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  • #21
100% fake compassion...... the Dirty Democrats just want more Voters

And thank you for the exact (off topic fly by flame) I expect from someone with an Rdumb user name.

Thank you for your "valuable" contribution to this discussion.

You may sit down now.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
You mean this is where you ask everyone to run on their emotions rather than logic & the law.

DEPORT THEM ALL. Let them apply for the right to be here like everyone else.

You are a parent.

You are a grandparent.

They didn't come here by choice.

Does that not count for anything?
No it doesn't. My children didn't barge in on my neighbors eating all their food and run up all their utilities. Had they I would have expected my neighbors to call child services and have them removed.

Do these kids, under DACA barge in and eat food and run up utilities? Or - do they pay their own way?
They suck up MASSIVE resources via our schools, hospitals & social services.
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

My heart is with the law.

How many more exceptions do you want to make to our immigration law, Coyote? From where I'm sitting you're rewarding these people for breaking our laws. As much as it pains me to say this, the children also need to learn there are consequences, even if they weren't the ones who engineered them. That means sending them home with their parents. In my neck of the woods, we call that "tough love".

And you can't really accuse me of being heartless, I am keeping the family intact here. But what are we teaching these kids today? That if you break the rules, you get rewarded for it. I can't stand to see the law being trampled on anymore. When do we get to exert our sovereignty as a nation and dictate who and what comes across our borders, and what punishments are necessary for those that breach our borders illegally?

So, here's my counter question:

Where is your respect for the law?
Fuck these leeches.

Obama unconstitutionality circumvented our laws.

Change the laws and let the immigrate legally. I'm tires of paying for other people's Hearts!

Fucking start your own damn charities Lefty and pay for this shit yourself!

This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

OT...what makes them "leaches"?


Ok. So you post a retarded meme.

Can you put it into your own words? Why not let them stay - they are working or pursuing education or in the military...they don't seem to be in that "freebie" category do they?

Which ones would you like to stay, those pursuing an education, those in the military, those sitting it out in prison, maybe even those that are in MS13 or some other neighborhood boys club.
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  • #25
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

My heart is with the law.

How many more exceptions do you want to make to our immigration law, Coyote? From where I'm sitting you're rewarding these people for breaking our laws. As much as it pains me to say this, the children also need to learn there are consequences, even if they weren't the ones who engineered them. That means sending them home with their parents.

And you can't really accuse me of being heartless, I am keeping the family intact here. But what are we teaching these kids today? That if you break the rules, you get rewarded for it. I can't stand to see the law being trampled on anymore. When do we get to exert our sovereignty as a nation and dictate who and what comes across our borders, and what punishments are necessary for those that breach our borders illegally?

So, here's my counter question:

Where is your respect for the law?

My feeling is this TK....even the law makes exceptions. It doesn't enforce everything equally. Murders rate more enforcement then littering, as an example. Someone who commits a crime out of desperation might be treated more leniently then someone who does so out of greed.

My feeling is this - these kids no NO OTHER LIFE then that of America. They had NO CHOICE in coming here. THEY broke no laws - they were kids, babies even. Since when are children culpable for what their parents do? Yet they are being punished.

If we can't see that there is a difference between children and adults...what kind of society are we?
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  • #27
Fuck these leeches.

Obama unconstitutionality circumvented our laws.

Change the laws and let the immigrate legally. I'm tires of paying for other people's Hearts!

Fucking start your own damn charities Lefty and pay for this shit yourself!

This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!

OT...what makes them "leaches"?


Ok. So you post a retarded meme.

Can you put it into your own words? Why not let them stay - they are working or pursuing education or in the military...they don't seem to be in that "freebie" category do they?

Which ones would you like to stay, those pursuing an education, those in the military, those sitting it out in prison, maybe even those that are in MS13 or some other neighborhood boys club.

I thought I was clear on that...but, since I wasn't - let me put it this way.

If illegal immigrants commit a violent crime, I'm all for deportation.
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  • #30
This is when I have to ask...where is your heart?

These are people who were brought to the US as CHILDREN. Not their choice. For many - America is the only culture they know. They are as American as you or I...just don't have the right papers.

This is not a huge group of people - and they are people who are in school or employed or in the military - people making a go of it. The kind of people who define what it is to be American. They are working at or being educated for feilds such as teaching, nursing, law, medicine...kind of what we need.

We have low unemployment. They aren't taking jobs from anyone.

So why such vitriole towards them and the program?

I commend Paul Ryan for speaking up here.

And...I hesitantly commend Trump for at least finding it a STRUGGLE between his heart and his campaign promise.

I hope his heart wins.

Congress MUST address comprehensive immigration reform. The only reason Obama ordered DACA was because Congress WOULD NOT DO IT.

So do it damn it! Don't destroy these young and VERY AMERICAN lives!
You mean this is where you ask everyone to run on their emotions rather than logic & the law.

DEPORT THEM ALL. Let them apply for the right to be here like everyone else.

You are a parent.

You are a grandparent.

They didn't come here by choice.

Does that not count for anything?
No it doesn't. My children didn't barge in on my neighbors eating all their food and run up all their utilities. Had they I would have expected my neighbors to call child services and have them removed.

Do these kids, under DACA barge in and eat food and run up utilities? Or - do they pay their own way?
They suck up MASSIVE resources via our schools, hospitals & social services.

Do they pay for them...like other Americans?

Do the kids have a choice?
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  • #32
If these kids were allowed a FAIR and EQUAL education....MAYBE.....

But there are brought here not out of compassion....but for VOTES.

THAT is disgusting.

If it were true, you'd have point.

At this point, there is no evidence to support that and it's a red herring.

Those kids don't likely vote and they had no choice yet they are contributing.

As an aside...do you realize that hispanic culture is very conservative?
  • Thread starter
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  • #33
If these kids were allowed a FAIR and EQUAL education....MAYBE.....

But there are brought here not out of compassion....but for VOTES.

THAT is disgusting.

If it were true, you'd have point.

At this point, there is no evidence to support that and it's a red herring.

Those kids don't likely vote and they had no choice yet they are contributing.

As an aside...do you realize that hispanic culture is very conservative?
My feeling is this TK....even the law makes exceptions

Well, my limited jurisprudential knowledge tells me that our immigration laws are pretty straight forward. No exceptions are needed. Interpreting the law requires that you leave your heart behind sometimes and do what is better for the greater whole.

And if you think about it, we have a process whereby these people could apply for refugee status. But they aren't made aware of that and are essentially ignorant of the options they do have. No matter what plight you may be enduring, it is no excuse to make that plight worse by breaking the law of the country you want to become a part of.
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  • #35
  • Thread starter
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  • #36
My feeling is this TK....even the law makes exceptions

Well, my limited jurisprudential knowledge tells me that our immigration laws are pretty straight forward. No exceptions are needed. Interpreting the law requires that you leave your heart behind sometimes and do what is better for the greater whole.

And if you think about it, we have a process whereby these people could apply for refugee status. But they aren't made aware of that and are essentially ignorant of the options they do have. No matter what plight you may be enduring, it is no excuse to make that plight worse by breaking the law of the country you want to become a part of.

THEY didn't break any law though. They were KIDS. They had no choice. And now, they are American in culture, language and attitudes. What happens to them?
You mean this is where you ask everyone to run on their emotions rather than logic & the law.

DEPORT THEM ALL. Let them apply for the right to be here like everyone else.

You are a parent.

You are a grandparent.

They didn't come here by choice.

Does that not count for anything?
No it doesn't. My children didn't barge in on my neighbors eating all their food and run up all their utilities. Had they I would have expected my neighbors to call child services and have them removed.

Do these kids, under DACA barge in and eat food and run up utilities? Or - do they pay their own way?
They suck up MASSIVE resources via our schools, hospitals & social services.

Do they pay for them...like other Americans?

Do the kids have a choice?
Just stop. Your emotional bullshit means NOTHING to me.
As an aside...do you realize that hispanic culture is very conservative?

I was sitting at a traffic light at a busy urban intersection recently minding my own business when a group of immigrants and their anchor babies about 5 years old crossed the street. As they passed, two of the little girls gave me the one finger salute for no reason other than I was American and they were illegal immigrants.

That's what your compassion is filling our nation with. A bunch of illegal ingrates who are being taught to hate Americans. Great job!!!
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  • #40
I dream that these 3rd world countries will have their own schools

Many do. Do you support them...or just dream?
They can't do it themselves?

When you're in a country where the Taliban destroys schools and murders schoogirls for having the audacity to want an education...or a country over run by gang and drug violence to the point where law is meaningless...maybe not.

Have you tried? I mean..it's simple right?

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