of fully vested folks
Everyone who works pays income taxes. Lower wage earners are able to get a lot of it refunded.
FICA is deducted from their gross. Not returned.
"A lot of contradictions in there." -- in your mind, I've no doubt!
"Removing the cap means everyone pays the same? How does that work?" -- just as I explained.

-- "pay less" what? Of a "proportion" of their income? Sorry, no, they obviously don't!
-- "those at the top of the cap" -- Whaa? You mean the highest income "earners", aka the "super rich"? Do you enjoy pretending to be stupid? Sane people who reap proportionately more benefit from living here than others feel obliged to pay proportionately more for their windfall because..
they use and enjoy proportionately more of our resources! They should be paying more "overall"! Duh! Unfortunately, being super rich soon drives most insane. Then we're left to clean up their messes. Have you been asleep or what? Proportionately, they've already grabbed practically all there is to grab.. They'll be shooting each other in the streets, desperately trying to grab even more very soon.. Stay tuned..

.. and blah, blah, blah. I've painstakingly explained here exactly what S.S. is and what it is not.. with quotes.. and links.. from authoritative.. compelling.. and original sources. You're so fucking welcome! Now piss off until breakfast.:p
You haven’t explained anything.
SS isn’t an income tax. It’s a contribution to a retirement plan. The plan has established parameters. Expecting others to pay exceptionally more for the same benefits is ridiculous. They’re already paying the maximum.

Why would you expect anyone to pay many times the maximum possible benefit a month for a retirement plan?

How does that even make sense to you?
So how do you proposed fixing SS, which will be insolvent in 2034?
I don’t. I leave that to those who are tasked with such things.

My only suggestion, seeing as how the benefit is based on individual contributions, is that everyone pays a point or two more or settles for less. Or both.
Bottom line is we need people retiring earlier at this current time to open up jobs for this young generation.
You haven’t explained anything.
SS isn’t an income tax. It’s a contribution to a retirement plan. The plan has established parameters. Expecting others to pay exceptionally more for the same benefits is ridiculous. They’re already paying the maximum.

Why would you expect anyone to pay many times the maximum possible benefit a month for a retirement plan?

How does that even make sense to you?
Forget it. Whatever you opine!
So how do you proposed fixing SS, which will be insolvent in 2034?
Child, you aren’t that bright are you ? The fix is easy but you can t read can you.
SS and Medicare A and B have trust funds that the surplus goes into. They are forced to buy treasury bonds with the suprplus. Guess what dumbo. The treasury bonds are part of the overall deficit. THE SS AND MEDICARE trust funds are now paying for things like the military and creating a deficit.
Put the surplus in a lock box and SS and Medicare would be totally self supporting. But the billions that go into the general fund would have to be made up by TAXES ON THE RICH DUMBO,

RIGHT NOW, the SS and Medicare trust fund helps pay for the MILITARY.....ha ha
That’s why you are stupid. You can’t even see it. Payroll taxes already overpay for SS and Medicare a and b.
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Just thought I'd point this out here...

Do you realize that the President, nor any member of congress (Representative or Senator) pays into Social Security for their entire annual salary?

Each pays only up to the cap and all have salaries exceeding $160K (the current cap).

The fix is EASY and only independents, the largest political group and some democrats making a majority, are smart enough to see it. MEDICAID GOES AWAY WITH UNIVERSAL MEDICARE FOR ALL. It’s that simple. Throw away employer based healthcare which is a huge drain on small businesses. Tax individuals and all businesses a flat healthcare tax, and with the 2% over head that Medicare has, we save TRILLIONS over the next ten years. Drug costs go down like ithas for every-other country.

The healthcare tax like in everyother country, is dramatically less then people now pay for co pays and premiums. THE US IS THE ONLY INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY STUPID ENOUGH NOT TO HAVE IT.

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