Daily Animal Medicine Cards for USMB


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

Ok...this is how this is going to work. I am going to shuffle my medicine cards and pull one every day. The one I pull pertains to ALL of us here at USMB. If they are facing up, they represent today's message from that Spirit Animal. If they are upside down, they are "contrary" and have a meaning for what that animal represents as well. It is 2/25/14 and after midnight...so this first one is for Tuesday 2/25/14.
I will type what that card's animal means...straight up, or "contrary" (upside down).

I used to do this at my shops, and wrote the info on the card and propped it on the counter. I also used to do it at a few message boards over the years and folks seemed to like the concept.

You can comment on the days "message" or just shrug it off, but I think it will be fun, and positive, and uplifting as well as a learning tool on what we all should be focusing on that particular day...which will not be in other threads...only this one so check daily! The "reading" will come from Jamie Sams & David Carson's book and cards I have before me and that I have had for over 10 years. I will also at times include other info on what today's particular card represents for each animal drawn.


TURTLE (right side up)

If you draw The Turtle Card, it augurs a time of connecting with the power of Earth and the Mother-Goddess within. This is a reminder of the ally you have in Mother Earth. It does not matter what situation you have created: ask her for assistance, and abundance will follow.

The turtle is probably best known for its longevity. The turtle is a nomad who carries his home wherever he goes. The turtle's shell serves as a protective shield from the elements and its predators. It lives on the beach, between water and land. Turtle teaches us that Life is a Beach. The turtle does not stress. Turtle moves slowly, reminding us to slow down. What is the hurry? If turtle appears you may need to start delegating your duties, or let go entirely of some things. You also may need to withdraw from others (retreat to your shell) and recoup your energies.
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I would also appreciate it very much if those who are interested in this thread to please pass the word. I do not want to do the @ thing because some don't like it and I want to respect their wishes. However, not everyone clicks NEW POSTS, so they may not see it. Invite whom you wish. Those interested in animal spirit guides are welcome to comment on each days animal...and especially if what I pull from the cards, helps you. I hope it does.
btw...if after a week or so of it just being me with no interest from others, then I will just stop and let it scroll off into lalaland. And no hard feelings, either.:eusa_angel:
More info on TURTLE'S message:

The turtle totem wisdom teaches us about walking our path in peace and sticking to it with determination and serenity. Slow moving on earth, yet also incredibly fast and agile in water, those who have the turtle as totem or spirit animal may be encouraged to take a break in their busy lives and look around or within themselves for more grounded, long-lasting solutions. Traditionally, the turtle is symbolic of the way of peace, whether it’s inviting us to cultivate peace of mind or a peaceful relationship with our environment.
Turtle Symbolism

The turtle symbolism is characterized by the association with the Earth and earth symbols of groundedness and patience:

Symbol of the world, of the Earth
Ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos
Slowing down, pacing yourself
Determination, persistence
Emotional strength and understanding
Ancient wisdom
The turtle is also linked to the spirit of the water and the fluid nature of emotions.

Turtle totem teachings for walking your path

The turtle totem symbolizes our peaceful walk on this earth. It represents the path we take as we embark on our journey through life. In contrast to emotional or spiritual development occurring in bursts, the way of the turtle anchors our personal unfolding in a slow, more grounded series of steps and longer cycles of transformation.

The turtle is associated with our physical and embodied evolution on the earthly plane. Call this spirit animal for help to be more grounded. You can also get help slowing down and pacing yourself, so you can take your next step with more confidence.

The turtle and ancient wisdom of the Earth

The American continent is referred to as “Turtle Island” in the Native American folklore. It is said that the Turtle carried the weight of the land of that continent on her back. This image is also present in Hindu and Chinese cultures, where the turtle is the animal carrying Mother Earth and holding the world in balance.

Having the turtle as totem means that you have an affinity with the ancient wisdom of the earth. You are naturally tuned into the elements, land, plants, people and animals. You carry your home on your back figuratively speaking and feel at ease wherever you are.

The turtle totem and determination

The wisdom of the turtle totem teaches us about determination and staying strong despite obstacles or distractions. This animal encourages those who have it as totem to listen deeply to their guidance and trust their path no matter what.

It is a great helper for those who need to provide a steady effort and persistence. You can call on the wisdom of the turtle when you need help to sustain your efforts and succeed in a long-lasting endeavor. By analogy with the biological attributes of this animal characterized by a long life, this spirit animal is also associated with longevity.

If you have the turtle as spirit animal, you may be inclined to base your decisions on a deliberate process of reviews and considerations. It may sometimes take you longer than most to make your move, but the results tend to be long-lasting and solid.

The turtle and the way of peace

The turtle represents the way of peace – whether it’s external or internal. It is considered as the Peace-Maker in Native American traditions. This animal is also often associated with the feminine principle or feminine energy, which foster peace and harmony with all things.

Being inspired by the wisdom of the turtle totem, you can slow down when you feel you are getting overwhelmed by a situation or emotions and rest to gain a more grounded perspective. This spirit guide can assist you in taking time for yourself to better integrate all the aspects of a given situation or issue.
How about some cool pics for each totem animal that speaks thru my shuffling, and on to the readers (if there are any readers, lol).


It's beautiful! And I just snagged it for my Pinterest. Thank you!
good morning....great thread.....you do realize the christians or those who claim to be christian will not participate in this thread?

o well.....

perhaps a misunderstanding of what totems are?

some one will say devil worshiping etc?
good morning....great thread.....you do realize the christians or those who claim to be christian will not participate in this thread?

o well.....

perhaps a misunderstanding of what totems are?

some one will say devil worshiping etc?

I'm a believer of Christ...but in a round about way and not the "standard procedure" ways of christians;). I believe God speaks to me through those whom I truly trust explicitly...animals. And if others think it devil worshship...then I respect their belief and understand if they don't want to participate. I consider it no different than reading ones daily horoscope, myself, and harmless. Animals are God's creations as well and can teach us much..if we are quiet and actually listen. :)

I am STOKED you came, Bones. I was hoping you would.
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I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to put a logo I just made underneath the tiger..or next to it, with a link to this thread but I just scratched a bald spot on my head. So..if I am MIA, it's cus I am in my control panel trying to figure it out, lol.
o gracie.....you are so new to the hate of the christains......the daily horoscope thing....

Astrology, Horoscopes, Signs of the Zodiac, and the Bible

but dont you stop....i love seeing the things you post and the ideas you have.....dont let the mindless bigotry change you

I am going to be me, honey. I won't stop. I am a pagan christian. I follow the path God leads me on. This is one of them. An online friend once told me that animals speak to me because God knows they are the only ones I trust. If those of other faiths want to think I am evil or whatever, that's on them, not me. Or God. He and I have our own little club.:eusa_angel:

And..as you can see....I FIGURED IT OUT! Dig my sigline?? I do!

Meanwhile, I hope you stick around, Bones. I am eager for tomorrow night at midnight...when I can draw another card!
true story: i did tarot cards for years....had major and minor ...did a full reading ......i had packed away many of my books, cards and skulls......my former christian husband trashed it all without telling me...still a point of contention
Gracie! This is a very cool and interesting thread! I love things like this. I do have a word of advice and/or observation. Keep the thread going even if you don't see a lot of "participation" and I'll tell you why. A lot of people, myself included, may not always comment on the days material BUT will be checking it daily.

It reminds me of daily horoscopes but with a more grounded message. :thup: on the thread!
If you want to contribute with some of your input, you would be more than welcome!
Sorry to hear your ex did that. Mine is NA, but does not practice any belief any more. And I mean NONE. I keep telling him his ancestors are rolling.
he is not my ex lol...former christian but still the husband......he has offered to replace but those things cannot be replaced...the remainder of my skulls are now out in the open where i can keep an eye on them...he no longer freaks at the human skull in the kitchen.....
Gracie! This is a very cool and interesting thread! I love things like this. I do have a word of advice and/or observation. Keep the thread going even if you don't see a lot of "participation" and I'll tell you why. A lot of people, myself included, may not always comment on the days material BUT will be checking it daily.

It reminds me of daily horoscopes but with a more grounded message. :thup: on the thread!

Will do, CK! When I pull the cards after shuffling...I think USMB!...then whatever I pull, I will post. I also fixed my sigline. It was too "busy" and I like the tiger...so...what I got now will suffice. Neater too. I hate messy siggies.:lol:
he is not my ex lol...former christian but still the husband......he has offered to replace but those things cannot be replaced...the remainder of my skulls are now out in the open where i can keep an eye on them...he no longer freaks at the human skull in the kitchen.....

Oh, sorry about the ex part. At least you "larned" him to not do THAT again.
Dammit. I had an OLD OLD set of tarot cards. OLD. Tried to sell them on ebay cuz tarot isn't my thang...so I sent them to the swap meet with the Sister In Law and she sold them. If I run across another set..I'll holler to see if you want them. I have a set of Phoenix cards though. I think. Somewhere around here. Interesting, but kinda deep for me. Want them if I can find them? Something about previous life stuff. I think. Been awhile since I looked at them.
I am totally into animals and spirit guides. Not much else. Probably because I love them so much.
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Yep. I just found them in the closet. The Phoenix Cards by Susan Sheppard. "Reading and interpreting Past Life Influences with the phoenix deck". All the cards are present as is the book.
Just holler if you want them. Maybe you can use them cuz I don't. And I have not gotten around to send them to the swap meet.

DAMN. I sure wish I had those old cards. Very vintage and cool. But..they are long gone now. :(

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