Cuts to SS and Medicare

No one said $127k was rich. It's just the weird place they've decided to stop charging all those who make more income. Remove the cap and everyone pays the same, gets the same. With a cap those who make less PAY MORE in terms of what they make overall FOR THE SAME BENEFIT!
Why TF would you make poorer people pay a higher proportion of their income to gain the same "security" the super rich enjoy?
A lot of contradictions in there.
Removing the cap means everyone pays the same? How does that work?
People who make less than the cap pay less overall for the same benefit than those at the top of the cap do.

SS isn’t an income tax. It’s a tax for a retirement benefit. The max benefit is the same for everyone who qualifies for it.

You started by saying the top of the cap wasn’t rich but finished by calling them super rich.
You’re literally asking for those who are better off to subsidize the retirements of those who are not. SS was never designed to do that.
The $160,000 limit means that any income over that does NOT pay Social Security tax.
To save SS should that cap be raised?
Yes because that’s a reasonable amount. Certainly compared to what everyone else pays.
Should it be raised? No.
Why are those people responsible for the fix in your opinion
1. The SS cap is $160,000 not $127,000
2. Its a single taxpayer's income. NOT joint income.
I was making the point that making that is not rich by highlighting how the average household could do so which you apparently missed.
And my character is kick-ass!
People are constantly dredging up things Biden said decades ago.

Turnabout is fair play.
Has he repudiated any of them? Admitted he was wrong, smoking something Hunter gave him, stupid? If not, they're fair game.
There needs to be increases in SSi for our seniors. These people shouldn't have to worry about going without.

I am sick of this idea that we should force these people to work until they drop dead.
Not all, but why did they let that Nazi, fascist Fauci push them around like that?
When it comes right down to it even Trump is smart enough in the middle of the worst pandemic of the past 100 years to listen to experts. His base may not like it but Trump isn't as dumb as his base.
Both, however, will shortly do just that if they are not addressed and either have taxes raised on the workers or benefits cut on the retirees, or both.
raise upper limit on fica to 500k or mor
Expose all income to fica
Eliminate 15% max on unearned income

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