CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare

CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare : Personal Liberty Digest?

And yes CVS is making their employees do this. My son works for them

Truth is this has very little if anything to do with Obamacare. Companies are trying to reduce health insurance costs. Making people who do not take care of themselves pay a penalty is nothing new, they've been doing it to smokers for a long time. The funny thing is that most people don't even know the basics about their own health, such as their cholesterol level, their glucose level, their blood pressure, or their resting heart rate, their BMI, or their body fat percentage. These are all basics, and when all of these are within guidelines, one can assume that the person's overall health is pretty good.

If people know what these numbers are and track them, they can make better decisions to improve their health. While it would be nearly impossible to make an estimate, can you imagine how much we could reduce healthcare costs if everyone knew all these numbers for themselves and actually worked to keep them at safe levels? I can tell you my numbers for every one of these things, and I would be willing to bet money that I am in better shape and healthier than most people half my age.

All I can do is laugh my ass off at those of you who support the right of insurance companies to reject people for insurance due to a pre-existing condition, but you're going to cry foul when they require you to have a few basic tests, so they can charge you a penalty if you aren't taking good care of yourself.

I LMFAO at dumbasses like you that support that loss of bitch about preexisting conditions, but you want the insura(er govt) to run our healthcare and our lives.......nice!

And dont blame it on insurance, you know and I know that you want single payer, you commie prick!

Not particularly eloquent, but essentially correct. Obamacare is destined to fail big time (why do you think they postponed implementation until after 2014?) and will have to be replaced by a single payer system.
Another thing Carb, premiums have skyrocketed, how are they controlling costs?

How indeed.

Health care price growth plummets – 2012 lowest year since 1998
Health care price growth in December, at 1.7% year-over-year, was three-tenths below November’s reading, and the lowest rate since February 1998. The 12-month moving average at 2.0% is the lowest since a fractionally lower 2.0% figure was recorded in December 1998.

Health insurance premiums see smallest increase in 15 years
The cost of providing health care benefits to employees rose by just 4.1% this year, the smallest increase in 15 years, according to a survey by human resources consultant Mercer.

And employers are expecting to see another modest increase of 5% next year, the survey of 2,800 companies found. That's a far cry from the beginning of the decade, when employers reported increases of 10% to nearly 15% a year. Last year, benefit costs rose by 6.1%.

Growth In Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Continues To Hit Historic Lows
The slow growth in spending per beneficiary from 2010 to 2012 combined with the projections of spending growth at GDP+0 for 2012-2022 is unprecedented in the history of the Medicare program.

How Have CBO’s Projections of Spending for Medicare and Medicaid Changed Since the August 2012 Baseline?
In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.

In response to that slowdown, over the past several years CBO has made a series of downward adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. For example, from the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, technical revisions—mostly reflecting the slower growth in the programs’ spending in recent years—have lowered CBO’s estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

Annual Growth Rates Broadly Decelerate in December 2012 According to the S&P Healthcare Economic Indices
New York, February 21, 2013 – Today S&P Dow Jones Indices announced the results of S&P Economic Healthcare Indices for 2012. Data released by S&P Dow Jones Indices for the S&P Healthcare Economic Composite Index indicates that the average per capita cost of healthcare services covered by commercial insurance and Medicare programs increased by 3.73% over the 12-months ending December 2012. This is a deceleration from the +4.46% annual growth rate recorded in November 2012 and the lowest rate in the eight- year history of the index.

Growth of Health Spending Stays Low
January 7, 2013
WASHINGTON — National health spending climbed to $2.7 trillion in 2011, or an average of $8,700 for every person in the country, but as a share of the economy, it remained stable for the third consecutive year, the Obama administration said Monday.

The rate of increase in health spending, 3.9 percent in 2011, was the same as in 2009 and 2010 — the lowest annual rates recorded in the 52 years the government has been collecting such data.

Slower Growth of Health Costs Eases U.S. Deficit
WASHINGTON — A sharp and surprisingly persistent slowdown in the growth of health care costs is helping to narrow the federal deficit, leaving budget experts trying to figure out whether the trend will last and how much the slower growth could help alleviate the country’s long-term fiscal problems.
It's a god damn conspiracy I tell you.:eusa_whistle:

No. It's just a lie. It's what you people do. It's who you people are.

Carbineer, Obamacare has been a disaster....all it has done is caused companies to go to part time employees.....McJobs if you will.....

Nation's biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare | Fox News

That is not the issue in this thread. CVS is pursuing a policy that dozens of corporations have implemented, or policies similar,

and none of it has anything to do with the Affordable Care Act.

All CVS is doing is offering lower insurance to people who take the specified steps. It's not dissimilar to getting a lower car insurance rate if you take a safety course, or add safety features to your car.

Having said that, the size of cost difference in CVS's case sounds suspicious.

They may also just be passing a cost increase along that their provider put in place.
You live on the fringes of society because you cannot assimilate as a normal member of society. That is only your problem, and only your responsibility, no one else's.

LIBERAL know Thyself ^^^^^^^^^^^^
I'm an individual I do not remove or disregard my principles

No liberal at all, but you are an anti-American, anti-constitution reactionary.

Moderate or conservatives do not use the word assimilate only liberals.

ok jake if I am anti constitution what part am I against and what have I posted that says I am anti constitutional? Liberal know thy self.
LIBERAL know Thyself ^^^^^^^^^^^^
I'm an individual I do not remove or disregard my principles

No liberal at all, but you are an anti-American, anti-constitution reactionary.

Moderate or conservatives do not use the word assimilate only liberals.

ok jake if I am anti constitution what part am I against and what have I posted that says I am anti constitutional? Liberal know thy self.

Sure, well-educated reactionaries use such words. Why would then not? You are obviously anti-constitution. Do you deny that Heller permits Congress and the court to legislate and opine on gun regulation and weapons restriction? If you do, you are anti-constitution. We certainly are not going to allow reactionaries like you or lefties like rdean to judge what is constitutional: that would be the end of America as we know it.
No liberal at all, but you are an anti-American, anti-constitution reactionary.

Moderate or conservatives do not use the word assimilate only liberals.

ok jake if I am anti constitution what part am I against and what have I posted that says I am anti constitutional? Liberal know thy self.

Sure, well-educated reactionaries use such words. Why would then not? You are obviously anti-constitution. Do you deny that Heller permits Congress and the court to legislate and opine on gun regulation and weapons restriction? If you do, you are anti-constitution. We certainly are not going to allow reactionaries like you or lefties like rdean to judge what is constitutional: that would be the end of America as we know it.

Reactionary? Isn't it reactionary to push for new gun control laws that will not work since we already have those laws on the books?
" Do you deny that Heller permits Congress and the court to legislate and opine on gun regulation and weapons restriction?" You are on the run now. Answer the question.
CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare : Personal Liberty Digest?

And yes CVS is making their employees do this. My son works for them

Truth is this has very little if anything to do with Obamacare. Companies are trying to reduce health insurance costs. Making people who do not take care of themselves pay a penalty is nothing new, they've been doing it to smokers for a long time. The funny thing is that most people don't even know the basics about their own health, such as their cholesterol level, their glucose level, their blood pressure, or their resting heart rate, their BMI, or their body fat percentage. These are all basics, and when all of these are within guidelines, one can assume that the person's overall health is pretty good.

If people know what these numbers are and track them, they can make better decisions to improve their health. While it would be nearly impossible to make an estimate, can you imagine how much we could reduce healthcare costs if everyone knew all these numbers for themselves and actually worked to keep them at safe levels? I can tell you my numbers for every one of these things, and I would be willing to bet money that I am in better shape and healthier than most people half my age.

All I can do is laugh my ass off at those of you who support the right of insurance companies to reject people for insurance due to a pre-existing condition, but you're going to cry foul when they require you to have a few basic tests, so they can charge you a penalty if you aren't taking good care of yourself.

oh please thats your come back? better check your nose it grew a little bit....
Truth is this has very little if anything to do with Obamacare. Companies are trying to reduce health insurance costs. Making people who do not take care of themselves pay a penalty is nothing new, they've been doing it to smokers for a long time. The funny thing is that most people don't even know the basics about their own health, such as their cholesterol level, their glucose level, their blood pressure, or their resting heart rate, their BMI, or their body fat percentage. These are all basics, and when all of these are within guidelines, one can assume that the person's overall health is pretty good.

If people know what these numbers are and track them, they can make better decisions to improve their health. While it would be nearly impossible to make an estimate, can you imagine how much we could reduce healthcare costs if everyone knew all these numbers for themselves and actually worked to keep them at safe levels? I can tell you my numbers for every one of these things, and I would be willing to bet money that I am in better shape and healthier than most people half my age.

All I can do is laugh my ass off at those of you who support the right of insurance companies to reject people for insurance due to a pre-existing condition, but you're going to cry foul when they require you to have a few basic tests, so they can charge you a penalty if you aren't taking good care of yourself.

So I suppose that insurance companies are to be eleemosynary?
I laugh my ass off at how STUPID people like you are of how insurance works.

You have NO problem paying higher car insurance premiums because you have had 3 drunk driving accidents, right?
All your fault! Right.
You have high blood pressure because you sit on your dropped off fat ass all the time and smoke!
Yet you want the insurance companies to pay all the claims you'll submit because you smoke and don't exercise.

All the while, you are a willing slob to the millionaire lawyers that sue health care providers at a drop of the hat.
90% of physicians agree that $850 billion a year in health claims is due strictly to fear of lawsuits!

Don't idiots like you think it is about time you helped the physicians by supporting a 10% tax on lawyers that is tied to a decline in the $850 billion defensive medicine costs?
With that 10% it pays the premiums for those 4 million that truly want and need health insurance.
As a result of not having to absorb uninsured hospitals can stop billing insurance companies/Medicare 6,000% more then the cost of services.

For example in 2009 the University Community Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged: $2,635 which is what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $43 a mark up 6,127.91%
All because Medicare is OK with paying 6,000% markup due to EMTALA.

Now you fat asshole... I've used some big words here! For once get fat butt to work. Due some research on your own and you will see:
$850 billion a year! Simply because they don't want to be sued!
After all the experts i.e. doctors all contend they spend 34% of the national $2.5 trillion in duplicate tests,specialists. ALL out of fear of lawsuits!
That's $850 billion!
Findings from this survey include the following:
  • Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Source:Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

But I doubt you will do any research because as idiot assholes like you your mind is made up based on 30 second sound bites as that is all your ADD allows!

Medicare may have been billed $2,635 for each cat scan but that is not what was paid for that cat scan. The high end of reimbursement for that test would be half the amount charged. The allowable takes into consideration the cost of the machine and the tech who performed the test.

That is NOT true! I'm sourcing the data and providing an exercise I hope you follow then you will understand the grossly inefficiency of CMS and now it will be
even worse with Obamacare!
Source of the data...

All information in this report is taken from the Medicare Hospital OPPS Identifiable Data Set which is updated annually by CMS based on the service year (i.e. calendar year).
OPPS Identifiable Data Set - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

The file includes hospital outpatient billing data for 100% of all Medicare fee-for-service claims for outpatient services provided during the twelve months ending December 31.
The report is consistent with CMS Data Release policies.

Average Charges are based on both covered and non-covered charges for all accommodations and services (related to the revenue code) for a billing period
before reduction for the deductible and coinsurance amounts and before an adjustment for the cost of services provided.

Average Costs are based on charges adjusted to cost using the hospital's specific cost center cost-to-charge ratio.

Thus, a full CT examination may take at least one-half hour to complete

CT head scanners can perform 6,600 annual examinations per machine if used 12 hours a day and 5% days a week (519)

One set of RTI estimates suggested that hospitals on average mark up CT services by more than 1800 percent over cost (CCR of 0.054), compared to an average markup of just over 300 percent for routine radiology costs (CCR of 0.308). This roughly five-fold differential in markup is clearly too large to be an accurate reflection of typical hospital charging behavior and, accordingly, we expressed our concern that the RTI CCRs are unrealistically low and would result in substantial distortion of payments if used for calibrating Medicare rates.
FROM the American College of Radiology.. EXPERTS!!!

NOW FACTS on Operating costs of CT Scan..
Per the below CT Scanner:
In the October index, the average price paid for a CT scanner was $918,485, showing a decline for the fourth consecutive month.
Healthcare business news, research and events from Modern Healthcare
Construction $500,000
Annual Operating costs: $800,000
Salaries technicians 3 fulltime at $100,000 or $300,000
How Much Do MRI Machines Cost? |
So one time purchase and construction costs $1,500,000
Let's use 10 years life span for a NEW CT scanner: source: New CT Scanner Announced for Labrador West
at annual operating costs of $1,500,000 or for 10 years $15,000,000
Combined cost over 10 years: $16,500,000 or $1,650,000 a year.
At 6,000 tests per year, the operating cost per test is: ($1,650,000 divided by 6,000 tests) or $275/ test.

Using the example I supplied where the Bill to Medicare was $2,365 and even the above Over exaggerated operating costs of $275 per test this is 760%!
And I have no idea what the example I supplied's CT scanner cost, construction costs, operating costs, salaries cost but those are the facts!
And you are OK with Medicare (YOUR money by the way!!!) paying 760% markups???

And Medicare is OK with this because of EMTALA again a concept you've NEVER heard of but passed by 1986 Congress out of COMPASSION!! Not thinking!
I don't have a problem with private companies doing this to reduce costs. I do have a problem if it is mandated by gov't or if gov't does this.

People who are more prone to diseases or who have diseases or pre-exisiting conditions should pay more, as they are the ones who are using insurance more.

MY SIL and her one daughter are morbidly obese. SIL has adult onset diabetes (she has eaten crap her whole life) and her youngest (27 or 28 years old) cannot possibly weigh less than 350 or so, possibly 400. She's at a much higher risk than I am for all types of disease ... why shouldn't she pay a higher premium?

Smokers USED to pay a higher premium. Not anymore. Uncle says that not fair! and smoking will now be considered a pre-existing condition, so we all get to pay for them. That's bullshit.

Smoking Is a ?Preexisting Condition? | National Review Online

There is a big difference between not taking care of yourself and having a pre-existing condition. Smoking is a choice as is being fat, except in a few cases. I have cirrhosis of the liver, early stage. I developed it because I have hemochromatosis and wasn't diagnosed until the damage was done. My pre-existing supposedly makes me a higher risk, yet I am in great health and the cirrhosis is not progressing or getting worse. I don't drink alcohol, and I quit smoking. I eat very healthy and I exercise and run. At 50, I am shooting to get my 5K time down to 20 minutes. My cholesterol is under 160, my blood pressure is 110/65, my resting heart rate is 45, and I am not diabetic. Unfortunately I'm considered high risk and the person who is 350 pounds and extremely overweight is not.
It's a god damn conspiracy I tell you.:eusa_whistle:

No. It's just a lie. It's what you people do. It's who you people are.

Carbineer, Obamacare has been a disaster....all it has done is caused companies to go to part time employees.....McJobs if you will.....

Nation's biggest movie theater chain cuts workweek, blaming ObamaCare | Fox News

The difference is five hours. Almost all companies do this already, except they make employees eligible for health insurance benefits at 35 hours instead of thirty. Change the hours from 30 to 35 and there you have a very simple fix. Some employers will still complain because some employees choose to go without insurance even though they are eligible. Can't help stupid.
CVS Demonstrates Your Future Under Obamacare : Personal Liberty Digest?

And yes CVS is making their employees do this. My son works for them

Truth is this has very little if anything to do with Obamacare. Companies are trying to reduce health insurance costs. Making people who do not take care of themselves pay a penalty is nothing new, they've been doing it to smokers for a long time. The funny thing is that most people don't even know the basics about their own health, such as their cholesterol level, their glucose level, their blood pressure, or their resting heart rate, their BMI, or their body fat percentage. These are all basics, and when all of these are within guidelines, one can assume that the person's overall health is pretty good.

If people know what these numbers are and track them, they can make better decisions to improve their health. While it would be nearly impossible to make an estimate, can you imagine how much we could reduce healthcare costs if everyone knew all these numbers for themselves and actually worked to keep them at safe levels? I can tell you my numbers for every one of these things, and I would be willing to bet money that I am in better shape and healthier than most people half my age.

All I can do is laugh my ass off at those of you who support the right of insurance companies to reject people for insurance due to a pre-existing condition, but you're going to cry foul when they require you to have a few basic tests, so they can charge you a penalty if you aren't taking good care of yourself.

oh please thats your come back? better check your nose it grew a little bit....

Your son probably is one who will have to pay a higher premium I am guessing. He's not in very good shape I take it.
Truth is this has very little if anything to do with Obamacare. Companies are trying to reduce health insurance costs. Making people who do not take care of themselves pay a penalty is nothing new, they've been doing it to smokers for a long time. The funny thing is that most people don't even know the basics about their own health, such as their cholesterol level, their glucose level, their blood pressure, or their resting heart rate, their BMI, or their body fat percentage. These are all basics, and when all of these are within guidelines, one can assume that the person's overall health is pretty good.

If people know what these numbers are and track them, they can make better decisions to improve their health. While it would be nearly impossible to make an estimate, can you imagine how much we could reduce healthcare costs if everyone knew all these numbers for themselves and actually worked to keep them at safe levels? I can tell you my numbers for every one of these things, and I would be willing to bet money that I am in better shape and healthier than most people half my age.

All I can do is laugh my ass off at those of you who support the right of insurance companies to reject people for insurance due to a pre-existing condition, but you're going to cry foul when they require you to have a few basic tests, so they can charge you a penalty if you aren't taking good care of yourself.

So I suppose that insurance companies are to be eleemosynary?
I laugh my ass off at how STUPID people like you are of how insurance works.

You have NO problem paying higher car insurance premiums because you have had 3 drunk driving accidents, right?
All your fault! Right.
You have high blood pressure because you sit on your dropped off fat ass all the time and smoke!
Yet you want the insurance companies to pay all the claims you'll submit because you smoke and don't exercise.

All the while, you are a willing slob to the millionaire lawyers that sue health care providers at a drop of the hat.
90% of physicians agree that $850 billion a year in health claims is due strictly to fear of lawsuits!

Don't idiots like you think it is about time you helped the physicians by supporting a 10% tax on lawyers that is tied to a decline in the $850 billion defensive medicine costs?
With that 10% it pays the premiums for those 4 million that truly want and need health insurance.
As a result of not having to absorb uninsured hospitals can stop billing insurance companies/Medicare 6,000% more then the cost of services.

For example in 2009 the University Community Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged: $2,635 which is what the hospital billed Medicare...
The hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $43 a mark up 6,127.91%
All because Medicare is OK with paying 6,000% markup due to EMTALA.

Now you fat asshole... I've used some big words here! For once get fat butt to work. Due some research on your own and you will see:
$850 billion a year! Simply because they don't want to be sued!
After all the experts i.e. doctors all contend they spend 34% of the national $2.5 trillion in duplicate tests,specialists. ALL out of fear of lawsuits!
That's $850 billion!
Findings from this survey include the following:
  • Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Source:Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

But I doubt you will do any research because as idiot assholes like you your mind is made up based on 30 second sound bites as that is all your ADD allows!

Calling me a fat ass just shows your true ignorance. Like I said, I'm in better shape than most people half my age. Another clueless moron on USMB, imagine that.

My statement is based on you provided NO substantiation for your comments UNLIKE I did. I work at making sure before I open my mouth I have
proof! But idiots like you totally ignore the FACTS of health care. Because you like an ADD person can't sit still for 30 seconds without your mind
wandering off!
The facts are simple!
1) there never were 46 million uninsured.. 4 million yes and there is a solution!
But idiots like you ignore the Census that said 10 million are not citizens counted as uninsured!
You further are ignorant that 14 million people counted as uninsured ARE ALREADY eligible for Medicaid.. all they need do is apply!
Finally idiots like you don't comprehend 18 million people under 34 making over $50K don't want don't need to spend but ignorantly you and
Obama counted them! Because it fit your narrative.."46 million" less 42 million not eligible,already covered and don't want or need leaves 4 million!
2) Ignorant people like you shield protect millionaires... and you chant 1% need to pay... Well I agree .. at least the $200 billion a year lawyers!
Their major contribution is WHAT the experts say.. "$850 billion in defensive medicine " that doctors all agree are caused by FEAR!
Fear of being sued! Totally unnecessary fear.. because lawyers sue at the drop of a hat!

These two simple statements of facts though are obviously WAY BEYOND idiots like your fat ass because it is so simple!
There never were 46 million uninsured! There is $850 billion a year squandered,wasted out of FEAR!
Once and for if you have ANY Shred of intelligence READ What the experts i.e. the physicians say is a MAJOR cause of skyrocketing costs..
and THINK for once.. Insurance companies only pay the claims submitted to them as does Medicare!
Cut the claims i.e. cut the defensive medicine by 10% and health care costs drop!

Experts i.e. physicians surveyed have said they know that nearly 30% of all health expenditures are duplicates, referrals.. AlL out of fear of lawsuits!
$850 billion a year! Simply because they don't want to be sued!
After all the experts i.e. doctors all contend they spend 34% of the national $2.5 trillion in duplicate tests,specialists. ALL out of fear of lawsuits!
That's $850 billion!
Findings from this survey include the following:
  • Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year. This is 26 to 34% of all US healthcare costs.
  • Up to 92% of US physicians practice defensive medicine.
  • 76% of physicians report that defensive medicine decreases patient access to healthcare.
  • 53% of physicians report delaying new techniques, procedures, and treatments due to fear of lawsuits.
  • Patients most affected by defensive medicine include those visiting emergency rooms and those requiring surgery.
  • Women are most affected by defensive medicine.
  • Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
  • 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
Source:Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

It really boggles my mind that idiots like you can't even READ obviously! These expenses are real and 20% can be cut if there were tort reform in Obamacare!
But you are so dumb you don't know that lawyers donated $300 million in 2008 to Obama/Congress to keep tort reform out!
Unfortunately tanning salons didn't have as deep pockets so idiots like you blaming them for cancer they have a 10% tax!
WELL WHERE ARE YOU IDIOTs against the $200 billion a year lawyers? Tax then 10% and you have enough to cover the 4 million that truly need insurance!

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