DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.

Here in Illinois we spend $12K-$15K per student per year to educate children of illegals.
Working for cash, in many cases, it's difficult to see how their tax payments would cover that expense.
how is that 12K-15K per student calculated?

How is that 80% calculated? Actually, I know - you simply made it up.
Not too sure I fully understand, the left wants to tear down statues of someone from 150 years ago because they did something that was legal back in the day. But they want to give a free pass to illegals that actually did something illegal within the last 20 years. Anyone care to explain the logic?

Sure, the left is in a war to end the American Republic. That war is now a hot war with scum like Haznonuts attempting an actual coup against the legally elected government.

Treason is the reason for the democrats.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact

Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good

Wow, statistics crafted from thin air, how impressive.... :eusa_whistle:
Not thin air I heard it on Fox News. I was mistaken though I guess it is 91% of dreamers are employed:

The report states that 91 percent of DACA recipients are employed, and removing them from the work force would put 700,000 people out of jobs. Replacing them would cost $3.4 billion, the report also states.

DACA: Trump expected to end 'Dreamers' immigration program
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.

Here in Illinois we spend $12K-$15K per student per year to educate children of illegals.
Working for cash, in many cases, it's difficult to see how their tax payments would cover that expense.
how is that 12K-15K per student calculated?

How is that 80% calculated? Actually, I know - you simply made it up.
I just posted a link... How about you ask honest questions before making ignorant accusations? I don't make up facts. I state opinions or facts that have sources, take notes. Feel free to challenge the sources though, they aren't always right, thats the point of having a discussion/debate. I just ask that you elevate the conversation not try and take it to the gutter, which is what it feels like you are trying to do.
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.

Here in Illinois we spend $12K-$15K per student per year to educate children of illegals.
Working for cash, in many cases, it's difficult to see how their tax payments would cover that expense.
how is that 12K-15K per student calculated?



ILLINOIS | Per Student Spending
It's only fair for dreamers to wait in line legally like everybody else should...
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.
They lose all credibility with their illegal status... if they are to come back legally that would gain their credibility back?
The States should just go forward with the lawsuit to the Federal Courts..............shouldn't wait 6 months...............and it would meet the same fate as DAPA.

It is unconstitutional..............Obama had no authority to use his pen and a phone to enact legislation.

To those that whine about it..................you don't get to pick and choose which laws you will obey.........Not if you believe in a Republic Nation of laws.............yet you do it all the time.

Sue DACA states.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact

Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good
They cannot contribute if they are here illegally...
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact

Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good

Wow, statistics crafted from thin air, how impressive.... :eusa_whistle:
Not thin air I heard it on Fox News. I was mistaken though I guess it is 91% of dreamers are employed:

The report states that 91 percent of DACA recipients are employed, and removing them from the work force would put 700,000 people out of jobs. Replacing them would cost $3.4 billion, the report also states.

DACA: Trump expected to end 'Dreamers' immigration program
You're still missing the point, their illegal status makes everything else about them a moot point.
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.

Here in Illinois we spend $12K-$15K per student per year to educate children of illegals.
Working for cash, in many cases, it's difficult to see how their tax payments would cover that expense.
how is that 12K-15K per student calculated?

View attachment 148544
View attachment 148545

ILLINOIS | Per Student Spending
Thanks for the link. Its shows that the calculations are "Operating Spending Per Pupil includes all costs for overall operations, including Instructional Spending..." So that is school staff, teachers, and operations. Many of those are fixed costs to operate the school and not specific investments per students. Take out the "illegals" and the costs remain the same but the number of students going into the division is reduced. It isn't the most honest of calculations. Get it?
They need to get themselves legal, then they can fight for their credibility
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact

Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good

Wow, statistics crafted from thin air, how impressive.... :eusa_whistle:
Not thin air I heard it on Fox News. I was mistaken though I guess it is 91% of dreamers are employed:

The report states that 91 percent of DACA recipients are employed, and removing them from the work force would put 700,000 people out of jobs. Replacing them would cost $3.4 billion, the report also states.

DACA: Trump expected to end 'Dreamers' immigration program

"According to a report from the Center for American Progress "

So, a leftist group offered an unsupported claim that was mentioned in a news article? It is a flat out made up number - which the leftist press is so well known for.

So let's look at this; according the the left, DACA is comprised of children, it is "Deferred Action for CHILDHOOD arrivals."

“Whatever concerns or complaints Americans may have about immigration in general, we shouldn’t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own, who pose no threat, who are not taking away anything from the rest of us,” Mr. Obama wrote on Facebook.

Both he and Mr. Trump said the onus was now on lawmakers to protect the young immigrants as part of a broader overhaul of the immigration system that would also toughen enforcement.}

Trump Moves to End DACA and Calls on Congress to Act

So 91% of CHILDREN are employed? :eek:

Okay, so the left and Obama are flat out lying about DACA being a program for children, the left lies incessantly.

Further, DACA is pushed as a means of educating young illegals, yet statistically the DACA group is no better educated than the average Hispanic immigrant.

And again, these STUDENTS are supposedly employed at a rate of 91% :lmao:
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact

Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good
They cannot contribute if they are here illegally...
Yes they can... They work and pay taxes... They buy goods, they pay rent all of which expands our economy
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.

Here in Illinois we spend $12K-$15K per student per year to educate children of illegals.
Working for cash, in many cases, it's difficult to see how their tax payments would cover that expense.
how is that 12K-15K per student calculated?

View attachment 148544
View attachment 148545

ILLINOIS | Per Student Spending
Thanks for the link. Its shows that the calculations are "Operating Spending Per Pupil includes all costs for overall operations, including Instructional Spending..." So that is school staff, teachers, and operations. Many of those are fixed costs to operate the school and not specific investments per students. Take out the "illegals" and the costs remain the same but the number of students going into the division is reduced. It isn't the most honest of calculations. Get it?

Take out the "illegals" and the costs remain the same but the number of students going into the division is reduced.

Here in Chicago, we've been closing public schools. If we removed all the illegals, some of the remaining schools would be closed/consolidated.

Also, due to the need for ESL staffing, the average expense of the illegals is likely higher than the expense of the citizen population.
I disagree. Refugees don't wait in the same line as "everybody else" are you going to stomp your feet about that as well?
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.
They lose all credibility with their illegal status... if they are to come back legally that would gain their credibility back?
Thats your opinion... one close minded conservative/anarchist doesn't define the will of the rest of Americans
Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good

Wow, statistics crafted from thin air, how impressive.... :eusa_whistle:
Not thin air I heard it on Fox News. I was mistaken though I guess it is 91% of dreamers are employed:

The report states that 91 percent of DACA recipients are employed, and removing them from the work force would put 700,000 people out of jobs. Replacing them would cost $3.4 billion, the report also states.

DACA: Trump expected to end 'Dreamers' immigration program
You're still missing the point, their illegal status makes everything else about them a moot point.
Again, that is your small opinion. thanks for sharing but you aren't contributing very much to the substantive part of this discussion. Try to elevate yourself
Illegals don't qualify for welfare. But if their kids go to school in NYC, they get a free lunch, just like all the other kids.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good

Wow, statistics crafted from thin air, how impressive.... :eusa_whistle:
Not thin air I heard it on Fox News. I was mistaken though I guess it is 91% of dreamers are employed:

The report states that 91 percent of DACA recipients are employed, and removing them from the work force would put 700,000 people out of jobs. Replacing them would cost $3.4 billion, the report also states.

DACA: Trump expected to end 'Dreamers' immigration program

"According to a report from the Center for American Progress "

So, a leftist group offered an unsupported claim that was mentioned in a news article? It is a flat out made up number - which the leftist press is so well known for.

So let's look at this; according the the left, DACA is comprised of children, it is "Deferred Action for CHILDHOOD arrivals."

“Whatever concerns or complaints Americans may have about immigration in general, we shouldn’t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own, who pose no threat, who are not taking away anything from the rest of us,” Mr. Obama wrote on Facebook.

Both he and Mr. Trump said the onus was now on lawmakers to protect the young immigrants as part of a broader overhaul of the immigration system that would also toughen enforcement.}

Trump Moves to End DACA and Calls on Congress to Act

So 91% of CHILDREN are employed? :eek:

Okay, so the left and Obama are flat out lying about DACA being a program for children, the left lies incessantly.

Further, DACA is pushed as a means of educating young illegals, yet statistically the DACA group is no better educated than the average Hispanic immigrant.

And again, these STUDENTS are supposedly employed at a rate of 91% :lmao:
How do you know it was an unsubstantiated claim? Is that another thing that you just made up, like your claim that my comment was unsubstantiated? I just proved you wrong for making that claim about me as I posted proof of what substantiated my claim. You now don't get to assume that my source has nothing to back it up. Do a little work and show why you think it is unsubstantiated. Also it was reported by Fox News, which is not "Leftist media" so it obviously has some weight behind it.
It's far too easy for illegal aliens and refugees to get into this country, that's part of the reason why this country is failing… A free ride benefits nobody
I disagree, I know shocking. I don't think our country is failing at all. I still see America as the greatest country on Earth. Where are you getting this "Free ride" notion from? Last time I checked, legal or illegal immigrants need to work to pay the bills. The illegal ones are doing the shit jobs for very little pay.
Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees. Just existing does not give them a right to be here… Fact
Speaking of facts, how about you explain how "Illegal aliens are all about the free ride, same way with refugees" back that up with facts because from what i've seen they are amongst some of the hardest working people in this country.
They lose all credibility with their illegal status... if they are to come back legally that would gain their credibility back?
Thats your opinion... one close minded conservative/anarchist doesn't define the will of the rest of Americans
Legal is legal, that will go a long way towards their redemption.
So 91% of CHILDREN are employed? :eek:

Okay, so the left and Obama are flat out lying about DACA being a program for children, the left lies incessantly.

Further, DACA is pushed as a means of educating young illegals, yet statistically the DACA group is no better educated than the average Hispanic immigrant.

And again, these STUDENTS are supposedly employed at a rate of 91% :lmao:
The average DACA kid was brought here at age 6. The average age of DACA recipients now is 22. The opportunity DACA opens up for these people is a chance to pursue college and a career.
The country can't afford this sort of deal, the country is broke
with over 80% employment from the dreamers they are contributing more to the country then costing. Deporting them will cause more economic harm than good

Wow, statistics crafted from thin air, how impressive.... :eusa_whistle:
Not thin air I heard it on Fox News. I was mistaken though I guess it is 91% of dreamers are employed:

The report states that 91 percent of DACA recipients are employed, and removing them from the work force would put 700,000 people out of jobs. Replacing them would cost $3.4 billion, the report also states.

DACA: Trump expected to end 'Dreamers' immigration program
You're still missing the point, their illegal status makes everything else about them a moot point.
Again, that is your small opinion. thanks for sharing but you aren't contributing very much to the substantive part of this discussion. Try to elevate yourself
I will tell you what, you don't give a criminal back something they just have stolen... it really makes no sense.

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