DACA path to citizenship....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
If the DACA recipients are granted a path to full citizenship, it should follow the same path as current LEGAL IMMIGRANTS have followed. All LEGAL IMMIGRANTS seeking citizenship should become citizens prior to ANY DACA program recipients. Just because their parents BROKE THE LAW in bringing them here doesn't mean they should be allowed to jump line.

It's bad enough that shithole states like California are giving illegal aliens a quick path to citizenship and voting. The federal government does not need to follow their lead and give preference to DACA babies.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.

I might accept that if stringently enforced.

As far as I know, children cannot legally benefit from the crimes of their parents.
To be perfectly honest, I don't care if DACA people ever be given citizenship, but I'm strongly of a mind that they be permitted to remain in the U.S. I am cognizant that they know no country other than the U.S., and in light of that if there were accorded permanent residency, some with some without an option to convert it to full citizenship, that'd be okay with me. I think DACA-eligible people who came to the U.S. when they were below 13 years-old should be given citizenship.

That said, were I to by fiat resolve the issue, I'd just give them immediate full citizenship and update the DREAMer legislation such that there will be no such concessions granted to future minors who enter the U.S. illegally. I would do that because it's "half a win" for reasonable Democrats and "half a win" for reasonable Republicans.

I've of no mind to give a damn one way or the other about the desires of unreasonable, immoderate members of either party because they will never be pleased by anything other than 100%+ of "their way, that is, "having their cake and eating it too." F*ck them and f*ck that. I don't have time for people like that and I doubt many people of substance do.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
why does it take 20 years for legal immigrants to become citizens?

it took my legal immigrant mother 5 years, then my legal immigrant Italian grandparents came and it took them just 5 years....

WHY is that now 20 years, if that is the case? 20 years is ridiculous for legal immigrants to get citizenship....
If the DACA recipients are granted a path to full citizenship, it should follow the same path as current LEGAL IMMIGRANTS have followed. All LEGAL IMMIGRANTS seeking citizenship should become citizens prior to ANY DACA program recipients. Just because their parents BROKE THE LAW in bringing them here doesn't mean they should be allowed to jump line.

It's bad enough that shithole states like California are giving illegal aliens a quick path to citizenship and voting. The federal government does not need to follow their lead and give preference to DACA babies.
All LEGAL IMMIGRANTS seeking citizenship should become citizens prior to ANY DACA program recipients.
Well, "the what" -- giving DACA-eligible people citizenship, residency, whatever -- and "the when" are two dimensions of the matter. AFAIK, there isn't agreement among folks who, in the decision making process, matter on "the what," so "the when" really doesn't yet matter.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
why does it take 20 years for legal immigrants to become citizens?

it took my legal immigrant mother 5 years, then my legal immigrant Italian grandparents came and it took them just 5 years....

WHY is that now 20 years, if that is the case? 20 years is ridiculous for legal immigrants to get citizenship....
Pay attention. I did not say it takes 20 years. I said "if it takes 20 years". I think NONE of the DACA children should be given citizenship until ALL of the existing LEGAL APPLICANTS have been granted citizenship, including the ones that have been cleared for entry but have not yet immigrated.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
why does it take 20 years for legal immigrants to become citizens?

it took my legal immigrant mother 5 years, then my legal immigrant Italian grandparents came and it took them just 5 years....

WHY is that now 20 years, if that is the case? 20 years is ridiculous for legal immigrants to get citizenship....
The same reason a Security clearance that used to take a few weeks now takes over a year. The government is very adept at creating inefficient and illogical processes that bog down tremendously when the number of applicants for those processes increases dramatically. But rather than address the core inefficiencies and flawed processes, they turn the resulting chaos into a political football each blaming the other side.
How to Become a U.S. Citizen | USAGov

ok, it takes 5 years living here like my grandparents, and only 3 years for my mom, because she and dad were married overseas when he was stationed there and moved here a couple of months later, and it takes 3 years for the spouse of an American citizen....

people are not meeting the requirements or not applying in a timely manner for it to take longer....

I have no problem with them being put behind those entering now or behind those approved to enter now, though not here yet....
How to Become a U.S. Citizen | USAGov

ok, it takes 5 years living here like my grandparents, and only 3 years for my mom, because she and dad were married overseas when he was stationed there and moved here a couple of months later, and it takes 3 years for the spouse of an American citizen....

people are not meeting the requirements or not applying in a timely manner for it to take longer....

I have no problem with them being put behind those entering now or behind those approved to enter now, though not here yet....
Then let's kiss and make up!
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
why does it take 20 years for legal immigrants to become citizens?

it took my legal immigrant mother 5 years, then my legal immigrant Italian grandparents came and it took them just 5 years....

WHY is that now 20 years, if that is the case? 20 years is ridiculous for legal immigrants to get citizenship....
Pay attention. I did not say it takes 20 years. I said "if it takes 20 years". I think NONE of the DACA children should be given citizenship until ALL of the existing LEGAL APPLICANTS have been granted citizenship, including the ones that have been cleared for entry but have not yet immigrated.
It seems your whole bailiwick is about "the when," with "the what" -- citizenship -- being resolved in your mind. Okay....that is what it is. I don't "the what" is nearly so settled in others' minds.
DACA suffers from the intentional broad brushing of Democrats. They want ALL of them, law abiding or not, educated or not, jobs or not to be granted citizenship (a.k.a full voting rights) immediately. That is a terrible solution. IMO a PORTION of those who are law abiding, in school, or with jobs should be granted permanent residency status but NOT citizenship. And certainly if they have a criminal record they need to be deported immediately. There is a big difference between an MS-13 gang banger and good kid who is in college and getting good grades.
How can they work honest jobs without a legal social security number? I understand your point to a degree, but don’t quite follow how they are abiding by laws.

I also believe no matter how they are allowed to stay, they must take and pass the same tests of the US as all others that apply.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
why does it take 20 years for legal immigrants to become citizens?

it took my legal immigrant mother 5 years, then my legal immigrant Italian grandparents came and it took them just 5 years....

WHY is that now 20 years, if that is the case? 20 years is ridiculous for legal immigrants to get citizenship....
Pay attention. I did not say it takes 20 years. I said "if it takes 20 years". I think NONE of the DACA children should be given citizenship until ALL of the existing LEGAL APPLICANTS have been granted citizenship, including the ones that have been cleared for entry but have not yet immigrated.
It seems your whole bailiwick is about "the when," with "the what" -- citizenship -- being resolved in your mind. Okay....that is what it is. I don't "the what" is nearly so settled in others' minds.
Close, but no cigar. I don't care if they never get citizenship. I just don't want them expelled or fired from the jobs. IF they do get citizenship, I want it to occur AFTER all LEGAL APPLICANTS have received same.
How can they work honest jobs without a legal social security number? I understand your point to a degree, but don’t quite follow how they are abiding by laws.

I also believe no matter how they are allowed to stay, they must take and pass the same tests of the US as all others that apply.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
Many immigrants are allowed to work before they get full citizenship.

Social Security Numbers and Immigrant Visas
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.

Which then creates another mass entrance of families with infants and toddlers ...
I’m talking about those undocumented.
From your link-
Home / Who Can Use This?
If you're a non-citizen applying to enter the U.S., you must:

  • Request a Social Security number card as part of your immigrant visa application; and
  • Be a lawfully admitted permanent resident.
If you're a refugee, we're sorry but you can't apply for a Social Security number card in your country of origin.

How can they work honest jobs without a legal social security number? I understand your point to a degree, but don’t quite follow how they are abiding by laws.

I also believe no matter how they are allowed to stay, they must take and pass the same tests of the US as all others that apply.
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.
Many immigrants are allowed to work before they get full citizenship.

Social Security Numbers and Immigrant Visas
There should be no path to citizenship for anyone brought here illegally, by their parents or otherwise.
I know how you feel about legality, but the DACA children had nothing to do with their being illegal aliens. Their parents brought them here. Some have been here since before their cognitive years. Most are hard working and contribute to society. They essentially know no other country.

Those that have been abiding by the laws, getting educations, working honest jobs and such should not be expelled. They should get in line BEHIND ALL LEGAL IMMIGRANTS in the path toward citizenship. If it takes them 20 years to become citizens, so be it. If they die before becoming citizens, so be it.

Which then creates another mass entrance of families with infants and toddlers ...
Not if Congress includes that there be no new DACA recipients.

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