Dad: Ax attacker wanted ‘white people to pay’ for slavery

Isis has a natural constituency in disaffected blacks. That's why prisoners make ideal converts.

Like the most famous of these Adam Gadahn
It doesn't change anything at all. Prisons are recruitment centers for radical islam. Black disaffected criminals have a natural attraction for those who promise an opportunity for revenge. It's what the ax attack was all about.
What happened to the news that he was a recent convert to Islam? That has nothing to do with it now?
What if he were a recent convert to role-playing games and thought he were a level 35 warrior trying to smite out the evil darkness of Valinor? Should the press report on that too?
There'll be some filthy gaggle of communists in NYC who'll try and prosecute the NYPD for using their guns on an ax-wielding 60 IQ racist gibbon bent on murdering white people. I wonder what that worthless shit in the White House will have to say about this one? Nothing? You got it. White people's lives have value, no matter what the left says otherwise, no matter what our baboon-in-chief says otherwise. Buy a gun. Use a gun in your defense.
Notice that the worthless shit in the white house called the families of thugs Brown and Martin but not the families of the officers.
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

Please read your avatar. Closely.


What happened to the news that he was a recent convert to Islam? That has nothing to do with it now?
What if he were a recent convert to role-playing games and thought he were a level 35 warrior trying to smite out the evil darkness of Valinor? Should the press report on that too?
It would be headlines in every paper. CNN would have five expert opinions supporting a ban on all video games.
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

No. If it walks like a duck, talks like a's a duck!

My point was IF he used ISIS's calling to murder as a reason to attacks whites as his father states, then it is indeed a hate crime as well as an act of terrorism.
A crime is a crime, nothing more.

When a gay was bashed to death by hateful ignorant whites, conservatives were up in arms that it should be treated any different than any other murder.

Now? The tables are turned.

I'm still of the opinioin, it doesn't matter what is in someone's head or heart. No one can see into that, and motivation for the crime (other than premeditation) is unimportant. What is important, is whether and how they did the deed. Trying to prosecute someone based on their mental state, or dictate a nation's policy based on domestic crimes of a few psychopaths is idiotic.

Don't let yourselves be manipulated by the MSM in there attempt to control the political dialog of the nation and in the quest for ratings.
There'll be some filthy gaggle of communists in NYC who'll try and prosecute the NYPD for using their guns on an ax-wielding 60 IQ racist gibbon bent on murdering white people. I wonder what that worthless shit in the White House will have to say about this one? Nothing? You got it. White people's lives have value, no matter what the left says otherwise, no matter what our baboon-in-chief says otherwise. Buy a gun. Use a gun in your defense.
Notice that the worthless shit in the white house called the families of thugs Brown and Martin but not the families of the officers.

Are you serious? I didn't know that, Katz.
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

No. If it walks like a duck, talks like a's a duck!

My point was IF he used ISIS's calling to murder as a reason to attacks whites as his father states, then it is indeed a hate crime as well as an act of terrorism.
A crime is a crime, nothing more.

When a gay was bashed to death by hateful ignorant whites, conservatives were up in arms that it should be treated any different than any other murder.

Now? The tables are turned.

I'm still of the opinioin, it doesn't matter what is in someone's head or heart. No one can see into that, and motivation for the crime (other than premeditation) is unimportant. What is important, is whether and how they did the deed. Trying to prosecute someone based on their mental state, or dictate a nation's policy based on domestic crimes of a few psychopaths is idiotic.

Don't let yourselves be manipulated by the MSM in there attempt to control the political dialog of the nation and in the quest for ratings.

Misterbeale, with all due respect, Sir. I disagree. What we have here is a jidadist attack on NYPD and we cannot tolerate such plots against our law enforcement and military people - the ISIS and ISIL call to Muslims in the West was to target our law enforcement and men and women in uniform - we are going to have to be praying for them - first - and keeping our eyes and ears open as to what is going on here. This isn't going to get better - this is going to progress as time goes on - look at what just happened in Canada! This is no ordinary event. Look at the woman who was beheaded by the Muslim convert in Oklahoma same MO - same facebook postings, language - jihadist mentality - we are going to have to factor that in.. if we are going to be on the offense here.
What happened to the news that he was a recent convert to Islam? That has nothing to do with it now?
What if he were a recent convert to role-playing games and thought he were a level 35 warrior trying to smite out the evil darkness of Valinor? Should the press report on that too?
It would be headlines in every paper. CNN would have five expert opinions supporting a ban on all video games.
smh. . . . :bang3: lol Yeah, who am I trying to kid. You're probably right. MSM is good at distractions. . .
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

Please read your avatar. Closely.


Seriously? Dad can say such and I am seeing what I want to see or others? Come on, maybe his father knows his son. I also think its of note, when this was being considered as a possible terrorist attack, a ton were saying NO WAY, the MSM is stirring scardy cat American's to believe terrorist BS!!! it's just some psycho, not a terrorist. Then radical posts were found on his FB page and NYPD said it was a terrorist attack. I'm not saying it was not a terrorist attack, if this guy used a call to kill by ISIS, and targeted whites because of hatred then it is a terrorist attack and a hate crime. Period.
What is the difference between a so called "jihadist" and a run of the mill oppressed American citizen that decides to lash out and kill for revenge?

There are no such things as "terrorists." There are no such things as, "hate crimes."

There are only criminals, and there are only crimes.

As soon as we start making two different levels of crimes, then we start allowing the federal government to start constructing a police state. I can see through the propaganda and the rhetoric. This kid was just desperate and disturbed. He was probably on all manner of psycho-reactive type meds. It is the media hype and spin that make any one else believe any differently.

The fact that this kid might have felt some political affinity toward ISIS is irrelevant.

If some American kids had created vandalism or killed folks during WWII, and they had Nazi literature, our law enforcement institutions would be wise enough to tell if they had actual contact with Hitler, or if they were just disaffected youth inspired by a foreign movement. If it were the latter, they would just throw them in jail. They would NOT be tried for treason. If it were the former, they would be tried for espionage if they had actual contact with Hitlers SS. Surely you MUST be able to see the difference?

Young people are easily influenced and very impressionable. Just because they see something they like and identify with, doesn't mean the foreign interest group is actually infiltrating our society.
Isis has a natural constituency in disaffected blacks. That's why prisoners make ideal converts.

Like the most famous of these Adam Gadahn
It doesn't change anything at all. Prisons are recruitment centers for radical islam. Black disaffected criminals have a natural attraction for those who promise an opportunity for revenge. It's what the ax attack was all about.
All the more reason to not let them out, ever.
“He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,” the father of slain hatchet loon Zale Thompson, 32, told The Post Saturday. “I think he committed suicide — and he was taking one of y’all with him,” his father, Ralph Thompson, said, speaking through the screen door of the two-story Queens Village house where his unhinged son also once lived.

Asked if “one of y’all” meant white people,” the father said, “Yeah.”
“He just said, ‘They have to pay for all their unfairness,’ ” the father added. “Unfairness for the way they treat black people.”

Ax attacker wanted 8216 white people to pay 8217 for slavery New York Post

Man who attacked NYPD cops with hatchet wanted to kill white people dad says Fox News

Were the NYPD wrong to call it an act of terrorism? Or is that terrorism?

I love your post!

Terrorism is a fun term for politicians and media to throw around.

Truth be said if any Country kills my innocent family, I could possibly go bonkers and profile that Country as a Nation of "Terrorists". The Right Wing SHOULD be able to identify with this statement, but politics turned them out.

No WMD's in Iraq, woopsie! Now lot's of families are mad. Oh my, this is complex! No proof Gaddafi was killing his people, now families are mad. Oh my, this is complex! Black slaves didn't come to America in "Free Will" but were kidnapped for free labor. Oh my, this is complex! American Indians didn't give up the land, they were shot dead because they were painted as a "terrorist" threat...........seems some things never change.
Violence is never ok. My perspective on this topic is best by watching this video..........and everyone should;
Sounds like it was a hate crime. I notice that the administration is reluctant even to call these crimes terrorist acts, but will call it terrorism to keep from labeling this act a hate crime. To the Obama administration, only white people commit hate crimes, never black people.
Excuse me, but wasn't this the request from ISIL and ISIS to Muslims / Muslim converts to attack Law Enforcement / Military men or women in uniform - to target them? What is missing in this story here? I'm not buying it! This was a jihadist attack against our law enforcement and they need to keep their ears and eyes open! Same goes for our military people!

Sure, it was a request, but if the guy's father said he was doing it to kill whites, then it may have had more behind it, yes?

To a newly converted suicidal Islamic racist I guess this murder would be a triple play.

A veritable 3 for 1 deal.
Violence is never ok. My perspective on this topic is best by watching this video..........and everyone should;

Huh. . . with the way you sometimes rail against libertarians, I never would have pegged you as someone that would post a Ron Paul speech. Who would of thunk it? :rock:
Violence is never ok. My perspective on this topic is best by watching this video..........and everyone should;

Huh. . . with the way you sometimes rail against libertarians, I never would have pegged you as someone that would post a Ron Paul speech. Who would of thunk it? :rock:

I'm anti-Party............Not anti-Thinker.

Louis CK is noted as a "Leftist" and Ron Paul was noted as a "Libertarian" though I back to back posted their perspectives.

America should be about idea's. Not Parties. The instant it gets to be about parties, all of the basic American standards get corrupt. All parties have good sides, all parties have bad sides. Generally the bad side is about $$$$
Last edited:
Violence is never ok. My perspective on this topic is best by watching this video..........and everyone should;

Huh. . . with the way you sometimes rail against libertarians, I never would have pegged you as someone that would post a Ron Paul speech. Who would of thunk it? :rock:

I'm anti-Party............Not anti-Thinker.

Louis CK is noted as a "Leftist" and Ron Paul was noted as a "Libertarian" though I back to back posted their perspectives.

America should be about idea's. Not Parties. The instant it gets to be about parties, all of the basic American standards get corrupt. All parties have good sides, all parties have bad sides. Generally the bad side is about $$$$

Agreed. Did you know the thing that both Louis CK and Ron Paul have in common? They are both Jesuit trained pawns. Were you aware of that?
Violence is never ok. My perspective on this topic is best by watching this video..........and everyone should;

Huh. . . with the way you sometimes rail against libertarians, I never would have pegged you as someone that would post a Ron Paul speech. Who would of thunk it? :rock:

I'm anti-Party............Not anti-Thinker.

Louis CK is noted as a "Leftist" and Ron Paul was noted as a "Libertarian" though I back to back posted their perspectives.

America should be about idea's. Not Parties. The instant it gets to be about parties, all of the basic American standards get corrupt. All parties have good sides, all parties have bad sides. Generally the bad side is about $$$$

Agreed. Did you know the thing that both Louis CK and Ron Paul have in common? They are both Jesuit trained pawns. Were you aware of that?

"Trained" is your flaw in that statement. Both were exposed.But perhaps you look at in the perspective that every American is "trained" if not religious?

If that's the case, EVERYONE in America is "Trained" to repeat Christian beliefs. It's why there are LAWS against gays.
Violence is never ok. My perspective on this topic is best by watching this video..........and everyone should;

Huh. . . with the way you sometimes rail against libertarians, I never would have pegged you as someone that would post a Ron Paul speech. Who would of thunk it? :rock:

I'm anti-Party............Not anti-Thinker.

Louis CK is noted as a "Leftist" and Ron Paul was noted as a "Libertarian" though I back to back posted their perspectives.

America should be about idea's. Not Parties. The instant it gets to be about parties, all of the basic American standards get corrupt. All parties have good sides, all parties have bad sides. Generally the bad side is about $$$$

Agreed. Did you know the thing that both Louis CK and Ron Paul have in common? They are both Jesuit trained pawns. Were you aware of that?

"Trained" is your flaw in that statement. Both were exposed.But perhaps you look at in the perspective that every American is "trained" if not religious?

If that's the case, EVERYONE in America is "Trained" to repeat Christian beliefs. It's why there are LAWS against gays.

I think we got rid of sodomy laws long ago. . . .

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