‘Cynical, craven’ Republicans out to bash Biden, not Putin, over gas prices

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
Can we hold out without starving until the GOP takes over in 2023 is the question.
If diesel costs keep rising the truckers won't be able to keep the grocery store shelves full.
This could get very ugly very fast, and all the bullshit in the world won't be able to cover it up.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
Biden thinks what's good for Europe and the UK is good for America.
I lived in Germany for a couple of years.....and gas was too expensive back in the 80s thanks to Socialism.
Most Germans couldn't afford a car.
But they had mass-transit.
We don't.
Biden is going to destroy America with his reckless policies.
You can't jump right into being Europe without putting the infrastructure in place.
Biden thinks what's good for Europe and the UK is good for America.
I lived in Germany for a couple of years.....and gas was too expensive back in the 80s thanks to Socialism.
Most Germans couldn't afford a car.
But they had mass-transit.
We don't.
Biden is going to destroy America with his reckless policies.
You can't jump right into being Europe without putting the infrastructure in place.
Europeans generally font have to board mass transit and put up with negro and Mexican thugs like the millions Democrats have imported into this country
Now the sonofabitch is blaming Putin.

Democrats never take responsibility for the damage they do to this country.
Well, we as a Nation, got used to 4 years of deflecting BLAME.

Pandemic.......Chinas Fault, even Fauci but NEVER trump.
Massive Job Losses.....(D) Governors Fault.....certainly not trump.
Worst Handling of Pandemic..... Hell not, not trumps inept ability to adapt...blame who.....anyone but trump.
Jan 6th.......Antifas Fault.....changed to FBI inciting the crowd....but NEVER trump.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all these stooges were sent to prison. Only the Best.

NOTHING, absolutely NEVER blame trump. The Cult.
Well, we as a Nation, got used to 4 years of deflecting BLAME.

Pandemic.......Chinas Fault, even Fauci but NEVER trump.
Massive Job Losses.....(D) Governors Fault.....certainly not trump.
Worst Handling of Pandemic..... Hell not, not trumps inept ability to adapt...blame who.....anyone but trump.
Jan 6th.......Antifas Fault.....changed to FBI inciting the crowd....but NEVER trump.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all these stooges were sent to prison. Only the Best.

NOTHING, absolutely NEVER blame trump. The Cult.
We had inflation from almost the beginning of the Potatohead administration.

Every time we turned around that sonofabitch Biden is blaming somebody else.

First he lied and said it was only going to be temporary.

When it became persistence the shithead changed to it being the fault of the Pandemic.

Then he started to blame the corporations.

Now the sonofabitch is ranting about how Putin created it.

When will the Democrats ever take responsibility for the damage they do to this country?

The lying dickheads won't even admit they are the cause of the high cost of gas at the pump with their Environmental Wacko policies just like they won't admit they allowed millions of Illegals to flood in or that they fucked up Afghanistan. They won't even admit Biden stole the election in the face of overwhelming evidence.
We had inflation from almost the beginning of the Potatohead administration.

Every time we turned around that sonofabitch Biden is blaming somebody else.

First he lied and said it was only going to be temporary.

When it became persistence the shithead changed to it being the fault of the Pandemic.

Then he started to blame the corporations.

Now the sonofabitch is ranting about how Putin created it.

When will the Democrats ever take responsibility for the damage they do to this country?

The lying dickheads won't even admit they are the cause of the high cost of gas at the pump with their Environmental Wacko policies just like they won't admit they allowed millions of Illegals to flood in or that they fucked up Afghanistan. They won't even admit Biden stole the election in the face of overwhelming evidence.
You still BLAME biden for everything and trump for nothing.

trump made mistake, but you will deflect and NEVER condemn trump.
BTW, fuck biden and almost every other politician.
They are all crooks, even trump.

Quit pretending that trump 'save the USA'
he didn't, trump hates you. You do nothing for him.
trump is only for trump
The trump Cult is full of delusional LOSERS.
Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him.

^^^^^ THIS from a shitheel who blamed (and still blames) Trump for absolutely EVERYTHING. Gas prices started rising (they were previously dropping) the DAY Biddum was installed into the WH.


And of course, not that a stupid fuck like Tommy would ever admit, but when Biddum closed the XL pipeline, ended exploration of ANWR and other things (like announcing to the WORLD he was going to shut down all fossil fuels as he blindly leaps for green energies), that sends a shock wave around the world affecting all markets everywhere, as well as changing oil purchasing and distribution patterns.

Remember, it is Biddum who closed bank accounts all around the world which do not even belong to him at the drop of a single phone call, many belonging to another country, and is now seizing private property all around the world he says belongs to private Russian citizens! But Joe cannot affect the oil industry?!

Only a clueless fuck like Tommy The Tyrant would dare try to stand here claiming Joe had nothing to do with oil prices spiking now.
When the banks refuse to fund oil and gas projects...the price goes up.

This is not rocket science.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
Biden's policies raised gas prices. All Russia did was help. Clean up your shithole, fat boy.
Well, we as a Nation, got used to 4 years of deflecting BLAME.

Pandemic.......Chinas Fault, even Fauci but NEVER trump.
Massive Job Losses.....(D) Governors Fault.....certainly not trump.
Worst Handling of Pandemic..... Hell not, not trumps inept ability to adapt...blame who.....anyone but trump.
Jan 6th.......Antifas Fault.....changed to FBI inciting the crowd....but NEVER trump.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all these stooges were sent to prison. Only the Best.

NOTHING, absolutely NEVER blame trump. The Cult.
Well, to be fair, that's just politics. In fact name the last president who ever took responsibility for anything that happened on their watch. It's always someone else's fault and every president blames someone else.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
Taint over in his foreign land endlessly comments on things he doesn’t understand. His mission is clear. He is an agent of disinformation.

Granted, he sucks at his job. But there’s no doubt it is his job. Like Brandon.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
The gasoline prices were headed up before Putin invaded Ukraine. Sleepy Joe and the Global Warming cult want sky high gasoline prices so Americans will buy electric cars. They should be happy as they are getting just what they hoped for.

Voters may decide to vote Democrats out because they can’t afford extremely high gasoline prices and the resulting inflation that will occur.

Now it seems Democrats will blame everything on Putin not Trump. Democrats always refuse to accept responsibility for their screwups. It is always someone else’s fault. When Ibama was in office everything was Bush the Younger’s fault.
This is why the right’s lie that President Biden is ‘responsible’ for high gas prices is in fact a lie:

“…the key here is to think about the oil supply globally, rather than the US specifically. The commodities world is a heavily interconnected one, and oil is priced through a global market. So what happens in one area of the world can affect another.”


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