DACA...the "hot potato" now in congress' inept hands....

As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.
TRANSLATION: I'm upset that he took away one more excuse I would have had to whine about him and call him names. So I'll whine about him and call him names for taking away my excuse instead.
All countries have immigration laws.

There is nothing racist about the enforcement of our immigration laws.

The Racist Democrats are attempting to block the enforcement of our immigration laws just for more Voters. And That is what’s racist as hell.
If you believe you're doing someone a favor by violating the law, does that make it OK to do so?

Generations ago, Congress passed our immigration laws, and the President at the time signed them into law. They said that any foreign national who comes into the country without a visa, should be deported. The law made no exception for very young children.

DACA is a program created by Executive Order by Barack Obama. In doing so, he simply ignored the law. And then violated it. Is this what Presidents should do?

If Obama's heart told him it was bad to deport someone who had been brought into the country illegally by his parents when he was maybe 1 or two years old... why didn't Obama go to Congress (then fully controlled by Democrats), get them to pass a bill changing the immigration laws to allow grown adults who were brought in as young children to stay? Why did he take it upon himself to violate his own oath of office and break the laws passed by Congress instead? If this idea was as popular as the liberals say it is, there should have been no problem getting Congress to change the law... should there?

The reason is, because most Americans didn't want the law changed. And the Congressmen knew they might lose their next election if they changed the law that way, that's why.

Congress has had plenty of time - decades - to change the law. And they have deliberately kept it unchanged.

If your heart says that's not right... have YOU tried to get Congress to change the law? Or are you pretty sure you'd never succeed... because most American people don't want the law changed?

The American way is to have laws passed by our Representatives and signed by the President... and to have them changed by those representatives and signed into different form by the President. And to OBEY them until they are changed.

People who don't want to follow that pattern, should maybe find a different country where they don't do that. Until they do, no, they shouldn't just start letting illegal aliens who were brought here as kids, stay. That would violate the law - a law that America clearly doesn't want changed. Only a small but vocal minority want it differently.

Some anti-Americans would love to see our highest elected officials violate refuse to do their jobs and start violating American law instead. It would be the first step toward tearing down any American law they feel like, and transforming the country into something the American people don't want.

And those anti-Americans know that their best chance of success is to get Americans to say, "Where is your heart?" ....and carefully ignore the more important question, "Do we want our elected officials to obey and enforce the law we made our representatives pass... or not?"
Here's an idea, nat...

lets create that 'citizen army' Obama was talking about, and have them search them out.

That is the reason he wanted a 'citizen army', isn't it?

NO, moron........that silly idea of Obama BEFORE he became president, was to have a national service component....pretty much like most civilized countries in Europe already have....

Your Obama hatred above was a big swing and a miss...
Here's an idea, nat...

lets create that 'citizen army' Obama was talking about, and have them search them out.

That is the reason he wanted a 'citizen army', isn't it?

NO, moron........that silly idea of Obama BEFORE he became president, was to have a national service component....pretty much like most civilized countries in Europe already have....

Your Obama hatred above was a big swing and a miss...

Our Obama hate got Trump elected :eusa_dance:
TRANSLATION: I'm upset that he took away one more excuse I would have had to whine about him and call him names. So I'll whine about him and call him names for taking away my excuse instead.

No, fuck head......Far from it.......

Here, answer these questions:

During the campaign did Trump promise to repeal the DACA.....Yes or No?

Now, that he is POTUS, is Trump repealing the DACA or is he giving it to Congress to repeal......
Yes or No ?

So, moron, what happened to the executive orders that you idiots LOVED Trump for ???....LOL
It is sad that there are so many people on this board who hate so many other people that they do not know, and who have never done anything to them to cause that hate. It really is the same mindset that existed in Germany in the 1930's. It is bad enough that they hate the adults who committed a misdemeanor by entering the country without papers, but the hate rolls downhill to the children, who are not here by choice, but whose whole lives will be disrupted, when they are deported from the only home they ever knew. There is absolutely no evidence that these children are a burden on our society, but they are hated, nonetheless. When I said goodby to the Republican party when baby Bush was elected, I could start to feel the rage from the Right. it is a sad, and pathetic way to go through life.
It really is the same mindset that existed in Germany in the 1930's.

There were millions of illegal aliens in Germany in the 1930s/1940s?

No, there were millions of people who hated their neighbors, and wanted them all out of their society.
Here's an idea, nat...

lets create that 'citizen army' Obama was talking about, and have them search them out.

That is the reason he wanted a 'citizen army', isn't it?

NO, moron........that silly idea of Obama BEFORE he became president, was to have a national service component....pretty much like most civilized countries in Europe already have....

Your Obama hatred above was a big swing and a miss...
Here's an idea, nat...

lets create that 'citizen army' Obama was talking about, and have them search them out.

That is the reason he wanted a 'citizen army', isn't it?

NO, moron........that silly idea of Obama BEFORE he became president, was to have a national service component....pretty much like most civilized countries in Europe already have....

Your Obama hatred above was a big swing and a miss...
no, he came up with the idea, whether he implemented it or not.

Why not make it fact?
no, he came up with the idea, whether he implemented it or not.

Why not make it fact?

Yes, find Obama just as :guilty" as an orange moron coming up with the foolish idea of building a wall with Mexico.
Here's an idea, nat...

lets create that 'citizen army' Obama was talking about, and have them search them out.

That is the reason he wanted a 'citizen army', isn't it?

NO, moron........that silly idea of Obama BEFORE he became president, was to have a national service component....pretty much like most civilized countries in Europe already have....

Your Obama hatred above was a big swing and a miss...

Our Obama hate got Trump elected :eusa_dance:

Agreed. Unfortunately for the US that's all you got!
Here's an idea, nat...

lets create that 'citizen army' Obama was talking about, and have them search them out.

That is the reason he wanted a 'citizen army', isn't it?

NO, moron........that silly idea of Obama BEFORE he became president, was to have a national service component....pretty much like most civilized countries in Europe already have....

Your Obama hatred above was a big swing and a miss...

The Peace Corps MUST then scare the shit out of you right wingers................LOL

The Peace Corps MUST then scare the shit out of you right wingers................LOL
The Peace Corps is a civilian national security force :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Next you'll tell me that women can be men and men can be women and crime doesn't have consequences that affect the innocent​
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If we can build the wall fast enough, it will be done in time for the next hurricane to undermine and wash it away, like the levees in New Orleans. Think of the employment opportunities!

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