Cuts to SS and Medicare

Newt did nothing. The tax increase and the limits on spending were passed under a democrat controlled congress
the first two years of Clinton’s adm. If you think he did, that must mean that McCarthy will balance the budget. Hilarious.
So where was the balanced budget under Reagan when he had the house, under Bush and under Trump when both had ALL 3 branches of govt. under gop. control. Why ? Answer the question.
Question for you... Is the Federal government's CBO a neutral agency of the government? In other words do you think the CBO is biased?
If you don't think so, then do you have a problem with the following chart?
From your comments you are a traditional communist, a socialist. You don't believe in capitalism. Even CCP has recognized capitalism works better.
Here is another question for you. Obviously you think that the CEO of a company should be paid the same as the janitor right?
If so, please explain this: there were 607 billionaires in China, including Hong Kong and Macau, making it the country with the second-highest number of super-rich. How rich is the Chinese Communist Party?
How did that happen?
Question for you... Is the Federal government's CBO a neutral agency of the government? In other words do you think the CBO is biased?
If you don't think so, then do you have a problem with the following chart?
From your comments you are a traditional communist, a socialist. You don't believe in capitalism. Even CCP has recognized capitalism works better.
Here is another question for you. Obviously you think that the CEO of a company should be paid the same as the janitor right?
If so, please explain this: there were 607 billionaires in China, including Hong Kong and Macau, making it the country with the second-highest number of super-rich. How rich is the Chinese Communist Party? How did that happen?
You need the link for those numbers. They are simply wrong. Total US GDP is about $23T.
You need the link for those numbers. They are simply wrong. Total US GDP is about $23T.
I didn't provide any GDP numbers in the last comment to your comments.
But here is the exact words I've used regarding the GDP.

Projected for 2023: GDP in the United States is expected to reach 23,618.00 USD Billion by the end of 2023
I didn't provide any GDP numbers in the last comment to your comments.
But here is the exact words I've used regarding the GDP.
Projected for 2023: GDP in the United States is expected to reach 23,618.00 USD Billion by the end of 2023
You're fine. I missed that it was a 9-year total, 2018-2027.
The purpose of the 2017 tax cut was to grow the GDP by 5% a year. That didn't happen.
The unemployment rate being so low probably generated more tax revenue than expected.
However, the Debt still grew by $trillions, so the tax cuts failed. The GDP stays about 1.8%.

From 2010 - 2017, the budget deficits were
  • -1.3T (2010),
  • -1.3T (2011),
  • -1.1T (2012),
  • -680B (2013),
  • -485B (2014),
  • -442B (2015),
  • -585B (2016),
  • -665B (2017)
Democrats controlled the House and Senate from 2009 - 2011 and the Senate through 2015. The President proposes the budget and Congress adjusts and votes on the budget. Meaning .. Democrats had solid control the first 2 years of Obama's presidency, where we see the highest budget deficits, and lower deficits as the House / Senate were split or in Republican control (2015 - 2017).

thanks for posting valid proof that Dagosa has been lying on this topic from the beginning.
You're fine. I missed that it was a 9-year total, 2018-2027.
The purpose of the 2017 tax cut was to grow the GDP by 5% a year. That didn't happen.
The unemployment rate being so low probably generated more tax revenue than expected.
However, the Debt still grew by $trillions, so the tax cuts failed. The GDP stays about 1.8%.

Again... the results are there was MORE Federal Revenue projections and that's what TAX cuts do!
Look at this table made up from Federal sources:
One thing you apparently don't take into account is "TIME"!
For example: The effects of Obama's budget for 2017 was based on actual revenues in 2016...when Obama was president.
The same thing holds true for Trump's budget for 2021 that Biden had INCLUDED revenue from tax cuts by Trump in the previous 3 years.
Most of the changes took effect on January 1, 2018. However, some TCJA provisions went into effect in 2019, while others were applied retroactively.
For example, the TCJA repealed the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate by canceling the penalty as of 2019. In terms of retroactive changes, the act also lowered the adjusted gross income (AGI) threshold for medical expense tax deductions for 2017.


Again... the results are there was MORE Federal Revenue projections and that's what TAX cuts do!
Look at this table made up from Federal sources:
One thing you apparently don't take into account is "TIME"!
For example: The effects of Obama's budget for 2017 was based on actual revenues in 2016...when Obama was president.
The same thing holds true for Trump's budget for 2021 that Biden had INCLUDED revenue from tax cuts by Trump in the previous 3 years.
Most of the changes took effect on January 1, 2018. However, some TCJA provisions went into effect in 2019, while others were applied retroactively.
For example, the TCJA repealed the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate by canceling the penalty as of 2019. In terms of retroactive changes, the act also lowered the adjusted gross income (AGI) threshold for medical expense tax deductions for 2017.

1. The basis for the Trump tax cuts was to grow the economy 5%. That didn't happen, GDP was flat.
2. The Debt exploded under Obama, Trump, and Biden.
3. The interest on the Debt is exploding under Obama, Trump, and Biden
4. The small 9-year bump in "projected" tax revenue needs to be compared to the number WITHOUT the tax cuts.
5. IMHO the Trump tax cuts were a failure. They expire in 2025, thankfully.
There is no question. The entire point of contributing is the promise of a reasonable benefit.
The ratio of contributions to possible benefits is equal.
That’s why the cap is set where it is.
NO think not,
the point of contributing is respect for, and to keep our elderly from living on the street,
not adding to the welfare rolls.
Being a country that makes an effort to Care.
If you have all the money you need, why cant you pay a little more?
you never can know for sure that you will never need help.
Yes its a very messy system.
Question for you... Is the Federal government's CBO a neutral agency of the government? In other words do you think the CBO is biased?
If you don't think so, then do you have a problem with the following chart?
From your comments you are a traditional communist, a socialist. You don't believe in capitalism. Even CCP has recognized capitalism works better.
Here is another question for you. Obviously you think that the CEO of a company should be paid the same as the janitor right?
If so, please explain this: there were 607 billionaires in China, including Hong Kong and Macau, making it the country with the second-highest number of super-rich. How rich is the Chinese Communist Party?
How did that happen?
View attachment 759383
And where is your authority on the economic condition of America ? Putin ? I use what’s constitutional allowed, the CBO. You’re a traitor then. I’m an American, you aren’t.
Barry’s deficits were rising for three years when Trump took over, Dumbass.
Of course it did not. You’re just another conservative math illiterate who can‘t tell the difference between the deficits and the debt. It’s the debt that keeps rising illiterate. You are the funny one.
Now hear this....
Pencils down and eyes to the front of the class...


So let it be said; so let it be written; so let it be done!
Now hear this....
Pencils down and eyes to the front of the class...


So let it be said; so let it be written; so let it be done!

The question will be will some try to characterize raising the retirement age or messing with the COLA formula as "fixing" SS without making a cut?

#1 Of course raising the retirement age is a cut, it's intended to decrease benefit payouts by requiring people to (a) work longer, and (b) draw benefits for a shorter time to reduce expenditures. Of course it's a cut.

#2 Of adjusting the COLA formula so that less money is paid to seniors as costs increase over time. Of course it's a cut

The question will be will some try to characterize raising the retirement age or messing with the COLA formula as "fixing" SS without making a cut?

#1 Of course raising the retirement age is a cut, it's intended to decrease benefit payouts by requiring people to (a) work longer, and (b) draw benefits for a shorter time to reduce expenditures. Of course it's a cut.

#2 Of adjusting the COLA formula so that less money is paid to seniors as costs increase over time. Of course it's a cut

No changes at all. Period.
And where is your authority on the economic condition of America ? Putin ? I use what’s constitutional allowed, the CBO. You’re a traitor then. I’m an American, you aren’t.
I provided LINKs to the Federal Govt. You evidently think YOU ARE an expert without any need for expertise.
Why can't you simple show your honest opinion BACKED up with proof?
Again... facts: See you have proven your communist background because you are an anti-capitalist.
You've ignored the facts that capitalism EVEN in Communist China works!
If so, please explain this: there were 607 billionaires in China, including Hong Kong and Macau, making it the country with the second-highest number of super-rich. How rich is the Chinese Communist Party?
How did that happen? FACTS!
I provided LINKs to the Federal Govt. You evidently think YOU ARE an expert without any need for expertise.
Why can't you simple show your honest opinion BACKED up with proof?
Again... facts: See you have proven your communist background because you are an anti-capitalist.
You've ignored the facts that capitalism EVEN in Communist China works!
If so, please explain this: there were 607 billionaires in China, including Hong Kong and Macau, making it the country with the second-highest number of super-rich. How rich is the Chinese Communist Party?
How did that happen? FACTS!
View attachment 759483
You’re “facts”. come from Heritage ? I suppose your medical knowledge comes from a witch doctor.
Of course it did not. You’re just another conservative math illiterate who can‘t tell the difference between the deficits and the debt. It’s the debt that keeps rising illiterate. You are the funny one.
I absolutely know the difference between debt and deficits, Simp.

And Barry Hussein’s last three budgets had rising deficits each year. See if you can figure out which number is bigger……

  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit
  • 2016 - $585 billion budget deficit
  • 2015 - $439 billion budget deficit
I provided LINKs to the Federal Govt. You evidently think YOU ARE an expert without any need for expertise.
Why can't you simple show your honest opinion BACKED up with proof?
Again... facts: See you have proven your communist background because you are an anti-capitalist.
You've ignored the facts that capitalism EVEN in Communist China works!
If so, please explain this: there were 607 billionaires in China, including Hong Kong and Macau, making it the country with the second-highest number of super-rich. How rich is the Chinese Communist Party?
How did that happen? FACTS!
View attachment 759483
Sure, comsider it done. Go to the SS or Medicare websites,
I absolutely know the difference between debt and deficits, Simp.

And Barry Hussein’s last three budgets had rising deficits each year. See if you can figure out which number is bigger……

  • 2017 - $665 billion budget deficit
  • 2016 - $585 billion budget deficit
  • 2015 - $439 billion budget deficit
Just made up shit numbers. Where is the link ?

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