D-Day for Gun Control

Come on gun voters, explain how Obama can take all your guns when the SCOTUS settled the question to great fanfare not very long ago?

MY impression is Obama / a good portion of the DNC believes a semi-automatic rifle ban is Constitutional and would do so save for political expediency and timing.

He will make that move if re-elected.

Don't be absurd, there is not even popular support for such a thing from democrats. The attitude that he must be a gun grabber in secret is nothing but a phantom fear.
Come on gun voters, explain how Obama can take all your guns when the SCOTUS settled the question to great fanfare not very long ago?

MY impression is Obama / a good portion of the DNC believes a semi-automatic rifle ban is Constitutional and would do so save for political expediency and timing.

He will make that move if re-elected.


A seer.

Wish I could read minds and see the future. Never mind that he has never even hinted that what this magical rw poster says is the gawd's truth.

Where's that rolling eyes emoticon when we need it?
Come on gun voters, explain how Obama can take all your guns when the SCOTUS settled the question to great fanfare not very long ago?

MY impression is Obama / a good portion of the DNC believes a semi-automatic rifle ban is Constitutional and would do so save for political expediency and timing.

He will make that move if re-elected.

Don't be absurd, there is not even popular support for such a thing from democrats. The attitude that he must be a gun grabber in secret is nothing but a phantom fear.

It was a listed policy goal on whitehouse.org in the glory glow of his early tenure.
Does anyone remember the supreme court settling the question of gun bans in the US or was that my imagination? Conservatives crowed eternal victory when it happened and yet here we are back to the irrational fear that Obama can still take away all the guns with a stroke of a pen.

Even he doesn't have enough power with or without the pen..

The Gun line should never be crossed, The consequences would be brutal.

That Tea Party in Boston wasn't just about taxes.
Does anyone remember the supreme court settling the question of gun bans in the US or was that my imagination? Conservatives crowed eternal victory when it happened and yet here we are back to the irrational fear that Obama can still take away all the guns with a stroke of a pen.

Um, yeah, it did.

Obviously the threat of Obama ‘taking guns’ was too good a tool to get out the vote to leave alone.
Does anyone remember the supreme court settling the question of gun bans in the US or was that my imagination? Conservatives crowed eternal victory when it happened and yet here we are back to the irrational fear that Obama can still take away all the guns with a stroke of a pen.

Even he doesn't have enough power with or without the pen..

The Gun line should never be crossed, The consequences would be brutal.

That Tea Party in Boston wasn't just about taxes.

Obama hasn't tried to cross that line and he won't. He even expanded gun rights, allowing concealed carry in national parks. This is just election year fear-mongering. We see the same God, guns, and gays crap every election.
Does anyone remember the supreme court settling the question of gun bans in the US or was that my imagination? Conservatives crowed eternal victory when it happened and yet here we are back to the irrational fear that u can still take away all the guns with a stroke of a pen.

Um, yeah, it did.

Obviously the threat of Obama ‘taking guns’ was too good a tool to get out the vote to leave alone.

Yeah I guess so,
Its slow process they'd outlaw manufacturing guns then gradually get them and in a hundred years NWO rules. It's up to us? Wow the billionaires like Soros want to affect you I'd fight back dingos.
Obviously the threat of Obama ‘taking guns’ was too good a tool to get out the vote to leave alone.

The are lesser administrative infringements and Congressional action he can take other than "taking guns" if and when the political tides of advantage turn.
MY impression is Obama / a good portion of the DNC believes a semi-automatic rifle ban is Constitutional and would do so save for political expediency and timing.

He will make that move if re-elected.

Don't be absurd, there is not even popular support for such a thing from democrats. The attitude that he must be a gun grabber in secret is nothing but a phantom fear.

It was a listed policy goal on whitehouse.org in the glory glow of his early tenure.

Was that not before the supreme court ruled that gun bans are unconstitutional a couple of years ago? Why would it still be a policy goal? Come up with a plausible scenario where he can ban anything or just give it up and quit letting the useless gun lobby feed you BS.
Don't be absurd, there is not even popular support for such a thing from democrats. The attitude that he must be a gun grabber in secret is nothing but a phantom fear.

It was a listed policy goal on whitehouse.org in the glory glow of his early tenure.

Was that not before the supreme court ruled that gun bans are unconstitutional a couple of years ago? Why would it still be a policy goal? Come up with a plausible scenario where he can ban anything or just give it up and quit letting the useless gun lobby feed you BS.

Heller Vs DC was in 2008. Sorry.

The administration believes bans by type and "evilness" fall within the reasonable restrictions provisions of the majority in Heller Vs DC.
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Does anyone remember the supreme court settling the question of gun bans in the US or was that my imagination? Conservatives crowed eternal victory when it happened and yet here we are back to the irrational fear that u can still take away all the guns with a stroke of a pen.

Um, yeah, it did.

Obviously the threat of Obama ‘taking guns’ was too good a tool to get out the vote to leave alone.

Yeah I guess so,
Its slow process they'd outlaw manufacturing guns then gradually get them and in a hundred years NWO rules. It's up to us? Wow the billionaires like Soros want to affect you I'd fight back dingos.

Who will outlaw manufacturing guns?

There are at least a dozen countries that manufacture guns.

When you consider the actual mechanics of what you're afraid of, you'll realize the fundamental idiocy of it.
Who will outlaw manufacturing guns?

There are at least a dozen countries that manufacture guns.

When you consider the actual mechanics of what you're afraid of, you'll realize the fundamental idiocy of it.

Your statement is devoid of firearms import prohibition knowledge.

Fundamental idiocy notwithstanding.
It was a listed policy goal on whitehouse.org in the glory glow of his early tenure.

Was that not before the supreme court ruled that gun bans are unconstitutional a couple of years ago? Why would it still be a policy goal? Come up with a plausible scenario where he can ban anything or just give it up and quit letting the useless gun lobby feed you BS.

Heller Vs DC was in 2008. Sorry.

The administration believes bans by type and "evilness" fall within the reasonable restrictions provisions of the majority in Heller Vs DC.

Their last word occurred in June 2010 when they answered a technical question that made it final. So now the fight is where to draw the line between a weapon a reasonable person would have and combat weapons no one needs.
Passing an international treaty to ban guns is one thing. Taking guns away without getting shot....that's something completly different. Hope the UN Droids have lots of medical personnel standing by.

I dare them to come to Texas and try. Except the treaty simply does not ban gun ownership in any given country. It is meant to regulate international gun sales and try and eliminate illegal gun running. I don't believe it will work regardless. Like drugs, there is too much money to be made.

If there's one thing political bureaucrats are good at, it's finding loopholes.
Granny says, "Well now - ain't dat a pot callin' a kettle black...
Mexico urges US to review gun laws
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 - Mexican President Felipe Calderon condemned US gun laws as “mistaken” and urged Washington to review them after a shooter killed 12 people and injured more than 50 others at a US movie theater on Friday.
In comments posted on his Twitter account on Saturday, Calderon offered his condolences to the US after a gunman went on the rampage with an assault rifle at a midnight premiere of the new Batman film in Aurora, Colorado. However, Mexico’s president, who has repeatedly called on Washington to tighten gun controls to stop weapons flowing from the US into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, said US weapons policy needed a rethink after the killings.

“Because of the Aurora, Colorado, tragedy, the American Congress must review its mistaken legislation on guns. It’s doing damage to us all,” Calderon said. The presidency of Calderon, who leaves office at the end of November, has been overshadowed by his efforts to crack down on the drug gangs. Fighting among the cartels and their clashes with the state have killed more than 55,000 people since 2007.

In February, Calderon appealed to the US to halt the flow of arms by unveiling a massive sign on the Mexican-US border reading “No More Weapons!” The letters on the billboard in the city of Ciudad Juarez were made of recycled guns seized by security forces. Calderon has also urged Washington to revive a ban on assault weapons in the US that expired in 2004.

Mexico urges US to review gun laws - Taipei Times

See also:

Obama aide: No new gun control laws needed
July 22`12 (UPI) -- President Obama doesn't believe new gun control laws are needed to deal with incidents such as the Colorado theater massacre, his top spokesman said Sunday.
Asked by a reporter aboard Air Force Once as the president flew to Aurora, Colo., where the theater shooting occurred last week whether the gun lobby precludes any sort of policy response in terms of access to firearms, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the president "believes we need to take steps that protect Second Amendment rights of the American people but that ensure that we are not allowing weapons into the hands of individuals who should not, by existing law, obtain those weapons." "But the president's view is that we can take steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them under existing law. And that's his focus right now," Carney said.

Asked if Obama believes gun control should now become a more important campaign issue, campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki replied "it's really too early to say how this will play" and the campaign is "just taking this day by day." "I think this stage where this is so fresh and new for so many people, including the people in Colorado, who are still mourning the loss of their loved ones, will be for a long time, many people are still recovering, we're still learning what exactly happened here and more details ...," Psaki said. U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a gun control advocate, said on "Fox News Sunday" she believes Obama and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who has mostly refrained from delving into the gun control issue since the theater shootins, should be considerable "consideration" to the gun control issue, but now is a "bad time" to push it.

Independent New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had no such qualms about pressing the issue, saying in an interview for CBS' "Face the Nation" his question for both Obama and Romney is: "What are you going to do?" "It's time for both of them to be called, held accountable," Bloomberg said. "There are about 34 people killed with illegal guns every single day. "Somebody's got to do something about this and it requires, particularly in a presidential year, the candidates for president of the United States to stand up once and for all say, 'Yes they felt terrible, yes it's a tragedy, yes we have great sympathies for the families, but it's time for this country to do something.'"

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" he doubts tougher gun laws would have stopped suspected Aurora gunman James Holmes from carrying out what he called "terrorist" acts. "This person, if there were no assault weapons available, if there were no this or no that, this guy's going to find something, right?" Hickenlooper said. Carney said while the shooting attack was "a terrifying thing to imagine and a terrifying moment for anyone in that theater to have experienced what this individual perpetrated," officials at the federal level "do not see any connection between the assault and terrorist organizations or terrorist -- any nexus with terrorist organizations or terrorism."

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we really need to tell the UN to get the fuck out and go to switzerland or some other pussy country. It's run by dictators, when was the last time the UN General Secretary wasnt from a real country.
Look at these clowns:
Secretary-General of the United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now isnt this a daisy
Waldheim launched a discreet but effective campaign to become the Secretary-General. Despite initial vetoes from China and the United Kingdom, in the third round Waldheim was selected to become the new Secretary-General. In 1976, China initially blocked Waldheim's re-election, but it relented on the second ballot. In 1981, Waldheim's re-election for a third term was blocked by China, which vetoed his selection through 15 rounds. In the mid 1980s, it was revealed that a post-World War II UN War Crimes Commission had labeled Waldheim as a suspected war criminal – based on his involvement with the Nazi German army. The files had been stored in the UN archive.[10]

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