DACA THUGS Arrested for Human Trafficking!

im·mi·grant ˈiməɡrənt/ noun
noun: immigrant; plural noun: immigrants
  1. a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

Immigrants are divided into 2 categories:
1. LEGAL: Those in the country legally
2. ILLEGAL: Those NOT in the country Legally

The 2 should not be confused, and the term Immigrant should not be used for both when discussing Immigration.

You are trying so hard to make a point that doesn't matter and won't change things. I posted a REAL study that specifically states it is about ALL immigrants, whether they are ones here legally or illegally. So you can try your damnedest to argue this point, but it isn't changing anything.

IF you had read the study instead of just trying to argue against it without knowing the content... not only would this have been much simpler, you might not have come across as such a dishonest hack.
On the contrary, when discussing US Immigration Law, in pointing out how Democrats sided with ILLEGAL Immigrants against United States Citizens to shut down the US govt, in discussing the Democrats' continuous defense and support of illegals - which includes their support of law-violating criminal Sanctuary cities, the LEGAL (or UILLEGAL status) of those they have chosen to stand with is of the UTMOST importance.

Americans are being buried by a continuous Tsunami of illegals coming into the country, while the Democrats stand with these criminals.

Your article talks about crimes perpetrated by all Immigrants...great. I am more concerned that criminal Democrats are advocating the violation of US Immigration Laws in order to illegally aid and abet foreigners coming into this country ILLEGALLY. Once here democrats continue to advocate breaking US laws and do break laws themselves in support of these criminals.

Democrats are helping break our laws and are breaking our laws as well.

If you expended as much energy to become informed, as you do to try and deflect and spew partisan propaganda, you might be a smart man.
Still waiting for you to refute this study, so far you got nothing. Sorry I burst your liberal talking point.

Immigration and Crime – What the Research Says

The latest research says illegals commit twice as much crime as Americans and more serious crimes.

The latest study in a part of Arizona.

The latest study that destroyed your talking point. Tell me how many Americans have to be killed and raped by illegals before you become concerned?

I've already pointed out the fault in your study you posted and you still don't get it. Your study is about ARIZONA not the U.S.

So now it comes to the point you are either dumb as a box of nails, or a troll.

Are you seriously claiming the study in Arizona does not represent what was found in Texas (yes I'm holding another in the wings to slap you with) or what would be found in illegal infested California, Oregon, and Washington? You libs are funny, I position you in front of the buzz saw then you walk into the blade willingly. :auiqs.jpg:
Immigrants commit crimes at a lower percent than American citizens. That's a fact.

No that is not a fact. In the most recent study here's what was found...LEGAL immigrants commit crimes at a lower percentage than American citizens. However ILLEGAL immigrants commit crimes at twice the rate of Americans and...AND illegals commit more serious crimes.
so if you were brought over here as a child or born here illegally, you're of the same mindset as those who come over here say at 30 illegally looking to commit a crime or 2?

The study suggests that people who immigrate here legally, who meet the qualifications, are vetted, are very law abiding even more so than Americans. Its the illegals that infest our country with crime. Is that any surprise is Mexico sending us their best and brightest hell no.
yea, and the dreamers seem to be caught in the middle of our own collective indecision.

i'm not talking about those who knowingly and intentionally come here illegally but those who were brought here by parents doing that shit and/or being born here and not even knowing what mexico looks like. to me, we created a shitstorm out of our own inability to follow through on something and just booting people out of the country who've never even left the country seems extreme to me.

i don't disagree it's a bag of shit we created, which is why while taking care of todays issue we need to find out as best we can how we got into this bag of poo and keep it from happening again.

calling each and every one of them a criminal to me is just as binary and stupid as when liberals say all white men are racist. bullshit is bullshit and both sides are capable of dishing it out.

True our politicians created a giant mess, shocker. I'm on board with Trump's proposal to allow law abiding educated productive dreamers to stay. There really is no other choice. Are we going to deport someone like that to Mexico? Some kid who was brought here illegally by their parents when they were 4 years old? Hell no, its not going to happen so lets get on with dealing with reality and the mess.

Its the dreamers who turned out to be lowlife scum criminals that will make this difficult. Their home countries don't want them back. We don't want them. So?

The latest research says illegals commit twice as much crime as Americans and more serious crimes.

The latest study in a part of Arizona.

The latest study that destroyed your talking point. Tell me how many Americans have to be killed and raped by illegals before you become concerned?

I've already pointed out the fault in your study you posted and you still don't get it. Your study is about ARIZONA not the U.S.

So now it comes to the point you are either dumb as a box of nails, or a troll.

Are you seriously claiming the study in Arizona does not represent what was found in Texas (yes I'm holding another in the wings to slap you with) or what would be found in illegal infested California, Oregon, and Washington? You libs are funny, I position you in front of the buzz saw then you walk into the blade willingly. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes... ONE state is not a representation of the entire country, especially a border state that a lot of the crime is from drug cartels doing business there, that aren't really immigrants coming to live in the U.S.
The latest research says illegals commit twice as much crime as Americans and more serious crimes.

The latest study in a part of Arizona.

The latest study that destroyed your talking point. Tell me how many Americans have to be killed and raped by illegals before you become concerned?

I've already pointed out the fault in your study you posted and you still don't get it. Your study is about ARIZONA not the U.S.

So now it comes to the point you are either dumb as a box of nails, or a troll.

Are you seriously claiming the study in Arizona does not represent what was found in Texas (yes I'm holding another in the wings to slap you with) or what would be found in illegal infested California, Oregon, and Washington? You libs are funny, I position you in front of the buzz saw then you walk into the blade willingly. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes... ONE state is not a representation of the entire country, especially a border state that a lot of the crime is from drug cartels doing business there, that aren't really immigrants coming to live in the U.S.

Poor liberal here :itsok: now run along adults are talking.
The latest study in a part of Arizona.

The latest study that destroyed your talking point. Tell me how many Americans have to be killed and raped by illegals before you become concerned?

I've already pointed out the fault in your study you posted and you still don't get it. Your study is about ARIZONA not the U.S.

So now it comes to the point you are either dumb as a box of nails, or a troll.

Are you seriously claiming the study in Arizona does not represent what was found in Texas (yes I'm holding another in the wings to slap you with) or what would be found in illegal infested California, Oregon, and Washington? You libs are funny, I position you in front of the buzz saw then you walk into the blade willingly. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes... ONE state is not a representation of the entire country, especially a border state that a lot of the crime is from drug cartels doing business there, that aren't really immigrants coming to live in the U.S.

Poor liberal here :itsok: now run along adults are talking.

It would be nice every once in awhile to have someone to talk about these topics, that have at least a hint of what is actually going on.
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.
Remind us the percentage of firearms used to murder people yet you want them banned.
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.
3 is more than the number of people who have ACTUAL EVIDENCE on Russian Collusion.

That Number is ZERO, and we have spent a Billion Dollars on that, had 7 different Investigations, Booted 8 Corrupt DOJ - FBI and Mueller team members to the curb for Corruption and BIAS, and we still have a Lawless Unaccountable Appointed Bureaucrat running a Witch Hunt!

I admire how you downplay Crime. Over 2,000 of these Dreamers have been convicted of Felonies, and these three DACA Dreamers all who were caught Independently of each other were ALL smuggling in THOUSANDS OF ILLEGALS.

Human Trafficking is The Left's new definition of Chain Migration.

Trouble staying on topic for your own thread? That's OK. I understand. You think that if you keep switching topics like Hannity does, you can muddle the discussion and convince people you know what you are talking about. You know that only works on crazy right wingers, don't you? Care to try to get back to YOUR subject of YOUR thread?
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.
3 is more than the number of people who have ACTUAL EVIDENCE on Russian Collusion.

That Number is ZERO, and we have spent a Billion Dollars on that, had 7 different Investigations, Booted 8 Corrupt DOJ FBI and Mueller team members to the curb for Corruption and BIAS, and we still have a Lawless Unaccountable Appointed Bureaucrat running a Witch Hunt!

I admire how you downplay Crime. Over 2,000 of these Dreamers have been convicted of Felonies, and these three DACA Dreamers all who were caught Independently were smuggling in THOUSANDS OF ILLEGALS.

Human Trafficking is The Left's new definition of Chain Migration.
we have 800,000+ dreamers that we know of. i gave you 50% more than your own # and it works out to 0.00375% of the dreamers are committing crimes. i could double it and then take this into the millions that are likely out there and it gets smaller.

not sure you can "upsell" 0.00375% as a huge problem we must avoid at all costs.

Yes, I used the wrong number. Thanks for the correction. 0.00375% is still a lot lower than the percentage of citizens who are criminals. Certainly not a massive crime wave bad enough to deport all DACA participants.
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.
They're practically non-existent.

Damn that's a lot of gangs. Did all those gang members sign up and meet the requirements for the DACA program? Did the entire gang go to apply together, or did they go one at a time? We aren't talking about all Mexicans right now. Just the ones who are part of the DACA program.

What are the eligibility requirements for DACA recipients?

Applicants to DACA have to be:

  • At least 15 years old when applying but under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012
  • Under the age 16 when entering the United States
  • Living in the U.S. continuously since June 15, 2007
  • Present in the U.S. on June 15, 2012, and at the time of applying
  • In school or have graduated or completed high school, or have been honorably discharged from the military
  • Not convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor or three or more other misdemeanors
DACA applicants also can’t “otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety,” according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. They couldn’t have lawful status on June 15, 2012, either.

The requirement that applicants be at least 15 years old when applying is waived for those who are in removal proceedings or had received a final removal or voluntary departure order. They can’t, however, be in immigration detention.

What’s the process for applying?

There’s a seven-page application that must be submitted along with documentation proving the applicant meets the eligibility requirements, and there’s also a form and a worksheet required for employment authorization. The total fee is $495. If the application is in order, USCIS will give applicants an appointment at a local Application Support Center to provide biometric data, including fingerprints, and USCIS will conduct background checks.
No different than all the tiny sample polls you people spew and claim represent all of America :itsok:

I quoted the Cato institute that is much more legit than some secret Jeff Sessions report based on Arizona only.

Still waiting for you to refute this study, so far you got nothing. Sorry I burst your liberal talking point.

Immigration and Crime – What the Research Says

Again, illegals are not immigrants.

Immigrants are those who are in the country legally. Illegals are not part of that group, therefore are not part of accurate statistics.

If you aren't going to read the article fine, but quit fucking responding to me about it.
Illegals are NOT immigrants in your study dumb ass. Illegals are illegals not immigrants.
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.
Only 3 DACA recipients committed a crime? Is this your official position?

The OP claims only 3. If you have a credible link showing the total number, I would like to see it.
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.
3 is more than the number of people who have ACTUAL EVIDENCE on Russian Collusion.

That Number is ZERO, and we have spent a Billion Dollars on that, had 7 different Investigations, Booted 8 Corrupt DOJ FBI and Mueller team members to the curb for Corruption and BIAS, and we still have a Lawless Unaccountable Appointed Bureaucrat running a Witch Hunt!

I admire how you downplay Crime. Over 2,000 of these Dreamers have been convicted of Felonies, and these three DACA Dreamers all who were caught Independently were smuggling in THOUSANDS OF ILLEGALS.

Human Trafficking is The Left's new definition of Chain Migration.
we have 800,000+ dreamers that we know of. i gave you 50% more than your own # and it works out to 0.00375% of the dreamers are committing crimes. i could double it and then take this into the millions that are likely out there and it gets smaller.

not sure you can "upsell" 0.00375% as a huge problem we must avoid at all costs.

Yes, I used the wrong number. Thanks for the correction. 0.00375% is still a lot lower than the percentage of citizens who are criminals. Certainly not a massive crime wave bad enough to deport all DACA participants.
A much HIGHER percentage then firearms used to murder people but you advocate banning all firearms, go figure.
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.
Remind us the percentage of firearms used to murder people yet you want them banned.

Wrong thread gun nut.
Same concept hypocrite, you support murderous illegals that kill at a higher percent then firearms crimes and then demand all firearms be removed from legal law abiding CITIZENS.
Wow. 3 out of 1.8 million. That's 0.00016% of Daca recipients who are involved in that crime. . Sorry, but as horrendous as their act was, that isn't anywhere near the crime spree that you and Trump-0 want it to be.

The old saying goes, if I give you a bowl full of tasty grapes and tell you that only one is poisonous, how many you going to eat. Or this one, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.

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