D-Tlaib: ""There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust"

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

Yes. They called themselves Arabs back then.
A gay Egyptian dude came up with the idea of calling them Palestinians much later.

The Palestinian dialect of Arabic was present before Israel was created.

Palestinian Arabic - Wikipedia

Arabic? When did Arabic come to Israel? Did Jesus ever hear Arabic?
Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?
More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Of course, Palestinians are backward Muslims fighting a first world, very technologically advanced opponent.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Launching terrorist attacks has a cost for the Palestinians.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

Because they're really bad at it. And they're pussies.

If Mexicans took over your land, would you fight back?

I guess not, because it would make you a terrorist, and a hypocrite.

Because Palestinians should just sit down, and accept terrorist Israel, right?

If Mexicans took over your land, would you fight back?


If my landlord went to jail, would I suddenly own the house I was renting?

Because Palestinians should just sit down, and accept terrorist Israel, right?

Or they can keep getting their asses kicked and whining about it.

Fake Jew Ashkenazis speaking German Yiddish are no more entitled to Israel than fake Native American Mexicans speaking Spanish are entitled to the USA.

They Ottomans gave up that land to the Allies.
The allies gave a chunk to the Jews.

You should whine some more.
Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?
More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Of course, Palestinians are backward Muslims fighting a first world, very technologically advanced opponent.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Launching terrorist attacks has a cost for the Palestinians.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

Because they're really bad at it. And they're pussies.

If Mexicans took over your land, would you fight back?

I guess not, because it would make you a terrorist, and a hypocrite.

Because Palestinians should just sit down, and accept terrorist Israel, right?

If Mexicans took over your land, would you fight back?


If my landlord went to jail, would I suddenly own the house I was renting?

Because Palestinians should just sit down, and accept terrorist Israel, right?

Or they can keep getting their asses kicked and whining about it.

Fake Jew Ashkenazis speaking German Yiddish are no more entitled to Israel than fake Native American Mexicans speaking Spanish are entitled to the USA.
Sure they do, they're the only people in the world who actually know the names of the places in that land, and the only ones knowing their meanings. The land bears their name.

Under Muslims the land was the most impoverished and abandoned region in caliphate, full of disease and swamps. When Jews returned, it blossoms like no other ever managed, and like no other country in the region.

The land knows her true children, and kept her best fruits for them - clear as day.
No such thing as “Palestine”.
The U.N. says otherwise. They recognize it as a non-member sovereign state.

By hiding the fact that Zionism started as a direct response to Arab Pogroms, which were committed specifically by her folk decades before the Holocaust - against local Palestinian Jews.
She wasn't "hiding" that -- that had nothing to do with what she was talking about. She was talking about the post WWII era.

She sure didn't want to tell You about her ancestors' failed attempt at genocide against Palestinian Jews, shortly before the Holocaust.

Or mention that her folk literally cleansed the entire middle east of Jews in less than 50 years, who lived there before her ancestors even knew there was a world outside the desert to invade.

She just tried to sweep that under the carpet and blame the Jews for the failed Arab attempt at complete subjugation of the entire middle east, and their responsibility for the lives and property lost on all sides, as a result of her folks thirst for blood and domination.

They are victims in no way, just failed degrades and Jihadi filth.
You're still off topic as she was still discussing post WWII.

Indeed all happened post WWII.

First Arabs tried to annihilate Jews in Israel, then after failing a genocide several times, erased entire ancient Jewish communities all around the middle east.
Those "warm feelings" about the Holocaust was the only sincere thing she ever said, and You guys are idiots for thinking it stops at Jews, it only starts there.

Basic history Tlaib will never even dare touch - majority of Israelis are refugees from Muslim countries, massacred and expelled during and after the Holocaust - by her folk.
Last edited:
The U.N. says otherwise. They recognize it as a non-member sovereign state.

By hiding the fact that Zionism started as a direct response to Arab Pogroms, which were committed specifically by her folk decades before the Holocaust - against local Palestinian Jews.
She wasn't "hiding" that -- that had nothing to do with what she was talking about. She was talking about the post WWII era.

She sure didn't want to tell You about her ancestors' failed attempt at genocide against Palestinian Jews, shortly before the Holocaust.

Or mention that her folk literally cleansed the entire middle east of Jews in less than 50 years, who lived there before her ancestors even knew there was a world outside the desert to invade.

She just tried to sweep that under the carpet and blame the Jews for the failed Arab attempt at complete subjugation of the entire middle east, and their responsibility for the lives and property lost on all sides, as a result of her folks thirst for blood and domination.

They are victims in no way, just failed degrades and Jihadi filth.
You're still off topic as she was still discussing post WWII.
You're ignorant of history.
Indeed all happened post WWII.
First Arabs tried to annihilate Jews in Israel, then after failing a genocide several times, erased entire ancient Jewish communities all around the middle east.

Basic history Tlaib will never even dare touch - majority of Israelis are refugees expelled from Arab countries.
I never said Arabs didn't do that. What is wrong with you?
By hiding the fact that Zionism started as a direct response to Arab Pogroms, which were committed specifically by her folk decades before the Holocaust - against local Palestinian Jews.
She wasn't "hiding" that -- that had nothing to do with what she was talking about. She was talking about the post WWII era.

She sure didn't want to tell You about her ancestors' failed attempt at genocide against Palestinian Jews, shortly before the Holocaust.

Or mention that her folk literally cleansed the entire middle east of Jews in less than 50 years, who lived there before her ancestors even knew there was a world outside the desert to invade.

She just tried to sweep that under the carpet and blame the Jews for the failed Arab attempt at complete subjugation of the entire middle east, and their responsibility for the lives and property lost on all sides, as a result of her folks thirst for blood and domination.

They are victims in no way, just failed degrades and Jihadi filth.
You're still off topic as she was still discussing post WWII.
You're ignorant of history.
Indeed all happened post WWII.
First Arabs tried to annihilate Jews in Israel, then after failing a genocide several times, erased entire ancient Jewish communities all around the middle east.

Basic history Tlaib will never even dare touch - majority of Israelis are refugees expelled from Arab countries.
I never said Arabs didn't do that. What is wrong with you?
I'm wrong for countering Your revisionist Jihadi apologetics?
Go shake someone else's leg, might work where You come from.
Rockets fired from Gaza deserve a response.
Or should Israel just take it because your Pally buddies fire from behind children?

More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

the Polack is playing Semantics.. He has ALSO claimed that
there was no "POLAND" when I stated that my ancestors fled
THEIR FILTH in the late 1800s. An interesting reality is---I did not know that I am---in my background "polish" either until some local
expert EXPLAINED to me that the "village" to which my grandfather referred IS IN POLAND. He never used the word
POLAND-----just the name of the little village when he described
the pogroms (a big time thing in Christmas eve-----he never used
the word "Christmas" either) The people who TODAY call themselves PALESTINIANS-----were back in the day-----
they did not call themselves "Palestinians" until the 1960s----
Jews living in the same area were called PALESTINIANS---for almost the past 2000 years ----ie---until 1948 -----
The moral to this story is----do not let the islamo Nazi dogs
confuse you with semantics
The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.
You're not very smart to think Mexicans owned America before the American Indians, now US Citizens, were. How did you get to be so stupid?

If Ashkenazi half Jews speaking German Yiddish can claim Israel.

Why can't Mestizo half Native Americans speaking Spanish claim the USA?

If Mexicans do take over Texas, you shouldn't fight back as a terrorist, shooting rockets to defend your land.
(Just a pointer)

Asinine analogy.

Don't you know anything?

Yeah, ONLY because Palestinians lived much longer in Palestine, than White Americans have in Texas.

Yeah? how long?
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."

Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'


It's 1928 and the democrats are the new Nazi party.

Simple fact.

democrats want to stage a genocide of whites and Christians. They tell us this every single day and we are supposed to ignore them and think they are just playing.

They're not.

You are a lunatiuc. If anyone has ties to the Nazis, it is Donald Trump and you. Using lies to demonize a group of people is from the Nazi playbook.

nope---it is the new (Nazi) democrats----sad to say-----I have
been a registered democrat since my 21 st birth day------I am
horrified at that which has infiltrated DA PARTY
More Palestinians have been killed by Israel than vice versa.

Palestinian Schools, Hospitals, and Powerplants destroyed by Israel.

Palestinians expelled from their homes, for Israeli Jewish settlements.

Why shouldn't they fight back?

The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

the Polack is playing Semantics.. He has ALSO claimed that
there was no "POLAND" when I stated that my ancestors fled
THEIR FILTH in the late 1800s. An interesting reality is---I did not know that I am---in my background "polish" either until some local
expert EXPLAINED to me that the "village" to which my grandfather referred IS IN POLAND. He never used the word
POLAND-----just the name of the little village when he described
the pogroms (a big time thing in Christmas eve-----he never used
the word "Christmas" either) The people who TODAY call themselves PALESTINIANS-----were back in the day-----
they did not call themselves "Palestinians" until the 1960s----
Jews living in the same area were called PALESTINIANS---for almost the past 2000 years ----ie---until 1948 -----
The moral to this story is----do not let the islamo Nazi dogs
confuse you with semantics
He is correct there was no nation of Poland in the 19th century..
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

Her statement terrorized you?

It has not terrorized me. I am FAMILIAR with the
MUSLIM EDUCATION-----I began hearing that mosque
bullshit----since I FIRST encountered muslims from muslim
lands------more than 50 years ago
The Jews owned the land before the diaspora and the Ayrabs squatted on the land and claimed to be Balestinians..Anything that occurred after that was the fault of the so called Balestinians. The Jews didn't "steal" anything from the sand monkeys. They merely reclaimed their property.

When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

the Polack is playing Semantics.. He has ALSO claimed that
there was no "POLAND" when I stated that my ancestors fled
THEIR FILTH in the late 1800s. An interesting reality is---I did not know that I am---in my background "polish" either until some local
expert EXPLAINED to me that the "village" to which my grandfather referred IS IN POLAND. He never used the word
POLAND-----just the name of the little village when he described
the pogroms (a big time thing in Christmas eve-----he never used
the word "Christmas" either) The people who TODAY call themselves PALESTINIANS-----were back in the day-----
they did not call themselves "Palestinians" until the 1960s----
Jews living in the same area were called PALESTINIANS---for almost the past 2000 years ----ie---until 1948 -----
The moral to this story is----do not let the islamo Nazi dogs
confuse you with semantics
He is correct there was no nation of Poland in the 19th century..

right----but there were idiots JUST LIKE SOBIE---in that land---and
I (sob) REMOTELY descended from THAT
When are you giving up your home to Mexicans, because Mexico owned Texas before your Anglos did?

Same thing, just the Palestinians lived in Palestine much longer than Texan Anglos in Texas.

Never. There is not such thing is a “Palestinian”. You fat, unemployed loser.

Palestinians did a 1929 Pogrom to Jews, but somehow didn't exist until 1967.

The lies of Zionists are hilarious.

the Polack is playing Semantics.. He has ALSO claimed that
there was no "POLAND" when I stated that my ancestors fled
THEIR FILTH in the late 1800s. An interesting reality is---I did not know that I am---in my background "polish" either until some local
expert EXPLAINED to me that the "village" to which my grandfather referred IS IN POLAND. He never used the word
POLAND-----just the name of the little village when he described
the pogroms (a big time thing in Christmas eve-----he never used
the word "Christmas" either) The people who TODAY call themselves PALESTINIANS-----were back in the day-----
they did not call themselves "Palestinians" until the 1960s----
Jews living in the same area were called PALESTINIANS---for almost the past 2000 years ----ie---until 1948 -----
The moral to this story is----do not let the islamo Nazi dogs
confuse you with semantics
He is correct there was no nation of Poland in the 19th century..

right----but there were idiots JUST LIKE SOBIE---in that land---and
I (sob) REMOTELY descended from THAT
A Selisian girl?
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

Her statement terrorized you?

Are You willing to get mass raped,
just to share with us how You feel after being accused for the act?
That this is even allowed in America is a tragedy. And that she is elected to Congress? We are as crazy as she is.

We need a reboot desperately.
That this is allowed is a testament to America's greatness. I don't much like her words, but I do know she is pointing to an injustice against her ancestral people.

However what's almost funny is the way Republican shorts get all wadded up over the out-of-context rambles of Talib, but completely ignore the lies spouted and tweeted daily by the dictator-lover they adore.

wrong again ----there is NOTHING "out of context" about TALIB
shit------it comes DIRECTLY FROM THE MOSQUE----
"There’s always kind of a calming feeling, I tell folks, when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust."


Welcome to the New Socialist Pro-Tertorist Anti-Semitic Democratic Party...

Rashida Tlaib slammed by House GOP over statement that Holocaust gives her 'kind of a calming feeling'

Her statement terrorized you?

It has not terrorized me. I am FAMILIAR with the
MUSLIM EDUCATION-----I began hearing that mosque
bullshit----since I FIRST encountered muslims from muslim
lands------more than 50 years ago
Well, normally I like it to be more animated myself but it is no surprise that it occurred..

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