Damage control? Judge Nissim Yeshaya quits due to unforgivable comment


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
This story opened the news on Television and Radio today, due to the sensitive issue and mass civilian-rage in Israel.

District court (TA), Judge Nissim Yeshaya, was given the case of an Israeli child being gang raped by Palestinians.

Leaving the political issues behind, the judge shocked the hall when claiming that "Some girls enjoy the act".

This comment, not by surprise, brought the outrage of the people, and was the main issue in discussion for the last two and a half days.

People called for immediate response of Tzipi Livni, demand his resign, and called for an investigation to take place, asking how many pedophiles and rapists were sent free due to his twisted views?

ministers and journalists highly condemned the poor saying, to which the judge response was that it was taken "out of context".

Later today, it was said that this judge is to retire his job and not to take any kind of role in future cases as a judge.

Judge offers to quit after saying 'women like rape' | JPost | Israel News

Judge: Some girls enjoy getting raped - Israel News, Ynetnews


We've got some similar sickos here in the US - wasn't it (Pres. candidate) Ryan who claimed a woman cannot get pregnant by being raped?

I'm glad to hear he's been removed from the bench.
He shouldn't just be removed, but also questioned by the authorities. a Judge who thinks such things should be followed, I hate to think that a girl could be raped because of some pedophile this man may have set free...!
He shouldn't just be removed, but also questioned by the authorities. a Judge who thinks such things should be followed, I hate to think that a girl could be raped because of some pedophile this man may have set free...!

all rape is horrible and should be condemned but i wonder if the righteous outrage expressed by israelis may not, in some part, be because of the ethnicity of the victim and those who raped this girl.

no one should defend or excuse rape and those who do deserve every condemnation.

i do, howevr, recall the incident of a young jewish girl who was gang raped by what turned out to be 35 members of the IAF from the time she was 11 y.o. for a period of three years. jewish and zionists posters defended that rape claiming that it was consensual and the military court exonerated all but two of the airmen, who received what amounted to a slap on the wrist.

many of the jewish/zionists posters brushed it off as well, saying it was consensual.

it would be appropriate, after ten years, to finally hear an unequivocable condemnation of this act as well. it would be a small "right" to a very bad "wrong".

thank you.

Israeli soldiers accused of raping 11-year-old | World news | The Guardian
He shouldn't just be removed, but also questioned by the authorities. a Judge who thinks such things should be followed, I hate to think that a girl could be raped because of some pedophile this man may have set free...!

I agree - and all the cases he judged need to be reviewed.
"many of the jewish/zionists posters brushed it off as well, saying it was consensual."

is that what "they" said ? i guess....i bet you're right. "they brushed it off." an 11 yr. old child can understand such ...ADULT THINGS.... and MOST LIKELY consented to having sex with ....these adult israeli soldiers....yes, "MAKES PERFECT SENSE."

"thank you."

no, thank you
He shouldn't just be removed, but also questioned by the authorities. a Judge who thinks such things should be followed, I hate to think that a girl could be raped because of some pedophile this man may have set free...!

all rape is horrible and should be condemned but i wonder if the righteous outrage expressed by israelis may not, in some part, be because of the ethnicity of the victim and those who raped this girl.

no one should defend or excuse rape and those who do deserve every condemnation.

i do, howevr, recall the incident of a young jewish girl who was gang raped by what turned out to be 35 members of the IAF from the time she was 11 y.o. for a period of three years. jewish and zionists posters defended that rape claiming that it was consensual and the military court exonerated all but two of the airmen, who received what amounted to a slap on the wrist.

many of the jewish/zionists posters brushed it off as well, saying it was consensual.

it would be appropriate, after ten years, to finally hear an unequivocable condemnation of this act as well. it would be a small "right" to a very bad "wrong".

thank you.

Israeli soldiers accused of raping 11-year-old | World news | The Guardian

I really didn't want to get into the political issue, because it simply doesn't matter who did that, the action itself is wrong and twisted, and it doesn't matter if those were Jews or Palestinians.

In this case those were Palestinians, but if those were Jews it would have been exactly as bad.

And sadly, there are not only a few which believes that girls "invite" or "enjoy" rape. when when it comes from a judge it 10 times creepier.

How are girls supposed to trust the justice system if even IT puts the blame on them!?

People don't get that rape is anything but sex, it's about not being able to have control over your own body, it's about being paralyzed under fear.

When I was a teenager, I was almost raped. The guy chased me for more than two blocks, he had a gun. I can still remember his face. my own luck was that it was dark and I succeeded in hiding. that was the most terrifying thing I have ever been through, and for days to follow I thought about those unlucky girls who didn't succeed in escaping.

Those girls need the system to give them answer and support, and hearing something like that, coming from the ones who supposed to PROTECT them, is just wrong, on SO many levels!

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