Cuts to SS and Medicare

Yes because that’s a reasonable amount. Certainly compared to what everyone else pays.
Should it be raised? No.
Why are those people responsible for the fix in your opinion
Why? Just look at how the wealthy did financially compared to the rest of us, that's why:

1. The SS cap is $160,000 not $127,000
2. Its a single taxpayer's income. NOT joint income.
Why are you worried about the social security trust fund. It’s SOLVENT. It has a surplus. The surplus buys bonds and the money goes into the general fund. It is then spent. The deficit incurred by SS is MONIES STOLEN FROM THE TRUST FUND TO BUY BONDS. All you’re doing is asking payroll taxes to pay off their own SURPLUS that has been stolen. Wtf is wrong with this shit.
Just pass a law saying the gov can’t steal money from the SS trust fund…..Then, you wouldn’t “ owe” SS trust fund. Dah.
Cato isn’t a link…..neither is fix News.
Just google it dumbass. Or, keep typing lies.

In 1996, Newsweek's Evan Thomas wrote: "More than anything else, Gingrich wanted to dismantle the 'bureaucratic welfare state.' To do that, he understood, he had to attack Congress' addiction to deficit spending. When he assumed power in 1995, he consulted CEOs who had downsized their own companies; they advised him to stake out bold positions and force others to follow. ... Under Gingrich the House passed a budget that truly restrained the growth of federal spending."

Just google it dumbass. Or, keep typing lies.

In 1996, Newsweek's Evan Thomas wrote: "More than anything else, Gingrich wanted to dismantle the 'bureaucratic welfare state.' To do that, he understood, he had to attack Congress' addiction to deficit spending. When he assumed power in 1995, he consulted CEOs who had downsized their own companies; they advised him to stake out bold positions and force others to follow. ... Under Gingrich the House passed a budget that truly restrained the growth of federal spending."

Budget reconciliation act passed in 1993.
Just google it dumbass. Or, keep typing lies.

In 1996, Newsweek's Evan Thomas wrote: "More than anything else, Gingrich wanted to dismantle the 'bureaucratic welfare state.' To do that, he understood, he had to attack Congress' addiction to deficit spending. When he assumed power in 1995, he consulted CEOs who had downsized their own companies; they advised him to stake out bold positions and force others to follow. ... Under Gingrich the House passed a budget that truly restrained the growth of federal spending."

Social security IS SOLVENT till 2033
1. You don't even post links, you just type lies.
2. See #1
It’s hilarious we are even having this debate about Clinton.
He’s no different then any other Dem president. They have ALWAYS REDUCED THE DEFICIT during their time in office since Reagan while all republicans except for Bush one, have cut taxes for the rich and had their usual recession. They have all tried to Fk over the working poor and the middle class.
When it comes right down to it even Trump is smart enough in the middle of the worst pandemic of the past 100 years to listen to experts. His base may not like it but Trump isn't as dumb as his base.
He did what ? He listened to no one but people who kissed his ass or gave him money. He declared himself the expert in everything. Anyone who does that, proof positive, is stupid/dumb/ignorant/delusional…..take your pick.
No one said $127k was rich. It's just the weird place they've decided to stop charging all those who make more income. Remove the cap and everyone pays the same, gets the same. With a cap those who make less PAY MORE in terms of what they make overall FOR THE SAME BENEFIT!
Why TF would you make poorer people pay a higher proportion of their income to gain the same "security" the super rich enjoy?
it’s not the same benefit…the more you pay in the more you get, the less, the less you get

so raising rhe cap doesn’t do anything other then gives more benefits to those that don’t really need it
I make less than $127k. I pay social security tax on every penny I make.

They should do so also

Why are you worried about the social security trust fund. It’s SOLVENT. It has a surplus. The surplus buys bonds and the money goes into the general fund. It is then spent. The deficit incurred by SS is MONIES STOLEN FROM THE TRUST FUND TO BUY BONDS. All you’re doing is asking payroll taxes to pay off their own SURPLUS that has been stolen. Wtf is wrong with this shit.
Just pass a law saying the gov can’t steal money from the SS trust fund…..Then, you wouldn’t “ owe” SS trust fund. Dah.
The United States gives itself IOU's for Social Security monies taken to pay for other programs. In the end someone has to pay. Guess who? We pay coming and going and in between.
Cato isn’t a link…..neither is fix News.
Then be a hero for the far left. When someone uses one for a source, jump up with your "reliable" source and working link proving their information FALSE.

Then again, you can't but you do like to whine! Keep up the good work! :D
Most people who work their whole lives are.
considering only about 57 percent of the population pays income tax there are a lot of folks that don’t work their entire lives

we should also do away with the requirement that employees only pay half of their SS, they should pay it all..not make exployers pay half

it’s not fair to employers or rhe self employed

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