CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare

I don't have a problem with private companies doing this to reduce costs. I do have a problem if it is mandated by gov't or if gov't does this.

People who are more prone to diseases or who have diseases or pre-exisiting conditions should pay more, as they are the ones who are using insurance more.

MY SIL and her one daughter are morbidly obese. SIL has adult onset diabetes (she has eaten crap her whole life) and her youngest (27 or 28 years old) cannot possibly weigh less than 350 or so, possibly 400. She's at a much higher risk than I am for all types of disease ... why shouldn't she pay a higher premium?

Smokers USED to pay a higher premium. Not anymore. Uncle says that not fair! and smoking will now be considered a pre-existing condition, so we all get to pay for them. That's bullshit.

Smoking Is a ?Preexisting Condition? | National Review Online

There is a big difference between not taking care of yourself and having a pre-existing condition. Smoking is a choice as is being fat, except in a few cases. I have cirrhosis of the liver, early stage. I developed it because I have hemochromatosis and wasn't diagnosed until the damage was done. My pre-existing supposedly makes me a higher risk, yet I am in great health and the cirrhosis is not progressing or getting worse. I don't drink alcohol, and I quit smoking. I eat very healthy and I exercise and run. At 50, I am shooting to get my 5K time down to 20 minutes. My cholesterol is under 160, my blood pressure is 110/65, my resting heart rate is 45, and I am not diabetic. Unfortunately I'm considered high risk and the person who is 350 pounds and extremely overweight is not.

YOU QUIT SMOKING??? Did you ever think that was the cause????
But more importantly... YOU and all the rest of you that fall in that category ARE remember this word... THE EXCEPTION!!!!!!
I am so f..king tired of people like you that think JUST BECAUSE YOU are the EXCEPTION THE ENTIRE way insurance works successfully MUST CHANGE!

IT never was the "pre-existing conditions" issue that made you not eligible. There is an insurance company that would take you IF YOU would pay the high premiums!
But you say I can't afford it!
WELL Buddy BLAME the lawyers! Blame Medicare!

HERE read again and comprehend the insurance companies pay the claims! HERE let me spell it out!
If claims continue to increase ... duh Premiums increase!

And please don't be so f..king naive as to say well their profits are skyrocketing" Bull crap as you have obviously NEVER read a financial statement!

But you want someone to help you???

TAX THE LAWYERS that have caused physicians to send UNNECESSARY $850 billion a year in "defensive medicine"!

Experts i.e. physicians surveyed have said they know that nearly 30% of all health expenditures are duplicates, referrals.. AlL out of fear of lawsuits!
$850 billion a year! Simply because they don't want to be sued!
After all the experts i.e. doctors all contend they spend 34% of the national $2.5 trillion in duplicate tests,specialists.
ALL out of fear of lawsuits! That's $850 billion .. a YEAR!
Findings from this survey include the following:
  • Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Source:Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

So get off your crying butt about YOUR EXCEPTIONAL situation! Tell congress to tax lawyers 10% and link it to reducing $850 billion in defensive medicine!
Take the $20 billion and use to pay for the 4 million uninsured and 2 huge drops in costs will occur and YOUR PREMIUM WILL REDUCE!!!
A) Defensive medicine costs will decline because for ever 10% in the $850 billion a year in defensive medicine drops lawyers tax drops 1%!
See how quick physicians will not be sending duplicate tests, calling for CAT scans... etc...
B) The $20 billion covers the 4 million uninsured..
HOSPITALS will NOT be allowed to "pad and pass" sometime at 6,000% overcharges to cover the "uninsured" because they won't have any!!
Medicare and Insurance companies will see a reduction in claims amounts because Defensive medicine practices decline... fewer claims. Hospitals can't pad and pass.. Lower costs!

Folks it is that simple!!!
Get your congressmen to understand tax lawyers kill three birds: Lowers $850 billion, covers the uninsured, reduces "padded and passed" hospital claims.!
That simple!
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True ignorance is "IGNORING" the above FACTS!
I really don't understand how people are so ready to bury their heads when the FACTS are right there!
Using the $20 billion in tax revenue from lawyers insures all the 4 million uninsured!
In turn this reduce the $850 billion in defensive medicine.
In turn it reduces the sometimes 6,000% markup Medicare accepts because of EMTALA because hospitals would be paid for the Uninsured.. thus no more padding and passing!
In turn this reduces the amount of money paid out in claims by Medicare/insurance companies.
Easily $300 billion a year in savings reduces health care premiums.. reduces Medicare outgo which slows down the march towards insolvency of Medicare!
It isn't just CVS.
For the past 3-4 years insurance plans began penalizing monetarily employees for smoking, body fat content, not exercising, not taking part in wellness plans etc.

This isn't a bad thing. Especially body fat content and wellness plans. Poor eating habits is one of the key reasons our healthcare is so expensive.

The reason our health care is so expensive is that suppliers are outrageously overcharging consumers, insurance companies and the government for it. It's a license to steal.

If I'm going to pay 2000 a day for a room, it had better have a view and a masseuse.
CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare : Personal Liberty Digest?

And yes CVS is making their employees do this. My son works for them

Truth is this has very little if anything to do with Obamacare. Companies are trying to reduce health insurance costs. Making people who do not take care of themselves pay a penalty is nothing new, they've been doing it to smokers for a long time. The funny thing is that most people don't even know the basics about their own health, such as their cholesterol level, their glucose level, their blood pressure, or their resting heart rate, their BMI, or their body fat percentage. These are all basics, and when all of these are within guidelines, one can assume that the person's overall health is pretty good.

If people know what these numbers are and track them, they can make better decisions to improve their health. While it would be nearly impossible to make an estimate, can you imagine how much we could reduce healthcare costs if everyone knew all these numbers for themselves and actually worked to keep them at safe levels? I can tell you my numbers for every one of these things, and I would be willing to bet money that I am in better shape and healthier than most people half my age.

All I can do is laugh my ass off at those of you who support the right of insurance companies to reject people for insurance due to a pre-existing condition, but you're going to cry foul when they require you to have a few basic tests, so they can charge you a penalty if you aren't taking good care of yourself.

Insuring people with preexisting conditions is fiscally disastrous. Not for the insurance carriers. For the insureds who DO NOT have preexisting conditions. They would pay the costs passed along in the form of increased premiums.
I think many employers will make major adjustments to their employee health insurance coverage. That's if they keep it at all.
One thing is for sure, many unskilled and low skill workers will see their hours cut to below the 30 hour threshold for eligibility for health insurance.
Other companies with just north of 50 employees will either lay off enough to get below 50 or make a few part timers.
The reason is the same across the board. Obama care is simply too expensive, too loaded down with crushing regulations and draconian tax increases.
It isn't just CVS.
For the past 3-4 years insurance plans began penalizing monetarily employees for smoking, body fat content, not exercising, not taking part in wellness plans etc.

This isn't a bad thing. Especially body fat content and wellness plans. Poor eating habits is one of the key reasons our healthcare is so expensive.

This is being done for two reasons. One, insurance carriers are looking for ways to cut costs. So, they are encouraging better health. Our health carrier has made ALL wellcare visits to doctor or hospital free of out of pocket expense. That can include full physical exams, check ups, and procedures such as PAP smears for women and prostate exams for men.
Conversely, for regular care, our deductible is $2,500 per person, per year.
Because we are generally healthy people, we essentially have no insurance. But that is fine. It keeps our premium down.
Newsflash, the days of first dollar coverage for medical care are over.

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