D-Congresswoman R. Tlaib cries while reading death threat she received..

Oh! I canā€™t tell you how broken up I am about that! Is she really that stupid to think that we would care that sheā€™s been hurt after all the rotten things sheā€™s said about us, our president and our country? It would be that cold day in you know where when that happens. I might come up with some emotions if I hear that sheā€™s resigning her seat in Congress to someone who truly does LOVE the country and the U. S. Constitution - never to darken our doors again!

So you live in Michigan 13?

He doesn't have to live in MI-13. In case you didn't notice, this is a political discussion forum and as such he, you, me, and everyone else here has the right to discuss whatever topic we want regardless of whether or not it directly effects us or the specific person who represents us in government. That is the entire point of the forum. I'm guessing you have forgotten that because I've seen you make this comment to others multiple times recently and now that you've been reminded the point of the forum you can stop. Mkay?

If you have nothing to add to the discussion then simply move on to one you do.

Wow dood. Ass-sume much?

Where the fuck did I say he didn't have a "right"? Hm?

Just let him answer the question........... "Mkay"?
I don't remember Steve Scalise ever crying after he was shot two years ago by a Sanders supporter and self appointed democrat party assassin.
Oh! I canā€™t tell you how broken up I am about that! Is she really that stupid to think that we would care that sheā€™s been hurt after all the rotten things sheā€™s said about us, our president and our country? It would be that cold day in you know where when that happens. I might come up with some emotions if I hear that sheā€™s resigning her seat in Congress tfo someone who truly does LOVE the country and the U. S. Constitution - never to darken our doors again!

ā€œā€If there is another statute that you think is needed, come talk to the Department of Justice, absolutely,ā€™ McGarrity said in response to Tlaibā€™s emotional question.

ā€˜Those type charges, as youā€™re explain that, I want to arrest that person before they do something,ā€™ he continued.ā€ā€

Hold it just a minute....it was one of these three idiot radical leftist
females who just days ago said, ā€œIā€™m expressing my right to free speechā€ regarding some asinine action of theirs and this DOJ guy is saying heā€™ll arrest whoever sent the threat? Since when is a written threat a cause for arrest by the FBI? Oh - yeah - I forgot - they no longer work FOR US...

Classic hater dupe. Where do you get your news, idiot?

Frankostein the consumate Fascist, Nazi dildo!

Those are right wing, dipstick dunce... LOL. No matter what your stupid propaganda says.
Democrat assassin James Hodgkinson (remember him?) had the names of every conservative congressman in his pocket when he was killed. What do you think he was going to do with it if his assassination attempt on a republican baseball team was successful? Nobody in the republican party tried to use it as a political stunt or cried before the cameras. Only desperate democrats pull this crap.
There needs to be a Muslim terrorism hearing where pro-American assimilated Americans are allowed to tear up at every ā€˜death to Americaā€™ threat by Muslims.
Iā€™m sure tlaib and Omar, et al, would laugh.
Oh! I canā€™t tell you how broken up I am about that! Is she really that stupid to think that we would care that sheā€™s been hurt after all the rotten things sheā€™s said about us, our president and our country? It would be that cold day in you know where when that happens. I might come up with some emotions if I hear that sheā€™s resigning her seat in Congress tfo someone who truly does LOVE the country and the U. S. Constitution - never to darken our doors again!

ā€œā€If there is another statute that you think is needed, come talk to the Department of Justice, absolutely,ā€™ McGarrity said in response to Tlaibā€™s emotional question.

ā€˜Those type charges, as youā€™re explain that, I want to arrest that person before they do something,ā€™ he continued.ā€ā€

Hold it just a minute....it was one of these three idiot radical leftist
females who just days ago said, ā€œIā€™m expressing my right to free speechā€ regarding some asinine action of theirs and this DOJ guy is saying heā€™ll arrest whoever sent the threat? Since when is a written threat a cause for arrest by the FBI? Oh - yeah - I forgot - they no longer work FOR US...

Classic hater dupe. Where do you get your news, idiot?

Frankostein the consumate Fascist, Nazi dildo!

Those are right wing, dipstick dunce... LOL. No matter what your stupid propaganda says.

Says you are a mooslim terrorist....
Oh! I canā€™t tell you how broken up I am about that! Is she really that stupid to think that we would care that sheā€™s been hurt after all the rotten things sheā€™s said about us, our president and our country? It would be that cold day in you know where when that happens. I might come up with some emotions if I hear that sheā€™s resigning her seat in Congress tfo someone who truly does LOVE the country and the U. S. Constitution - never to darken our doors again!

ā€œā€If there is another statute that you think is needed, come talk to the Department of Justice, absolutely,ā€™ McGarrity said in response to Tlaibā€™s emotional question.

ā€˜Those type charges, as youā€™re explain that, I want to arrest that person before they do something,ā€™ he continued.ā€ā€

Hold it just a minute....it was one of these three idiot radical leftist
females who just days ago said, ā€œIā€™m expressing my right to free speechā€ regarding some asinine action of theirs and this DOJ guy is saying heā€™ll arrest whoever sent the threat? Since when is a written threat a cause for arrest by the FBI? Oh - yeah - I forgot - they no longer work FOR US...

Classic hater dupe. Where do you get your news, idiot?

Frankostein the consumate Fascist, Nazi dildo!

Those are right wing, dipstick dunce... LOL. No matter what your stupid propaganda says.

Says you are a mooslim terrorist....

Wrong again and always, me old son.
Oh! I canā€™t tell you how broken up I am about that! Is she really that stupid to think that we would care that sheā€™s been hurt after all the rotten things sheā€™s said about us, our president and our country? It would be that cold day in you know where when that happens. I might come up with some emotions if I hear that sheā€™s resigning her seat in Congress tfo someone who truly does LOVE the country and the U. S. Constitution - never to darken our doors again!

ā€œā€If there is another statute that you think is needed, come talk to the Department of Justice, absolutely,ā€™ McGarrity said in response to Tlaibā€™s emotional question.

ā€˜Those type charges, as youā€™re explain that, I want to arrest that person before they do something,ā€™ he continued.ā€ā€

Hold it just a minute....it was one of these three idiot radical leftist
females who just days ago said, ā€œIā€™m expressing my right to free speechā€ regarding some asinine action of theirs and this DOJ guy is saying heā€™ll arrest whoever sent the threat? Since when is a written threat a cause for arrest by the FBI? Oh - yeah - I forgot - they no longer work FOR US...

Classic hater dupe. Where do you get your news, idiot?

Frankostein the consumate Fascist, Nazi dildo!

Those are right wing, dipstick dunce... LOL. No matter what your stupid propaganda says.

Says you are a mooslim terrorist....

Wrong again and always, me old son.

Rap Sheet: 76 Acts of Violence and Harassment Against Conservatives on Campus

Breitbart ^
Whether perpetrated by students or school faculty, instances of violence or threats against conservative students ā€” and sometimes even conservative professors ā€” are becoming commonplace on Americaā€™s college campuses. This trend is also expanding to the high school level. Here is a list of violent instances or threats made against conservatives on campus ā€” or made by leftists in academia ā€” that have been reported since 2016. This list will be updated as needed. Back-filling it will be an ongoing project. Please contact Breitbart News with any updates or incidents you think deserve to be added to this list
I don't agree with the assclown that wrote that stuff to her, but in the same respect I'm not going to pretend to feel bad for her either given some of the venom she's been spewing at others.

Like you I don't think anyone should get death threats.

I wonder what the hell she expected after the crap she's been spewing.

Not one of my favorite people and I just can't imagine the stupidity of those that elected that death cult bitch.
Letā€™s hear more about how hateful the Left is while the Right is so compassionate and tolerant.
How many Democrat Congressmen have been shot up lately at a baseball field? Or how many kids got shot up at a Country Western event in Las Vegas? Tolerance?

Letā€™s hear more about how hateful the Left is while the Right is so compassionate and tolerant.
How many Democrat Congressmen have been shot up lately at a baseball field? Or how many kids got shot up at a Country Western event in Las Vegas? Tolerance?

View attachment 264065
Or shot in a Pittsburgh synagogue or a Charleston church?

And what on earth does Las Vegas have to do with politics?
The bitch is a card carrying Islamofascist.
I wonder how many gays her 'Brotherhood' have tossed off tall buildings in the last few years?
I wonder how many death threats President Trump and members of his family have received since the election?
Which has-been washed up hollywood singer wished someone to put a "shiv" in President Trump recently?
The list of 'celebrities' who have publically made comments about the President being killed continues to grow.
Should any harm befall the President or any member of his family then I fear the second civil war may occur.
Best advice to all in the LIB MSM/'progressive' hollywood elite if that happens: 'Pack light'.
In addition, the DEM party can kiss the chance of winning the Presidency goodbye for a hundred years.
I predict after President Trump wins the next election the DEM party will implode. The progressive wing of the party will form their own Socialist-based party.
And Nancy will be crapping herself while sitting in her 'sun room' and calling her young Filipina nurse "mommy".
I don't agree with the assclown that wrote that stuff to her, but in the same respect I'm not going to pretend to feel bad for her either given some of the venom she's been spewing at others.

wrote what stuff to her? Have the TREATENERS been identified?
What am I missing-----so far all I have encountered is her
Letā€™s hear more about how hateful the Left is while the Right is so compassionate and tolerant.
How many Democrat Congressmen have been shot up lately at a baseball field? Or how many kids got shot up at a Country Western event in Las Vegas? Tolerance?

View attachment 264065
Or shot in a Pittsburgh synagogue or a Charleston church?

And what on earth does Las Vegas have to do with politics?
Saul Alinsky lives!! You kiled those people in Vegas. We will direct your psycho friends to vaporize blue areas whenever we can. That Va. Beach guy was cool! Only 12! Damn...
Letā€™s hear more about how hateful the Left is while the Right is so compassionate and tolerant.
How many Democrat Congressmen have been shot up lately at a baseball field? Or how many kids got shot up at a Country Western event in Las Vegas? Tolerance?

View attachment 264065
Or shot in a Pittsburgh synagogue or a Charleston church?

And what on earth does Las Vegas have to do with politics?
Saul Alinsky lives!! You kiled those people in Vegas. We will direct your psycho friends to vaporize blue areas whenever we can. That Va. Beach guy was cool! Only 12! Damn...
Your warped notions of politics now leads you to conclude eachmpsychopath is politically motivated. Well, you seem to be a psychopath who is politically motivated.

You should sit and think about your morbid ideas before you,post again ad reveal that twisted little boy your parents raised.
Letā€™s hear more about how hateful the Left is while the Right is so compassionate and tolerant.
How many Democrat Congressmen have been shot up lately at a baseball field? Or how many kids got shot up at a Country Western event in Las Vegas? Tolerance?

View attachment 264065
Or shot in a Pittsburgh synagogue or a Charleston church?

And what on earth does Las Vegas have to do with politics?
Saul Alinsky lives!! You kiled those people in Vegas. We will direct your psycho friends to vaporize blue areas whenever we can. That Va. Beach guy was cool! Only 12! Damn...
Your warped notions of politics now leads you to conclude eachmpsychopath is politically motivated. Well, you seem to be a psychopath who is politically motivated.

You should sit and think about your morbid ideas before you,post again ad reveal that twisted little boy your parents raised.
My morbid ideas and actions end here. I threaten no one. You act like you do because you believe or have been screwed over. You are not the only ones. To me, going to prison, or to death row or ending up on a slab is not palatable. That is where we are at in this nation. What you call politics ended decades ago. What you represent is now in the open. Using social justice as the reason for something wicked to take control of our government. We have lost many unalienable rights. And those in power in their fiefdoms control it all and destroy who they please. However several years ago the police/corrections/judicial fiefdom got a taste of its tyranny ways when BLM started picking them off and none of the members of the fiefdom showed up to defend the ones attacked and killed in parts of the country. They became chickenchitts with little diks and massive amounts of gerber baby food boxes spread all over. Unfortunately the BLM fiefdom killed indiscriminitely. Yeah.....over the years you are the ones doing the killing over 90% of the time. But you will briong up anyone suspected of being a so called white supremacist to show to the world. Who made up that name. I know. It came with the morning Pravda orders for all to broadcast one morning. Imagine following men and women who broadcast or in the printed world for decades who lied to you. Who were frauds. And are on TV everyday spouting bull against what the once promoted and love for the other side that they always were members of. How would you feel?

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