Cuts to SS and Medicare

The same s rules apply foolish. A cut of 1% has to be added to not paying the cola. If you just froze any increase, it’s an effective CUT. Geesus, you can’t be that naive.

Why ? You just stated Newt who has the same position did balance the budget….
You need to read. The president starts and ends the budget process, initiates the budget request and signs it into law. He has the most inout. The house just responds first to the president and the senate next. The budget passes through the presidents desk twice and each house once….do your home work.
You are correct that the COLA will go away

You cant make huge cuts in programs you dont like without spreading the pain equally

A plan with no automatic increases and a modest 1% cut across the board is the least painful option available
The same s rules apply foolish. A cut of 1% has to be added to not paying the cola. If you just froze any increase, it’s an effective CUT. Geesus, you can’t be that naive.

Why ? You just stated Newt who has the same position did balance the budget….
You need to read. The president starts and ends the budget process, initiates the budget request and signs it into law. He has the most input. The house just responds first to the president and the senate next. The budget passes through the presidents desk twice and each house once….do your home work.
I never said newr balanced the budget all by himself

In fact I have not mentioned gingrich at all
Silly. Do you know who the biggest employer in the United States is ? Maybe you don’t. It’s the Fed with all the civilian and military personel YOU WANT TO CUT.
If they feel the pain and reduce spending by losing a cola raise plus 1%, THE ENTIRE COUNTRY WILL.
I dont want to cut the military any more than you want to cut HUD or Medicaid

But it has to be done
I dont want to cut the military any more than you want to cut HUD or Medicaid

But it has to be done
It didn’t have to be done when the gop kept running up 7 trillion in projected deficits with Trump. Nor did it have to be done when Bush ran them up. Biden has CUT the deficit, when no other modern day republican has….Obama cut the deficit,. Republicans raised them. Guess what,….typical Humper mentality.
I dont want to cut the military any more than you want to cut HUD or Medicaid

But it has to be done
Btw, I’m all for cutting every socialized medical and retirement benefits to zero, for registered republicans. If it were a voting issue, . I’m all for it.
It didn’t have to be done when the gop kept running up 7 trillion in projected deficits with Trump. Nor did it have to be done when Bush ran them up. Biden has CUT the deficit, when no other modern day republican has….Obama cut the deficit,. Republicans raised them. Guess what,….typical Humper mentality.
All of that is just hot air

And thats not going to solve the problem

What you want is Kabuki theater where much is said and little is done
Btw, I’m all for cutting every socialized medical and retirement benefits to zero, for registered republicans. If it were a voting issue, . I’m all for it.
As usual all you have to offer is bombast
Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) on Friday changed his proposal to “sunset” federal laws every five years after Democrats and Republicans repeatedly pointed out that it could jeopardize popular programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Scott’s “Rescue America” plan now says that all federal legislation would sunset every five years “with specific exceptions of Social Security, Medicare, national security, veterans benefits, and other essential services.” It previously included no such exceptions.


Dirty/dishonest/evil people!
It didn’t have to be done when the gop kept running up 7 trillion in projected deficits with Trump. Nor did it have to be done when Bush ran them up. Biden has CUT the deficit, when no other modern day republican has….Obama cut the deficit,. Republicans raised them. Guess what,….typical Humper mentality.
you are a very confused libtardian. Obama double the national debt, from roughly 9 trillion to 20 trillion, He added more to the debt than all previous presidents, combined. Yes, Trump also added to it and that was a terrible mistake. Now senile Joe is trying to outdo Obama, and he will probably succeed. Both parties are responsible for the mess. your partisan ramblings are bullshit.
you are a very confused libtardian. Obama double the national debt, from roughly 9 trillion to 20 trillion, He added more to the debt than all previous presidents, combined. Yes, Trump also added to it and that was a terrible mistake. Now senile Joe is trying to outdo Obama, and he will probably succeed. Both parties are responsible for the mess. your partisan ramblings are bullshit.
A non math person I see. You don’t know the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT.

The debt is a cumulative of BOTH the deficits of all the previous administrations budgets AND the compound interest of that sum. OBAMA cut the deficit by the second year in for the rest of his terms. Joe has too. No modern republican president has done it, while every Dem president does. You‘re too math illiterate to waste my time explaining exponential growth and how it’s impossible for the debt to decrease unless both parties continue to lower the yearly deficti and not just one.

Do you want to flog the rich?

Maybe consign them to a homeless shelter and give their home to an elderly couple?

Yes the poor will feel the cuts

But they will feel it a lot more if we crash the budget and everything goes to hell
That is ridiculous. All I'm saying is if the nation decided to cutback on spending, the burden should be shared by all as equally as possible. Since applying a 1%/yr across the board cut would would be a far bigger burden on poor, the burden should equalized.
you are a very confused libtardian. Obama double the national debt, from roughly 9 trillion to 20 trillion, He added more to the debt than all previous presidents, combined. Yes, Trump also added to it and that was a terrible mistake. Now senile Joe is trying to outdo Obama, and he will probably succeed. Both parties are responsible for the mess. your partisan ramblings are bullshit.
Trump added nearly as much national debt during his four years in office as Obama did in eight, posting another $8.2 trillion.
In Biden's first two years in office he added 3.7 trillion dollars. If spending continues at the same rate, Biden will have added slightly less than Trump.

National debt growth under every president from Richard Nixon to Joe Biden
That is ridiculous. All I'm saying is if the nation decided to cutback on spending, the burden should be shared by all as equally as possible. Since applying a 1%/yr across the board cut would would be a far bigger burden on poor, the burden should equalized.
Thats communism
That is ridiculous. All I'm saying is if the nation decided to cutback on spending, the burden should be shared by all as equally as possible. Since applying a 1%/yr across the board cut would would be a far bigger burden on poor, the burden should equalized.
Why doesn't "fair share" apply to everyone?
What I find interesting is the touted Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will be targeting Medicare benefits and will inevitably lead to benefit cuts and higher premiums for Medicare Part D beneficiaries in 2025. This is because private Medicare Part D plans draw on 3 primary sources of revenue to cover prescription costs. In 2025, the IRA will gut the government subsidies and out-of-pocket payments by beneficiaries, which translates into higher premiums for beneficiaries (and there are restrictions on increasing premium prices more than 6%).
A non math person I see. You don’t know the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT.

The debt is a cumulative of BOTH the deficits of all the previous administrations budgets AND the compound interest of that sum. OBAMA cut the deficit by the second year in for the rest of his terms. Joe has too. No modern republican president has done it, while every Dem president does. You‘re too math illiterate to waste my time explaining exponential growth and how it’s impossible for the debt to decrease unless both parties continue to lower the yearly deficti and not just one.

yes, obozo cut the annual deficit, so did Trump. I fully understand the difference between debt and annual deficit, sounds like you do not.

When Obama came into office the DEBT was around 9-10 trillion, when he left office it was 20 trillion. He DOUBLED it. Basic math, dude. He added more to the debt than all previous presidents--combined.

Currently the interest on the debt is the biggest item in the federal budget, that must be reversed or someday in the not too distant future the country will simply have to declare bankruptcy and tell China and that other creditors to pound sand.
yes, obozo cut the annual deficit, so did Trump. I fully understand the difference between debt and annual deficit, sounds like you do not.
No, Trump budget DID NOT cut the deficit. And not, you don’t seem to know the difference. If you’re now going to just make up shit to go along with not knowing the difference, it just means you’re trolling.

No modern day republican president BUDGET REQUEST has made an attempt to cut the deficit. EVERY modern day democrat president has during their time in office. As long as you dullards keep wanting your shit for nothing and believe in trickle down, it ain’t happening.

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