Dad "protects" son against bullies by wearing skirt

Not when its child abuse...we all have things that don't need to be crossed abusing a child for your ow n fantasies is child abuse.

well your one to talk, all this BS you spew about how the govt. is suppressing your freedoms, well hello Hitler.

Child abuse is now a news to me.

He should have steered the boy in the correct direction he has failed as a father just seems like child abuse to me. The kid is 5 he doesn't know what he wants.

Because he is 5 years old,he has no idea what he wants I have a 5 year old I know what they are like...this is just a guy living his ideas through his son...its child abuse IMO....I let my kids to as they want wear what they want but they also know my oldest is a girl and my middle one is a boy and they are expected to dress fact there has never been a problem with that its just natural so that tells me the dad encouraged the kid to wear girls clothes....

you sound like that stupid bitch that called my son a sissy boy cause he like girls toys and clothes when he was a toddler.
"Oh yeah, I let my kids do as they want", if your child like to do the same as the girls you would be okay with that!? No, I doubt there is very little freedom in your household just by the way you act out on these threads.

If the shoe fits. Playing with toys is one thing wearing girls clothes is signs of something wrong mentally. There is a lot of freedom in my family actually I have never had to redirect my kids when it comes to dress because they are normal kids...this father obviously has mental problems and is encouraging his mental disease on to his child...kind of like Liberalism and Neo Conism its a mental defect.

So you do oppress your children, no suprise. My son is fine, already asking girls to marry him so he can have sex, he's ten now.
It's child abuse because you say so. Good job not imposing your own morals on other people.:thup:
I think this kid is going to hate his dad, when he grows up. "Dad, why didn't you put pants on me instead of a skirt on yourself?" Liberals celebrate dysfunction.
Somethin ain't right. Nobody would know if a 5 year old was cross dressing. Nobody could tell if it was a girl or a boy at that age. Why would the father want to make an issue out of his 5 year old wearing a dress unless he was a pervert himself?
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.
well your one to talk, all this BS you spew about how the govt. is suppressing your freedoms, well hello Hitler.

Child abuse is now a news to me.

He should have steered the boy in the correct direction he has failed as a father

you sound like that stupid bitch that called my son a sissy boy cause he like girls toys and clothes when he was a toddler.
"Oh yeah, I let my kids do as they want", if your child like to do the same as the girls you would be okay with that!? No, I doubt there is very little freedom in your household just by the way you act out on these threads.

If the shoe fits. Playing with toys is one thing wearing girls clothes is signs of something wrong mentally. There is a lot of freedom in my family actually I have never had to redirect my kids when it comes to dress because they are normal kids...this father obviously has mental problems and is encouraging his mental disease on to his child...kind of like Liberalism and Neo Conism its a mental defect.

So you do oppress your children, no suprise. My son is fine, already asking girls to marry him so he can have sex, he's ten now.

Talk out your ass more doesn't bother me at all.
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.

How in the hell does a 5 year old know ANYTHING about sexual things unless he is being coached by dear old dad? My 5 year old doesn't.She is a naturally curious kid but that has never come out of her mouth and I don't expect it to for a few more years..
Child abuse is now a news to me.

He should have steered the boy in the correct direction he has failed as a father

If the shoe fits. Playing with toys is one thing wearing girls clothes is signs of something wrong mentally. There is a lot of freedom in my family actually I have never had to redirect my kids when it comes to dress because they are normal kids...this father obviously has mental problems and is encouraging his mental disease on to his child...kind of like Liberalism and Neo Conism its a mental defect.

So you do oppress your children, no suprise. My son is fine, already asking girls to marry him so he can have sex, he's ten now.

Talk out your ass more doesn't bother me at all.
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.

How in the hell does a 5 year old know ANYTHING about sexual things unless he is being coached by dear old dad? My 5 year old doesn't.She is a naturally curious kid but that has never come out of her mouth and I don't expect it to for a few more years..

Your 5 year old doesn't know she's a girl?
Child abuse is now a news to me.

He should have steered the boy in the correct direction he has failed as a father

If the shoe fits. Playing with toys is one thing wearing girls clothes is signs of something wrong mentally. There is a lot of freedom in my family actually I have never had to redirect my kids when it comes to dress because they are normal kids...this father obviously has mental problems and is encouraging his mental disease on to his child...kind of like Liberalism and Neo Conism its a mental defect.

So you do oppress your children, no suprise. My son is fine, already asking girls to marry him so he can have sex, he's ten now.

Talk out your ass more doesn't bother me at all.
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.

How in the hell does a 5 year old know ANYTHING about sexual things unless he is being coached by dear old dad? My 5 year old doesn't.She is a naturally curious kid but that has never come out of her mouth and I don't expect it to for a few more years..

If you read or watch interviews with transgenders many felt different at this age, and 100% knew around puberty.
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.

Hey freak, I think this kid is more likely to kill himself, given that his dad is a total embarrassment and that his dad is f-ing him up.

Serious, shithead, a 5yr-old being "transgendered"? At this age, children are practically asexual.
So you do oppress your children, no suprise. My son is fine, already asking girls to marry him so he can have sex, he's ten now.

Talk out your ass more doesn't bother me at all.
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.

How in the hell does a 5 year old know ANYTHING about sexual things unless he is being coached by dear old dad? My 5 year old doesn't.She is a naturally curious kid but that has never come out of her mouth and I don't expect it to for a few more years..

Your 5 year old doesn't know she's a girl?

his five year old probably doesn't exist
So you do oppress your children, no suprise. My son is fine, already asking girls to marry him so he can have sex, he's ten now.

Talk out your ass more doesn't bother me at all.
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.

How in the hell does a 5 year old know ANYTHING about sexual things unless he is being coached by dear old dad? My 5 year old doesn't.She is a naturally curious kid but that has never come out of her mouth and I don't expect it to for a few more years..

Your 5 year old doesn't know she's a girl?

Of course she does and my 3 year old knows he is a boy. I mean she doesn't know where babies come from or any of the details of things and she doesn't need to she will learn on her own.

Talk out your ass more doesn't bother me at all.

How in the hell does a 5 year old know ANYTHING about sexual things unless he is being coached by dear old dad? My 5 year old doesn't.She is a naturally curious kid but that has never come out of her mouth and I don't expect it to for a few more years..

Your 5 year old doesn't know she's a girl?

his five year old probably doesn't exist

Talking out of your ass seems to be a pretty common thing eh douche bag?
well so much for dissents libertarian mask.

So because I express Libertarian views I advocate child abuse? Interesting logic. Oh and I am also pro life just like RP guess that takes my libertarian card away eh? Moron.
What medical professionals, not backward macho assholes, say:

What should parents do if their child appears to be transgender or gender nonconforming?
Parents may be concerned about a child who appears to be gender-nonconforming for a variety of reasons. Some children express a great deal of distress about their assigned sex at birth or the gender roles they are expected to follow. Some children experience difficult social interactions with peers and adults because of their gender expression. Parents may become concerned when what they believed to be a “phase” does not pass. Parents of gender-nonconforming children may need to work with schools and other institutions to address their children’s particular needs and ensure their children’s safety. It is helpful to consult with mental health and medical professionals familiar with gender issues in children to decide how to best address these concerns. It is not helpful to force the child to act in a more gender-conforming way. Peer support from other parents of gender-nonconforming children may also be helpful.

Oh yes we must take the advice of idiots from the liberal mental health community same idiots that told my mother I needed adhd medicine that did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help me...I was a bright kid and was bored as fuck in class...
What the fuck is wrong with people? There is a difference in raising a kid equal and being a fucking moron and destroying the kid and confusing the shit out of him which this is.Someone needs to slap this shit for brains upside the head.

Dad Protects Son from Bullies by Wearing a Skirt. Guess What? It Works. | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine

Its his child, and its in Germany, so what the fuck does it have to do with you? You want to try and dictate how a father should raise his child, now, do you?

I don't give a rats what another father does to make his son feel more comfortable. The child is probably gay, and the father is simply making his son feel happy. Unlike others, who would whip the dress off the boy and spank him and make him feel like he has a disease or something.
Oh yes we must take the advice of idiots from the liberal mental health community
It's like a conditioned response. Just use the cliff notes version of that statement: "Science bad! Learning Bad! Higher education bad!"
Child abuse is now a news to me.

He should have steered the boy in the correct direction he has failed as a father

If the shoe fits. Playing with toys is one thing wearing girls clothes is signs of something wrong mentally. There is a lot of freedom in my family actually I have never had to redirect my kids when it comes to dress because they are normal kids...this father obviously has mental problems and is encouraging his mental disease on to his child...kind of like Liberalism and Neo Conism its a mental defect.

So you do oppress your children, no suprise. My son is fine, already asking girls to marry him so he can have sex, he's ten now.

Talk out your ass more doesn't bother me at all.
He may be a transgender and his dad knows it and is loving him no matter who he is. Many transgender kids commit suicide because of the fears of others rejecting them. Many often know even at this young age.

How in the hell does a 5 year old know ANYTHING about sexual things unless he is being coached by dear old dad? My 5 year old doesn't.She is a naturally curious kid but that has never come out of her mouth and I don't expect it to for a few more years..

Because its not a sexual thing, but a gender thing.

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