Cuts to SS and Medicare

Lies ? You think it was a hard prediction when every republican president and controlled congress HAD A RECESSION. 10 out of 11. The odds are with Klugman, not you.
The lies are you, not Krugman...he admitted he was completely wrong in his prediction.
Social security has been needed and used for over 60 years. What the hell could be wrong with taking care of the elderly?
It already takes 3 workers to support 1 retiree. What are you going to do when it takes 2 and the program goes broke anyway?
I did, I provided the link already dembot idiot
Nope. No quotes there. Just opinions from a conservative rag.
Look up what a “quote” is. It’s not someone else’s opinion of what a person is saying.
The lies are you, not Krugman...he admitted he was completely wrong in his prediction.
Nope. That was the opinion of the writer, it’s not what he actually said. He said that Trump was an “incompetent “:and his admin would lead to a recession. He was spot on. Case closed. He had a recession.
Nope. No quotes there. Just opinions from a conservative rag.
Look up what a “quote” is. It’s not someone else’s opinion of what a person is saying.
hahaha what the f are you talking about? it’s an interview with Krugman
Nope. That was the opinion of the writer, it’s not what he actually said. He said that Trump was an “incompetent “:and his admin would lead to a recession. He was spot on. Case closed. He had a recession.
you are full of shot irs an interview with krugman where he had to admit he was wrong and the economy was doing well this was in feb 2020
Where did you come up with 4% sales tax?
Total GDP of USA in 2022 is $23,320,000,000,000 United States GDP - 2022 Data - 2023 Forecast - 1960-2021 Historical - Chart - News
Now 4% is $932,800,000,000 .
Supposedly SS will need
For example, to make Social Security solvent for the next 75 years, legislators could raise the tax rate from 6.2% to 8.1%.
According to current actuarial projections, this would fix the problem until 2095. So, it is fixable, but painful.
The federal government collected revenues of $3.5 trillion in 2019—equal to about 16.3 percent of gross domestic product

Of the gross revenue to the Federal government 36% ($1,260,000,000,000) comes from Medicare/SS.
So if the tax was raise to 8.1% that would add $23.940,000,000.. versus where did you come with 4% which would be over
38.9 TIMES what is needed. So where did you get 4%???
View attachment 756934
The 4% came from a $25.5T GDP x .04 = $1.02T which balances the Budget
The 4% came from a $25.5T GDP x .04 = $1.02T which balances the Budget
What is your source for a $25.5T GDP?
My source is from experts...not guesses.
Projected for 2023: GDP in the United States is expected to reach 23,618.00 USD Billion by the end of 2023
So at that rate the Federal tax would be: on $23.618T GDP X 4% or $944.72 Billion... NOT $1.02T that is YOUR guess for the GDP.
you are full of shot irs an interview with krugman where he had to admit he was wrong and the economy was doing well this was in feb 2020
Of course, you can’t supply the interview or direct quotes. You’re getting your shit from a conservative rag.
We do what we’ve always done. Hire more immigrants.
Illegal immigrants don't pay SS taxes. If you're talking about legal immigrants, there aren't enough of them to change the numbers very much.
Illegal immigrants don't pay SS taxes. If you're talking about legal immigrants, there aren't enough of them to change the numbers very much.
Ha ha
You are ignorant. Guess who matches their SS tax, their employer. That’s proof positive that root cause to illegal immigration is illegal practices of corporations and individuals who hire their cheaper labor. It’s no different then selling a firearm unknowingly to an illegal. You pretend you’re stupid, ask no questions, you can be responsible doing your part to the massive illegal immigration problem that conservatism makes, It’s no different than being responsible for promoting illegal gun sales and recessions. It’s about corporate Greed.
Ha ha
You are ignorant. Guess who matches their SS tax, their employer. That’s proof positive that root to illegal immigration is illegal practices of corporations and individuals who hire their cheaper labor. It’s no different then selling a firearm unknowingly to an illegal. You pretend your stupid, ask no questions, you can be responsible doing your part to the massive illegal imagration problem that conservatism makes, just like they are responsible for promoting illegal gun sales and recessions.
In order to pay SS taxes, you have to have a SS number. How many illegal immigrants have a SS number? Also, to pay SS taxes, the employer has to report the employee to the government, specifically SS. Again, how many illegal immigrants are reported to the government? This is not obscure knowledge.
you are full of shot irs an interview with krugman where he had to admit he was wrong and the economy was doing well this was in feb 2020
Klugman made the intitial prediction in 2016 before the Trump admin had passed a budget. Of course the economy was doing well as established by Obama. He admitted the economy was doing well for obvious reasons. High deficits are an initial stimulant for cheap money. Eventually, the chicken came to roost and Klugman was spot on. Just another 10 of 11 recessions by the incompetency of the GOP led by Trump.
In order to pay SS taxes, you have to have a SS number. How many illegal immigrants have a SS number? Also, to pay SS taxes, the employer has to report the employee to the government, specifically SS. Again, how many illegal immigrants are reported to the government? This is not obscure knowledge.
No shit Sherlock. Dah. The corporate interest mean that corporations are engaged in criminal activities. It isn’t the first time. It’s the corporations and hiring agents like any private person who is responsible !!!
Just like secondary firearm purchases, YOU are responsible...look in the mirror.

So, you’re now admitting I am right giving me the details how corporate America fails the middle class by illegally hiring aliens for cheap labor. They don’t even register or ask for proof with a number they can check...illiterate, they are not only paying cheaper labor, they don’t even have to make their end of the payroll tax contributions ! .
Klugman made the intitial prediction in 2016 before the Trump admin had passed a budget. Of course the economy was doing well as established by Obama. He admitted the economy was doing well for obvious reasons. High deficits are an initial stimulant for cheap money. Eventually, the chicken came to roost and Klugman was spot on. Just another 10 of 11 recessions by the incompetency of the GOP led by Trump.

Wow.. Trump's tax cuts generated MORE revenue than the CBO projected! Facts!


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