DACA...the "hot potato" now in congress' inept hands....

As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
From a logistical standpoint, just how many hot potato topics is Trump going to load on the Congress by the end of the year? If he were TRYING to make the Republican party look bad, he couldn't do better.
Immigration is #2 below healthcare in difficulty/disagreement.
I agree Congress needed to do something about this years ago, but right now could we focus on the economy? Why did Trump have to do anything at all right now? Why couldn't he just have let it stood while he focused on deporting the illegals not in the DACA program? It isn't like he is on some deadline. I don't understand the game plan he's running.
The DACA program is unconstitutional act that goes against immigration law. OBAMA is the one who dumped it off on America's doorstep. With people like you running loose at the mouth constantly biting at Trump's heels its no wonder he's tied up with previous administration trash bins brimming with rotten garbage.
I'm not biting at his heels; I asked a question. Can you address it?
If it was unconstitutional, why does it stand?
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

Its hostile to deport them the fuck back to their own damn country after they broke our laws?

The last I checked, the POTUS swore to uphold the law.
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
Today is the day that Trump kicks the Dreamers out of the country. In this nefarious effort, he is strongly opposed by American business, business that has given so many of those Dreamers employment opportunities. He is opposed by Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon and others.

Well, Trumpkins. you have an opportunity now to show your distaste for those companies opposing our great leader. Hold public bonfires, wearing your "make America great again" hats and burn your iphones, take selfies of yourselves closing your Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook accounts. Send these to your leader for his scrapbook. You have the power. Show these companies that you stand behind the great leader and support him fully in his efforts to "make America great again."
This is also opposed by 60% of the country. No reason to push the issue at this particular time; I'd rather see tax reform.
As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .
From a logistical standpoint, just how many hot potato topics is Trump going to load on the Congress by the end of the year? If he were TRYING to make the Republican party look bad, he couldn't do better.
Immigration is #2 below healthcare in difficulty/disagreement.
I agree Congress needed to do something about this years ago, but right now could we focus on the economy? Why did Trump have to do anything at all right now? Why couldn't he just have let it stood while he focused on deporting the illegals not in the DACA program? It isn't like he is on some deadline. I don't understand the game plan he's running.
The DACA program is unconstitutional act that goes against immigration law. OBAMA is the one who dumped it off on America's doorstep. With people like you running loose at the mouth constantly biting at Trump's heels its no wonder he's tied up with previous administration trash bins brimming with rotten garbage.
I'm not biting at his heels; I asked a question. Can you address it?
If it was unconstitutional, why does it stand?
Money, greed.
The GOP under Trump has defined itself as the white grievance party — bluntly, a party fueled by concocted white resentment aimed at minorities. The party of Lincoln has become the party of Charlottesville, Arpaio, DACA repeal, and the Muslim ban. Embodying the very worst sentiments and driven by irrational anger……………………Jennifer Rubin
Sorry guy those were mostly dems leaders and Obama supporters in Charlottesville.

No, there were millions of people who hated their neighbors, and wanted them all out of their society.
Hyperbole from a tard. When the neighbors start cursing me, become violent and are lying about me and start claiming my property as their own by illegal means they can go straight to hell. We have laws and boundaries in all aspects of life for a reason.

Well, yes, but so far, Trump hasn't actually referred to them as the "Nuremberg Laws"...yet.

But, I'm curious how many Latino children have cursed you, become violent with you, lied about you, and stolen your property? Since you want to deport them all, I am guessing that a couple of million have. Or, was it just 20, and you have decided that those 20 is a fair representation of all of them? Or was it actually "zero", and you are just using hateful rhetoric to justify you bigotry?
The GOP under Trump has defined itself as the white grievance party — bluntly, a party fueled by concocted white resentment aimed at minorities. The party of Lincoln has become the party of Charlottesville, Arpaio, DACA repeal, and the Muslim ban. Embodying the very worst sentiments and driven by irrational anger……………………Jennifer Rubin
Sorry guy those were mostly dems leaders and Obama supporters in Charlottesville.

No, there were millions of people who hated their neighbors, and wanted them all out of their society.
Hyperbole from a tard. When the neighbors start cursing me, become violent and are lying about me and start claiming my property as their own by illegal means they can go straight to hell. We have laws and boundaries in all aspects of life for a reason.

Well, yes, but so far, Trump hasn't actually referred to them as the "Nuremberg Laws"...yet.

But, I'm curious how many Latino children have cursed you, become violent with you, lied about you, and stolen your property? Since you want to deport them all, I am guessing that a couple of million have. Or, was it just 20, and you have decided that those 20 is a fair representation of all of them? Or was it actually "zero", and you are just using hateful rhetoric to justify you bigotry?
The only one spewing rhetoric is you. The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. It is the law of the land and with out a doubt it predates Adolf Hitler being elected as Chancellor of Germany. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Sell your bullshit some place else.

Again most of those DACA children are adults now. Anyone here illegally needs to be sent back to their own country. Several million illegally voting in elections should bother most citizens. Having the knowledge that employers that hire illegals are taking away from employers who do things legally should also raise the ire of most citizens also but you conveniently fail to say anything about that. Neither do you mention those American citizens displaced workers who were put out of work in favor of cheap illegal labor. Plant and spread your lies with someone else that may buy your chit I don't.

Feel free to take the time to watch the videos in this thread. I grew up with people that used to live in those areas.

What California Residents Really Think of Sanctuary City Status

Several million illegals voting in elections? Would you have a link for that? I mean, other than a bald faced unsupported lie from the pathological Liar in Chief, Trump?

And all these Americans who were put out of work by illegals, I am assuming that you would include the illegals that rebuilt New Orleans, after Katrina, although i can't imagine why, because it was impossible for us to find any Americans who were willing to rebuild after Katrina. You see, the Mexican came, and slept in the park and under bridges, because there were no accommodations. They ate cold food, because there were no restaurants. Or maybe you are talking about the Imperial Valley, which I pass through from time to time. Farmers are letting produce rot in the fields since immigration has been reduced, and there are, oddly enough, no Americans interested in picking oranges in 110 degree sunshine.

Embrace your bigotry, Rod. You should be proud of it. The children who were brought here and raised here, know no other home. They filed and paid their taxes. They had money withdrawn for Social Security and Medicare, which they will never see, but which will benefit you. They cleaned your motel rooms, which can not fill those jobs with anglos. As for stealing your land, I don't think so. My house, for example, has a Saguaro in the front that was alive when this land belonged to Mexico.
You stupid lazy fuck I gave you the thread link with the info in it but you didn't take the time to look at it. You are telling us that you supported human trafficking to fix your house you cheap chintzy prick. Go flagellate yourself you moron. Its not a practice I believe in but I do believe in the law. You are a whining self deprecating piece of garbage. If you don't like the laws on the books in this country get out and take your socialist agenda shit with you.

Sometimes, Rod, I don't think you like me.

But that aside, I hired whoever I could to repair my house. I didn't see you down in New Orleans offering to help, and Jimmy Carter was already working on a job in the Lower 9th Ward.FEMA didn't get around to delivering my flood insurance claim check for 6 months, which is also when they got around to bringing me a FEMA trailer. So, all of us in New Orleans did what we had to do with the resources we had.

Now, I know this is going to give you a stroke, so I should not tell you, but I will. I now live 40 miles from the Mexican border. There is a guy by the name of Juan who prunes my grapefruit and orange trees, as well as other handyman jobs from time to time. Now, I have no idea if Juan is an illegal alien or not. I have never asked. But, frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. Juan is the 4th guy I hired to do this stuff for me. The previous 3 were all anglo. The first didn't show up at all. The 2nd showed up drunk. The third one showed up, stole my power saw and tool box, and disappeared. I have recommended Juan to all my neighbors. He seems to be doing well. Last time he showed up with a newer pickup than his old one.
Sorry guy those were mostly dems leaders and Obama supporters in Charlottesville.

Hyperbole from a tard. When the neighbors start cursing me, become violent and are lying about me and start claiming my property as their own by illegal means they can go straight to hell. We have laws and boundaries in all aspects of life for a reason.

Well, yes, but so far, Trump hasn't actually referred to them as the "Nuremberg Laws"...yet.

But, I'm curious how many Latino children have cursed you, become violent with you, lied about you, and stolen your property? Since you want to deport them all, I am guessing that a couple of million have. Or, was it just 20, and you have decided that those 20 is a fair representation of all of them? Or was it actually "zero", and you are just using hateful rhetoric to justify you bigotry?
Sorry guy those were mostly dems leaders and Obama supporters in Charlottesville.

Hyperbole from a tard. When the neighbors start cursing me, become violent and are lying about me and start claiming my property as their own by illegal means they can go straight to hell. We have laws and boundaries in all aspects of life for a reason.
I am not obligated to like you.

Well, yes, but so far, Trump hasn't actually referred to them as the "Nuremberg Laws"...yet.

But, I'm curious how many Latino children have cursed you, become violent with you, lied about you, and stolen your property? Since you want to deport them all, I am guessing that a couple of million have. Or, was it just 20, and you have decided that those 20 is a fair representation of all of them? Or was it actually "zero", and you are just using hateful rhetoric to justify you bigotry?
The only one spewing rhetoric is you. The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. It is the law of the land and with out a doubt it predates Adolf Hitler being elected as Chancellor of Germany. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. Sell your bullshit some place else.

Again most of those DACA children are adults now. Anyone here illegally needs to be sent back to their own country. Several million illegally voting in elections should bother most citizens. Having the knowledge that employers that hire illegals are taking away from employers who do things legally should also raise the ire of most citizens also but you conveniently fail to say anything about that. Neither do you mention those American citizens displaced workers who were put out of work in favor of cheap illegal labor. Plant and spread your lies with someone else that may buy your chit I don't.

Feel free to take the time to watch the videos in this thread. I grew up with people that used to live in those areas.

What California Residents Really Think of Sanctuary City Status

Several million illegals voting in elections? Would you have a link for that? I mean, other than a bald faced unsupported lie from the pathological Liar in Chief, Trump?

And all these Americans who were put out of work by illegals, I am assuming that you would include the illegals that rebuilt New Orleans, after Katrina, although i can't imagine why, because it was impossible for us to find any Americans who were willing to rebuild after Katrina. You see, the Mexican came, and slept in the park and under bridges, because there were no accommodations. They ate cold food, because there were no restaurants. Or maybe you are talking about the Imperial Valley, which I pass through from time to time. Farmers are letting produce rot in the fields since immigration has been reduced, and there are, oddly enough, no Americans interested in picking oranges in 110 degree sunshine.

Embrace your bigotry, Rod. You should be proud of it. The children who were brought here and raised here, know no other home. They filed and paid their taxes. They had money withdrawn for Social Security and Medicare, which they will never see, but which will benefit you. They cleaned your motel rooms, which can not fill those jobs with anglos. As for stealing your land, I don't think so. My house, for example, has a Saguaro in the front that was alive when this land belonged to Mexico.
You stupid lazy fuck I gave you the thread link with the info in it but you didn't take the time to look at it. You are telling us that you supported human trafficking to fix your house you cheap chintzy prick. Go flagellate yourself you moron. Its not a practice I believe in but I do believe in the law. You are a whining self deprecating piece of garbage. If you don't like the laws on the books in this country get out and take your socialist agenda shit with you.

Sometimes, Rod, I don't think you like me.
I am not obligated to like you.
That's why the incompetent black President did it. He didn't like that the body in government that is supposed to do things didn't do it his way. There's nothing in the Constitution that gives a timeline.

NO, moron......that "body of government" that was supposed to do something about the immigration "hot potato" CHOSE to do NOTHING..........And do you know who had the majority in that "body of government"?????...............LOL
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Yeah I'm sure those protected by DACA will be fine. But saying that isn't much comfort to them with a hostile President that lacks morals in charge.

If you consider a President who protects AMERICANS and enforces FAIR immigration law then I have advice for you.....

Get the fuck out of my country....
And take that asswipe communist Nat4900 with you
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As expected, Trump took the cowardly way out and instead of deciding on DACA through his "beloved" executive orders......gave the entire controversy to Congress with a timeline of 6 months to "resolve" the issue.

My guess is that equally cowardly congress will defy the 6 month timeline and try to wait out a decision AFTER the 2018 midterm elections.

Can anyone else foresee the political ads by democrats running for seats in the House next Spring??? .

Wait, so it's cowardly to confront DACA through Congress but not cowardly to pass DACA without Congress?
I just watched Jeff Sessions get up and announce to the country that DACA was Unconstitutional.

Shrug. And no one is held accountable.

I'm not biting at his heels; I asked a question. Can you address it?
If it was unconstitutional, why does it stand?

Not even the right wingers' favorite new group, the KKK, has brought suit to test the "constitutionality" of Obama's dictum.
I'm not biting at his heels; I asked a question. Can you address it?
If it was unconstitutional, why does it stand?

Not even the right wingers' favorite new group, the KKK, has brought suit to test the "constitutionality" of Obama's dictum.

The KKK was founded by Dims dingleberry.

Not only that, I heard no mention of the Occupy Wall Street crowd bashing Jewish bankers just like their KKK counterparts.

What gives? Is the press really that biased against the "right"?
Well, considering it's congress's gutless failure to find a compromise on immigration that would stop people from coming here illegally to find illegal employment, and in some cases send their children to our schools ..... It does seem to me that congress otta pass a fucking law.
I'm not biting at his heels; I asked a question. Can you address it?
If it was unconstitutional, why does it stand?

Not even the right wingers' favorite new group, the KKK, has brought suit to test the "constitutionality" of Obama's dictum.
It was brought before the Supreme Court and they had a tie in June 2016. Or was that only the DAPA part?
I just watched Jeff Sessions get up and announce to the country that DACA was Unconstitutional.

Shrug. And no one is held accountable.

What do you mean? Should someone go to prison?
Well, considering it's congress's gutless failure to find a compromise on immigration that would stop people from coming here illegally to find illegal employment, and in some cases send their children to our schools ..... It does seem to me that congress otta pass a fucking law.

Congress is out to destroy Trump, so they will predictably do to DACA what they did with Obamacare which is nothing.

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