DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

Pretty simple really, just come legally.
We are talking about dreamers. They didn't have a choice in the matter

No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?
Why do tax paying Americans not have the same opportunities
and financial relief as any of them?
They should. Now you answer my question
They should. Now answer my question.
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here. This is their country and their home. But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here.
Dreamers alright... always dreaming up ways
to illegally stay here, at our expense....
this time, using children as pawns
This is their country and their home.
They decided this was their country...
They made this country their home...illegally
But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?


Deferred...put off

We put off deporting them as children,
now, they're adults who need to depart
and legally, go through the process,

Makes perfect sense
We have a country founded by immigrants, grown into a superpower by immigrants, a Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants, land of the free, land of opportunity..

You forgot to mention...

We have a country founded by immigrants....
that enacted immigration laws into the Constitution

grown into a superpower by immigrants....
who legally entered through Ellis Island

a Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants....
France also has immigration laws, it was a gift
because we secured their freedom in the war...
the plaque was added later
We are talking about dreamers. They didn't have a choice in the matter

No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.
Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?
Why do tax paying Americans not have the same opportunities
and financial relief as any of them?
They should. Now you answer my question
They should. Now answer my question.
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here. This is their country and their home. But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?
We are talking about dreamers right now. They were brought here by no choice of their own and they have lived their whole lives here.
Dreamers alright... always dreaming up ways
to illegally stay here, at our expense....
this time, using children as pawns
This is their country and their home.
They decided this was their country...
They made this country their home...illegally
But you want to kick them out? How does that make any sense at all?


Deferred...put off

We put off deporting them as children,
now, they're adults who need to depart
and legally, go through the process,

Makes perfect sense
No we defer deporting them so they can seek education and employment while we wait for congress to pull their heads out of their asses and come up with immigration reform to legalize them in a official way. It is whats going to happen and you are going to have to deal with that reality. It was Obamas plan and it sounds like it is Trumps plan as well.
We have a country founded by immigrants, grown into a superpower by immigrants, a Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants, land of the free, land of opportunity..

You forgot to mention...

We have a country founded by immigrants....
that enacted immigration laws into the Constitution

grown into a superpower by immigrants....
who legally entered through Ellis Island

a Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants....
France also has immigration laws, it was a gift
because we secured their freedom in the war...
the plaque was added later
Why does it matter when the plaque was added? It is there and it stands for a spirit that most people identify for themselves and for their country.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Nice try with your pivot to "Legal" immigration. I'm not advocating for open boarders or for illegal immigration. People who enter the country illegally should be held accountable. The Dreamers were brought here, they grew up here, they should not be punished for the crimes of their parents. If a bank robber has their kid sitting in the back seat of their get away car, that kid doesn't go to jail with the parents. This is their home sending them to a country that they do not even know is a punishment. The vast majority of them are employed or eagerly seeking education they are not a NET cost they are NET contributors. Those are the kind of people we want in this country. You can still make a strong "borders" argument but show some heart for a small group of children that are here without documentation through no fault of their own.

Mark my words. DACA or something similar will pass and their will be funding for border security packaged in with the bill. Thats your "win/win".
It's only fair for dreamers to wait in line legally like everybody else should...
It's only fair for dreamers to wait in line legally like everybody else should...
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's only fair for dreamers to wait in line legally like everybody else should...
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
It's only fair for dreamers to wait in line legally like everybody else should...
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
grown into a superpower by immigrants....
who legally entered through Ellis Island

The american economy was built on slavery, and the transcontinental railroad was built on asians. And the space program built on "paper clip" ex-nazi's.
grown into a superpower by immigrants....
who legally entered through Ellis Island

The american economy was built on slavery, and the transcontinental railroad was built on asians. And the space program built on "paper clip" ex-nazi's.
Our modern economy has been built and is running on technology and innovation. Who do you think is driving that workforce? White kids from Beverly Hills? Who is working the fields and providing us with produce and our domestic food sources?
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.

I thought the priority for deportations were the "criminal" aliens? The dreamers aren't criminals. They have been background checked, and are productive members of society. And in case you say being here undocumented is a crime, remember they arrived as juveniles. They had no chargeable criminal intent.
No they didn't, nor did we have a choice to let them in.

They were brought in by, then raised by criminals that, at any point could have admitted to the errors in their ways, left, sought legal entrance, then returned legally. They chose to leave their children in this position. NOT US.

This "blame the ugly American" crap is old and boring. Get over it unless you believe that we MUST LET PEOPLE GAME OUR SYSTEM AND GET AWAY WITH IT.

So stop this foolishness, or live by the principles you push, and if anyone breaks into YOU HOME be ready to give them legal residence.

It is EXACTLY what you ask your country to do, but not yourself.

Wake the hell up!

OBTW, have you noticed how many signs there are in the DACA support protests written in SPANISH!

Assimilation is not in those fold vocabulary
The solution is with immigration reform and border security. Not punishing dreamers. You are focusing your energy in the wrong place
"Immigration reform" is libspeak for "amnesty." That isn't going to happen. We don't need to reform our immigration laws. We just need to enforce them.
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people. It just isn't going to happen no matter how loud you yell. You can be that dumbass making noise like jc456 or you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
We aren't deporting or starving out 10 million people.

.....you can join the discussion and talk about real solutions
The program is finished and whether it's 1 million,
or 5 million, and doesn't reach 10 million,
is neither here nor there...deportations are imminent

Truly, it is a win, win, solution....for both countries

If the reason for people illegally entering our country
from Mexico, is truly, for the opportunity of a better life,
then, "the Dreamers" should want to return to Mexico
and collectively, accept the responsibility, as their duty,
to take the opportunities they were afforded and benefited from,
and begin the process of applying what they learned and lived,

so that, ALL of Mexico will benefit from their opportunities,
not them alone, bestowing on Mexico's future generations,
what their grandparents and parents, did not have,
and the reason for leaving Mexico, to chase a dream to America...
opportunities and a better life

Personally, the way I see it at this point is,
so many people illegally entered and bunkered down here,
not because there are limited and few opportunities
for a better life in Mexico but, because there are
more opportunities and resources for an easier life in America

If you illegally came here for a better life,
and you're on food stamps, get WIC vouchers,
get cash assistance, use a government program cell phone
live in section 8 housing, have a government medical card,....

you're not living a better life, you're living an easier life
THAT is NOT the "American Dream"....that IS the "American Scheme"
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.

You should talk to the parents. It is they that showed complete lack of understanding and empathy.

How empathetic would you be when arriving home from vacation to find a family of squatters in your home that refused to leave? Bet you'd be calling the cops to have them forcibly removed. Kids or no kids.
Our modern economy has been built and is running on technology and innovation. Who do you think is driving that workforce? White kids from Beverly Hills? Who is working the fields and providing us with produce and our domestic food sources?

They used to call it "the brain drain" Immigrants coming to this country with ideas, skills, and determination.
Easy to say for you, but it is obvious that you have not taken the perspective of the 15 year old high schooler thats been here since she was 4 and has never even been to Mexico. Or the high school grad who is starting their first year at College. The utter lack of awareness and empathy shown in your posts is pretty disgusting and to hear you justify it by calling it a win win for both countries and imply that the dreamers should be grateful for the opportunities that we gave them before dispelling them to a foreign country... Thats rich man. You need some serious reflection time.

I thought the priority for deportations were the "criminal" aliens? The dreamers aren't criminals. They have been background checked, and are productive members of society. And in case you say being here undocumented is a crime, remember they arrived as juveniles. They had no chargeable criminal intent.

Gaming the system by the parents is no excuse.
Our modern economy has been built and is running on technology and innovation. Who do you think is driving that workforce? White kids from Beverly Hills? Who is working the fields and providing us with produce and our domestic food sources?

They used to call it "the brain drain" Immigrants coming to this country with ideas, skills, and determination.

There you have it. Cheap produce is the reason.

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