D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

the Polack is playing Semantics.. He has ALSO claimed that
there was no "POLAND" when I stated that my ancestors fled
THEIR FILTH in the late 1800s. An interesting reality is---I did not know that I am---in my background "polish" either until some local
expert EXPLAINED to me that the "village" to which my grandfather referred IS IN POLAND. He never used the word
POLAND-----just the name of the little village when he described
the pogroms (a big time thing in Christmas eve-----he never used
the word "Christmas" either) The people who TODAY call themselves PALESTINIANS-----were back in the day-----
they did not call themselves "Palestinians" until the 1960s----
Jews living in the same area were called PALESTINIANS---for almost the past 2000 years ----ie---until 1948 -----
The moral to this story is----do not let the islamo Nazi dogs
confuse you with semantics
He is correct there was no nation of Poland in the 19th century..

right----but there were idiots JUST LIKE SOBIE---in that land---and
I (sob) REMOTELY descended from THAT
A Selisian girl?

got me-------my people use beets in their borscht and make it sweet and sour
Her statement terrorized you?

Her anti-Semitic historical revisionist IGNORANCE frightened me.
I did not know someone could be so stupid.
You've never read about the Nazi's?
Obviously Tlaib has never read about the Nazis and her beloved Palestinians' role in siding with Hitler and contributing to the Holocaust.
There are some folks that think there was no Holocaust.
Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

the Polack is playing Semantics.. He has ALSO claimed that
there was no "POLAND" when I stated that my ancestors fled
THEIR FILTH in the late 1800s. An interesting reality is---I did not know that I am---in my background "polish" either until some local
expert EXPLAINED to me that the "village" to which my grandfather referred IS IN POLAND. He never used the word
POLAND-----just the name of the little village when he described
the pogroms (a big time thing in Christmas eve-----he never used
the word "Christmas" either) The people who TODAY call themselves PALESTINIANS-----were back in the day-----
they did not call themselves "Palestinians" until the 1960s----
Jews living in the same area were called PALESTINIANS---for almost the past 2000 years ----ie---until 1948 -----
The moral to this story is----do not let the islamo Nazi dogs
confuse you with semantics
He is correct there was no nation of Poland in the 19th century..

right----but there were idiots JUST LIKE SOBIE---in that land---and
I (sob) REMOTELY descended from THAT
A Selisian girl?

got me-------my people use beets in their borscht and make it sweet and sour
Surely it is better than plain old sauerkraut...My Ma's side of the family are Germans..Yet they haven't been there in a couple of hundred years...
Her statement terrorized you?

Her anti-Semitic historical revisionist IGNORANCE frightened me.
I did not know someone could be so stupid.
You've never read about the Nazi's?
Obviously Tlaib has never read about the Nazis and her beloved Palestinians' role in siding with Hitler and contributing to the Holocaust.
There are some folks that think there was no Holocaust.
I am surprised Tlaib is not one of them...
Her statement terrorized you?

Her anti-Semitic historical revisionist IGNORANCE frightened me.
I did not know someone could be so stupid.
You've never read about the Nazi's?
Obviously Tlaib has never read about the Nazis and her beloved Palestinians' role in siding with Hitler and contributing to the Holocaust.
There are some folks that think there was no Holocaust.
I am surprised Tlaib is not one of them...
I had a step daughter in the 1990's who told me she thought it was so and that was the first time I had ever heard about it being fake..
oh ok ALL THE WAY BACK to Herodotus (about 500 BC)-----before the birth of
the rapist of Mecca-------I will help you-----a bit later most of
PALESTINA became known as 'JUDEA" by the romans-----
and the people therein called JEWS (like Jesus) ----Syria
became a separate place----Cleopatra was born there----and it
came under GREEK control long before she was born. Does
Bashar Assad ALSO call himself a "PALESTINIAN"?

You question if Gaza was "ever" part of Palestina; I show you and you still wail like a bitch. :eusa_doh:

No such thing as “Palestine”.
The U.N. says otherwise. They recognize it as a non-member sovereign state.

By hiding the fact that Zionism started as a direct response to Arab Pogroms, which were committed specifically by her folk decades before the Holocaust - against local Palestinian Jews.
She wasn't "hiding" that -- that had nothing to do with what she was talking about. She was talking about the post WWII era.

right----when according to her mosque education----muslims
WORLD WIDE opened their arms to persecuted jews. ----
my hubby was born in a shariah shit hole IN THAT ERA-----
he is lucky to have made it out ALIVE-----not all of his family
was that lucky. TILL TODAY---he sometimes encounters
muzzies from the same shit hole-----right here in the USA.
THEY INVARIABLY CLAIM "oh---you is from that city----oh---
da joooos used to be really happy there..." This silly lie is ----
in my experience here in the USA-----part and parcel of muzzie
Her anti-Semitic historical revisionist IGNORANCE frightened me.
I did not know someone could be so stupid.
You've never read about the Nazi's?
Obviously Tlaib has never read about the Nazis and her beloved Palestinians' role in siding with Hitler and contributing to the Holocaust.
There are some folks that think there was no Holocaust.
I am surprised Tlaib is not one of them...
I had a step daughter in the 1990's who told me she thought it was so and that was the first time I had ever heard about it being fake..

I read the islamo Nazi literature (little seedy pamphlet things)
ISLAMO NAZI denial actually precedes the entrance of the USA
into World War II.

You question if Gaza was "ever" part of Palestina; I show you and you still wail like a bitch. :eusa_doh:

No such thing as “Palestine”.
The U.N. says otherwise. They recognize it as a non-member sovereign state.

By hiding the fact that Zionism started as a direct response to Arab Pogroms, which were committed specifically by her folk decades before the Holocaust - against local Palestinian Jews.
She wasn't "hiding" that -- that had nothing to do with what she was talking about. She was talking about the post WWII era.

right----when according to her mosque education----muslims
WORLD WIDE opened their arms to persecuted jews. ----
my hubby was born in a shariah shit hole IN THAT ERA-----
he is lucky to have made it out ALIVE-----not all of his family
was that lucky. TILL TODAY---he sometimes encounters
muzzies from the same shit hole-----right here in the USA.
THEY INVARIABLY CLAIM "oh---you is from that city----oh---
da joooos used to be really happy there..." This silly lie is ----
in my experience here in the USA-----part and parcel of muzzie
It reminds me of when the southerns would reflect on the pre civil war era and claim the slaves were happier as slaves than free...
When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

Yes. They called themselves Arabs back then.
A gay Egyptian dude came up with the idea of calling them Palestinians much later.

The Palestinian dialect of Arabic was present before Israel was created.

Palestinian Arabic - Wikipedia

Arabic? When did Arabic come to Israel? Did Jesus ever hear Arabic?

very good question------Arabic came even a bit before the
nomadic peoples in very small numbers that did roam as far
as that which is TODAY----Jordan and the Negev---and issue
of LINQUISTIC STUDIES-------tiny groups of illiterates who
brought their desert garble here and there. Their Arabic is
largely INCOMPREHENSIBLE to Saudi arabic
No such thing as “Palestine”.
The U.N. says otherwise. They recognize it as a non-member sovereign state.

By hiding the fact that Zionism started as a direct response to Arab Pogroms, which were committed specifically by her folk decades before the Holocaust - against local Palestinian Jews.
She wasn't "hiding" that -- that had nothing to do with what she was talking about. She was talking about the post WWII era.

right----when according to her mosque education----muslims
WORLD WIDE opened their arms to persecuted jews. ----
my hubby was born in a shariah shit hole IN THAT ERA-----
he is lucky to have made it out ALIVE-----not all of his family
was that lucky. TILL TODAY---he sometimes encounters
muzzies from the same shit hole-----right here in the USA.
THEY INVARIABLY CLAIM "oh---you is from that city----oh---
da joooos used to be really happy there..." This silly lie is ----
in my experience here in the USA-----part and parcel of muzzie
It reminds me of when the southerns would reflect on the pre civil war era and claim the slaves were happier as slaves than free...

there were people like that in my WHITE BREAD town-----when I was a kid (1950s) Lucky N^##ahs got rescued from the jungle
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

Her statement terrorized you?

Are You willing to volunteer for a mass rape,
then tell us how You feel after being accused as the main criminal in the act?
I don't know if my penis can handle mass rape maybe pull a train now and again..I've pulled trains before and there was no criminal acts involved..
When Tlaib's folks rape You in the main square it won't be considered a criminal act,
merely some people doing some "sexual emergency"

You refuse the honor?
Her statement terrorized you?

Her anti-Semitic historical revisionist IGNORANCE frightened me.
I did not know someone could be so stupid.

I was surprised too------when "highly educated" muslims from southeast Asia told me that same crap------circa 1970 and
counting-----they not only "thought" it true-----they had actually
learned it (gawd help us----in medical school)
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

Her statement terrorized you?

Are You willing to volunteer for a mass rape,
then tell us how You feel after being accused as the main criminal in the act?
I don't know if my penis can handle mass rape maybe pull a train now and again..I've pulled trains before and there was no criminal acts involved..
When Tlaib's folks rape You in the main square it won't be considered a criminal act,
merely "sexual emergency".

You refuse the honor?
If they feel the need to die, let them..
What is it with yer rapiness?
the Polack is playing Semantics.. He has ALSO claimed that
there was no "POLAND" when I stated that my ancestors fled
THEIR FILTH in the late 1800s. An interesting reality is---I did not know that I am---in my background "polish" either until some local
expert EXPLAINED to me that the "village" to which my grandfather referred IS IN POLAND. He never used the word
POLAND-----just the name of the little village when he described
the pogroms (a big time thing in Christmas eve-----he never used
the word "Christmas" either) The people who TODAY call themselves PALESTINIANS-----were back in the day-----
they did not call themselves "Palestinians" until the 1960s----
Jews living in the same area were called PALESTINIANS---for almost the past 2000 years ----ie---until 1948 -----
The moral to this story is----do not let the islamo Nazi dogs
confuse you with semantics
He is correct there was no nation of Poland in the 19th century..

right----but there were idiots JUST LIKE SOBIE---in that land---and
I (sob) REMOTELY descended from THAT
A Selisian girl?

got me-------my people use beets in their borscht and make it sweet and sour
Surely it is better than plain old sauerkraut...My Ma's side of the family are Germans..Yet they haven't been there in a couple of hundred years...

He is correct there was no nation of Poland in the 19th century..

right----but there were idiots JUST LIKE SOBIE---in that land---and
I (sob) REMOTELY descended from THAT
A Selisian girl?

got me-------my people use beets in their borscht and make it sweet and sour
Surely it is better than plain old sauerkraut...My Ma's side of the family are Germans..Yet they haven't been there in a couple of hundred years...

Not in a million years...My farming family ate brains and eggs and oxtail but gave the rocky mountain oysters to the cats and dogs.
I tried to pick up their habit of eating organs, snouts and ostrich lips but just could not stomach it..
for the record------I get a warm feeling around COLUMBUS DAY---
because I remember learning all about him at age five-----
COLUMBUS SAILED THE OCEAN BLUE ---la la la---something
nina pinto and santa maria LA LA LA (or something like that)
right----but there were idiots JUST LIKE SOBIE---in that land---and
I (sob) REMOTELY descended from THAT
A Selisian girl?

got me-------my people use beets in their borscht and make it sweet and sour
Surely it is better than plain old sauerkraut...My Ma's side of the family are Germans..Yet they haven't been there in a couple of hundred years...

Not in a million years...My farming family ate brains and eggs and oxtail but gave the rocky mountain oysters to the cats and dogs.
I tried to pick up their habit of eating organs, snouts and ostrich lips but just could not stomach it..

brains-----my mom cooked it and insisted------I GAGGED---
and (thank-gawd) that was the end of it for me
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

Her statement terrorized you?

Are You willing to volunteer for a mass rape,
then tell us how You feel after being accused as the main criminal in the act?
I don't know if my penis can handle mass rape maybe pull a train now and again..I've pulled trains before and there was no criminal acts involved..
When Tlaib's folks rape You in the main square it won't be considered a criminal act,
merely "sexual emergency".

You refuse the honor?
If they feel the need to die, let them..
What is it with yer rapiness?

Briefing You on the next source of Tlaib's "calming feelings".
Just act surprised when Tlaib cries "murderer" if You don't bend far enough.
A Selisian girl?

got me-------my people use beets in their borscht and make it sweet and sour
Surely it is better than plain old sauerkraut...My Ma's side of the family are Germans..Yet they haven't been there in a couple of hundred years...

Not in a million years...My farming family ate brains and eggs and oxtail but gave the rocky mountain oysters to the cats and dogs.
I tried to pick up their habit of eating organs, snouts and ostrich lips but just could not stomach it..

brains-----my mom cooked it and insisted------I GAGGED---
and (thank-gawd) that was the end of it for me
Then there is fried chicken hearts, gizzards and I am so grossed out.

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