CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare

I don't have a problem with private companies doing this to reduce costs. I do have a problem if it is mandated by gov't or if gov't does this.

People who are more prone to diseases or who have diseases or pre-exisiting conditions should pay more, as they are the ones who are using insurance more.

MY SIL and her one daughter are morbidly obese. SIL has adult onset diabetes (she has eaten crap her whole life) and her youngest (27 or 28 years old) cannot possibly weigh less than 350 or so, possibly 400. She's at a much higher risk than I am for all types of disease ... why shouldn't she pay a higher premium?

Smokers USED to pay a higher premium. Not anymore. Uncle says that not fair! and smoking will now be considered a pre-existing condition, so we all get to pay for them. That's bullshit.

Smoking Is a ?Preexisting Condition? | National Review Online
From link

Employment lawyer Richard Schramm told KPIX 5 News: “(CVS Executives) better get some pretty good legal counsel and decide whether your policy is really legal, because the policy as announced is not legal.”
The link of this CVS policy to the Affordable Care Act is wholly an invention of the rightwing propaganda machine.

It's a god damn conspiracy I tell you.:eusa_whistle:

No. It's just a lie. It's what you people do. It's who you people are.

Carbineer, Obamacare has been a disaster....all it has done is caused companies to go to part time employees.....McJobs if you will.....

Nation's biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare | Fox News
CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare : Personal Liberty Digest?

And yes CVS is making their employees do this. My son works for them

Truth is this has very little if anything to do with Obamacare. Companies are trying to reduce health insurance costs. Making people who do not take care of themselves pay a penalty is nothing new, they've been doing it to smokers for a long time. The funny thing is that most people don't even know the basics about their own health, such as their cholesterol level, their glucose level, their blood pressure, or their resting heart rate, their BMI, or their body fat percentage. These are all basics, and when all of these are within guidelines, one can assume that the person's overall health is pretty good.

If people know what these numbers are and track them, they can make better decisions to improve their health. While it would be nearly impossible to make an estimate, can you imagine how much we could reduce healthcare costs if everyone knew all these numbers for themselves and actually worked to keep them at safe levels? I can tell you my numbers for every one of these things, and I would be willing to bet money that I am in better shape and healthier than most people half my age.

All I can do is laugh my ass off at those of you who support the right of insurance companies to reject people for insurance due to a pre-existing condition, but you're going to cry foul when they require you to have a few basic tests, so they can charge you a penalty if you aren't taking good care of yourself.

So I suppose that insurance companies are to be eleemosynary?
I laugh my ass off at how STUPID people like you are of how insurance works.

You have NO problem paying higher car insurance premiums because you have had 3 drunk driving accidents, right?
All your fault! Right.
You have high blood pressure because you sit on your dropped off fat ass all the time and smoke!
Yet you want the insurance companies to pay all the claims you'll submit because you smoke and don't exercise.

All the while, you are a willing slob to the millionaire lawyers that sue health care providers at a drop of the hat.
90% of physicians agree that $850 billion a year in health claims is due strictly to fear of lawsuits!

Don't idiots like you think it is about time you helped the physicians by supporting a 10% tax on lawyers that is tied to a decline in the $850 billion defensive medicine costs?
With that 10% it pays the premiums for those 4 million that truly want and need health insurance.
As a result of not having to absorb uninsured hospitals can stop billing insurance companies/Medicare 6,000% more then the cost of services.

For example in 2009 the University Community Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged: $2,635 which is what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $43 a mark up 6,127.91%
All because Medicare is OK with paying 6,000% markup due to EMTALA.

Now you fat asshole... I've used some big words here! For once get fat butt to work. Due some research on your own and you will see:
$850 billion a year! Simply because they don't want to be sued!
After all the experts i.e. doctors all contend they spend 34% of the national $2.5 trillion in duplicate tests,specialists. ALL out of fear of lawsuits!
That's $850 billion!
Findings from this survey include the following:
  • Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Source:Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

But I doubt you will do any research because as idiot assholes like you your mind is made up based on 30 second sound bites as that is all your ADD allows!

Medicare may have been billed $2,635 for each cat scan but that is not what was paid for that cat scan. The high end of reimbursement for that test would be half the amount charged. The allowable takes into consideration the cost of the machine and the tech who performed the test.
The link of this CVS policy to the Affordable Care Act is wholly an invention of the rightwing propaganda machine.

It's a god damn conspiracy I tell you.:eusa_whistle:

No. It's just a lie. It's what you people do. It's who you people are.

Another thing Carb, premiums have skyrocketed, how are they controlling costs? They arent, they're either going to mandate that you get healthy or will charge you...hell Rush Limbaugh predicted this when the bill was being voted on......the only other way to control costs is to force people to provide a service for less cost....and that is another bad idea.
Business has the right to tell you to stop smoking, don't do illicit drugs, cut down on the drinking, exercise more if you want to work for them.

I agree with that. We had a wellness program for our employees, and last year the employees were told that by the third year of the new anti-tobacco program they would have to establish that they had not used tobacco in a year.
Now that employers are involved in making you live a healthier lifestyle, doesn't this invite bias on whether to keep you employed based on your health report?

Fact: There is only 5% of the entire population that account for over half of the cost the U.S. spends on healthcare. That is a small population of people so one wonders why it is costing so much.

Chronic conditions don't begin to emerge until your later 40's to mid 50's so there is no reason to increase premium rates in young people. If one stayed employed for one company for their entire working life, I could understand their need to control your lifestyle but the statistics do not support this in average length of employment for working group.
I don't shop at stores which make you sign up for a card to track your purchases.
Business has the right to tell you to stop smoking, don't do illicit drugs, cut down on the drinking, exercise more if you want to work for them.

I agree with that. We had a wellness program for our employees, and last year the employees were told that by the third year of the new anti-tobacco program they would have to establish that they had not used tobacco in a year.

I would without a doubt go tell them to fuck themselves.
Business has the right to tell you to stop smoking, don't do illicit drugs, cut down on the drinking, exercise more if you want to work for them.

I agree with that. We had a wellness program for our employees, and last year the employees were told that by the third year of the new anti-tobacco program they would have to establish that they had not used tobacco in a year.

Now they have a blood test to determine if you been smoking or not.
It's a god damn conspiracy I tell you.:eusa_whistle:

No. It's just a lie. It's what you people do. It's who you people are.

Carbineer, Obamacare has been a disaster....all it has done is caused companies to go to part time employees.....McJobs if you will.....

Nation's biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare | Fox News

Read my slogan.

My slogan
From the link:
Now, legal drug pusher CVS Caremark pharmacy is telling its employees they must report specific personal health information or pay an extra $600 per year for their health insurance coverage. Among the measures employees are required to report are their weight, body fat, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Employees must also be tobacco-free or enroll in an addiction program.

This is an appalling corporate violation of both privacy and individual rights.

What happened to leveling costs through volume instead of 'big brother' tactics?

Hard for me to see how the Democratic Party can win elections after people fall victim to this sort of thing. About all that can save the fake-liberal fascist contingent is the even more appallingly low quality of nutball candidates.
Business has the right to tell you to stop smoking, don't do illicit drugs, cut down on the drinking, exercise more if you want to work for them.

I agree with that. We had a wellness program for our employees, and last year the employees were told that by the third year of the new anti-tobacco program they would have to establish that they had not used tobacco in a year.

I would without a doubt go tell them to fuck themselves.

And we would turn you out of your job for violent rhetoric and make sure that you got the reference you deserved for new potential employers.
No. It's just a lie. It's what you people do. It's who you people are.

Carbineer, Obamacare has been a disaster....all it has done is caused companies to go to part time employees.....McJobs if you will.....

Nation's biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare | Fox News

Read my slogan.

My slogan

The IRS will find you, sooner or later, if you are really doing this. I do hope you don't oppose illegal immigration: that would be the greatest irony of all about you.
Business has the right to tell you to stop smoking, don't do illicit drugs, cut down on the drinking, exercise more if you want to work for them.

I agree with that. We had a wellness program for our employees, and last year the employees were told that by the third year of the new anti-tobacco program they would have to establish that they had not used tobacco in a year.

I would without a doubt go tell them to fuck themselves.

And we would turn you out of your job for violent rhetoric and make sure that you got the reference you deserved for new potential employers.
Fine I have a skill/trade I do not need to work for a company. Go fuck yourself dictator.
Carbineer, Obamacare has been a disaster....all it has done is caused companies to go to part time employees.....McJobs if you will.....

Nation's biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare | Fox News

Read my slogan.

My slogan

The IRS will find you, sooner or later, if you are really doing this. I do hope you don't oppose illegal immigration: that would be the greatest irony of all about you.

My money is my money they can't track anything if their is nothing to track.
This is interesting I found it on wiki;

"CVS was required to pay the United States government $2.25 million in 2009 for violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found that CVS did not appropriately dispose of sensitive patient information or provide the necessary training on disposal to their employees.[28]

Executives accused of bribing state senator

Former CVS executives John R. Kramer and Carlos Ortiz were charged with bribery, conspiracy, and fraud (including mail fraud) by a federal grand jury for allegedly paying State Senator John A. Celona (D-RI) to act as a "consultant" for the company. Between February 2000 and September 2003, CVS paid Celona $1,000 a month, and he received tickets to golf outings and sporting events and compensation for travel to Florida and California. In August 2005, he pleaded guilty to mail fraud charges, and in January 2007, he was fined a record $130,000 by the Rhode Island Ethics Committee. The investigation was led by the FBI and the Rhode Island State Police..."

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