DACA...the "hot potato" now in congress' inept hands....

no, they aren't..

they are here illegally

Why do you want to reward criminals?

Sins of the parents gets their children to pay for those sins??? Shit, if that's the case, Fred Trump's blatant racism must THEN be passed on to Donny-baby's own guilt.....don't you think?

Did they come over the border illegally?

are they here illegally?

Will you ever realize that Trump isn't the cause of all the ills in the world?

(well, maybe he is, in your little world)
Why do ReTrumplicans want to kick out people who want to join our 'team'? Especially those who are here through no fault of their own, that know no where else. They are for all intents Americans.

Only one thing I can see - wrong color.

You really went there? Is this a cartoon?
Regardless of outcome, the parents of these illegal aliens are to blame. They entered our country illegally and placed their own children in harms way.

Did these people (mostly uneducated peasants) think things through to their logical conclusion? Of course not! They simply wanted a better life. They found jobs that paid cash and because we have "sanctuary" cities, and lax enforcement of immigration law, they felt safe. In many cases we gave these criminals food stamps and welfare. We allowed their kids to attend our schools and become part of our society.

The soft-hearted (and soft headed) idiots on the left enabled and were complicit in the crime under the guise of "compassion".

It's a perfect example of "unintended consequences".
eight years?

What Reed didn't stop, Obama would have.

Are you going to prove your idiocy all day, or will you go offline soon with your foot in your mouth.

So, you morons wanted a majority in Congress....and NOW, you're blaming the minority in Congress.........What an asshole you must be......LOL
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.
They are no longer children and they sure as #%&@ are not innocent. They are arrogant demanding assholes and we have enough legal ones in this country without keeping the illegal ones.

Why do ReTrumplicans want to kick out people who want to join our 'team'? Especially those who are here through no fault of their own, that know no where else. They are for all intents Americans.

Only one thing I can see - wrong color.
They are for all intents Americans.

no, they aren't..

they are here illegally

Why do you want to reward criminals?

That's a straw man argument and weak too.

People who didn't break the law themselves are not criminals. Children who grew up in our country and in some cases have served this country, have shown allegiance to this country are not criminals.
eight years?

What Reed didn't stop, Obama would have.

Are you going to prove your idiocy all day, or will you go offline soon with your foot in your mouth.

So, you morons wanted a majority in Congress....and NOW, you're blaming the minority in Congress.........What an asshole you must be......LOL
What an asshole you must be......

What a fool you must be, if you believe Obama was going to stop one of his signature programs.
Why do ReTrumplicans want to kick out people who want to join our 'team'? Especially those who are here through no fault of their own, that know no where else. They are for all intents Americans.

Only one thing I can see - wrong color.
They are for all intents Americans.

no, they aren't..

they are here illegally

Why do you want to reward criminals?

That's a straw man argument and weak too.

People who didn't break the law themselves are not criminals. Children who grew up in our country and in some cases have served this country, have shown allegiance to this country are not criminals.

"People who didn't break the law themselves are not criminals. Children who grew up in our country and in some cases have served this country, have shown allegiance to this country are not criminals."

That's a straw man argument and weak too.
They are no longer children and they sure as #%&@ are not innocent. They are arrogant demanding assholes and we have enough legal ones in this country without keeping the illegal ones.

Could they stay if they promised to vote republican?????.........................LOL
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.
They are no longer children and they sure as #%&@ are not innocent. They are arrogant demanding assholes and we have enough legal ones in this country without keeping the illegal ones.

Of course they're no longer children. That's how the human body works. :rolleyes:
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?
If they were innocent children when they came here, yes.
They are no longer children and they sure as #%&@ are not innocent. They are arrogant demanding assholes and we have enough legal ones in this country without keeping the illegal ones.

Of course they're no longer children. That's how the human body works. :rolleyes:

All grown up send them to their home countries and they can fight their home country policies if they don't like it there.
Those were anchor babies, and, unfortunately, were awarded citizenship at birht

Now THAT was what I wanted for you morons to openly state......the bolded part...

Question....Since most Cubans vote republicans how come they are allowed to stay here since the Reagan years???
Those were anchor babies, and, unfortunately, were awarded citizenship at birht

Now THAT was what I wanted for you morons to openly state......the bolded part...

Question....Since most Cubans vote republicans how come they are allowed to stay here since the Reagan years???

Great idea, moron...

lets complain about what happened 30 years ago, instead of preventing the same mistake being made today?

(I swear, you get dumber by the day)

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