DACA for the Wall?

DACA for The Wall

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters
Maybe they can do it in 2 years but I doubt it no matter if they have 8 crews or not. But let's say they try. So they build the first 1000 miles in 2 years. They are going to have to use the Slatted Steel. Let's say that each panel is 10 feet. That's about 528 panels per mile. For the easy part, that's going to be 52,800 panels. Just the manufacturing of the panels is probably out of touch during those 2 years. And then there is the next 500 miles where it really gets tough. It'll take another 2 years to build that. Now you are left with the last 500 miles.
Good friggin luck with that. At the same time, you are going to have to do quite a swath of eminent domain. Watch Texas and Arizona turn Blue all of sudden and you won't get your second year. So even it they could do it, they would only be able to do the easy parts and political shift would stop them cold.

They don't have to use slatted steel. You would be amazed at how quickly a company can pump out 35' X 10' X 1' prestressed concrete panels. One plant can easily produce a four dozen each day. With 10 plants you can build 480/day. That's almost a mile a day. 20 plants means 2 miles a day. That would be sufficient to build the entire wall.

Prestressed concrete Panels won't make it. Even Trump knows that. They'll have holes all through the unsupervised part of the wall you could drive a car through and they just might drive a friggin car through it. Trump has stated he wanted to use Reinforced Concrete (they'll have to poor that in place) or Slatted Steel. Truth be know, our steel industry can't produce the slatted steel at such an alarming rate. And the assembly and machining would also take time. The Concrete would have to trucked in and poured over the Rebarring and it would days weeks to cure. Now, unless they can move a cement factory on site (forget that) then that's a lot of cement trucks where it's going to take 2 trucks per 10 foot length. But the Reinforced Cement Panel will last almost forever and even an Abrams Tank would be hard pressed to get all the way through it or even do much of a dent by ramming it. The Steel will have to be cleaned and treated about every 2 years or so. Otherwise we end up with the condition of some of the existing wall that is just plain falling down and it's not even 10 years old.

I think 10 years for the easy stuff is more like it and the contractor can spend every dime without the excess being sucked back into the general fund.
Wrong, shit for brains. Prestressed concrete panels made in a factory will work just fine. They work for parking garages, so why not for a wall? In fact, they use them all the time to build sound walls along highways .

Why should prestressed panels be any more likely to have holes in them than any other type of wall? Obviously, like every dumb shit snowflake, your claim is based on the premise that no one will be guarding the wall. People aren't as stupid as you imagine they are.

You just don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You prove it every time you post.

You just don't have a clue how to build a long lasting wall. The Illegals have been known to show up with jackhammers which will go through your prestressed panels like butter. But the Reinforced Cement bases will be about 6 feet thick and it's going to take a very, very long time to punch through that. There will be a lot of noise for a very long time and it should attract attention before they get through it. Now have you considered how thick your prestress panels are going to be? They had better be damned thick and that makes them a bear to transport and handle. The Reinforced Concrete is poured right on the spot making the various parts much easier to transport since the major component will be a special blend of Concrete that will last for centuries.

Now, stop this nonsense. The fact of the matter is, Trump isn't building any walls right now except for his "Test" walls. But, by law, he's supposed to doing so as well as upkeep on the existing walls and multi layered Security Fences and adding and supporting the other parts that make up a Border Security that you keep leaving out. That's Bush Jr and Obama 733 and Trump 0.
You have to be joking. "Jack hammers?" The border patrol would show in 60 seconds. Once again, you assume no one is guarding the wall. You're just another lying bonehead lying douchebag left-winger.

The existing barrier is a motley jury-rigged piece of shit that's assembled from military surplus runway mats, and it's only 10 feet high. It all needs to be replaced.

Yes, cupcake, Jack Hammers. If you end up building that 1400 mile wall out of your style of concrete there will be areas that are unsupervised. That sound will not be heard past 5 miles if even that. They can be through it in about 2 hours if it's not at least 3 feet thick. And from what I've seen of some of the models, some are only a foot thick and would be punched through in about 15 minutes. How about you having a reality check. Unless you build it out of Reinforced special Concrete where the base is at least 6 feet you won't stop them from punching holes in the wall. Even using Steel will only take a few minutes to punch a man sized hole in it. Since you think Border Security means Wall, boots on the ground and sensors just aren't that important to you. They are to me. The sensors allows a Force Multiplier. Oh, that's right, that's a military term. You don't understand that. Sorry, I should have used smaller words but I don't have the time nor the inclination in educating you since that's an impossible task.
DACA for the Wall?

No because Dems have already said once they get DACA they will welch on their end by trying up the wall in court. You cannot negotiate with Dem's its not possible they fully intend to weasel out of their end of the deal.

They can't welch on the Border Security. It's set to a minimum of 1.3 billion by a 2006 Law annually. They've upped it to 1.6 if Trump will deal. That's where it stands right now. You keep saying Wall. It's Border Security and some of that money has to go to adding to the wall and multi layered security fence. Just keep making shit up as you go.
Fuck that. If they don't approve $5.8 billion, then it's time for a national emergency.

Do you idiots actually believe we are going to put up with your horseshit? We've heard it all a million times, and we know it's all designed to delay doing anything about controlling the border. You're all a bunch of fucking douchebags. Don't even think that we're falling for any of your lame-assed shit.

I suggest he doesn't try to declare a National Emergency without the express approval of congress. I don't want Pence as President, period especially since it appears that Congress is finally growing a pair.
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
That was already on the table mid last year and had democrat votes. Unfortunately trump is a poor wishy washy leader and his gambit of uncertainty tanked it.

I would support something like that, though. But I'd also require a fair and open assessment of what the costs will really be of a full border wall. I suspect trumpco doesnt care. It's more about meaning and getting a win than functional cost-benefit. Really I'd support some wall but a full 2k mile wall is infeasible and will likely function poorly without significant supporting costs.

They can only build about another 1300 miles, period. The terrain goes to hell in a hand basket for the rest of the way. They might be able to go another 500 past that point but it's going to get real expensive. But about 500 miles can't be done.

Also, many of the Texans New Mexicans and Arizonan say they won't sell their land at a fir market value so they will have to use eminent domain. You want to see Arizona and Texas go Blue real fast? That's the way to do it.
Most of the land along the border is already owned by the government, dumbass. There are probably fewer than a hundred people who own land on the border. How is that going to turn Texas blue?

Texas is bordering on turning purple now. Cruz barely won this time around against a nobody who has since become a somebody. If Trump loses the Rural Areas he's toast and so is the Republican Polititians. You seem to forget, those 100 or so employ thousands of people who have thousands of family members. When I worked on a Ranch, you rode for the Brand. I know you have no idea what that means since you are NYC Strumpet.
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?

Nope, trading adding one spending line item in exchange for adding another spending line item is asinine.

I find the prospects of a border wall being a sound investment from an ROI standpoint dubious, however if King Donny & the Republicrats really want the $5 Billion to begin building their little dream wall, I for one would go along with it IF they were willing to exchange $25 billion in annual spending cuts elsewhere for it.

It's long past time the federal government be held accountable for setting spending priorities, If you want X new spending then you have to give up X * 5 in old spending until the deficit is eliminated after that you can get X new spending by giving up X old spending , we've had unfettered vote buying and crony pocket lining going on in Washington for far too long.
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
1. The Democrats have already been offered DACA and turned it down.

2. Pelosi said 2 days ago that even if the President gave her EVERYTHING she wanted she would still give him nothing.

The Democrats, as Schumer pointed out, are 100% committed to obstruction and denial, refusing to give Trump anything, believing doing so will cause Americans to hate HIM and his losing in 2020...and they are standing with illegals over Americans and forcing Americans to suffer so they can get a partisan political win by making this happen.
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
1. The Democrats have already been offered DACA and turned it down.

2. Pelosi said 2 days ago that even if the President gave her EVERYTHING she wanted she would still give him nothing.

The Democrats, as Schumer pointed out, are 100% committed to obstruction and denial, refusing to give Trump anything, believing doing so will cause Americans to hate HIM and his losing in 2020...and they are standing with illegals over Americans and forcing Americans to suffer so they can get a partisan political win by making this happen.

Interesting responses from wall advocates who seem to miss the entire immigration legislation reforms potential remedy being by far more efficient ~S~
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
1. The Democrats have already been offered DACA and turned it down.

2. Pelosi said 2 days ago that even if the President gave her EVERYTHING she wanted she would still give him nothing.

The Democrats, as Schumer pointed out, are 100% committed to obstruction and denial, refusing to give Trump anything, believing doing so will cause Americans to hate HIM and his losing in 2020...and they are standing with illegals over Americans and forcing Americans to suffer so they can get a partisan political win by making this happen.

So you are saying US Intel agencies, Homeland Security, the US Border Patrol, FBI Stats, and even Obama's own hand-picked Chief of the Border Patrol are all lying for Trump?

Nice video / fake news propaganda, dude. Not impressed - CNN & MSNBC do that EVERY DAY.
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
That ship sailed.

NO DACA.....AND we get a wall.

Fuck the commies.

Don't give them ANYTHING!!!


Would you support Trump in 2020 if he cut that deal, though?
Uunlike the Democrats, he is working for the good of this country. Again, we don't have to worry about it - Pelsosi said 'NO - YOU GET NOTHING!'

Pelosi is a failed negogiator standing with illegals instead of Americans because of her HATE, a failed Speaker, not because she can't make a deal to end this but because she won't.
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
1. The Democrats have already been offered DACA and turned it down.

2. Pelosi said 2 days ago that even if the President gave her EVERYTHING she wanted she would still give him nothing.

The Democrats, as Schumer pointed out, are 100% committed to obstruction and denial, refusing to give Trump anything, believing doing so will cause Americans to hate HIM and his losing in 2020...and they are standing with illegals over Americans and forcing Americans to suffer so they can get a partisan political win by making this happen.

So you are saying US Intel agencies, Homeland Security, the US Border Patrol, FBI Stats, and even Obama's own hand-picked Chief of the Border Patrol are all lying for Trump?

Nice video / fake news propaganda, dude. Not impressed - CNN & MSNBC do that EVERY DAY.

I saw this and thought of dealing with you Strumpets. It sums you up very well.

Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
1. The Democrats have already been offered DACA and turned it down.

2. Pelosi said 2 days ago that even if the President gave her EVERYTHING she wanted she would still give him nothing.

The Democrats, as Schumer pointed out, are 100% committed to obstruction and denial, refusing to give Trump anything, believing doing so will cause Americans to hate HIM and his losing in 2020...and they are standing with illegals over Americans and forcing Americans to suffer so they can get a partisan political win by making this happen.

So you are saying US Intel agencies, Homeland Security, the US Border Patrol, FBI Stats, and even Obama's own hand-picked Chief of the Border Patrol are all lying for Trump?

Nice video / fake news propaganda, dude. Not impressed - CNN & MSNBC do that EVERY DAY.

I saw this and thought of dealing with you Strumpets. It sums you up very well.

As usual, memes, comedy skits, and fake news....never any facts or evidence from you snowflakes.
Once the wall is done we can start deporting the illegals. Not so easy to come back with a wall in the way.

I already said the methods. The Wall just slows people down or makes them move to an easier location. It doesn't stop them. The only thing that really stops it is boots on the ground. All other things are just support for those boots on the ground.

Tell that to the Israelis, stopping the illegals on their tracks.

These people very low chances of ever making it back.

Are you suggesting we shoot on sight? It's one thing when a 3rd world country does it or one that is in a perpetual state of war like Israel but not for the United States. Even an Illegal Alien has human rights when crossing the border. Do you want to be the Supervisor that ordered that shooting? You may have stopped an Illegal from entering but at the cost of a 1st degree murder conviction.

It's not murder driving invaders from your border.

Oh, the courts will see it as murder. It's one thing to arrest them and let "Due Process" run it's course but another to shoot them on sight. That is premeditated Murder. Do it in Texas and you may get the Death Penalty. So it in Arizona, you get a medal and then the death penalty.
Federal officers, repelling invaders, under Federal orders, are not subject to State jurisdiction.
Is this a compromise you'd accept?

Why or why not?
1. The Democrats have already been offered DACA and turned it down.

2. Pelosi said 2 days ago that even if the President gave her EVERYTHING she wanted she would still give him nothing.

The Democrats, as Schumer pointed out, are 100% committed to obstruction and denial, refusing to give Trump anything, believing doing so will cause Americans to hate HIM and his losing in 2020...and they are standing with illegals over Americans and forcing Americans to suffer so they can get a partisan political win by making this happen.

So you are saying US Intel agencies, Homeland Security, the US Border Patrol, FBI Stats, and even Obama's own hand-picked Chief of the Border Patrol are all lying for Trump?

Nice video / fake news propaganda, dude. Not impressed - CNN & MSNBC do that EVERY DAY.

I saw this and thought of dealing with you Strumpets. It sums you up very well.

As usual, memes, comedy skits, and fake news....never any facts or evidence from you snowflakes.

Already gave it. You just won't accept it. No big loss over here.
I already said the methods. The Wall just slows people down or makes them move to an easier location. It doesn't stop them. The only thing that really stops it is boots on the ground. All other things are just support for those boots on the ground.

Tell that to the Israelis, stopping the illegals on their tracks.

These people very low chances of ever making it back.

Are you suggesting we shoot on sight? It's one thing when a 3rd world country does it or one that is in a perpetual state of war like Israel but not for the United States. Even an Illegal Alien has human rights when crossing the border. Do you want to be the Supervisor that ordered that shooting? You may have stopped an Illegal from entering but at the cost of a 1st degree murder conviction.

It's not murder driving invaders from your border.

Oh, the courts will see it as murder. It's one thing to arrest them and let "Due Process" run it's course but another to shoot them on sight. That is premeditated Murder. Do it in Texas and you may get the Death Penalty. So it in Arizona, you get a medal and then the death penalty.
Federal officers, repelling invaders, under Federal orders, are not subject to State jurisdiction.

You really want to try and order the US Military to fire on Civilians? Last time I checked, that was an illegal order.
Only if we get $25 billion up front. None of this "over 5 years" horseshit.

You run into a logistics problem. If all you are doing is building a wall then it's going to take a decade or more to get it done. The way the budgets work, if you don't spend it you lose it. Therefore, you are going to lose a few billion to the general fund and damn, that's just money for the cretins in DC to play with for their own amusement. The point being, you can only build so many miles per year if all you are building is the wall.
The Army Corp of Engineers can easily build it in 2 years. All they need is 8 crews building the wall out in both directs from 4 starting points. If that doesn't get it, then use 16 crews. One crew should easily be able to build 50 miles in a year.

Maybe they can do it in 2 years but I doubt it no matter if they have 8 crews or not. But let's say they try. So they build the first 1000 miles in 2 years. They are going to have to use the Slatted Steel. Let's say that each panel is 10 feet. That's about 528 panels per mile. For the easy part, that's going to be 52,800 panels. Just the manufacturing of the panels is probably out of touch during those 2 years. And then there is the next 500 miles where it really gets tough. It'll take another 2 years to build that. Now you are left with the last 500 miles.
Good friggin luck with that. At the same time, you are going to have to do quite a swath of eminent domain. Watch Texas and Arizona turn Blue all of sudden and you won't get your second year. So even it they could do it, they would only be able to do the easy parts and political shift would stop them cold.

They don't have to use slatted steel. You would be amazed at how quickly a company can pump out 35' X 10' X 1' prestressed concrete panels. One plant can easily produce a four dozen each day. With 10 plants you can build 480/day. That's almost a mile a day. 20 plants means 2 miles a day. That would be sufficient to build the entire wall.

Prestressed concrete Panels won't make it. Even Trump knows that. They'll have holes all through the unsupervised part of the wall you could drive a car through and they just might drive a friggin car through it. Trump has stated he wanted to use Reinforced Concrete (they'll have to poor that in place) or Slatted Steel. Truth be know, our steel industry can't produce the slatted steel at such an alarming rate. And the assembly and machining would also take time. The Concrete would have to trucked in and poured over the Rebarring and it would days weeks to cure. Now, unless they can move a cement factory on site (forget that) then that's a lot of cement trucks where it's going to take 2 trucks per 10 foot length. But the Reinforced Cement Panel will last almost forever and even an Abrams Tank would be hard pressed to get all the way through it or even do much of a dent by ramming it. The Steel will have to be cleaned and treated about every 2 years or so. Otherwise we end up with the condition of some of the existing wall that is just plain falling down and it's not even 10 years old.

I think 10 years for the easy stuff is more like it and the contractor can spend every dime without the excess being sucked back into the general fund.

You ever work construction? You don't seem to know much about it. And yes, concrete plants can be built on site, and often are.

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You run into a logistics problem. If all you are doing is building a wall then it's going to take a decade or more to get it done. The way the budgets work, if you don't spend it you lose it. Therefore, you are going to lose a few billion to the general fund and damn, that's just money for the cretins in DC to play with for their own amusement. The point being, you can only build so many miles per year if all you are building is the wall.
The Army Corp of Engineers can easily build it in 2 years. All they need is 8 crews building the wall out in both directs from 4 starting points. If that doesn't get it, then use 16 crews. One crew should easily be able to build 50 miles in a year.

Maybe they can do it in 2 years but I doubt it no matter if they have 8 crews or not. But let's say they try. So they build the first 1000 miles in 2 years. They are going to have to use the Slatted Steel. Let's say that each panel is 10 feet. That's about 528 panels per mile. For the easy part, that's going to be 52,800 panels. Just the manufacturing of the panels is probably out of touch during those 2 years. And then there is the next 500 miles where it really gets tough. It'll take another 2 years to build that. Now you are left with the last 500 miles.
Good friggin luck with that. At the same time, you are going to have to do quite a swath of eminent domain. Watch Texas and Arizona turn Blue all of sudden and you won't get your second year. So even it they could do it, they would only be able to do the easy parts and political shift would stop them cold.

They don't have to use slatted steel. You would be amazed at how quickly a company can pump out 35' X 10' X 1' prestressed concrete panels. One plant can easily produce a four dozen each day. With 10 plants you can build 480/day. That's almost a mile a day. 20 plants means 2 miles a day. That would be sufficient to build the entire wall.

Prestressed concrete Panels won't make it. Even Trump knows that. They'll have holes all through the unsupervised part of the wall you could drive a car through and they just might drive a friggin car through it. Trump has stated he wanted to use Reinforced Concrete (they'll have to poor that in place) or Slatted Steel. Truth be know, our steel industry can't produce the slatted steel at such an alarming rate. And the assembly and machining would also take time. The Concrete would have to trucked in and poured over the Rebarring and it would days weeks to cure. Now, unless they can move a cement factory on site (forget that) then that's a lot of cement trucks where it's going to take 2 trucks per 10 foot length. But the Reinforced Cement Panel will last almost forever and even an Abrams Tank would be hard pressed to get all the way through it or even do much of a dent by ramming it. The Steel will have to be cleaned and treated about every 2 years or so. Otherwise we end up with the condition of some of the existing wall that is just plain falling down and it's not even 10 years old.

I think 10 years for the easy stuff is more like it and the contractor can spend every dime without the excess being sucked back into the general fund.

You ever work construction? You don't seem to know much about it. And yes, concrete pants can be built on site, and often are.


Have you ever been in the middle of a Desert 100 miles away from the nearest dirt road? There are no water lines, no power lines, nothing. If you didn't bring it with you you don't have it. And yes, I worked Construction before I enlisted in the United States Air Force which I retired from. I worked as a High Scale Welder welding rebar while hanging from two ropes above where they were pouring cement at a ripe old age of 18 until I got a "Greetings from the President" and immediately left for the Air Force fast. Hanging from a cliff face is one thing but Vietnam? Now that's scary.

DACA for the Wall?

No because Dems have already said once they get DACA they will welch on their end by trying up the wall in court. You cannot negotiate with Dem's its not possible they fully intend to weasel out of their end of the deal.

They can't welch on the Border Security. It's set to a minimum of 1.3 billion by a 2006 Law annually. They've upped it to 1.6 if Trump will deal. That's where it stands right now. You keep saying Wall. It's Border Security and some of that money has to go to adding to the wall and multi layered security fence. Just keep making shit up as you go.
Fuck that. If they don't approve $5.8 billion, then it's time for a national emergency.

Do you idiots actually believe we are going to put up with your horseshit? We've heard it all a million times, and we know it's all designed to delay doing anything about controlling the border. You're all a bunch of fucking douchebags. Don't even think that we're falling for any of your lame-assed shit.

I suggest he doesn't try to declare a National Emergency without the express approval of congress. I don't want Pence as President, period especially since it appears that Congress is finally growing a pair.

There are presently 30 "National Emergencies" in affect in the US. Some go back to 1979.
And Trump does not need congressional approval.


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