Dad: Ax attacker wanted ‘white people to pay’ for slavery

Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

This was two for the price of one. It was a black guy, who hates white people, and who was calling for the murder of whites in his Facebook posts; and since he was a newly converted Muslim, he was also answering the call of ISIS to murder Americans. The only problem is that the powers to be wish to squelch any mention of hate crimes or terrorist attacks.
This makes me feel bad for all the good, honest, hard working black people in America who are equally disgusted by this.
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

Please read your avatar. Closely.


Seriously? Dad can say such and I am seeing what I want to see or others? Come on, maybe his father knows his son. I also think its of note, when this was being considered as a possible terrorist attack, a ton were saying NO WAY, the MSM is stirring scardy cat American's to believe terrorist BS!!! it's just some psycho, not a terrorist. Then radical posts were found on his FB page and NYPD said it was a terrorist attack. I'm not saying it was not a terrorist attack, if this guy used a call to kill by ISIS, and targeted whites because of hatred then it is a terrorist attack and a hate crime. Period.

.....and maybe I know a terrorist when I see one too. Could he have been offended by white folks? Sure. But they were not his specified target - law enforcement was - what did ISIS and ISIL tell the Muslims / Muslim coverts to target? Law enforcement and those in uniform in US such as Military. I rest my case.

I understand your point I'm just pointing out that in this case you do not have one - neither does the dad.
“He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,” the father of slain hatchet loon Zale Thompson, 32, told The Post Saturday. “I think he committed suicide — and he was taking one of y’all with him,” his father, Ralph Thompson, said, speaking through the screen door of the two-story Queens Village house where his unhinged son also once lived.

Asked if “one of y’all” meant white people,” the father said, “Yeah.”
“He just said, ‘They have to pay for all their unfairness,’ ” the father added. “Unfairness for the way they treat black people.”

Ax attacker wanted 8216 white people to pay 8217 for slavery New York Post

Man who attacked NYPD cops with hatchet wanted to kill white people dad says Fox News

Were the NYPD wrong to call it an act of terrorism? Or is that terrorism?

Rubbish. I want white people to pay for slavery too, I don't run amok with a hatchet and attack police officers.
“He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,” the father of slain hatchet loon Zale Thompson, 32, told The Post Saturday. “I think he committed suicide — and he was taking one of y’all with him,” his father, Ralph Thompson, said, speaking through the screen door of the two-story Queens Village house where his unhinged son also once lived.

Asked if “one of y’all” meant white people,” the father said, “Yeah.”
“He just said, ‘They have to pay for all their unfairness,’ ” the father added. “Unfairness for the way they treat black people.”

Ax attacker wanted 8216 white people to pay 8217 for slavery New York Post

Man who attacked NYPD cops with hatchet wanted to kill white people dad says Fox News

Were the NYPD wrong to call it an act of terrorism? Or is that terrorism?

Rubbish. I want white people to pay for slavery too, I don't run amok with a hatchet and attack police officers.

Delta, you are white! Did you ancestors have any part in slavery? Mine neither. Thank you.
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
I do believe that black/African-American/negro/coloreds of the NAACP/Sharpton/Jackson/democrat ilk refer to that as justice.

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