DACA versus DAPA


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
DACA versus DAPA

Since this has so much attention.........what is the difference between them.

1. Both are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. DAPA was ruled Unconstitutional in the courts and should DACA go to the courts it would have the same fate. Obama had NO legal AUTHORITY to change our laws with a pen and a phone.

2. DAPA are the PARENTS of non citizens...........their children.........and Obama attempted the narritive that how can you deport the parents of these poor poor children that the PARENTS BROUGHT HERE.........How DARE YOU..............SHAME SHAME SHAME.................Underlying problem. The Parents were adults when they came here illegally...........their children didn't no legal from illegal.............So they don't get a pass when it comes to KNOWINGLY VIOLATING OUR LAWS.

3. DACA..........are children brought here by ILLEGAL PARENTS.......As children they had NO FAULT in the illegal activities of their parents. They were children and no nothing of their host country as they have lived here all their lives.......Now adults............if we were in their shoes..........why would I get deported when I've lived here all my life.............Is this argument a fair one................I believe so.........But under our ICE laws it doesn't matter.........under DACA...........it is unconstitutional...............CATCH 22. President Obama VIOLATED HIS OATH OF OFFICE to support and defend the Constitution in both DACA and DAPA...

4. The argument for DACA and DAPA was the narrative how can you deport the parents of these great Children............the argument for the children is how can you take these children away from their parents........aka.........the DEMS WANT AMNESTY FOR BOTH without securing our borders and reward illegal behavior of the parents of the children. What family would leave their children or vice versa........If your child was being deported would you stay....................Of course not..............if a parent is being deported.........would they leave their children.............Of course not.............UNLESS THEY ARE SCUM BAGS.

This problem is brought to you by our inept Gov't to enforce our laws for decades........and refusing to make legislation that corrects the problem...........

Those complaining the loudest in Congress and the Senate are the ones who created this mess.........pointing fingers at each other like little children.........Look HE DID IT............Is this the best our country can get to lead us................because it is INFANTILE what they are doing and have done.
Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

DACA Has Changed!
  • We are no longer accepting initial requests for DACA, but we will adjudicate initial requests for DACA accepted by Sept. 5, 2017.
  • We will no longer approve advance parole requests associated with DACA.
  • We are only adjudicating DACA renewal requests received by Oct. 5, 2017, from current beneficiaries whose benefits will expire between Sept. 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018.
  • Read the 2017 DACA announcement

Since Trump came into office...................NO NEW APPLICANTS ARE BEING TAKEN...........

So anyone who hasn't applied before the deadline CAN NO LONGER APPLY.

Which is a MAJOR SHIFT from the policy of Obama who implemented this UNCONSTITUTIONAL POLICY.
DACA versus DAPA

Since this has so much attention.........what is the difference between them.

1. Both are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. DAPA was ruled Unconstitutional in the courts and should DACA go to the courts it would have the same fate. Obama had NO legal AUTHORITY to change our laws with a pen and a phone.

2. DAPA are the PARENTS of non citizens...........their children.........and Obama attempted the narritive that how can you deport the parents of these poor poor children that the PARENTS BROUGHT HERE.........How DARE YOU..............SHAME SHAME SHAME.................Underlying problem. The Parents were adults when they came here illegally...........their children didn't no legal from illegal.............So they don't get a pass when it comes to KNOWINGLY VIOLATING OUR LAWS.

3. DACA..........are children brought here by ILLEGAL PARENTS.......As children they had NO FAULT in the illegal activities of their parents. They were children and no nothing of their host country as they have lived here all their lives.......Now adults............if we were in their shoes..........why would I get deported when I've lived here all my life.............Is this argument a fair one................I believe so.........But under our ICE laws it doesn't matter.........under DACA...........it is unconstitutional...............CATCH 22. President Obama VIOLATED HIS OATH OF OFFICE to support and defend the Constitution in both DACA and DAPA...

4. The argument for DACA and DAPA was the narrative how can you deport the parents of these great Children............the argument for the children is how can you take these children away from their parents........aka.........the DEMS WANT AMNESTY FOR BOTH without securing our borders and reward illegal behavior of the parents of the children. What family would leave their children or vice versa........If your child was being deported would you stay....................Of course not..............if a parent is being deported.........would they leave their children.............Of course not.............UNLESS THEY ARE SCUM BAGS.

This problem is brought to you by our inept Gov't to enforce our laws for decades........and refusing to make legislation that corrects the problem...........

Those complaining the loudest in Congress and the Senate are the ones who created this mess.........pointing fingers at each other like little children.........Look HE DID IT............Is this the best our country can get to lead us................because it is INFANTILE what they are doing and have done.

Trump wants Amnesty first. He has wanted Amnesty all along. What will be awesom is watching trumpkins be okay with Amnesty now
After all the promises and talk of the wall. In the end, all you really got was a judge. SAD!
Obama tried to get Congress to address our immigration issues and reform. the R's could not come to a consensus....and immigration reform was dropped....

Trump is now doing the same thing...allowing the executive order to stay for 6 months longer giving time for Congress to basically 'poop, or get off the pot'...do something on immigration reform or he will renege the executive order that allows Daca...kids to stay.

Trump's threat, seems to be working and congress might actually address it! Bravo for Trump on this one! (at least so far) :D
Nobody cares if stuff is unconstitutional or not. The rule of law be damned.
America is full of selfish people.
Then, on June 29, 2017, Texas, along with several other states, sent a letter to Attorney General Sessions asserting that the original 2012 DACA memorandum is unlawful for the same reasons stated in the Fifth Circuit and district court opinions regarding DAPA and expanded DACA. The letter notes that if DHS does not rescind the DACA memo by September 5, 2017, the States will seek to amend the DAPA lawsuit to include a challenge to DACA.

The Attorney General sent a letter to the Department on September 4, 2017, articulating his legal determination that DACA “was effectuated by the previous administration through executive action, without proper statutory authority and with no established end-date, after Congress' repeated rejection of proposed legislation that would have accomplished a similar result. Such an open-ended circumvention of immigration laws was an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the Executive Branch.” The letter further stated that because DACA “has the same legal and constitutional defects that the courts recognized as to DAPA, it is likely that potentially imminent litigation would yield similar results with respect to DACA.” Nevertheless, in light of the administrative complexities associated with ending the program, he recommended that the Department wind it down in an efficient and orderly fashion, and his office has reviewed the terms on which our Department will do so.

Recognizing the complexities associated with winding down the program, the Department will provide a limited window in which it will adjudicate certain requests for DACA and associated applications meeting certain parameters specified below. Accordingly, effective immediately, the Department:

  • Will adjudicate—on an individual, case-by-case basis—properly filed pending DACA initial requests and associated applications for Employment Authorization Documents that have been accepted by the Department as of the date of this memorandum.
  • Will reject all DACA initial requests and associated applications for Employment Authorization Documents filed after the date of this memorandum.
  • Will adjudicate—on an individual, case by case basis—properly filed pending DACA renewal requests and associated applications for Employment Authorization Documents from current beneficiaries that have been accepted by the Department as of the date of this memorandum, and from current beneficiaries whose benefits will expire between the date of this memorandum and March 5, 2018 that have been accepted by the Department as of October 5, 2017.
  • Will reject all DACA renewal requests and associated applications for Employment Authorization Documents filed outside of the parameters specified above.
  • Will not terminate the grants of previously issued deferred action or revoke Employment Authorization Documents solely based on the directives in this memorandum for the remaining duration of their validity periods.
  • Will not approve any new Form I-131 applications for advance parole under standards associated with the DACA program, although it will generally honor the stated validity period for previously approved applications for advance parole. Notwithstanding the continued validity of advance parole approvals previously granted, CBP will—of course—retain the authority it has always had and exercised in determining the admissibility of any person presenting at the border and the eligibility of such persons for parole. Further, USCIS will—of course—retain the authority to revoke or terminate an advance parole document at any time.
  • Will administratively close all pending Form I-131 applications for advance parole filed under standards associated with the DACA program, and will refund all associated fees.
  • Will continue to exercise its discretionary authority to terminate or deny deferred action at any time when immigration officials determine termination or denial of deferred action is appropriate.

Memorandum on Rescission Of DACA | Homeland Security
Make no mistake..............DACA is DEAD..............the argument is only about those already signed up.

When it reaches the courts it suffers the same fate as DAPA.............and at that point all of these documents of those on the lists will not be worth the paper they are written on.

The CLOCK IS TICKING on this issue..............when it gets to SCOTUS.................IT IS GONE.

Dems know this............GOP knows this.............Trump knows this..............the MEDIA AND THE HYPE try to HIDE THIS.

Amazingly..................as I am just learning.............the Courts have the Dem policy up against the wall on a time line...........which is POLITICAL LEVERAGE.
Dream Act Amnesty Would Legalize A Lot More Immigrants Than DACA Beneficiaries

President Donald Trump’s wish that Congress pass amnesty to protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) beneficiaries could end up putting nearly 2 million illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.

Trump announced that the DACA amnesty program will be rescinded in March 2018 in order to give Congress time to “legalize” the program that protects roughly 800,000 illegal immigrants.

How so Mr. Washington BS writer............................If DACA is the only issue at hand.........then only those on the program now can be affected...........which is just under 800,000 in the program. SInce WHEN does 800,000 EQUAL 2 million..............................

Unless they are trying to pass legislation BEYOND DACA............ARE THEY..........As NO LEGISLATION is on the table.........what behind the scenes BS is going on.
Factual threads DIE ON THESE BOARDS..............Because those playing the lies don't want facts to interupt their pravda.
DACA versus DAPA

Since this has so much attention.........what is the difference between them.

1. Both are UNCONSTITUTIONAL. DAPA was ruled Unconstitutional in the courts and should DACA go to the courts it would have the same fate. Obama had NO legal AUTHORITY to change our laws with a pen and a phone.

2. DAPA are the PARENTS of non citizens...........their children.........and Obama attempted the narritive that how can you deport the parents of these poor poor children that the PARENTS BROUGHT HERE.........How DARE YOU..............SHAME SHAME SHAME.................Underlying problem. The Parents were adults when they came here illegally...........their children didn't no legal from illegal.............So they don't get a pass when it comes to KNOWINGLY VIOLATING OUR LAWS.

3. DACA..........are children brought here by ILLEGAL PARENTS.......As children they had NO FAULT in the illegal activities of their parents. They were children and no nothing of their host country as they have lived here all their lives.......Now adults............if we were in their shoes..........why would I get deported when I've lived here all my life.............Is this argument a fair one................I believe so.........But under our ICE laws it doesn't matter.........under DACA...........it is unconstitutional...............CATCH 22. President Obama VIOLATED HIS OATH OF OFFICE to support and defend the Constitution in both DACA and DAPA...

4. The argument for DACA and DAPA was the narrative how can you deport the parents of these great Children............the argument for the children is how can you take these children away from their parents........aka.........the DEMS WANT AMNESTY FOR BOTH without securing our borders and reward illegal behavior of the parents of the children. What family would leave their children or vice versa........If your child was being deported would you stay....................Of course not..............if a parent is being deported.........would they leave their children.............Of course not.............UNLESS THEY ARE SCUM BAGS.

This problem is brought to you by our inept Gov't to enforce our laws for decades........and refusing to make legislation that corrects the problem...........

Those complaining the loudest in Congress and the Senate are the ones who created this mess.........pointing fingers at each other like little children.........Look HE DID IT............Is this the best our country can get to lead us................because it is INFANTILE what they are doing and have done.
I appreciate the fair analysis of both sides. Nice to see fair minded OPs every once in a while. I do think that DACAs legality is highly debatable and it is no where near set in stone that it is unconstitutional. The directive did not change the legal status of dreamers, it was a priority directive that involved deferred action on deportation if criteria was met. I don't agree that it was unconstitutional but am hopeful that a law will finally be put in place to resolve the arguement
Federal Register :: Determination Pursuant to Section 102 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, as Amended

Federal authority to start building walls........San Diego will get a 15 mile Wall by 4 contractors competing for contracts.

Feds Building Prototype in San Diego for the Wall

The notice outlines the plans for projects along a 15-mile stretch along the Southwestern border in the San Diego sector. The department said the area is in need of further border protection immediately, as it is the site of over 31,000 illegal alien apprehensions, the seizure of 9,167 pounds of marijuana, and approximately 1,317 pounds of cocaine last year alone.

"The construction of border wall prototypes in the Project Area and the robust physical characteristics that are to be incorporated into the border wall prototypes are intended to deter illegal crossings," the notice states.

Trump officials pick four companies to build prototypes of border wall

Companies competing

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