DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

No it wasn't... but the dreamers also are not hurting us. Look at their employment numbers. They contribute more to our society like all other hard working citizens

They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
There are 6.2 million jobs open in the US as of June 2017... You were saying?

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Meaningless. The fact is that wages have been going down for the 99% because foreigners who are willing to work for half the wage are flooding into this country. Anyone who denies that is simply a lying douche bag.
Keep kicking the can to new arguements man. You aren't fooling anybody
No it wasn't... but the dreamers also are not hurting us. Look at their employment numbers. They contribute more to our society like all other hard working citizens

They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
There are 6.2 million jobs open in the US as of June 2017... You were saying?

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

There are millions of job openings even when unemployment is at 10%. The fact is that wages are down, and that's obviously because we import cheap labor from third world countries who will work for half the wage.

Yeah, there are plenty of jobs at half the wages Americans are used to getting. When employers get no takers at the wage they are offering, then they'll raise their offer.
Now they aren't taking our jobs it's all about wages. Ok, I see:cuckoo:
We are talking about dreamers. They didn't have a choice in the matter

No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions

Deporting them all is a real solution, and it's the best solution. However, I know politicians will never allow that.
You are right they will never allow it. But keep bitching if it makes you feel better
Wonderful, how much does it cost the average middle class tax payer?

You tell me dumb ass, you're the one that brought them up. I ain't play'n your deflection game anymore.

I did not bring them up. Tro brought them up, i questioned, and you responded. You obviously were talking out of your ass and have no details to back up your claims. You can beat it now.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperboli.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.

I was responding to you, no one else. Are you saying middle class tax money wouldn't have gone to the redistribution scheme? Of course they would, and since the money would have to be borrowed they'd be on the hook for the interest as well. Now take you petty word games and shove it.

Im not playing word games. I talking about a discussion. I just posted how it got started and you've been back peddling for the past few pages. I'll post it again so your idiocracy can be shown. Tro claimed the Dems want the middle class tax payers to support 7 billion people. I told him to stop the hyperbole. You defended him by saying look no further than the paris climate accord. I asked how much the middle class tax payers were supposed to pay into the climate accord. You are too lazy to crunch a few numbers and give a real answer. You show that you were just talking out of your ass with no clue about the actual impact to middle class tax payers. Now go take a nap.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperbole.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.

I told you I'm not your secretary, if you want numbers crunched do it yourself. All US taxpayers were put on the hook with your dear leaders executive agreement, he did it that way because he knew the senate would never approve it as a treaty. So suck it up cupcake, no matter what your dear leader said, we are not responsible for the rest of the world, if they want wealth they can create their own.

I was less concerned with knowing the numbers and more focused on showing that you didn't know what the fuck you were talking about. I appreciate you making it so easy for me to prove my point
Initially about 3 billion, but it would be an on going commitment.

'Slush Fund': Senator Slams State Dept. for $500M Payment to Green Climate Fund

Trump pulled back the down payment of 500 million.

So how much of that is the average middle class tax payer paying for?

About the same as they would be on the hook for with business tax cuts.

And how much is that?
23% of their salaries.
Hahaha. You're joking, right? You think 23% of people's salaries go towards the 3 billion allotted to the Paris accord?!
Prove me wrong
So how much of that is the average middle class tax payer paying for?

About the same as they would be on the hook for with business tax cuts.

And how much is that?
23% of their salaries.
Hahaha. You're joking, right? You think 23% of people's salaries go towards the 3 billion allotted to the Paris accord?!
Prove me wrong
Easy, the median tax rate paid by American tax payers is 13% which produces approx $1.4 trillion in revenue. Your rediculous claim is saying that Americans pay double their actual tax rate to pay for a 3 billion dollar program. It is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.

By your math, Americans would be paying over 1000% of their paychecks for Harvey relief.
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These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.
Neither do you communists who are trying to destroy it.

We are already burdened enough with being World Police. Why do we have to be Mexico's welfare program?

Illegals are not eligible for Welfare, nor have they ever been. They can't vote either. The last place they would end up is in a Welfare office or a voting Precint to say "here I am, come and get me."

The longest lasting economic expansions in our Nation's history happened under RONALD REAGAN. He did something that no other President did. With the swipe of a pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


Ilegals came out of their hiding places, got real jobs and paid real taxes. They opened business's and hired other Americans. They bought American manufactured cars, they bought & builit homes, they bought T.V.'s, electronics, furniture and appliances. They went to school and paid for college educations. They had no fear they knew they were here to stay. They set off the greatest economic boom in this Nation's history that lasted for 20 years.

Many of these Dreamers are in Universities and college campus's all across this country. I can't think of anything more
BONE HEADED than sending dreamers that grew up in this country, and were educated in this country to foreign countries so they can stimulate foreign economies, (not ours) and pay taxes in foreign countries (not ours.) Now I know Republicans are often economically challenged but this is the dumbest ass idea I have ever heard of.

If you don't remember what Ronald Reagan was like you can watch this 3 minute video featuring a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

In this country we have an aging population called babyboomers. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the last several decades family sizes have been reduced to 2 or less kids. 10K babyboomers are entering Social Security/Medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 9 to 10 years, resulting in another 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Right now 1 working person is paying for 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. This is why we're continually having to raise the debt ceiling. We don't even have the younger workers in this country to support Military spending.

So your options are:
1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the age eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the weathier to give to the poorer.)
Keep kids that grew up and were educated in this country (right here) to support these funds, & pay Federal Income and State taxes while stimulating the economy.


This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of ignorance, anger, hate, bigotry & misogyny.


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They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
There are 6.2 million jobs open in the US as of June 2017... You were saying?

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Meaningless. The fact is that wages have been going down for the 99% because foreigners who are willing to work for half the wage are flooding into this country. Anyone who denies that is simply a lying douche bag.
Keep kicking the can to new arguements man. You aren't fooling anybody

It's the same argument. You aren't fooling anybody. You want foreigners to take American jobs and drive our wages down.
They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
There are 6.2 million jobs open in the US as of June 2017... You were saying?

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

There are millions of job openings even when unemployment is at 10%. The fact is that wages are down, and that's obviously because we import cheap labor from third world countries who will work for half the wage.

Yeah, there are plenty of jobs at half the wages Americans are used to getting. When employers get no takers at the wage they are offering, then they'll raise their offer.
Now they aren't taking our jobs it's all about wages. Ok, I see:cuckoo:
It's the same thing, moron.
Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?
Why do tax paying Americans not have the same opportunities
and financial relief as any of them?
They should. Now you answer my question
They should. Now answer my question.
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
How long did those facilities last before the students destroyed them?

The California Loon is not a bird. A California Loon spent millions giving poor children iPads for education. All them were promptly sold on the streets.
How long did those facilities last before the students destroyed them?

The California Loon is not a bird. A California Loon spent millions giving poor children iPads for education. All them were promptly sold on the streets.
Well, TCL, I'm SO glad you ask!....
I'm off in the morning and on my soapbox tonight

Maybe you should pm me so we can exchange numbers
this is gonna be one, hell of a long post!

Now, before I address your question TCL,
and first share 4 hrs of my day with everyone,
let me say this...
I am not a callous person, I believe in loyalty

I am not cold hearted, I'm sympathetic

I am not unfeeling, I am unmoved by guilt trips

I am not against helping those in need,
I'm against the notion that its the duty of government

I'm not against people having a better life,
I'm against that being at the expense of everyone else

I'm not against families who fall on hard times,
I'm against making irresponsibility a way of life

I'm not against anyone who desires to come here,
I'm against having to be fiscally responsible for them.

Now, my 4 hrs today...

So, I've been feeling under the weather,
and developed chest pains from coughing so hard,
I knew I had an upper respiratory infection, again

I don't have insurance but, knew I had no choice
but, to go see a doctor and get anti biotics

So, this morning, I started calling the doctor offices
within walking distance or 1 bus trip...quite a few by me,
to check out prices for walk ins paying cash

I had 5 places written down, the cheapest being $85
(remember, I live in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood, 98%)
Well, I assumed from the address, that was the medical center
right on the corner of 63rd st, so, I walked in, AND IT WAS PACKED!

This was 10:15 am and its packed with kids and adults...
I'm like, wtf, then it hit me...Tues was the first day back
for Chicago Public Schools,... these kids are getting
their physicals and immunizations that are required

Wtf...they have known the first day of school was Sept 5th,
like we know Halloween is Oct 31st and Christmas is Dec. 25th,
but, you see, around here, the majority all go back to Mexico

Well, I'm like, I'm outta here, I'll walk up the street,
there are 2 more medical centers, 4 & 6 blocks down 63rd,
get to the next one...again, its fucking packed,
these kids are supposed to be in school but, here they are

So, I get to the last one(which, now I know why only 1 1/2 **)
and, not bad at all, no kids and only 6 adults, all Hispanic

So, the one thing I hate more,
than going to the doctor, is giving out my info

The girl hands me some paperwork to fill out...
I don't provide my full last name, middle name,
address, phone number, #SS, birthday, work info,
emergency contact, race, gender, marital status

just my first name, initial of my last and zip code

I forget what the other 2 papers were about but,
I wrote across them, deny, RTS

So, when I bring her back my paperwork,
she starts marking the empty spaces
using a green lime highlighter and says...

...Can I see your ID please?

I'm like...what do you need my id for?...I'm paying cash
I left blank what I wanted left blank...

...Well, we need to register you

register me for what, I'm a walk in....

blah, blah, blah, she goes on

so, I say, look, I'm not trying to be a bitch but....

...but, you're being one, she says

Oh, it was on now!

Excuse me....Look here Missy,
I feel like shit as it is, and trust me, I'm not the one
I'm not paying for your attitude, I'm paying to see a doctor!
I'm not a new client, under the primary care, of any doctor here...
I'm only here because the last 2 clinics were packed...

I have always paid my own medical bills. I negotiate a cash price. Not credit card, debit card or check. Cash. I can usually get a substantial discount.

I never give my information to anyone. Once a receptionist got demanding. I told her that I knew that five minutes after I left she would be selling that information to her cholo boyfriend.
Here's a deal I would make with DACA supporters:

1 DACA recipient can stay for every progressive, that said they would leave the country if Trump won the election, that leaves the country and renounces their US citizenship.

Oh look, more people who are so insecure with their lives they need to lash out at some brown people.

How will this ruling improve the lives of anyone in here?

Hint: It won't.
See, that's the problem right there ^

It has nothing to do with improving my life,...
that chance came and went long ago,
when politicians chose not to concern themselves with
enforcing our immigration laws and ignored the bigger picture

Like everything else these fucking morons do,
they do what's either, politically safe, financially beneficial, or
aligned with their party and worry about the consequences later

They don't consider the welfare of the Union, as a whole
or, what's in the best interest of our country, down the road,
it's about whose pulling the strings and not political suicide
so, they consider their base voters and how to stay in office

When the problem got worse, did they decide...
shit, time to worry and get a grip on the situation...

NOOOO, let's not enforce our laws and pass legislation
that would act as a deterrent for illegal immigration...

let's feed them, and give them healthcare, a place to live,
financial assistance, an education, pay for child care,
make children, born in the US, to illegal immigrants, auto citizens
disabilities, no problemo, we've got disability insurance for yo

You need it taken care of, we've got you covered...

trouble walking, we'll give ya a new set of hips,
heart valves need replacing, we got you...cross our heart
trouble seeing, well, let's get those cataracts removed
need an organ...hey, no sweat, we'll put you on the list
wrong gender,...hey, no worries, we'll take care of that too

You want it, we'll supply it...

wheelchairs, walkers, canes, mobility scooters,
pace makers, hearing aids, glasses, contacts,
braces, dentures, prescription medication,
oxygen tank, inhalers, dialysis treatments,
birth control, condoms, tubes tied, abortion,
school supplies, we'll waive school fees,
food for the house, PLUS, we'll feed your kids,
breakfast, lunch and after school snacks, at school...

And, listen...don't concern yourself with learning English,
we'll provide the Spanish translation of everything for you,
to make your criminally, free stay here, more easier...

that includes Spanish speaking teachers in the schools,
so children can understand what is being taught,
which provides them a better opportunity to succeed later

Now, for the best part...all this and more, is available to you,
for the low, low, price of..... FREE, YEP FREE...for you and yours

Its gonna cost everyone else....
program budget cuts for our elderly, veterans, disabled, mentally Ill,
or, shit, we can eliminate programs too, drive up health insurance premiums
and health care costs, taxes, we'll scale back on infrastructure and military upgrades,
we'll increase class sizes in other schools and reduce that funding, we'll make other people
buy health insurance, raise SS age, makes seniors shell out more money, raise property taxes,
increase payroll taxes, let damns and levys deteriorate a little longer, they won't care...

Like I stated when I began this post...
This has nothing to do with improving my life...

It has absolutely, everything to do with, improving, not only,
the lives of my children, and the offspring of family and friends
and their eventual families but, for all within their future generations

And, that starts by assembling a clean up crew
and begin cleaning up this massive, fucking, mess of a country
instead of allowing more shit on the pile, then passing the buck

It's time to get back to basics, common sense and standards
It's time to retire this political establishment body
Eat or be eaten...stay strong, fight back

Putting hard work and sacrifice,
ahead of entitlement mentality and bleeding hearts.
Where everyone is entitled to work hard and sacrifice
or be left to the fruit of their labor and alone with their excuses

That starts by putting the brakes on rewarding irresponsibility
and allow people the consequences of their choices

That starts by no longer providing illegal immigrants
assistance of any kind, in any way, shape or form.

Whether you are apprehended,
trying to illegally enter this country
or apprehended and illegally within our borders...

you will immediately be placed under arrest and begin serving
a mandatory, 10 yr sentence, in an undisclosed location

Free rides, will no longer take a front seat
at the expense of, the hard work of others.

Its those who bust their ass, to pay their bills
and raise the children they had, who deserve the break...

Hint: It'll work

You asked, How will this ruling
improve the lives of anyone in here?

My turn...How will this ruling
improve the lives of everyone over there?

Hint: It will!
Pretty simple really, just come legally.
We are talking about dreamers. They didn't have a choice in the matter

No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We will see
Oh look, more people who are so insecure with their lives they need to lash out at some brown people.

How will this ruling improve the lives of anyone in here?

Hint: It won't.
See, that's the problem right there ^

It has nothing to do with improving my life,...
that chance came and went long ago,
when politicians chose not to concern themselves with
enforcing our immigration laws and ignored the bigger picture

Like everything else these fucking morons do,
they do what's either, politically safe, financially beneficial, or
aligned with their party and worry about the consequences later

They don't consider the welfare of the Union, as a whole
or, what's in the best interest of our country, down the road,
it's about whose pulling the strings and not political suicide
so, they consider their base voters and how to stay in office

When the problem got worse, did they decide...
shit, time to worry and get a grip on the situation...

NOOOO, let's not enforce our laws and pass legislation
that would act as a deterrent for illegal immigration...

let's feed them, and give them healthcare, a place to live,
financial assistance, an education, pay for child care,
make children, born in the US, to illegal immigrants, auto citizens
disabilities, no problemo, we've got disability insurance for yo

You need it taken care of, we've got you covered...

trouble walking, we'll give ya a new set of hips,
heart valves need replacing, we got you...cross our heart
trouble seeing, well, let's get those cataracts removed
need an organ...hey, no sweat, we'll put you on the list
wrong gender,...hey, no worries, we'll take care of that too

You want it, we'll supply it...

wheelchairs, walkers, canes, mobility scooters,
pace makers, hearing aids, glasses, contacts,
braces, dentures, prescription medication,
oxygen tank, inhalers, dialysis treatments,
birth control, condoms, tubes tied, abortion,
school supplies, we'll waive school fees,
food for the house, PLUS, we'll feed your kids,
breakfast, lunch and after school snacks, at school...

And, listen...don't concern yourself with learning English,
we'll provide the Spanish translation of everything for you,
to make your criminally, free stay here, more easier...

that includes Spanish speaking teachers in the schools,
so children can understand what is being taught,
which provides them a better opportunity to succeed later

Now, for the best part...all this and more, is available to you,
for the low, low, price of..... FREE, YEP FREE...for you and yours

Its gonna cost everyone else....
program budget cuts for our elderly, veterans, disabled, mentally Ill,
or, shit, we can eliminate programs too, drive up health insurance premiums
and health care costs, taxes, we'll scale back on infrastructure and military upgrades,
we'll increase class sizes in other schools and reduce that funding, we'll make other people
buy health insurance, raise SS age, makes seniors shell out more money, raise property taxes,
increase payroll taxes, let damns and levys deteriorate a little longer, they won't care...

Like I stated when I began this post...
This has nothing to do with improving my life...

It has absolutely, everything to do with, improving, not only,
the lives of my children, and the offspring of family and friends
and their eventual families but, for all within their future generations

And, that starts by assembling a clean up crew
and begin cleaning up this massive, fucking, mess of a country
instead of allowing more shit on the pile, then passing the buck

It's time to get back to basics, common sense and standards
It's time to retire this political establishment body
Eat or be eaten...stay strong, fight back

Putting hard work and sacrifice,
ahead of entitlement mentality and bleeding hearts.
Where everyone is entitled to work hard and sacrifice
or be left to the fruit of their labor and alone with their excuses

That starts by putting the brakes on rewarding irresponsibility
and allow people the consequences of their choices

That starts by no longer providing illegal immigrants
assistance of any kind, in any way, shape or form.

Whether you are apprehended,
trying to illegally enter this country
or apprehended and illegally within our borders...

you will immediately be placed under arrest and begin serving
a mandatory, 10 yr sentence, in an undisclosed location

Free rides, will no longer take a front seat
at the expense of, the hard work of others.

Its those who bust their ass, to pay their bills
and raise the children they had, who deserve the break...

Hint: It'll work

You asked, How will this ruling
improve the lives of anyone in here?

My turn...How will this ruling
improve the lives of everyone over there?

Hint: It will!
The last president who really handled invaders the way they should be handled brought the country from war to prosperity. Eisenhower had operation Wetback and cleaned house.
Oh look, more people who are so insecure with their lives they need to lash out at some brown people.

How will this ruling improve the lives of anyone in here?

Hint: It won't.
See, that's the problem right there ^

It has nothing to do with improving my life,...
that chance came and went long ago,
when politicians chose not to concern themselves with
enforcing our immigration laws and ignored the bigger picture

Like everything else these fucking morons do,
they do what's either, politically safe, financially beneficial, or
aligned with their party and worry about the consequences later

They don't consider the welfare of the Union, as a whole
or, what's in the best interest of our country, down the road,
it's about whose pulling the strings and not political suicide
so, they consider their base voters and how to stay in office

When the problem got worse, did they decide...
shit, time to worry and get a grip on the situation...

NOOOO, let's not enforce our laws and pass legislation
that would act as a deterrent for illegal immigration...

let's feed them, and give them healthcare, a place to live,
financial assistance, an education, pay for child care,
make children, born in the US, to illegal immigrants, auto citizens
disabilities, no problemo, we've got disability insurance for yo

You need it taken care of, we've got you covered...

trouble walking, we'll give ya a new set of hips,
heart valves need replacing, we got you...cross our heart
trouble seeing, well, let's get those cataracts removed
need an organ...hey, no sweat, we'll put you on the list
wrong gender,...hey, no worries, we'll take care of that too

You want it, we'll supply it...

wheelchairs, walkers, canes, mobility scooters,
pace makers, hearing aids, glasses, contacts,
braces, dentures, prescription medication,
oxygen tank, inhalers, dialysis treatments,
birth control, condoms, tubes tied, abortion,
school supplies, we'll waive school fees,
food for the house, PLUS, we'll feed your kids,
breakfast, lunch and after school snacks, at school...

And, listen...don't concern yourself with learning English,
we'll provide the Spanish translation of everything for you,
to make your criminally, free stay here, more easier...

that includes Spanish speaking teachers in the schools,
so children can understand what is being taught,
which provides them a better opportunity to succeed later

Now, for the best part...all this and more, is available to you,
for the low, low, price of..... FREE, YEP FREE...for you and yours

Its gonna cost everyone else....
program budget cuts for our elderly, veterans, disabled, mentally Ill,
or, shit, we can eliminate programs too, drive up health insurance premiums
and health care costs, taxes, we'll scale back on infrastructure and military upgrades,
we'll increase class sizes in other schools and reduce that funding, we'll make other people
buy health insurance, raise SS age, makes seniors shell out more money, raise property taxes,
increase payroll taxes, let damns and levys deteriorate a little longer, they won't care...

Like I stated when I began this post...
This has nothing to do with improving my life...

It has absolutely, everything to do with, improving, not only,
the lives of my children, and the offspring of family and friends
and their eventual families but, for all within their future generations

And, that starts by assembling a clean up crew
and begin cleaning up this massive, fucking, mess of a country
instead of allowing more shit on the pile, then passing the buck

It's time to get back to basics, common sense and standards
It's time to retire this political establishment body
Eat or be eaten...stay strong, fight back

Putting hard work and sacrifice,
ahead of entitlement mentality and bleeding hearts.
Where everyone is entitled to work hard and sacrifice
or be left to the fruit of their labor and alone with their excuses

That starts by putting the brakes on rewarding irresponsibility
and allow people the consequences of their choices

That starts by no longer providing illegal immigrants
assistance of any kind, in any way, shape or form.

Whether you are apprehended,
trying to illegally enter this country
or apprehended and illegally within our borders...

you will immediately be placed under arrest and begin serving
a mandatory, 10 yr sentence, in an undisclosed location

Free rides, will no longer take a front seat
at the expense of, the hard work of others.

Its those who bust their ass, to pay their bills
and raise the children they had, who deserve the break...

Hint: It'll work

You asked, How will this ruling
improve the lives of anyone in here?

My turn...How will this ruling
improve the lives of everyone over there?

Hint: It will!

This post should be placed on every desk in congress!

Truer words have never been spoken.

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