DACA...the "hot potato" now in congress' inept hands....

They are no longer children and they sure as #%&@ are not innocent. They are arrogant demanding assholes and we have enough legal ones in this country without keeping the illegal ones.

Could they stay if they promised to vote republican?????.........................LOL

Take that up with Reagans' Cubans...
They were given amnesty. The citizens are not going to accept that route again.
Lets bring back these "good ol' days" right wingers.........



Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.
They are no longer children and they sure as #%&@ are not innocent. They are arrogant demanding assholes and we have enough legal ones in this country without keeping the illegal ones.

Of course they're no longer children. That's how the human body works. :rolleyes:

All grown up send them to their home countries and they can fight their home country policies if they don't like it there.

The U.S. is their home country. We're talking about whether it's cruel to condemn them to a strange land or not.
Did they come over the border illegally?

YES......some of them in their mothers' bellies.........Damn "criminals"......LOL

showing your stupidity again?

Those were anchor babies, and, unfortunately, were awarded citizenship at birth

just because your parents dumped you and left you behind dont carry a grudge , mmmmmk ?


My parents?

Bringing family into it?

Sorry, bud...

Fathers family here since the 1720s, mother family here since the 1840s.

and no record of any family member being 'left behind'.
Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.
They are no longer children and they sure as #%&@ are not innocent. They are arrogant demanding assholes and we have enough legal ones in this country without keeping the illegal ones.

Of course they're no longer children. That's how the human body works. :rolleyes:

All grown up send them to their home countries and they can fight their home country policies if they don't like it there.

The U.S. is their home country. We're talking about whether it's cruel to condemn them to a strange land or not.

Not unless they are anchor babies.
Lets bring back these "good ol' days" right wingers.........



View attachment 147506
Wrong you have it backwards..... they came in illegally of their own accord.. and they can leave as their protest obviously show they are not cut out for civilized conduct. They like their home country so much as to fly that flag here they can all go back there.


The GOP under Trump has defined itself as the white grievance party — bluntly, a party fueled by concocted white resentment aimed at minorities. The party of Lincoln has become the party of Charlottesville, Arpaio, DACA repeal, and the Muslim ban. Embodying the very worst sentiments and driven by irrational anger……………………Jennifer Rubin
We just keep lowering the bar, we have become so filled with fear. its getting real creepy out there in the real world.
The ONLY way for the racist Trump and his racist base to gather up 800,000 DACA folks, will be to gather them up at checkpoints, rely on "tips" and many of the same methods used by the Nazis....

Maybe they can sew on their clothes a little sombrero to help identify them more easily.

Of course, if one of these DACA kids is from Honduras, we should drop him or her off at the border with Mexico....after all, all these dark skinned Spanish speakers are all the same to our beloved right wingers.
It is sad that there are so many people on this board who hate so many other people that they do not know, and who have never done anything to them to cause that hate. It really is the same mindset that existed in Germany in the 1930's. It is bad enough that they hate the adults who committed a misdemeanor by entering the country without papers, but the hate rolls downhill to the children, who are not here by choice, but whose whole lives will be disrupted, when they are deported from the only home they ever knew. There is absolutely no evidence that these children are a burden on our society, but they are hated, nonetheless. When I said goodby to the Republican party when baby Bush was elected, I could start to feel the rage from the Right. it is a sad, and pathetic way to go through life.
Do you know how many have been pimped out to prostitution and drug trafficking while in Obama's detention centers? Of course you don't.

Do you? Of course you don't.

Terrible, terrible argument

Yes, National Geographic filmed a documentary on the issue. Apparently you are an ignorant ill informed liberal like most liberals. Go ahead attempt to discredit National Geographic you hack.
Aw making up a story about National Geographic and DACA because your bluff was called :itsok:

Its ignorant morons like you who should not vote. "The victims are frequently extorted, assaulted, and trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation within the country and in the United States." Hello earth to ignorant liberal.
The ONLY way for the racist Trump and his racist base to gather up 800,000 DACA folks, will be to gather them up at checkpoints, rely on "tips" and many of the same methods used by the Nazis....

Maybe they can sew on their clothes a little sombrero to help identify them more easily.

Of course, if one of these DACA kids is from Honduras, we should drop him or her off at the border with Mexico....after all, all these dark skinned Spanish speakers are all the same to our beloved right wingers.
Here's an idea, nat...

lets create that 'citizen army' Obama was talking about, and have them search them out.

That is the reason he wanted a 'citizen army', isn't it?
Why do ReTrumplicans want to kick out people who want to join our 'team'? Especially those who are here through no fault of their own, that know no where else. They are for all intents Americans.

Only one thing I can see - wrong color.
They are for all intents Americans.

no, they aren't..

they are here illegally

Why do you want to reward criminals?

That's a straw man argument and weak too.

People who didn't break the law themselves are not criminals. Children who grew up in our country and in some cases have served this country, have shown allegiance to this country are not criminals.
Name one other law that enables children to keep the proceeds of parental wrongdoing.

Can a parent steal a car and the adult child gets to keep it? Can a child keep the cash proceeds of a bank robbery committed by a parent? Which law can a parent break and the child keep the benefit?
It is sad that there are so many people on this board who hate so many other people that they do not know, and who have never done anything to them to cause that hate. It really is the same mindset that existed in Germany in the 1930's. It is bad enough that they hate the adults who committed a misdemeanor by entering the country without papers, but the hate rolls downhill to the children, who are not here by choice, but whose whole lives will be disrupted, when they are deported from the only home they ever knew. There is absolutely no evidence that these children are a burden on our society, but they are hated, nonetheless. When I said goodby to the Republican party when baby Bush was elected, I could start to feel the rage from the Right. it is a sad, and pathetic way to go through life.
It really is the same mindset that existed in Germany in the 1930's.

There were millions of illegal aliens in Germany in the 1930s/1940s?

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