DACA causes Trump supporters to burn their hats..........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Poor Donnie, he's now finding out that even though he was able to dupe people into electing him, he is going to have to keep those campaign promises he repeated almost every stump speech. Building a wall and getting rid of DACA.

Well, it seems that he's not in any hurry to do so, and because of that, many of his (former) supporters are expressing their anger at his not getting rid of DACA, and are demonstrating by burning their MAGA hats, as well as there is a trending hashtag #burnmyMAGAhat that is currently trending strong.


Trump supporters burn their MAGA hats over president's possible DREAMer deal

Trump Voters Throw MAGA Hats into Twitter Bonfire - Breitbart

And no, this isn't fake news, this is coming from three different sources.

Guess the shine has finally worn off of Trump eh?
Well, at least some of the Trump idiots are waking up:


Trump Voters Throw MAGA Hats into Twitter Bonfire - Breitbart

Trump Voters Throw MAGA Hats into Twitter Bonfire

REMEMBER TRUMPIES: Take your hats OFF before you set them on fire. Hehehehhee


Notice Duh Donald doesn't wear one anymore.

Good idea for a startup to make new hats for Trump 2020 campaign. But let's make this overblown just to hate on Trump! :bye1:
Actually just saw several but this was pretty inevitable. Some have said they realize they made a terrible mistake but more are so invested in this idiocy that they'll never admit it.

Sunni Man -- do your part. Go buy the new one. Only $40.

Take note however, Koch's, Mercers, etc are giving him money in boatloads. But hey, he still needs the stupid trumpanzees.

Now on the news is a woman who used to work for duh donuld that he never thought and still does not believe his really idiotic wall would be built. It was always to get the votes from the dumb.

Serious question -

Everyone knew this would happen and there were a few right away but

*Did you think it would start sooner?

*Or did you think it would start later?
Good idea for a startup to make new hats for Trump 2020 campaign. But let's make this overblown just to hate on Trump! :bye1:

He's already got that $40 number he had the gall to wear to show off to people who had just lost everything they own.

The trumpkins finding out about DACA comes right on top of his new BFFs, Chuck and Nancy.

And then there's the imaginary wall.

Poor trumpery.

What's even worse is him making up to Chuck and Nancy!


Shoot...............this DACA thing even has caused Ann Coulter to start calling for Trump's impeachment.

Ann Coulter: 'At this point, who DOESN'T want Trump impeached?'

Coulter, who penned a column this week proclaiming "no amnesty is good amnesty," made her dissatisfaction known on Thursday morning. First, she tweeted a Washington Post story about Trump supporters' anger over the president's willingness to protect DREAMers, undocumented people who were brought into the country illegally as children.

She then retweeted the president, who appeared to be giving a defense of DREAMers.

"At this point, who DOESN'T want Trump impeached?" Coulter said.

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