Damning Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 findings: Missile was from "Russian" armed forces

What reaction we can wait from Putler´s friend D.Trump ?

  • the heavy sanctions

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
What reaction we can wait from Putler´s friend D.Trump ? the heavy sanctions, a tweet, nothing as usual


AN international team of investigators has determined that the missile which blew Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 out of the sky nearly four years ago came from a Russia-based military unit.

International representatives, including Australian Federal Police, today gathered in the Netherlands to announce they had found “convincing evidence” that MH17 was shot down by a Buk-TELAR missile from Russia......
The top Dutch investigator said the international Joint Investigation Team “has come to the conclusion that the BUK-TELAR that shot down MH17 came from 53rd Anti-aircraft Missile Brigade based in Kursk in Russia”.

“The 53rd Brigade forms part of the Russian armed forces,” he said.

MH17 investigation: Missile was from Russian armed forces

MH17 missile 'owned by Russian brigade'
What reaction we can wait from Putler´s friend D.Trump ? the heavy sanctions, a tweet, nothing as usual


AN international team of investigators has determined that the missile which blew Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 out of the sky nearly four years ago came from a Russia-based military unit.

International representatives, including Australian Federal Police, today gathered in the Netherlands to announce they had found “convincing evidence” that MH17 was shot down by a Buk-TELAR missile from Russia......
The top Dutch investigator said the international Joint Investigation Team “has come to the conclusion that the BUK-TELAR that shot down MH17 came from 53rd Anti-aircraft Missile Brigade based in Kursk in Russia”.

“The 53rd Brigade forms part of the Russian armed forces,” he said.

MH17 investigation: Missile was from Russian armed forces

MH17 missile 'owned by Russian brigade'
under who's admin did this happen again?
THis is nothing new.
We all knew this is what happened when it happened. Obama did nothing, and neither will Trump except to condemn it.
What else would they do?
Here is what will happen, and it is nothing more than a repeat of when it happened to being with.

1) Putin/Russia will say it wasn't them, the information is wrong.
2) The U.N. will say = " This sucks, and we officially declare we don't like it.....what's for lunch?...lobster again or Kobe beef?"
3) The U.S. President will stand in front of a podium and say "this sucks...we are talking with Russia about how this sucks... and now I will take a few questions"..... [CNN corespondent] "Okay...so Stormy Daniels...."
2014, Barry Hussein's watch. Was Clapper too busy with a spy in the Trump campaign to do his freaking job as national security director?
What reaction we can wait from Putler´s friend D.Trump ? the heavy sanctions, a tweet, nothing as usual


AN international team of investigators has determined that the missile which blew Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 out of the sky nearly four years ago came from a Russia-based military unit.

International representatives, including Australian Federal Police, today gathered in the Netherlands to announce they had found “convincing evidence” that MH17 was shot down by a Buk-TELAR missile from Russia......
The top Dutch investigator said the international Joint Investigation Team “has come to the conclusion that the BUK-TELAR that shot down MH17 came from 53rd Anti-aircraft Missile Brigade based in Kursk in Russia”.

“The 53rd Brigade forms part of the Russian armed forces,” he said.

MH17 investigation: Missile was from Russian armed forces

MH17 missile 'owned by Russian brigade'
D. Find out who fired the fucking missile before we jump to conclusions and start an international incident with Russia.
What are we to glean from the findings? President Obama didn't want to deal with it at the time? Obama's "intelligence sources" were kept out of the loop for four years or the most likely scenario that democrats planned to release the information when they got in trouble and could shift the focus to Russia.
What reaction we can wait from Putler´s friend D.Trump ? the heavy sanctions, a tweet, nothing as usual


AN international team of investigators has determined that the missile which blew Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 out of the sky nearly four years ago came from a Russia-based military unit.

International representatives, including Australian Federal Police, today gathered in the Netherlands to announce they had found “convincing evidence” that MH17 was shot down by a Buk-TELAR missile from Russia......
The top Dutch investigator said the international Joint Investigation Team “has come to the conclusion that the BUK-TELAR that shot down MH17 came from 53rd Anti-aircraft Missile Brigade based in Kursk in Russia”.

“The 53rd Brigade forms part of the Russian armed forces,” he said.

MH17 investigation: Missile was from Russian armed forces

MH17 missile 'owned by Russian brigade'
D. Find out who fired the fucking missile before we jump to conclusions and start an international incident with Russia.
Yeah why does the left want a war with Russia, are they so mad Hilary lost an election honestly, that they want to blame Russia and start WW3..........to that I say FUCK OFF
What reaction we can wait from Putler´s friend D.Trump ? the heavy sanctions, a tweet, nothing as usual


AN international team of investigators has determined that the missile which blew Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 out of the sky nearly four years ago came from a Russia-based military unit.

International representatives, including Australian Federal Police, today gathered in the Netherlands to announce they had found “convincing evidence” that MH17 was shot down by a Buk-TELAR missile from Russia......
The top Dutch investigator said the international Joint Investigation Team “has come to the conclusion that the BUK-TELAR that shot down MH17 came from 53rd Anti-aircraft Missile Brigade based in Kursk in Russia”.

“The 53rd Brigade forms part of the Russian armed forces,” he said.

MH17 investigation: Missile was from Russian armed forces

MH17 missile 'owned by Russian brigade'
D. Find out who fired the fucking missile before we jump to conclusions and start an international incident with Russia.
Yeah why does the left want a war with Russia, are they so mad Hilary lost an election honestly, that they want to blame Russia and start WW3..........to that I say FUCK OFF
left ? LOL, whats about all republicans in congress ? McCain, etc

ps 1 for sure for everyone today :

here is THE putler´s TV.ru media RAPPORT , where they say that they - Muscovites did it (first 40 min), before they understood what they have done


screenshot , Girkin informed that they shot down "An- 26" as the Muscovites thought first 40 min.
THis is nothing new.
We all knew this is what happened when it happened. Obama did nothing, and neither will Trump except to condemn it.
What else would they do?
Here is what will happen, and it is nothing more than a repeat of when it happened to being with.

1) Putin/Russia will say it wasn't them, the information is wrong.
2) The U.N. will say = " This sucks, and we officially declare we don't like it.....what's for lunch?...lobster again or Kobe beef?"
3) The U.S. President will stand in front of a podium and say "this sucks...we are talking with Russia about how this sucks... and now I will take a few questions"..... [CNN corespondent] "Okay...so Stormy Daniels...."
New Bellingcat report “Identifying Khmuryi, the Major General Linked to the Downing of MH17”

At February 15, Daniel Romein, member of the Bellingcat team, published a new report on MH17.

The report’s conclusion is that the man whose telephone was tapped by the Ukrainian Security Service on 17 July 2014, assuming the SBU correctly identified his voice and/or knew that the intercepted telephone number belonged to him and was thus involved in the transport of the Buk missile launcher that downed MH17 on the same date, is named Sergey Nikolaevich Dubinsky, nicknamed ‘Khmuryi’. Dubinsky is a Russian war veteran and was a colonel in July 2014, fought in the Soviet-Afghan war and later in Chechnya, and later served in the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigade, a unit connected to the ‘GRU’, the Main Intelligence Directorate. This man does not appear to be the same person as the bearded man, who likely coincidentally also used the call sign ‘Khmuryi’ in a June 2014 interview.

Sergey “Khmury” Dubinsky wrote in a forum that he drove a Peugeot 3008 in Ukraine. A black Peugeot 3008 accompanied the Buk that downed MH17.
New Bellingcat report “Identifying Khmuryi, the Major General Linked to the Downing of MH17” | What happened to flight MH17?
It seems odd to look back to just over two years ago — a time when Russia had already effectively annexed Crimea and quietly fomented civil war in Ukraine — and to think of those days as simpler times.

To be sure, they weren’t that simple, even then: Before Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine, Russian officials had already lied publicly about their special forces’ role in the seizure of Crimea. Kremlin-backed media had already begun spreading wild rumors and fake news stories, such as the alleged crucifixion of a 3-year-old boy by Ukrainian forces.

But, looking back now, it seems that the downing of MH17 — a disaster that horrified the world, and that has since been the subject of two international investigations seeking to establish some semblance of truth — marked a Rubicon moment for the Russian disinformation machine: the first time that the full power of the state was trained on the task of convincing the world to accept a false narrative of events, despite a preponderance of evidence to the contrary.

If, previously, Russia had dabbled in the disinformation game, the aftermath of the MH17 disaster was a veritable case study in how to use a multitude of different communications channels to achieve a common goal: the discrediting of all those who claimed that Russia had played some part in the attack. Internet trolls, hackers, Kremlin-run media, state employees, retired soldiers, public officials, and anonymous programmers — all of them combined forces in a joint mission to attack investigators and even fake evidence. It was a disinformation operation of unprecedented scope and scale, one that initiated a new, and extremely troubling, phase in what Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has since called Russia’s “state of information warfare with the trend-setters in the information space.”

Moreover, it hasn’t stopped since: The techniques used to attack the MH17 investigation have since been used to deny Russian complicity in various other fatal incidents, not only in Ukraine, but also in Syria — not least the recent destruction of a United Nations aid convoy, which Russia, in the days following, has tried to claim was the result of nearby rebel artillery fire, or perhaps some form of sabotage.

The downing of the Malaysia Airlines flight was something of a tipping point for Russia’s public image. Before the disaster, some Russian leaders had been sanctioned for the illegal annexation of Crimea, but the West, and especially the European Union, had been reluctant to go further. There had been a sense that Ukraine’s problems were, at least in part, of its own making, and that a local conflict should not be allowed to sour broader relations. But the downing of a civilian airliner with the death of all 298 people on board turned that local problem into a global one.

Right from the start, the Kremlin was implicated as the main supporter and advocate of the separatists in eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian government accused the separatists of shooting down MH17 in the mistaken belief that it was a military transport, and accused Russia of supplying the Buk surface-to-air missile system. That version resonated in an international arena that had seen Russia annex Crimea illegally just four months prior.

For the first few days, the Russian government’s response seemed almost hesitant. Its first public statements were, by Kremlin standards, practically restrained: It said that Ukraine ought to do more to stop the fighting, and called for an international inquiry. We can only guess at the conversations held in the Kremlin at that critical juncture. But four days after the crash, it became clear that Russia had settled on a new strategy. It would present its own....
On July 21, in an hour-long briefing, the Russian Ministry of Defence made a series of announcements: First, that Russian radar had spotted a Ukrainian Su-25 combat aircraft near MH17; second, that Russian satellites had spotted Ukrainian Buk missiles in the area; and third, that a video circulated by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, purporting to show a Buk launcher in separatist-held territory, was in fact filmed in government territory. The fact that these claims pointed towards contradictory theories of the crash — one toward an aircraft, the other toward a missile — seemed unimportant. Regardless, the government itself, state-owned media, internet trolls, and even arms of the Kremlin typically uninvolved in information warfare, such as state-owned weapons manufacturers, kicked into overdrive to back them up.

The ministry came to its July briefing armed with “proof” of its contradictory theories. First, to back up the idea that a Ukrainian plane may have shot down MH17, it claimed that Russian air control had detected a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 jet moving toward MH17 before the crash, and presented images which purported to show its presence. The images, however, were of self-evidently low quality, and were quickly challenged by observers. Ultimately, the claim that another aircraft had downed MH17 would be debunked by international investigators, who said that there had been no sign of other planes in the vicinity of the crash. (The ministry even appeared to confess to its earlier lie this month — sort of — when it announced that it had come up with new “radar data” showing that nothing, not even a missile, had approached MH17 from separatist-held territory at all.)

Second, to support the notion that it may have been a Ukrainian — not a Russian — missile that brought down the plane, the defense ministry presented a series of “satellite photos” which purported to reveal the presence of a Ukrainian Buk system in the area of the crash. These, again, were of low resolution, making it hard to assess their validity; but analyses by investigative journalism group Bellingcat and the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, the latter of which using forensic software, ultimately demonstrated that the images had been digitally altered.

How MH17 Gave Birth to the Modern Russian Spin Machine

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