DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

We did not bring them here. Their parents did. They knowingly involved their children in a criminal activity. Sure, it's not the children's fault, but not ours either.

So, I'll ask you the same as the OP. Remove the doors from your house. Anyone who enters may stay as long as they want and by doing so, you obligate to feed and provide medical care. Will you do it, or are you a heartless bastard?

I'll await your reply.
Of course not, that is a dumb comparison that involves completely different points of comparison. To your point about the dreamers, you are correct, it wasn't their fault that they were brought here. Now they are teenagers and young adults and ready to go to college and start their careers. So why are you punishing them for their parents mistakes. Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?
so to his other point it wasn't our fault either right?
No it wasn't... but the dreamers also are not hurting us. Look at their employment numbers. They contribute more to our society like all other hard working citizens

They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
How much money were middle class tax payers accountable for via the Paris accord?

Initially about 3 billion, but it would be an on going commitment.

'Slush Fund': Senator Slams State Dept. for $500M Payment to Green Climate Fund

Trump pulled back the down payment of 500 million.

So how much of that is the average middle class tax payer paying for?

About the same as they would be on the hook for with business tax cuts.

And how much is that?
23% of their salaries.
Hahaha. You're joking, right? You think 23% of people's salaries go towards the 3 billion allotted to the Paris accord?!
Initially about 3 billion, but it would be an on going commitment.

'Slush Fund': Senator Slams State Dept. for $500M Payment to Green Climate Fund

Trump pulled back the down payment of 500 million.

So how much of that is the average middle class tax payer paying for?

About the same as they would be on the hook for with business tax cuts.

And how much is that?
23% of their salaries.
Hahaha. You're joking, right? You think 23% of people's salaries go towards the 3 billion allotted to the Paris accord?!

The Right's forte' is not mathematics and economics.....
how do you figure? it is the exact same thing. you wish to be two faced and a liar who is unamerican and hates citizens of the US.
the border is the door which we have border security to watch. opening that is no different than opening the door to a home. This country is our home, right? we then feed them, right? we give them healthcare, right? had slade, how is that unamerian thing working out for you today? I owe an illegal absolutely nothing except a ride back to where their parents came from. I think that's white of us to pay for their transportation.
We have a country founded by immigrants, grown into a superpower by immigrants, a Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants, land of the free, land of opportunity... that is what our country is. At no time ever have we been required to open our homes, if you don't get the difference between personal property and privacy vs allowing immigrants the opportunity to live contribute and find personal success in our country then I really can't explain it any better. Stay ignorant my friend
an illegal is not an immigrant. try again.
Illegal means breaking the law. Are you saying these children broke the law?
their parents did yes. and it doesn't matter what they were or knew either, they are illegal, and your justification is nothing but doggie poop. illegal is illegal. they are unlawfully in my country. and I want them out.
Yes, it is obvious that you want them out and it gives me much joy that you are not going to get what you want. Keep stomping your feet.
the border is the door which we have border security to watch. opening that is no different than opening the door to a home. This country is our home, right? we then feed them, right? we give them healthcare, right? had slade, how is that unamerian thing working out for you today? I owe an illegal absolutely nothing except a ride back to where their parents came from. I think that's white of us to pay for their transportation.
We have a country founded by immigrants, grown into a superpower by immigrants, a Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants, land of the free, land of opportunity... that is what our country is. At no time ever have we been required to open our homes, if you don't get the difference between personal property and privacy vs allowing immigrants the opportunity to live contribute and find personal success in our country then I really can't explain it any better. Stay ignorant my friend
an illegal is not an immigrant. try again.
Illegal means breaking the law. Are you saying these children broke the law?
their parents did yes. and it doesn't matter what they were or knew either, they are illegal, and your justification is nothing but doggie poop. illegal is illegal. they are unlawfully in my country. and I want them out.
Yes, it is obvious that you want them out and it gives me much joy that you are not going to get what you want. Keep stomping your feet.

Get to the back of the fricken bus.
Simple math man, How much is collected in taxes, how much is spent, what percentage of spending goes to the Paris accord, what is the portion coming from the middle class.

Great, do the math, I'm not your damn secretary or research assistant.

ITS YOUR CLAIM DUDE. You obviously don't know how much it is costing the average middle class tax payer yet you spout out about it like they are being ripped off! What a joke. Know your shit before you make claims. I can question you all I want, i'm not the one making the statements that you are. And I'm definitely not here to do your work for you.

Speaking at the 2000 U.N. Conference on Climate Change in the Hague, former President Jacques Chirac of France explained why the IPCC’s climate initiative supported a key Western European Kyoto Protocol objective: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”

In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their 'Science'

Wonderful, how much does it cost the average middle class tax payer?

You tell me dumb ass, you're the one that brought them up. I ain't play'n your deflection game anymore.

I did not bring them up. Tro brought them up, i questioned, and you responded. You obviously were talking out of your ass and have no details to back up your claims. You can beat it now.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperboli.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.
We have a country founded by immigrants, grown into a superpower by immigrants, a Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants, land of the free, land of opportunity... that is what our country is. At no time ever have we been required to open our homes, if you don't get the difference between personal property and privacy vs allowing immigrants the opportunity to live contribute and find personal success in our country then I really can't explain it any better. Stay ignorant my friend

Pretty simple really, just come legally.
We are talking about dreamers. They didn't have a choice in the matter

No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
Of course not, that is a dumb comparison that involves completely different points of comparison. To your point about the dreamers, you are correct, it wasn't their fault that they were brought here. Now they are teenagers and young adults and ready to go to college and start their careers. So why are you punishing them for their parents mistakes. Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?
so to his other point it wasn't our fault either right?
No it wasn't... but the dreamers also are not hurting us. Look at their employment numbers. They contribute more to our society like all other hard working citizens

They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
There are 6.2 million jobs open in the US as of June 2017... You were saying?

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
Great, do the math, I'm not your damn secretary or research assistant.

ITS YOUR CLAIM DUDE. You obviously don't know how much it is costing the average middle class tax payer yet you spout out about it like they are being ripped off! What a joke. Know your shit before you make claims. I can question you all I want, i'm not the one making the statements that you are. And I'm definitely not here to do your work for you.

Speaking at the 2000 U.N. Conference on Climate Change in the Hague, former President Jacques Chirac of France explained why the IPCC’s climate initiative supported a key Western European Kyoto Protocol objective: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”

In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their 'Science'

Wonderful, how much does it cost the average middle class tax payer?

You tell me dumb ass, you're the one that brought them up. I ain't play'n your deflection game anymore.

I did not bring them up. Tro brought them up, i questioned, and you responded. You obviously were talking out of your ass and have no details to back up your claims. You can beat it now.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperboli.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.

I was responding to you, no one else. Are you saying middle class tax money wouldn't have gone to the redistribution scheme? Of course they would, and since the money would have to be borrowed they'd be on the hook for the interest as well. Now take you petty word games and shove it.

ITS YOUR CLAIM DUDE. You obviously don't know how much it is costing the average middle class tax payer yet you spout out about it like they are being ripped off! What a joke. Know your shit before you make claims. I can question you all I want, i'm not the one making the statements that you are. And I'm definitely not here to do your work for you.

Speaking at the 2000 U.N. Conference on Climate Change in the Hague, former President Jacques Chirac of France explained why the IPCC’s climate initiative supported a key Western European Kyoto Protocol objective: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”

In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their 'Science'

Wonderful, how much does it cost the average middle class tax payer?

You tell me dumb ass, you're the one that brought them up. I ain't play'n your deflection game anymore.

I did not bring them up. Tro brought them up, i questioned, and you responded. You obviously were talking out of your ass and have no details to back up your claims. You can beat it now.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperboli.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.

I was responding to you, no one else. Are you saying middle class tax money wouldn't have gone to the redistribution scheme? Of course they would, and since the money would have to be borrowed they'd be on the hook for the interest as well. Now take you petty word games and shove it.

Im not playing word games. I talking about a discussion. I just posted how it got started and you've been back peddling for the past few pages. I'll post it again so your idiocracy can be shown. Tro claimed the Dems want the middle class tax payers to support 7 billion people. I told him to stop the hyperbole. You defended him by saying look no further than the paris climate accord. I asked how much the middle class tax payers were supposed to pay into the climate accord. You are too lazy to crunch a few numbers and give a real answer. You show that you were just talking out of your ass with no clue about the actual impact to middle class tax payers. Now go take a nap.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperbole.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.
Initially about 3 billion, but it would be an on going commitment.

'Slush Fund': Senator Slams State Dept. for $500M Payment to Green Climate Fund

Trump pulled back the down payment of 500 million.

So how much of that is the average middle class tax payer paying for?

About the same as they would be on the hook for with business tax cuts.

And how much is that?
23% of their salaries.
Hahaha. You're joking, right? You think 23% of people's salaries go towards the 3 billion allotted to the Paris accord?!
I don't care if only $0.01 goes to pay for the Paris accord. It's a scam.
So how much of that is the average middle class tax payer paying for?

About the same as they would be on the hook for with business tax cuts.

And how much is that?
23% of their salaries.
Hahaha. You're joking, right? You think 23% of people's salaries go towards the 3 billion allotted to the Paris accord?!

The Right's forte' is not mathematics and economics.....

Man, you sure are funny!
so to his other point it wasn't our fault either right?
No it wasn't... but the dreamers also are not hurting us. Look at their employment numbers. They contribute more to our society like all other hard working citizens

They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
There are 6.2 million jobs open in the US as of June 2017... You were saying?

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Meaningless. The fact is that wages have been going down for the 99% because foreigners who are willing to work for half the wage are flooding into this country. Anyone who denies that is simply a lying douche bag.
These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Where else should Mexican citizens go?
so to his other point it wasn't our fault either right?
No it wasn't... but the dreamers also are not hurting us. Look at their employment numbers. They contribute more to our society like all other hard working citizens

They are taking jobs that American citizens could be doing.
No they aren't. We have plenty of open jobs and let in the same amount of immigrants every year as there are total dreamers. Your talking point is BS

Tell that to all the STEM graduates who are sitting at home looking for a job. Tell that to all the carpenters, plumbers and electricians who are looking for work. The irrefutable fact is that every immigrant, whether legal or not, takes a job from an American.
There are 6.2 million jobs open in the US as of June 2017... You were saying?

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

There are millions of job openings even when unemployment is at 10%. The fact is that wages are down, and that's obviously because we import cheap labor from third world countries who will work for half the wage.

Yeah, there are plenty of jobs at half the wages Americans are used to getting. When employers get no takers at the wage they are offering, then they'll raise their offer.
Pretty simple really, just come legally.
We are talking about dreamers. They didn't have a choice in the matter

No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions

Deporting them all is a real solution, and it's the best solution. However, I know politicians will never allow that.
Speaking at the 2000 U.N. Conference on Climate Change in the Hague, former President Jacques Chirac of France explained why the IPCC’s climate initiative supported a key Western European Kyoto Protocol objective: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”

In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their 'Science'

Wonderful, how much does it cost the average middle class tax payer?

You tell me dumb ass, you're the one that brought them up. I ain't play'n your deflection game anymore.

I did not bring them up. Tro brought them up, i questioned, and you responded. You obviously were talking out of your ass and have no details to back up your claims. You can beat it now.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperboli.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.

I was responding to you, no one else. Are you saying middle class tax money wouldn't have gone to the redistribution scheme? Of course they would, and since the money would have to be borrowed they'd be on the hook for the interest as well. Now take you petty word games and shove it.

Im not playing word games. I talking about a discussion. I just posted how it got started and you've been back peddling for the past few pages. I'll post it again so your idiocracy can be shown. Tro claimed the Dems want the middle class tax payers to support 7 billion people. I told him to stop the hyperbole. You defended him by saying look no further than the paris climate accord. I asked how much the middle class tax payers were supposed to pay into the climate accord. You are too lazy to crunch a few numbers and give a real answer. You show that you were just talking out of your ass with no clue about the actual impact to middle class tax payers. Now go take a nap.

There are 7 billion people on the planet and the Corrupt Democratic Party wants the middle class taxpayers to support them all.

SLADE said:
Which policy proposal from the left makes you say that? Back up that ridiculous statement or stop spreading the hyperbole.

OKTexas said:
You need look no farther than the Paris Climate Accord and the wealth redistribution schemes in it.

I told you I'm not your secretary, if you want numbers crunched do it yourself. All US taxpayers were put on the hook with your dear leaders executive agreement, he did it that way because he knew the senate would never approve it as a treaty. So suck it up cupcake, no matter what your dear leader said, we are not responsible for the rest of the world, if they want wealth they can create their own.

These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.

Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

Next to ISIS the far left is one of the most hateful groups/religions.
These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.

Illegal aliens are creating big problems for us, and we're going to put a lot more border patrol people to support us, and we're not going to have people able to work by coming in illegally, and we're going to cut off their welfare benefits, and we're going to deport people in record numbers.

William Jefferson Clinton
State of the Union Address 1995



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