DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

Yeah, after we boot a couple of million illegals, we can start looking at which of the dreamers we want to keep.

The dreamers are law abiding, productive tax payers. They actually are a better population than the general public. We would be better off keeping the dreamers, and kicking out the first million Trump voters.
Illegal is illegal, they can go to the back of the line and wait their turn.:fu:
DACA Is Unconstitutional, as Obama Admitted

How do we know? Because even Obama admitted it – repeatedly.

Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."

Yet in 2012, he did it anyway. He put DACA in place to provide pseudo-legal status to illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors, including as teenagers. He promised them that they wouldn't be deported and provided them with work authorizations and access to Social Security and other government benefits.

And he did this despite the fact that the immigration laws passed by Congress do not give the president the ability to do this. Indeed, Congress specifically rejected bills to provide such benefits.

The unconstitutionality of Obama's actions were confirmed when Obama tried to implement a second, similar program in 2014 called the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, or DAPA. Like DACA, DAPA provided an administrative amnesty for illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as adults and gave them work authorizations and access to government benefits.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a nationwide injunction against DAPA, which the Supreme Court allowed to stand. As the Fifth Circuit said, the fact that the president declined to enforce the law and remove illegal aliens "does not transform presence deemed unlawful by Congress into lawful presence and confer eligibility for otherwise unavailable benefits based on that change."
Yeah, after we boot a couple of million illegals, we can start looking at which of the dreamers we want to keep.

The dreamers are law abiding, productive tax payers. They actually are a better population than the general public. We would be better off keeping the dreamers, and kicking out the first million Trump voters.

The dreamers are law abiding, productive tax payers.

Yeah, we should probably keep some of them.
First, let's boot a couple of million illegals.
It's only fair for dreamers to wait in line legally like everybody else should...
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.
Our modern economy has been built and is running on technology and innovation. Who do you think is driving that workforce? White kids from Beverly Hills? Who is working the fields and providing us with produce and our domestic food sources?

They used to call it "the brain drain" Immigrants coming to this country with ideas, skills, and determination.

There you have it. Cheap produce is the reason.
You still don't get it.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
...and still should wait in line like everyone else does in the legal way.
I haven't said otherwise
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact

Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good
It's only fair for dreamers to wait in line legally like everybody else should...
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.

Here in Illinois we spend $12K-$15K per student per year to educate children of illegals.
Working for cash, in many cases, it's difficult to see how their tax payments would cover that expense.
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.

Here in Illinois we spend $12K-$15K per student per year to educate children of illegals.
Working for cash, in many cases, it's difficult to see how their tax payments would cover that expense.
how is that 12K-15K per student calculated?
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact

Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good

Wow, statistics crafted from thin air, how impressive.... :eusa_whistle:

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