Cuts to SS and Medicare

In order to pay SS taxes, you have to have a SS number. How many illegal immigrants have a SS number? Also, to pay SS taxes, the employer has to report the employee to the government, specifically SS. Again, how many illegal immigrants are reported to the government? This is not obscure knowledge.

Actually illegal immigrants pay quite a chunk into Social Security either through fake SS numbers or through an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, but are unlikely to be able to receive benefits as non-citizens.

No shit Sherlock. Dah. The corporate interest mean that corporations are engaged in criminal activities. It isn’t the first time. It’s the corporations and hiring agents like any private person who is responsible !!!
Just like secondary firearm purchases, YOU are responsible...look in the mirror.

So, you’re now admitting I am right giving me the details how corporate America fails the middle class by illegally hiring aliens for cheap labor. They don’t even register or ask for proof with a number they can check...illiterate, they are not only paying cheaper labor, they don’t even have to make their end of the payroll tax contributions ! .
And Quid Pro is encouraging more illegal aliens to swarm the border, thus exacerbating the problem.
But still not enough ton o er the 7;Trillion dollar debt….amazing. .
Apparently you haven't been paying attention. Congress will meet all additional revenue with even greater spending. It's what they do.
All deficits contribute to the debt, even Obozo's. Wake up, both parties are responsible for the mess we are in today, stop the partisan bullshit.
Ha ha.false fking equivalence.
ONLY the democrats did anything about it …..they cut the deficit from the previous year by year.
GOP admin, raises it year by year. They are deficit KINGS.
Apparently you haven't been paying attention. Congress will meet all additional revenue with even greater spending. It's what they do.
Still, Dems CUT the deficits, repugnants RAISE IT.
Ha ha.false fking equivalence.
ONLY the democrats did anything about it …..they cut the deficit from the previous year by year.
GOP admin, raises it year by year. They are deficit KINGS.
From 2010 - 2017, the budget deficits were
  • -1.3T (2010),
  • -1.3T (2011),
  • -1.1T (2012),
  • -680B (2013),
  • -485B (2014),
  • -442B (2015),
  • -585B (2016),
  • -665B (2017)
Democrats controlled the House and Senate from 2009 - 2011 and the Senate through 2015. The President proposes the budget and Congress adjusts and votes on the budget. Meaning .. Democrats had solid control the first 2 years of Obama's presidency, where we see the highest budget deficits, and lower deficits as the House / Senate were split or in Republican control (2015 - 2017).

But still not enough ton o er the 7;Trillion dollar debt….amazing. .
Screen Shot 2023-02-21 at 9.45.04 AM.png

You are evidently too lazy to read what you are typing! Amazing!
And Quid Pro is encouraging more illegal aliens to swarm the border, thus exacerbating the problem.
Remember this encouraging words from Biden???
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

The only words that Biden said that illegals heard..."Surge to the border"!
Hence these numbers: source: CBP Enforcement Statistics Fiscal Year 2023
Trump's wall reduced FY2019 illegals by nearly 50%..
Biden's 2019 campaign pledge... "surge to the border"...created in FY2022...nearly 4 Times the number as in FY2020!
Hmmm proof is in the pudding folks... Biden's encouragement increased illegals by nearly 300%
What is your source for a $25.5T GDP?
My source is from experts...not guesses.
Projected for 2023: GDP in the United States is expected to reach 23,618.00 USD Billion by the end of 2023
So at that rate the Federal tax would be: on $23.618T GDP X 4% or $944.72 Billion... NOT $1.02T that is YOUR guess for the GDP.
This year is 2023. There is no 4% Fed sales tax in the works, is there?
If the stupid DC coxuckers grow a BRAIN in a year or two and pass the new sales tax the US GDP will NOT be $23.618T will it?
Project out a few years and let me know what the US GDP is supposed to be.

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Apparently you haven't been paying attention. Congress will meet all additional revenue with even greater spending. It's what they do.
Not when we got the closest to a balanced budget we've had in modern memory. You remember Newt Gingrich, right?
Newt did nothing. The tax increase and the limits on spending were passed under a democrat controlled congress
the first two years of Clinton’s adm. If you think he did, that must mean that McCarthy will balance the budget. Hilarious.
So where was the balanced budget under Reagan when he had the house, under Bush and under Trump when both had ALL 3 branches of govt. under gop. control. Why ? Answer the question.
Apparently you haven't been paying attention. Congress will meet all additional revenue with even greater spending. It's what they do.
The reason that repugnants want to cut benefits in SS and Medicare is simple. Both run a surplus that goes into the general fund. The really want to increase the surplus and spend more of the payroll tax of the poor and middle class so the rich can buy More private jets. The SS has a cumulative 2.9 trillion dollar surplus… They’d like more.
The reason that repugnants want to cut benefits in SS and Medicare is simple. Both run a surplus that goes into the general fund. The really want to increase the surplus and spend more of the payroll tax of the poor and middle class so the rich can buy More private jets. The SS has a cumulative 2.9 trillion dollar surplus… They’d like more.
That surplus is evaporating as fast as snow in the Sahara. Are you actually pretending there are no problems with it?
Newt did nothing. The tax increase and the limits on spending were passed under a democrat controlled congress
the first two years of Clinton’s adm. If you think he did, that must mean that McCarthy will balance the budget. Hilarious.
So where was the balanced budget under Reagan when he had the house, under Bush and under Trump when both had ALL 3 branches of govt. under gop. control. Why ? Answer the question.
When was the budget closest to being balanced?
Ha ha.false fking equivalence.
ONLY the democrats did anything about it …..they cut the deficit from the previous year by year.
GOP admin, raises it year by year. They are deficit KINGS.
Barry’s deficits were rising for three years when Trump took over, Dumbass.

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